HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-10-15, Page 26Page 10A Times -Advocate, October 15, 1981 16 For Sale CORNER BUNK SET - 1 custom built, with built in shelves and drawers, mattresses includ- ed. 2 years old. 5400.00. Phone 237-3290. 41:42c FIREWOOD, hard wood, delivered or pick up. John Navel 235-2767. 40:41:42c SINGER SEWING machine, zig-zag, excellent condition. reasonable. Ailsa Craig. Phone 1- 293-3574. 40:41c SIX FOOT LENGTH of in- sulated chimney with roof and chimney cap. Franklin stove with screen and doors, good condi- tion. 235-0379. 40:41c BRUSSEL SPROUTS, cabbage, potatoes, cooking onions, spanish onions, apples and pears. Double M Fruit and Vegetable Market. Phone 238-2758. 40:41c TRAIN SET, 2 engines, 14 cars, power pack, 50 feet of track and many other extras. Sell as com- plete set $295.00. 235-2174 John Mol. 40:41:42' HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t NOW AVAILABLE POTATOES Red or White CABBAGE BRUSSEL SPROUTS & other vegetables APPLES apple butter apple cider available on weekends L?T 11Z1' LI- [cI ie LATZL'l RR 2 Zurich 565-2122 Ontario Government Tender PAINTING CONTRACTORS No. HIP 81/13 For interior painting of approximately 80 residential houses at Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario. Individual sealed tenders addressed to the Director, Industrial Parks Branch will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday, Oc- tober 23rd, 1981. Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Development Corporation, Huron In- dustrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario. NOM 1 YO For further information regarding this tender please contact the O.D.C. Supervisor Operations at the above address or telephone (519) 228- 6657. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND �� TOURISM Ont 16 For Sale RABBITS for domestic or breeding purposes. 262-3525. 32t SiLK AND POLY flowers brand new display, brand new colours. Country Spire, 229- 6341. 36t LAMB for your freezer. Buy now at low summer prices. Phone Bill Batten 235-1331 or 235- 2184. 37tfx HARDWOOD FOR SALE, Ex- eter Kinsman club. Phone Bob Reynolds 235-2309. 39:40:41c NOW IS THE TiME to change to wood heat. Government grants available up to 5800.00. Canuck wood stoves and inserts for sale. Call Carl Bice, sales and installation 2324521 or 681- 1674. • 391' 1972 - 16 FT TRAVEL TRAILER sleeps 5, furnace, toilet, hot and cold water. refrigerator. stove, propane, aw- ning, w- ning, hitch. licenced, extras. 228- 6440 evenings. 40:41c ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235- (840. 21.1 USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs. dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter. 235-1964. 28t CLOCK - Make your own. Use your own design. Quartz battery movements now in stock. The Country Spire. 229-6341. 17t IF YOU HAVE a used Brownie or Guide uniform for sale or wish to buy one call 235-0403. 41:42c ROBERTS - GORDON oil fur- nace, 2 speed, tank, excellent, converting to gas, 5150.00 com- plete. 396 Main St., Exeter 235- 2217. 41:42:43:44c GOOD USED ladies clothing for sale. Sizes 14-20 (coats, dresses, dress pants, tops, sweaters, jeans, shoes, etc) Can be seen at 312 Marlborough St. or call 235-2461 or 235-2444. 41:42' FIREWOOD- mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie Cudmore 235-1267. 41:42' CATALOGUE SHOPPING Sears 11.111 near CATALOGUE SHOPPING 238-8471 9 Main St. Grand Bend WE'RE JUST A DIAL AWAY DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD,, SALES WITH SERVICE The Place To Buy Appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays Household effects, tools, collectors items and property for Mrs. Freeman Hodgins, El Also offered for sole at 3 p m subject to reserve E bid, will be the property located on Ann Street, c Parkhill on which is o 2 storey residence 2 baths, oil fired furnace, 3 bedrooms and detoched goroge ii Terms 10% of sale price on time of sole Balance in F.F. = 30 days. Not responsible for accidents day of sole Bill Elliot, Auctioneer 294-6759 Parkhill r 11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIII1lieeiI1111 illiii111111111111iiiiiiltllllr: Ann Street Parkhill, 1 block