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Times-Advocate, 1981-10-07, Page 24
Page 24 Times-Advocati, October 7, 1981 16 For Sale USED 17 CU. FT. Gibson refrigerator; Moffat frost free rcfrigerator; Kelvinator frost free refrigerator; Kelvinator dryer; Simplicity washer/spinner; 30" Beach stove; 24" Admiral gas stove; 26" coloured TV's. Bob's T.V. and Appliance Warehouse, 133 King St. S., St. Marys, 284- 1887 or 284-2406. 40c INGLIS GAS DRYER, 3 cycles, excellent condition. S200.00. Phone 237-3316. 40c AQUARIUM 35 gal., accessories and stand. 235 1243. 40:41:42:43' DRAPES, 146" wide by 87" long, brown plaid, waterproof, fire proof, Holiday Inn drapes. Couch and 2 chairs, ideal for rec room. Phone 227-4093. 40c YARD SALE - 119 Empress Ave., Huron Park. Saturday, Oc- tober 10, 1981, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Household items, children's clothing, skates,'bikes, plants. In case of rain will be held indoors. 40c YEAR OLD chickens, S1.00 each. Also Tempwood down- draft stove. Phone 234-6458. 40c FIREWOOD, hard wood, delivered or pick up. John Neevcl 235-2767. 40:41:42c Garage Sale Sat. Oct. 10 220 William St. Exeter Miscellaneous Items CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veals ABATTOIR mei IMAT MARKET 235-1123 NOW AVAILABLE TOMATOES pick you own or ready picked POTATOES Red or White CABBAGE BRUSSEL SPROUTS & other vegetables APPLES APPLE CIDER available on weekends CW 11 X 011 CRidge LACZc.'1 RR 2 Zurich 565-2122 16 For Sole FOR YOUR Vanda Beauty counsellor Products phone 235- 1823, Doris Hackney. 40c SINGER SEWING machine, zig-zag, excellent condition, reasonable. Ailsa Craig. Phone 1- 293-3574. 40:41c HESS JEWELLERY. Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t CLOCK - Make your own. Use your own design. Quartz battery movements now in stock. The Country Spire. 229-6341. 17t USED BUILDING MATERIALS. Brick, barn board, steel rooting, barn beams, steel cattle pens, house and barn, doors and windows, two old fur- naces, two old tanks. Free delivery. Phone 235-0898. 29t GOOD USED CLOTHING, shoes, etc. Also accepting con- signments of good used articles - clothing, footware, games, toys, bikes, roller and ice skates, etc. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St., Exeter. 32t RABBITS for domestic or breeding purposes. 262-3525. 32t SILK AND POLY flowers - brand new display, brand new colours. Country Spire, 229- 6341. 36t LAMB for your freezer. Buy now at low summer prices. Phone Bill Batten 235-1331 or 235- 2184. 37tfx CORN GLUTEN wet or dry also corn bran. All sold by the truckload. 1-338-3912 after 6 p.m. 37-40c LADIES CLOTHES for sale (coats, blouses, jeans, dress pan- ts, dresses, etc.) Sizes 14-16-18. Phone 235-2444 or 235-2461 or seen at 312 Marlborough Street. 39:40c WHITE'S 4DB metal detector. Head phones included. Like new. S275.00. Phone 235-2171. 39:40c HARDWOOD FOR SALE, Ex- eter Kinsman club. Phone Bob Reynolds 235-2309. 39:40:41c NOW IS THE TIME to change to wood heat. Government grants available up to S800.00. Canuck wood stoves and inscrts for sale. Call Carl Bice, sales and installation 232-4521 or 681- 1674. 39t CABBAGE FOR sauerkraut, Henry Eisenschink, RR 1 Exeter. Phone 237-3405. 39:40' FARM GROWN chickens, .750 a Ib. live, S1.25 dressed. 225- 2287. 39:40c Young, Heavy ROOSTERS for Thaksgiving, from EIDELWEISS ACRES, Eric Freiter RR 1 Dashwood 237-3382 40c CATALOGUE SHOPPING Sears u --.e-8 saw•. urnID CATALOGUE SHOPPING 238-8471 9 Main St. Grand Bend WE'RE JUST A DIAL AWAY SCHOLL'S dABATTOIR Freezer Meats CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING Monday - Beef • Tuesday - Pork CALL 262-2041 (After Hours 262-2732) RETAIL ORDERS BEEF OR PORK SIDES - HINDS - LOINS Retail Hours - Wed., Fri., 8 a.m, - 5 p.m. Sat. 8 o.m. - 1 p.m. MILL ST.HENSALL,ONT, =62.2041 1f You're Nanning Any Type Of Renovating... WI CAN DO 1T Our Reputation I t �; _ s P.- A •� Is Your Guarantee .� . Of Quality werkrrranship f CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE VAN HAARLEM CONSTRUCTION limped 235-2210 GIVE YOUR HOME A HEALTHY BREAK LET VAN HAARLEM RENOVATE 1 16 For Sale PERSIAN LAMB coat, mink char, size 14-16, good condi- tion. 229-6185. 40c 17 Wanted To Buy WARGAME OPPONENTS - Have miniature armies for most time periods. Major interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t PIANO not necessarily in good condition. Call collect 669- -2198. 