HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-10-21, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, October 21, 1981
Beatitudes feature
UC Sunday service
Members and friends were
welcomed to the service at
the Lucan United Church
Sunday morning by Helen
and Bob Patterson and the
monthly joyous hymn sing,
sponsored by the
"outreach" Committee was
enjoyed, led by Flora
Robertson, with Helen
Stanley at the piano.
Dorothy Dedel's story for
the children, prior to Junior
Church was on the theme
that we are all God's
children, and the choir sang
the anthem "In Steadfast
Faith I Stand".
Rev. Keith Brown,
speaking on the last
Beatitude, told his
congregation that per-
secution has been a
characteristic of the
Christian Church since
Christ laid down His life for
us, and it was through this
persecution that the
Christian Church became
"Christians are vulnerable
to persecution because they
will not compromise with
their principles" said Mr.
A persecuted Christian
will be forgiving as Christ on
the cross was forgiving and
will return good for evil.
The reward is that
Christians possess a sure
deed in heaven and have a
foretaste with the plea that
each of us might so yield our
lives to Christ that we may
live in His blessedness even
though we may persecuted.
Broo mba ll
True to their ad-
vertisements, Lucan girls'
broomball is really a ball.
Two games were battled out
this week; Tuesday the
Cougar Hot -Shots trounced
the Pink Panthers 3-1.
Cougar goals were scored by
Kelly Vankerkoerle, Jo-anne
Goos and Jenny Milton while
Nicole Welsh replied for the
Pink Panthers.
Thursday's game, good up
and down broomball, ended
in another punishing defeat
for the Pink Panthers 3-1 for
the Hot -Shot Cougars.
Carolynn Lankin got the
only goal for the Pink
Panthers. Scoring for the
Hot -Shots were Carrie Lane,
Sherry Smith and Tish
If not for the super goal
tending of Tabatha Froats,
things could have been worse
for the Pinkeys.
Coach Wayne Hall advises
that two games still have
openings if any schoolage 4�
girls are willing to take the
grueling punishment of this I
sport. ` P"pPX''
Upcoming in the U.C.
Tonight at 8:30 all women
of the congregationwiththeir
husbands are invited to the
Friendship Unit when
couples from "The Marriage
Encounter Group" will
Also tonight, but at 7:30,
the choir will practice, a
change from Thursday.
Next Sunday, Miss
Maureen Mayne, Conference
staff person for Missions,
and a most enthusiastic
speaker, will be with us at
both Clandeboye and Lucan.
In the evening at 7:30 a
new Bible Study will com-
mence at the Manse. You
are invited to share the
impact of God's word in our
' lives today.
Need help
and sharing
While this memo comes
through the United Church,
it is of great concern to all
who have an interest in
helping and sharing. Three
Angolan pastors from the
"Church in the Bush" spoke
in London recently telling of
the suffering and need of
African Christians who have
been driven from their
homes by strife in that
Out of this meeting has
come a response from the
Lucan U.C.W. to collect from
everyone interested, any or
all of the following articles.
to be sent to these pastors:
pencils, pens, erasers,
notebooks, chalk, sewing
material, eg. needles, pins,
thread, elastic, buttons
small pieces of material, for
children's clothing and
larger pieces for women's
dresses, etc., yarn,Knitting
needles, baby clothes,
diapers, (practical, sturdy
items) men's trousers and
shirts, underwear in all sizes
for both sexes, good used,
clean, clothing (women do
not wear slacks) toilet soap
and razor blades. Con-
tributions towards mailing
will also be most acceptable.
A large box will be palced
in the front vestibule to
receive contributions until
early December, or parcels
may be left at the Manse.
Please keep this list for
Beautify your
Get out
on the street.
Take a walk.
25 Ton Mobile Grove
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294.6893 — 294.6303
Come in and
take advantage
of our WIDE
We also have a Targe
selection of
Hallowe'en masks
and costumes.