west of Main Street off Broadway. Saturday October 17, at 11:00 a, m. . SELLING WILL BE -- the entire home furnishings in- cluding G.E. 4 bj•ner electric stove, Mclory 13 cu. ft. frost free refrigerator, Woods 12 cu. ft. deep freeze; G.E. wringer washer. Bronzetone kitchen table & 4 chairs, silverware, Chesterfield and choir, color T.V., B & W T.V., buffet, swi+el rocker, recliner chair, library table. desk and chair. pole comp, mirrors, bed springs and mattress with matching dresser and chest of drawers. dressers. dishes. dressers, trilites, bed or.d matching dresser. coffee table, luggage, kitchen utensils, electric heaters. lawn choirs, odd choirs, steel cots, gorder tools. step ladders, electric lown mower, vacuu'-• c'ed'e.. typewriter, step stool several bicycles and ; -'s TOOLS - 7" Malt s i i B 7' :ow, two bench sows and motors, woo; I,'^P p -d chisels, severol sows, pipe wrenches, pliers, ',.rimers. planes,ele''• motors, bench emery. eses. erten sion cords, wood working tools, bench vases. her" ,res, heavy set of block and pulleys, leg vise a,o-tity of wrenches, tapes, and small hand tools d )s' to down lite COLLECTORS ITEMS - or,,, knives, reliance treadle sewing machine, collection of ball point pens, milk bottles. irons. ergot stool, docks, oil lamp, pine quilt box, set of fro -Ing chisels and moll boring machine and bits. crocks Ind other items too numerous to mention. Terms Cash plus 7% sale for .r applicable 16 For Sule TRAIN SET includes 2 engines, electronic track cleaner, track switcher, flashing lights and other accessories. Phone after 6 p.m. 235-2815. 41t FOUR STORM and screen win- dows and 2 doors. Phone 235- 2219. 41' WOOD SPLITTER, 8 h.p. Briggs Stratton, 20 gal. per min. 2300 P.S.I. pump 5" dia. cyl. 50,000 pounds splitting force. Mounted on 15" wheels plus trailer lights. 237-3587 evenings. 41:42c FALL WINTER SHOPPING Over 195 Ontario Factory Outlets to save. Famous brands - Wabasso, Bauer, Dansk, Es- mond, Kodiak, Harvey Woods, etc. Free Cambridge map with this ad. Send 54.50 to Booklet E3C Box 2173 Cambridge N3C 2V8. 41:42:43' • G.E. HARVEST GOLD 17 cu. R. refrigerator, 5 years old, good condition. Phone 228- 6531. 41:42c NINE FOOT overhead garage door, 575.00 or best offer 262- 2277. '41 c GENERAL ELECTRIC stove and. Moffat refrigerator and stove, Westinghouse freezer, best offer. Phone 229-6213. 41' TYPEWRITER, large portable, S.C.M. model 2200, like new only on second ribbon. Call 235- 1331 daytime or 235-0555 evenings. Ask for Harry. 41 t MEDITERRANEAN styled stereo console. Complete with microphone cassette tape deck and in Al condition. No scratches, 5300.00. Phone 235- 2602. ' 41:42c ONE SECTIONAL couch and one picnic table. Phone 235- 2092. 41' THREE PIECE livingroom suite, couch, chair and recliner. Brown in colour. Call after 5 p.m. 235-1885. 41c STOVE - 22" white electric range. good condition. older model, 525.00. 234-6344. 41' INSULATED CAMPER topper for half ton pickup, 5300.00. Phone 237.3481 after 6 p.m. 4lc BOYS SKATES, assorted sizes from 2-7. Call 235-2210. 41c THREE POINT HiTCH Ford reversible snow blower. Phone E. Anderson 262-2637. ' 41:42' ANTIQUE CAST BATH, 520: cast iron basins; single box spring and mattress; several pairs boys, girls ice skates, various sizes. 235- 2605. 41' THREE LADIES winter coats, size 12-14, several pairs ladies jeans and cords, 28-30 waist. reasonable. Phone 235-0791. 41c SNOW TIRES Hi Way By Way 550-12 on Datsun rims. Used one season. 530 pair. Phone 235- 1320. 41:42' CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR set, 5 peice kitchen suite. all in excellent condition, 238- 2046. 4 I c GIRLS FREE STYLE figure skates, custom made boot. Ask- ing 5125.00, 235-0894. 41:42c SELF STORING alumium door, 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. 235-1252 or after 6 p.m. 229-6472. 411. SNOW TiRES White Wall, Firestone, tubeless snow tires. Size A78-13 M/S, used one year, 525.00 for pair. Phone 235- 1755. 41c CUSTOM CIDER PRESSING Call to Make an appointment c -1/u zon �Riclge c gcze f RR ? Zurlcli 565-2122 16 Vol Sole MAN'S BLACK LEATHER coat, hip length and pile lined. Extra large 46-50. Phone 234- 6794. 