38:39:40:41c 18 Wanted BOARDER for Exeter apart- ment. Phone 235-0268 after.6:30 p.m. 40tfnx CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend. 36t 19 Property For Sale THREE BEDROOM House on 66x132 lot, south of United Church in Dashwood. Electric heat, '. llage water, new roof. Call 234-6336. 40tfnx ESTATE LOTS - Ncar Grand Bend 23 - I44-4 acre lots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, new 4 bedroom bi-level house, garage, on 11/2 acre. 1-672-6863. 16t RESIDENTIAL LOT FOR SALE BY TENDER This property located on Highway 84 in Zurich, Ontario (described as part of Lot 20, Concession 10, Huron County) is for sale under Power of Sale by virtue of default in a loan secured by a realty mortgage. This residential lot (73' x 247') is located in downtown Zurich and has '73' of frontage on Highway 84. Financing will be considered if required. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Sealed tenders with a 10% deposit by certified cheque (payee to be designated) should be addressed to Mr. R.P. Sinclair, c/o 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario. Further in- formation may be obtained by calling: Mr. R.P. Sinclair at (519)271-5650. 39:40c PROVEN TRACK RECORD 3 bed special care residential home in picturesque setting in prosperous community in South Western Ontario. Near by employment workshop. Provides residents with useful living, churches, shopping, hospital in immediate surroundings. Proven acceptability in community, decidedly unique. Details from exclusive agent HARRY PALMER 438-4121, Res. 268- 3239, pager 673-1345. I.D. 3174. Century 21 Laukner Realtor Inc. 40c FOUR BEDROOM house, aluminum siding, 166' x 132' lot, good location in Zurich. Goshen St., North, contact Paul Bedard 236-4930 or 236-4258, priced to sell. 40:41:42:43c STOREY AND HALF, vinyl sided house. Elimville. Phone 229-8788. 40:41:42:43' TWO BEDROOM smaller home, 532,500 firm. Has 111/2 mortgage of 522,500 until 1984, low taxes, 235-1203. 40:41:42c 200 ACRES - In Hensall, Seaforth area. I 0 0 with buildings. Apply to Box 1066, Exeter, Ontario. 40:41• 20 Property For Rent FARM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, newly carpeted, pipeline water, 1' miles east of Grand Bend. Available October 15. Phone 238-2723. 40c THREE BEDROOM, 1 floor home, handy to downtown, to see call 235-0684 after 5 p.m. 40:41c IN ZURICH 4 or 5 bedroom house, completely renovated, available immediately. Phone 238-2758. 40:41c HENSALL - 4 bedroom, central air conditioning and heating, 5200.00 per month. Phone 235- 0537 after 5 p.m. 40c GRAND BEND main street, 2 bedroom apartment, electric heat. Year round rented, 5175.00 per month. Phone 1948-2066 or 1-238-8750. 40t FOR RENT - 3 bedroom house, new insulation and siding, hot water heated. Immediate oc- cupancy, Phone 235-1273. 40t IN HENSALL - 1 bedroom townhouse. Available November 1. Phone 262-2014 or 262- 3446. 40t TWO OR THREE bedroom apartment, electric heat, down- town area. Available November I. Phone 235-0141. 40c BUILDING TO RENT - Commerical building, 25 x 25, ce- ment floors, wired, work benches etc. Call Dashwood 237- 3302. 40:41c HEATED APARTMENT for 2 people in Dashwood. Available October 1. Phone 237-3224. 40' THREE BEDROOM country home, 3 miles north of St. Joseph on Hwy. 21. For details phone ,Zurich 236-4633. 40t CUSTOM CIDER PRESSING CaII to Make an appointment cJ/ltzOneRid9e CJ rCZL'1 RR 7 Zurict 565-2122 t 20 Property for Rent APARTMENT - heated business apartment with vault. 237- 3224. 40:41• UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom garden aligment, appliances, parking."pliable Nov. 1. 304 Andrew St., Apt. 4, S138.78 per month. Seniors preferred. 472- 0986. 401. LARGE TWO bedroom apart- ment, 5230.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 235-1647. 39t TWO BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, no children. Available immediately. Phone 238-8987 Grand Bend. 39:40• NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bedroom apartment in Hensall, heated, 262-3146 after 5 p.m. 39:40:41:42c IN GRAND BEND room for rent. Phone 238-2396 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. or weekends. 39:40c APARTMENT FOR RENT - Grand Bend, furnished bachelor apartment, utilities paid. 5165.00.238-2287. 