COUPLES HOLD SALE -- The Couples Club of lucon United Church held a successful gar
age and bake sale, Saturday. Shown with some of .the goods are Pam Wright,Helen Potter
son and Marion Fronts. T -A photo
Discuss materials
4-H girls Iearn
sewing methods
Lucan 1, the "Calico Cats"
held their second meeting at
the home of Tracy Giesen,
who acted as the Rotating
The leaders discussed with
the members the parts of the
sewing machine, alterations
for vest and skirt patterns,
as to width, length, adjusting
darts and ,pin -fitting.
They were shown samples
of different types of
materials and given instruc-
tion on how to prepare their
chosen fabric ready for the
next meeting.
The leaders distributed
sheets for the members'
books regarding sewing
reversible quilted fabric.
Meeting no. three was held
on October 15 at the home of
Darlene Paton with Sheryl
Cobleigh as secretary.
Discussion included
patterns and materials
chosen by the members,
most of whom pinned on and
cut out their garments. The
leaders demonstrated
different techniques used in
preparing and sewing the
garment together, e.g. stay
stitching. darts, gatherings,
and different seam finishes.
The difference between
pressing and ironing was dis-
cussed and pressing equip-
ment was displayed and
A sample dart was made
at the meeting and one is to
be completed by each
member before the next
meeting, tomorrow, Thurs-
day, at the Paton home.
Lucan 2 -"The Gabardine
Gals" held their 3rd meeting
at the Lucan United Church
October 3.
Following the 4-H Pledge
and roll call, the members
were shown how to pin the
patterns on their material on
the grain of the fabric.
Leaner Carolyn Sire
demonstrated how to mark
The Lucan Area Inter-
denominational Youth Group
will hold an organizational
meeting Sunday evening at
7:30 in Holy Trinity Parish
Hall, to plan activities for the
New members of high
school age will be moat
welcome. The leaders are
the same as in previous
years, Barb Bannerman and
B an Smith.
One of four mishaps
Misses dog, hits tree
Four accidents were in-
vestigated this week by
officers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario
Provincial Police with
damages totalling $5,600.
Thursday at 8:45 p.m. a
vehicle driven by Robert
Simons, RR 3, Granton
swerved to miss a
dog on Concession 2 of
Biddulph township, one
Revival Centre
Sunday morning Rev. Ray
Brewster talked to the
congregation about God's
leading them to the mission
field. Monday, October 26,
they go to preach in different
December they plan to
spend a Christmas in Florida
with Mrs. Brewster's
parents. January they fly to
Haiti, from where they
finalize pians to move to the
Dominican Republic. The
Brewsters are going to a
land about which they know
very little. They will be
working for "World Reap
Church for Christ" as
missionaries for the Pen-
tecostal Holiness Church of
Canada, from Lucan as
home church. ,
In the Dominican Republic
they plan to establish
churches, a training
program for new pastors, to
train a group of future
leaders; set up Crusades;
establish orphanages, ana
food distribution programs
In the capital, Santa
Dominica, very few people
know about Jesus. Ttiere
they plan to set up a mission
Rev. Brewster read Isaiah
61 : 1-3 and Luke 4:16-20,
and said Christians have
the answer to the world's
needs. Jesus has com-
missioned us to go out into
the world and do the same
works that He did. Jesus
Christ is the answer for the
turmoil, confusion and
guilt of people.
Sunday evening Ron
Nelson, hack from a
missionary trip to Europe,
told of his travels for
"Campus Crusade for
Christ". This fall they plan
to travel to Poland to train
converted priests at a
Mike O'Neil gave a skit
about two boys, George and
Fred going to church.
George had his pet rabbit in
a bag to take to church. Fred
kept telling him he could not
take a rabbit to church.
George said God gave His
best gift to us. As the rabbit
was his most loved pet he
wanted to give it to the Lord
as an offering. Fred finally
agreed George could give his
rabbit as his very best to God
when God had given them
His best, Jesus.