41:42c YARD SALE - Fried Street, Dashwood. Saturday, October 17.1-S p.m. 41c TWO 5 -piece Arborite tables and chairs. Two 54" metal beds with mattresses and springs, brown nylon studio couch, convening to bed, curtains and drapes. 293- 3068. 41' MACS, TALMANS,' Courtlands, Red Delicious apples. Also pumpkins for Halloween. W. Mousseau, 21' miles west of Hensall. 236- 4110. 41c 1980 PIONEER RECEIVER, 90 watts. Possible 2 decks, one reel and one phono, $300.00. Phone 234-6741. 41:42' DEPRESSION AND CARNIVAL glass, paperbacks, books (Harlequin, Westerns, Mysteries) hard cover books, (readers digest) Lots of dishes. Call 228-6823 for an appointment. 41:42:431' GARRARD TURNTABLE vers good condition (magnetic cartridge) needs needle. 550.00 Call 228-6823. 41 :42:43t INFANT CAR SEAT, excellent condition. 237-3250 after 6 pent. 41c 17 Wanted To Buy PIANO not necessarily in good condition. Call collect 669- 2198. 38:39:40:41c PLYWOOD - 30 sheets of new or used 4-8 underlay for tiles, 800 good quality floorittiles. 228- 6236. 4l' 18 Wanted WARGAME OPPONENTS - Ha"e miniature armies for most time periods. Major interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t CATTLE --we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend. 361' OLD BRICK BUILDINGS for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick. We fulfilled 76 wrecking contracts in 1980. We paid cash for a few buildings, we demolished some for no charge, and for others we charged a slight fee for our ser- vices. Yes, we travel. We have associates/partners living and operating out of London and Listowel areas. Honest ap- praisals, references available. We carry 51,000,000 insurance and are covered by Workman's Compensation. We eliminate eye -sores in an honest, fast, and efficient manner. 39c OLD HOOKED MATS wanted: in good condition. Also folk car- vings or similar primitive an- tiques 296-5380 or send descrip- tion to Tremain's, RR 1 Forest, Ontario. 41:42' WANTED TO RENT land for 1982 crop. Call 262- 5708. 41:42:43c WANTED - upright type oil fur- nace in good condition. Phone 262-6309. 41' RESPONSIBLE FEMALE roommate wanted to share rent for a 2 bedroom apartment, cen- trally located in Exeter. if in- terested call 235-0770 after 5 or call 238-2758. 41:42' PAPERBACK BOOKS, tea figurines, dinky toys, old dishes and souvenir spoons. Call 228- 6823 anytime. 41:42:43t YOUR JUNK is my treasure, please call 228-6823 anytime. 41:42:431' PERSON TO SHARE house in Exeter. Call Mike 235- 2140. 41:42c PERSON' 23 years of age wishes someone to share ground floor apartment. 234-6268. 41c 19 Property For Sole TWO BEDROOM smaller home, 532,500 firm. Has 11' mortgage of 522,500 until 1984, low taxes, 235-1203. 40:41:42c ?+.1111111111111111111111111t11t1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIMIIIIML AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, TRACTOR, AND HOUSE AND ONE ACRE FOR AUGUST ZIGURS, 1 mile west of Greenway on County Road # 5. Wednesday, October 21st at 1:00 p.m. Selling will be dining room table and 5 chairs; odd choirs chair; 4 burner electric stove; Singer electric sewing machine; 2 vacuum cleaners; radio; black and white television; kitchen tools; meat grinder; small grain grinder with motor; wood and aluminum step ladders 12 cu. ft. Gibson deep freeze; garden tools, wheel barrow; electric water pump; garden roto tiller, push mower; electric chain saw; stock wo'r•r tank bo es, battery charger; small tools, ax- es, hammers; saws and other small items. Items of in - fere,' to collectors include flower tables; chests of drawers. press back chair; ice box; 3 Targe crocks; ru boords. FUEL: 25 cord of hardwood; 2 ton of coal. TRACTOR: M.H. Pony tractor with plow discs and cultivator; also 1962 Ford Falcon for scrap. Terms cosh plus 7% sales tax if applicable. Also offered for sale subject to o reserve bid will be the property being Part lot 44 North Boundary McGillivray Township being one acre more or Tess on which a two bedroom .residence with kitchen, dining' living room, located on a paved road 7 miles north west of Parkhill, 6 miles south of Grand Bend; Joke Water available. Terms 10% down on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Bill Elliot, Auctioneer August Zigurs, Owner 294.6759 Parkhill 294-6491 Parkhill - rlllllllll11llllllllIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIniIIIIIAininlienIIt11111111111111111elheill IIIIIIAellilnill111elllir 19 Prop t iy For Sole THREE BEDROOM HOUSE on 66x132 lot, south of United Church in Dashwood. Electric heat, village water, new roof. Call 234-6336, 4ltfnx 115 STOREY BRICK home, 32' x 40', workshop 40' x 58' bank barn on 3 acres, Lake Huron water available. Lots of shade trees. 