39:40' GRAND BEND, two bedroom trailer, unfurnished, except for fridge and stove. Private loca- tion. Phone after 6 p.m. 238- 8656. 39t THREE BEDROOM farm house for rent. Two miles west of Hensall on highway 84. Available November 1. Phone 235-0542. 39:40• ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available, reasonable rent. Brinsley Variety, 293-3038 (6 miles north of Ailsa Craig) 39t APARTMENT - one bedroom, centrally located, heated, refrigerator and stove supplied. Available October 1. Phone 235- 2087 after 6:30 p.m. 391 THREE BEDROOM farm home, 5 miles cast of Hensall. Available October 1. Phone 262- 5988. 39:40c GULFVIEW RESTAURANT, Grand Bend. Apply Prosper's Garage Ltd. 40-f COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE 500 Sq. Ft. Adjoining Main St. Ample park- ing, reasonable. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 36t APARTMENTS - 2 bedrooms, stove and fridge, electric heat. Available Immediately. Phone 235-0141. 16t ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS $238.50 per unit ONE BEDROOMS AVAILABLE NOW Nov. 1 or Dec. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario Ph: 262-3448 or 262-2615 24t GRAND BEND furnished home available immediately. 5300.00 monthly. Phone 238-2822. 37t TWO BEDROOM apartment in Zurich. Call 236-4356. 38-43c HOUSE NEAR Grand Bend. 3 bedroom. 238-8240. 38t THREE OR FOUR bedroom farm house. Completely renovated. Close to Hensall. Available October I. Phone 262- 2928 or 262-5768. 38t GRAND BEND - Furnished house, 5225.00 plus utilities, 15 Sauble Rd. Available immediate- ly. Phone 238-2366 or 236- 4689. 38t GRAND BEND furnished home available immediately. 5300.00 monthly. Phone 238-2822. 40c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels; Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236 4954. 15t FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 481. THE "OLD Town Hall" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Dinney 235-0231. 23t RENTING 1979 Winnebego Brave, fully equipped. Phone 235-1104. 40x nnnnnnuttnrnunnrmnnnnnnnrt WANTED Trade-ins Call BOB for the BEST Trade - In allowance •.g. Almond 13 cu. ft. Frost Fr.• Refrigerator, suggested list $739.95: with your trade - 5475.00 Bob's T.V. & Appliances Warehouse,133 King St. = St. Marys 284-1887 284-2406 innnnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnnr EXETER PRECISION MACHINE & WELDING Repair and manufacture of machine parts, equip- ment rebuilding - special problems welcome. Free quotations on request. 149A Thames Rd. W. (Behind Acme Neon Signs) 235-1035 22 Fu' ';ole or Rent WITH INTEREST rates so high some can't afford to buy. For rent or sale, newly decorated 3 bedroom farm home on half an acre with small barn. 3 miles south of Exeter. 5260.00 per month plus utilities. 1st and last months rent required. references required. Call 229-6727 weekdays between 5 and 7 p.m. 38:39:40:41 c EXETER - smaller 2 or 3 bedroom house with oil furnace. Easy to heat. Close to shopping and post office. Phone Ailsa Craig 293-3175. 39:40c TWO BEDROOM HOME, overlooking Riverside Park, available immediately. 235- 1352. 40:41c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTA 1'1: 01- WILLIAM FWILLIAM HENRY RARICH Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of William Henry Rarich, late of the Village of Zurich, Count) of Huron, retired carpenter, who died on or about the 25th day of July, 1981 are required to file particulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of October 1981 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DEANE & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario 38:39:40c 611111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rt - NEW MAYTAGS Bob's T.V. & Appliance ADMIRALS AND ELECTROHOMES 7rtrrrrIIIuIInhIIltllttrtrrlrlIuIIuuIIIIIilrrr Warehouse, 133 King St.S., St. Marys 284-1887 284-2406 ntario overnment Tender General Contractors Miscellaneous General Repairs, Various Bldgs., Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park Ministry of Agriculture & Food Prosect No. W 66553 G.O. 83 SEALED TENDERS --will be received until 3:00 p.m. Local Time on Oc- tober 22, 1981 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services, Regional Office, 400 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. N1E 2Y1. Telephone No. (519) 822-1 150. NOTE: For further infor- mation regarding this tender please call Miss. J. Robinson, at the above address. Telephone No. (519) 822-1150. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry Of Government Services Ontario 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gretta Marjorie Prout Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Gretta Marjorie Prout, late of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 30th day of May, 1981 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Deane and Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th day of October 1981 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Centralia Garage Limited intends to file Articles of Dissolution with the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations for the Province of On- tario requesting that the Minister issue a Certificate dissolving the Corporation. Dated at Parry Sound, Ontario, this 8th day of September, A.D. 1981. Ray F. Shoebottom, President. 40c 27 Tenders Wonted 1 - 1975 DODGE 1 TON pickup. Condition as is. Can be viewed at: Canadian Canners, 210 Wellington St., Exeter, On- tario. Bids received up to Oc- tober 13, 1981. 40c DEANE & LAUGHTON, ADVERT/SE Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 40:41:42c 6JGaI.%a.ell � ,�.uariali3 nfture& Antiques ` Estate Auction WNERE/TPAYS... We are pleased to offer by Public Auc- tion, from a Clinton and North London Estate, furniture, glass and collectable: on Wednesday, October 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Rathwell Building 77 Main Street, Seaforth. FURNITURE - 9 pc. solid oak, heavily carved din- ing room suite (mint condition), carved back up- holstered ladies parlour chair, Upholstered wing back ladies chair, Carved back gents chair -Oak, 4 gunstock style chairs - Oak, Walnut sideboard server, walnut apartment extension table, Cherry chest with carved pulls, Cherry chest with glove box- es, Walnut drop front secretary desk Duncan Phyfe walnut blanket box, oval gate leg parlour table, Oak double pedestaldesk, oak side board, dressers, chest of drawers, miscellaneous tables, chairs, trunks ladderbackwalnut chair, wicker rocker, 26" Admiral colour T.V., Westinghouse radio -record player. GLASS AND CHINA - Large quantity of glass, china, stemware, silverware, lamps, clocks, and many miscellaneous items too numerous to mention. APPLIANCES - 24" Tappan Gurney Stove, Inglis matching washer and dryer, small appliances. This sale consists of many miscellaneous items too numerous to mention. For further information contact: Dick Robinson - Sales Manager gt- 527-1458 ,,.. �, a142e// t' eACJJocia/es AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1 WO (519) 527-1458 IIII all `IoetSYA:lnuK NJ 0 i 101\ AT PINERY AUCTION BARN ON HWY 21, 1 1 mile North of the Pinery Provincial Pork, 1 4 miles South of Grand Bend. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, at 1 p.m. 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 QUALITY ITEMS - Peppier 9 pc Mediterranean dining room set (mint condition), 3 8" solid sterling silver collector's plates by Wellings Mint (etched by James Fenwick Lansdowne - Registered), setting for 6 and servers of Bavarian "Songbird" china. ANTIQUES - I oak, pine, walnut, etc., oak exten- sion table and 6 plank chairs, Chiffonier, press back chairs, oak dressers, buffets, hall tree, hall seats, servers, washstand, wooden beds, occ. tables and chairs, clocks, pocket watches, pine stockade, coal oil lamps, typewriter, quilting frame, butter box, car- bine miners lamp, crocks, boiler, sealers, tools, primitives, wood stove, china comemeratives press glass, mirrors, etc. MISCELLANEOUS - Recliner chair, carpets and rugs, stove, T.V., golf clubs, humidifier, suitcases, new down draft stove, Ferguson loader off 8N trac- tor, 2 sets Knobby tractor chains, trailer, oil fur- naces, kitchen and bathroom fans, screens, lights, 3 burner propane counter top stove, exhaust vent, win- dow hardware, towing mirrors, towing access., elec- tric and propane heaters, etc. VIEWING - From 12 noon day of sale. An outstan- ding sale, well worth your attendance. This is a par- tial listing only: Pat Lyon Auctioneer Phone 243-2713 1 MI RN al I r NI Ell a■ Ma 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1,-1U:A 444.1 ?i l?i'••it,ir eamosemasommomiiiiiiinmusindo VANASTRA AUCTION MARKET 