Rev. Ray Brewster spoke
from Gal, 5: 13-26 on the
battle that rages in all of us,
of the Flesh against the
Spirit. First in our Christian
living is to love God, then our
neighbours. If we do not love
we destroy others with our
October 23 100 Huntley St.
Team will be in Strathroy
7:30' p.m. at Strathroy
District Collegiate 92 KR-
tridge St.
October 24 is the "Bring
and Share Farewell Dinner"
for Rev. Ray and Becky
Brewster and boys Stephen
and Nathan at 5 p.m. at
Lucan Revival Centre.
kilometre south of Highway 4
and hit a tree. Constable
W.T. Hodgins set damages at
The same day at 8:15 p.m.
a vehicle driven by
Alexandra Szcukowski, RR 2
Ilderton was damaged to the
extent of $2,500 when it
caught fire on Concession 10
in London township, west of
County road 22. Constable
D.B. Stables investigated.
Vehicle driven by Robert
Schwan, Sarnia and Heather
Ross, Seaforth collided on
Highway 7 at Elginfield at
9:15 a.m. Constable J.A.
Wilson listed damages at
At 1:20 p.m. Sunday in
Lucan, 11 year-old Kelly
Vankerkoerle suffered only
minor injuries when she was
involved in a mishap on
Lucan's Main street with a
vehicle driven by Bruce
Lockhart, London. Constable
Wilson estimated damages
at $100.
LOOKING FOR BARGAINS — Saturday's garage and bake
sale sponsored by the Lucan United Church Couples Club was
successful. Looking at some of the articles are Vicki
MacDonald and Leanne Sovereign. T -A photo
BIDDULPH GIRLS WIN - - The 'B' championship of the Southwestern Ontario ladies fastboll
I• ncr v.ns won by the Biddulph girls. Back, left, coach Mike Wraith, Bertha Schenk, Patti
Smith, Karen Williams. Brenda Curri". Dani Ouimet and coach Barb Wraith. Front, Colleen
Sullivan, Joanne Hardy, Helen Hearn, Mac Ho'kina Debbie Watt and Denise Lightfoot.
T -A ohoto
Regional official pays
visit to Lucan UC Wom
Members of the Lucan
United Church Women held
their Thanksgiving meeting
Wednesday evening in the
At Holy Trinity Anglican
Church Sunday morning a
celebration to commemorate
the life of St. Luke was
combined with a Con-
temporary Eucharist.
Members and friends were
greeted by Don and Betty
Ankers and Testament
Lessons were read byKay and
Betty Ankers.
The Gospel reading from
St. Luke 4: 14-21 was the
theme for Rev. Bruce
Pocock's message on the life
of St. Luke, Evangelist and
Physician. Luke was a
Gentile doctor and when
called by God to be an
Evangelist and Physician of
the soul, was given a
tremendous vision of the
infinite sweep of the love
He recognized the healing
power of the Risen Christ to
heal the disease of the heart -
hatred, injured, doubt,
despair, darkness, and
sadness. Luke gave us two
very important books to
study, one on the life of
Christ and the other on the
life of the early Church.
Up -Coming Events
Bible study resumes
Tuesday evenings, 8 p.m. at
the rectory, Great Chapter
meeting of the Medway
Deanery, November 11, at
St. John's Strathroy at 7:30
p.m. Fall Synod -
November 21, Althouse
College, London. Turkey
supper, October 28 - helpers
are needed, October 26, 27
and 28 • volunteer help now.
C E wing with president
Shirley Ryan, opening the
meeting with a reading en-
titled "Thanksgiving".
The program convener,
Kit Hearn. read the lovely
poem published in the Oc-
tober In London Free Press,
entitled "Hymn of
Thanksgiving" and the roll
call was answered by
members giving what they
were most thankful for.
Ruth Butler of the
Friendship Unit led in
worship on the same theme,
assisted by Ann Holden and
Jean Brown.