539,900.00. Phone 237- 3573. 41:42c A PARKHILL GOOD BYE Reduced to 549,900.00. Large corner lot, forced air oil and elec tric heating - 1980-81 cost 5440. 1981 taxes 5335.92. Four bedroom, modern kitchen, refrigerator, dryer, freezer, stove, town water. Can be hooked to sewers, allowance will be con- sidered in price. 4 and 2 piece bath. Above ground pool. Try your offer, View with: DAVID M. JACKSON Tel. No., Res. 433-7004 JOHN THIEL REAL ESTATE LIMITED, REALTOR, LONDON 519-434-8441. 41c HOUSE TRAILER 60' x 12', 2 bedrooms, located on lot in Ex- eter. Winterized and ready to live in. Ca11453-0369. 41c 12% MORTGAGE BACK TO vendor, 5 year term, fully open. Full prig 522,000.00. Two miles from Clandeboye, on pavement. 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, lot 120 x 196. Mature trees. Call Murray Ford, Maggie Simpson 453-7746. Office 438- 2935. Les Davison Co. Ltd. 41c ESTATE LOTS - Near Grand Bend 23 - 11/4-4 acre lots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, new 4 bedroom bi-level house, garage, on 11/2 acre. 1-672-6863. 16t FOUR BEDROOM house,, aluminum siding, 166' x 132' lot, good location in Zurich. Goshen St., North, contact Paul Bedard 236-4930 or 236-4258, priced to sell. 40:41:42:43c STOREY AND HALF, vinyl sided house. Elimville. Phone 229-8788. 40:41:42:43• 200 ACRES - In Hensall, Seaforth area. 100 with buildings. Apply to Box 1066, Exeter, Ontario. 4041' 20 Property For Rent THREE BEDROOM, 1 floor home, handy to downtown, to see call 235-0684 after 5 p.m. 40:41c IN ZURICH 4 or 5 bedroom house, completely renovated, available immediately. Phone 238-2758. 40:41c GRAND BEND main street, 2 bedroom apartment, electric heat. Year round rented, 5175.00 per month. Phone 1-206 or I- 8 750. 401' iN HENSALL - 1 bedroom townhouse. Available November I. Phone 262-2014 or 262- 3446. 401' BUILDING TO RENT - Commerical building, 25 x 25, ce- ment floors, wired, work benches etc. Call Dashwood 237- 3302. 40:41c THREE BEDROOM country home, 3 miles north of St. Joseph on Hwy. 21. For details phone Zurich 236-4633. 40t UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom garden apartment, appliances, parking. Available Nov. I. 304 Andrew St., Apt. 4, 5138.78 per month. Seniors preferred. 472- 0986. 40t LARGE TWO bedroom apart- ment, 5230.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 235-1647. 39t NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bedroom apartment in Hensall, heated, 262-3146 after 5 p.m. 39:40:41:42c GRAND BEND, two bedroom trailer, unfurnished, except for fridge and stove. Private loca- tion. Phone after 6 p.m. 238- 8656. 39t ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available, reasonable rent. Brinsley Variety, 293-3038 (6 miles north of Ailsa Craig) 39t APARTMENT - one bedroom, centrally located, heated, refrigerator and stove supplied. Available October 1. Phone 235- 2087 after 6:30 p.m. 39t GULFVIEW RESTAURANT, Grand Bend. Apply Prosper's Garage Ltd. 401' THREE or four bedroom farm house. Completely renovated. Close to Hensall. Available Oc- tober I. Phone 262-2928 or 262- 5768. 38t 20 Property For Rent COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE 500 Sq. Ft. Adjoining Main St. Ample park- ing, reasonable. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 36t APARTMENTS - 2 bedrooms, stove and fridge, electric heat. Available Immediately. Phone 235-0141. 161. ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS $238.50 per unit ONE BEDROOMS AVAILABLE Nov. 1 or Dec. 1 Feafures appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario Ph: 262-3448 or 262-2615 24t GRAND BEND furnished home available immediately. 5300.00 monthly. Phone 238-2822. 