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON Contact us for good clean consignments, complete households and estates, liquidations, cars and trucks. Auctioneer: Jake Thalen Jr. 482-7922 Plan to attend and encourage our young people at the HU BEEF CATTLE 4-H Thanksgiving g - &SaieShow---- Monday, October 12th ,Brussels SSRutt,ck Yard E 5 Show Time - 10:30 a.m. Sale Time - 1:00 p.m. Show Judge - J. R. Coultes, Wingham Auctioneer - Jack Riddell M.P.P. Huron -Middlesex Clearing Auction Sale to be held for Counter Building Supplies Princess Street, West, Clinton, Ont. Sat., Oct. 10 10 a.m. Offering includes doors, windows, patio doors, colorlok and alumium siding, panelling, plywood, in- sulation, lumber, paint, hardware, tools, cabinets, etc. Stock subject to delisions from daily sales up to Wednesday, October 7 at 5 p.m. Mossey Harris trac- tor with forklift. Terms cash day of sale Owner Bill Counter RICHARD LOBI AUCTIONEER CUNTON, ONT. 4812-7899 PJI I II I II I II II I I II I I I I I I I I III I II I II I II I I I I►I III I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II I I I I II II►I I I I IMII I I I I I I I I I I I I ItIL 8 E E Stocker Sale 900 Head at • Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. F. Sat. Oct. 10 at 1 p.m. F. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers & Calves Victor Hargreaves (519)482-7511 (Clinton) Barry Miller (519)235-2717 (Exeter or 229-6205 (Kirkton) Doug Carruthers (519)237-3734 (Dashwood) Greg Hargreaves (519)262-2619 (Hensall) (519)262-2831 (Hensall) Auctioneers Larry Gardiner & Richard Lobb 'a111111mIUUIu IIIIIIIri IIIIIu IIIIIIDIII1111111IIIAIIIIIIIHUtiumu IIIIIIW1ulutuuud 11111111 . ..•..••.....••......••••••••••••••••••• i i i i i Tel REALTY ©©© BROKER g94s "Specializing in BUS. 481-1100 Rural Property" NPP" THORNDALE RES. 481-1244 FARMS: EXETER AREA - 190 acres, beef and cash crop, 50 acres vacant, 60 acres barn and trailer. These two parcels are one owner and must be sold. 75 acres vacant. HOUSES: LOOKING FOR A HOME, IN THE COUNTRY - Give me a call, I have several to choose from. Contact Jim Bearss of Bill Elliott Realty 229-6488 or leave a message with the office 461.1100. RESTAURANT FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders may be submitted to the below mentioned address until 4:30 p.m., October 14th, 1981 for the purchase of the assets of The Galley, Goderich, On- tario. Tenders are to be submitted for the assets en bloc, which consist of equipment and furnishings re- quired for the operation of a submarine restaurant such as: table and chair units (28 seats); walk-in refrigerator, refrigerated steel make-up table with trays, Berke! slicer, Tec Electronic cash register, Toshiba microwave, Bun -O -Matic coffee machine, pop dispenser, refrigerator, freezer, counters and more. The facility is set up and ready for business for the right purchaser. An attractive lease for the premises including a second floor apartment is available from the landlord. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Financing will be considered if required. Sealed tenders with 10% deposit by certified che- que should be addressed to R.J. Bogdon or R.D. McClinchey, 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, On- tario, N5A 6Z3. Appointments for inspection and Information on terms and conditions of sale may be obtained by calling (519) 271-5650. Ontario Government Tender Contractors are invited to submit quotations for the following 3 tenders. 1) Shower building additions Tender Pin 81-17 2) Plumbing requirements for shower building Tender Pin 81-18 3) Exhaust Ventilation System for Comfort Station Tender Pin 81-19 All tenders for one and up to as many as four separate comfort stations at Pinery Provincial Park, RR 2, Grand Bend, Ontario. Information, tender forms and appointments to view the construction sites, may be obtained at Pinery Provincial Park, RR 2, Grand Bend, Ontario. (Telephone (519) 243-2220) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. A 550.00 deposit will be required to obtain tender documents. Tenders will be received at Chatham District Of- fice, Ministry of Natural Resources, 435 Grand Ave„ West, Chatham, Ontario. N7M 518 until 12:00 noon October 23, 1981. Tenders will be publicly opened at 1:30 p.m. Friday October '23, 1981. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of Natural Resources