Marjorie Park, the North-
West Regional vice-
president. paid for official
visit to her home U.C.W. an-
nouncing that Miss Betty
Bridgeman will be the guest
speaker at the City Regional
on November 10 at 7:30 p.m.
at Metropolitan Church Lon-
don. and all women are in-
vited to attend. Mrs. Park
spoke briefly of the new
study packet "Faith and
Justice" and the book Living
Between Memory and Hope
a Bible Study for today.
During the business
meeting members voted to
participate in the "Wheels to
Meals" project of the Help-
ing Hands. received an in-
vitation to attend the Gran-
ton t' (' W. Bazaar, Satur-
day. October 24 and
reordered the "Mandate"
tor members of the ex-
Donations were voted to
the S S Library for the
purchase of books for
preschoolers and to the
"Outreach Committee" for
the "Coffee Time" following
the service the first Sunday
01 each month. The
nominating committee was'
appointed to bring in a slate
of officers for the December
meeting. which will be held
on Wednesday, the 9th with
special guests for the usual
pot luck supper.
Beth Cowdrey reported on
the Bazaar seminar held
earlier in the fall at the
Ilderton Arena and on the
work meeting of our local
group on October 7. A
further work meeting will be
held on the 28th from 9 to 12
a.m. and from 7 to 9:30 p.m.
All women are welcome to
come and help make articles
for the Bazaar.
The "Mitten Tree' will be
put in place for Sunday,
November 1. so keep those
knitting needles going
The Teens Class of the S.S.
will be selling Anglican -
United Church calendars
this year. Get your order in
early as they are ordering a
limited supply.
Jean Brown reported on a
meeting attended in London
where three Angolan pastors
from the "Church in the
Bush", through an inter-
preter presented the
tremendously important
needs of the African
Christians driven from their
homes by strife. A list
appeared in an insert in the
Church Bulletin. Your help
is greatly needed. A bale will
be going in early December.
The balance of the
meeting was given over to
planning the "Snowflake
Bazaar" which will be held
on Friday evening,
November 27, 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Pumpkin pie and ice
cream was served by
members of the Dorcas
Unit, Bernice Lockyer, Leda
Revington and Alice Thomp-
son. Oh - those calories!!
Holy Trinity
5 to 8 p.m.
Adults $5.50
Children 12
& under
the material for sewing and
how to make a dart.
The fourth meeting was
held October 5, at the home
of Mrs. Sire, who showed the
members how to use fusible
interfacing on their fabric
and each member is to have
a finished sample for the
next meeting.
A snack was provided by
Donna McFalls and Debbie
Club 3. the "Crooked
Scout groups
getting started
One hundred and twelve
boys are presently
registered in the Scouting
program in Lucan area with
Venturers still to hold
registration. T h e
organizational meeting for
this group will be held at the
Arena, tomorrow, Thursday
evening at 7:30 for all boys
14 to 18. For further infor-
mation please call Rob
Brady 227-4006.
Fifty-nine Beavers under
the main leadership of:
Colony 1. Claire Vicketry
meets at St. Patrick's
School. Colonies 2 and 3,
leaders Linda Froats and
Barb Sloetjes, at Lucan
Public. Akela Tom Chapman
and 38 Cubs also meet at the
Lucan Public School as do
the 15 Scouts under the
leadership of Henry Kaune.
There are many assistant
leaders in the program.
"Apple Day" will be held
Friday evening and all day
Saturday when the Cubs and
Scouts will promote scouting
through the sale of apples.
Hems" held its fourth
meeting at the home of Mary
Clarke where members dis-
cussed how to apply inter-
Leaders Phyllis O'Neil
and Ann Straatman
demonstrated a facing sam-
ple from the manual and
each member is to make one
at home. Mrs. O'Neil In-
structed the members how
to insert a "lapped" zipper.
Meeting no. five was held
on October 15 at the Straatan
home and Mrs. O'Neil
demonstrated how to apply a
waist band to a small sample
skirt. The leaders showed
the members how to hem
their skirts.
The next meeting will be
held tomorrow, Thursday, at
7 p.m. at the home of Terri
on Wire Art
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