37t TWO BEDROOM apartment in Zurich. Call 236-4356. 38-43c FOUR BEDROOM farm house, 21/2 miles south of Zurich, carpeted, chimney for wood stove in large country kitchen, oil heat, car port. Phone 236- 4468. 41:42c THREE BEDROOM townhouse with rec room on Simcoe St., Ex- eter. Available immediately. Phone236-4230. 411' HENSALL BACHELOR apart- ment, ground floor, private en- trance, separate bath, garden, off street parking. 262-2939 after 6 p.m: 41:42c THREE BEDROOM house, close to downtown. Available November I. 5395.00 monthly. For further information call 235- 1414. 41:42:43• FIVE BEDROOM house. Two bedroom house, both Zurich area. Phone 236-4137. 41:42c APARTMENT - Quiet downstairs on Yogi Bear Dr. off Highway 21. Bedroom, large livingroom, 3 piece bath, kitchen, refrigerator and stove. Call 337- 6208 or 243-2166. 41:42c UNFURNISHED LOWER apartment, heated, adults only, available November I, no pets, close to shopping centre. Phone 235-0354. 41:42c FREDERICK STREET apart- ment, available November I. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and full size basement, available November I. Apply after six, 236-4193. 41' HOUSE - 8 rooms, south of Grand Bend, 2 baths, 5 bedrooms, fi&place, stove, freezer, washer and dryer includ- ed. Phone 1-243-3036. 411' COUNTRY HOME on highway 21. 4 bedrooms, kitchen, Jiving room, dining room, 2 baths, large 25 x 60 heated shed. Phone 236-4019 or 1-332-0809 41:42c FARM HOUSE - 41 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21. 5 bedroom, 11/2 baths, reference required. Call 238-2301 or 236- 4061. 4l c 20 Property for Rent GRAND BEND - Furnished house, 5225.00 plus utilities, 15 Sauble Rd. Available immediate- ly. mmediately. Phone 238-2366 or 236- 4689. 38t APARTMENT - heated business office with vault. 237- 3224. 41:42• 21 For Rent 5,000 BUSHEL WEST STEEL Rosco bin, ideal for corn storage, 238-2046 after 6 p.m. 41c TWO WEST STEEL Rosco silos, 5,500 bushels each. Kirkton area. Phone 229-6133. 41c PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels; Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 151' FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 48t THE "OLD Town Hall" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Dinney 235-0231. 23t 22 For Sale or Rent WITH INTEREST rates so high some can't afford to buy. For rent or sale, newly decorated 3 bedroom farm home on half an acre with small barn. 3 miles south of Exeter. 5260.00 per month plus utilities. 1st and last months rent required, references required. Call 229-6727 weekdays between 5 and 7 p.m. 38:39:40:41c EXE7 ER - smaller 2 or 3 bedroom house with oil furnace. Easy to heat. Close to shopping and post office. Phone Ailsa Craig 293-3175. 39:40c TWO BEDROOM HOME, overlooking Riverside Park, available immediately. 235- (352. 40:41c 23 Wanted To Rent APARTMENT iN GRAND BEND area. 1• or 2 bedroom, does not have to be furnishett. Call Suzanne 235-1331 or 235- 1854 after five. 41t 26 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Gretta Marjorie Prout Deceased. All persons having cairns against the estate of Gretta Marjorie Prout, late of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 30th day of May, 1981 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Deane and Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th day of October 1981 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DEANE & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 40:41:42c UCW afternoon plan Zurich trip The afternoon Unit of Exeter U.C.W. held their thank -offering meeting October 10 with a splendid attendance. Beth Batten presided for business, opening with a poem, "Things I am Thankful for" by Henry Van Dyke. Members have been asked to take charge of the monthly birthday party at Blue Water Rest Home and provide a short program October 20. All present signed cards to be sent to two members, who are in Hospital. Audrey McRoberts had Rrepared the program which was conducted by Thelma Russell. Poems, hymns, Scripture meditation and prayers all spoke of Thanksgiving. We should learn to be thankful for small things and know that to whom much Is given, much is required. As Paul finally accepted his "thorn in the flesh," and learned to be content, so we must by the Grace of God be willing to accept adversities which may come to us, always giving thanks for the abundant blessings which are ours. Taking part were Hazel Miller, Norma Cavanagh, Lauretta Seigner, and Marjorie Adams. Some of the many fishermen at Riverview Park over the weekend aftwasimmaimmembikaintaikesemir VANASTRA AUCTION MARKET 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON Contact us for good clean consignments, compinta households and estates, liquidations, cars and trucks. Auctioneer: Jake Thalen Jr. X482-1922 McNair Estate Antique Auction Thurs. Sept. 22 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. 400-500 pieces being sold Lucan Community Centre Viewing 4-6 p.m. Pattern glass, piano rolls, hand painted plates, silver, pictures and frames and much more. For more information phone 293-3020 or 293-3402. AUCTIONEER Bob McNair DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. SALES EVERY TUESDAY 1 1:00 A.M. Phone 666-1140 Western Ontario's Fastest Growing Fat Market. The number one place for you to market your fat cattle, stocker cattle, cows, calves, vealers and pigs. SECOND FALL STOCKER SALE TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 27, at 7:30 p.m. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME. Western Calves & Ontario Stockers available on request by contacting: Hugh Filson Jack Phillips 666-0833 232-4233 +******************** Tom Rushton* 471-4148 Auction Sale of Household Furniture, antiques and misc. items. On Saturday October • 17, 1981, 1 p.m. sharp 160 Sanders St. West Exeter, Ontario. For the estate of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - Chesterfield and chair, 2 recliner chairs, 3 swivel rockers, foot stool, coffee table, 7 pc French provincial dining room suite (like new) pole, floor and table lamps, 4c bedroom suite, 2 kitchen suites, refrigerator, Moffat electric range, Hoover washer, spin dryer, Kenmore apartment size dryer with stand (like new), utility cupboard, utility table, electric heater, fan, humidifier, broom floor polisher, radio, tea kettle, and iron, several dishes, pots and pans, crokinoie board, hand and garden tools. Many other items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES - Buffet china cabinet combiantion, dining room table with 7 leaves, rocking chair, Duncan Phyfe coffee table, round parlor table, matching dresser and bed, matching washstand, and dresser with oval mirror, 2 dressers with mirrors, wooden bed, odd chairs, copper boiler, coal oil lantern, some dishes, several other items. Terms: Cash Day of Sale Norm Whiting Auctioneer Exeter, Ontario 235-1964 In case of inclement weather will be moved to South Huron Recreation Centre PUBLIC AUCTION Antiques, furniture, coins, vehicles, equipment, motorcycles, tools, toys, etc. Saturday, October 24, 1981 # 4 Highway, 2 i/: miles South of Exeter, (formerly Remkes Honda) LISTING -- antique horse drawn cutters, wooden buggy wheels, old tools, antique corner cupboard, drop leaf table, desk, cherry masonic bench, press back high chair, anniversary plates, brass, salt and peppers, old medicine bottles, COINS • pre 1966, Canadian silver dollars, 50d pieces, silver centennial and dollar mint sets, council table, oak barrels, leatherette recliner, excellent con- dition, child's rocker, bar or von fridge, refrigerator, dinette set (as new), coffee and end tables, knick- knacks, hot plate, child's rocking horse, games, quantity toys, stereo component stand, typewriter table, electric adding machine, new skill saws, photo copier, guitar, table tops for van or card tables, etc. Good quantity of New snowmobile gloves, boots, jackets, suits, etc. VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT -- 3 pt. hitch sprayer w/60 gal. fiberglass tank, 8' boom,.excellent condi- tion, flail mower, with 184 blade, 6'5" • insulated truck topper, 71 chev " ton, 350 auto. 62,000 miles good condition also 1978 Honda twin steer shelving, etc. COMPLETE USTINO IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER NORM WHITING AUCTIONEER Exeter Still accepting quality consignments for this out- standing auction. Phone 235-1964 or 235. 1058 ■