HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-09-23, Page 291 BIRTHS — FICK — Dan and Kim are pleas- ed to announce the arrival of Tony Daniel. a little brother for . Jennifer. born September 7, 1981 weighing 10 lbs. Na oz. 38c KNIP — Fred and Aileen (nee Klungel) are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their son. David Harry, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz on September 10, 1981, St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klungal, Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knip Lucan. Frist great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. A Klungal, Holland and seventh great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knip Lucan. Great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Kay Bos. Holland. 38c OBRE — Morley and Bonnie are pleased to announce the arrival of their second son Tyler William. born September 12, 1981 at Seaforth Community Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. A wee brother for Trever, another grandson for Mrs. Peggy Obre and Lloyd and Joyce Cooper. Proud great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Orval Cooper, Kippen and Mrs. Wm Miller, Brussels. 38c ANNOUNCEMENTS — The family of Ross and Nola Love invite relatives, neighbours and friends to "Open House" from 7-9 p.m. at the Dashwood Community Centre, on Saturday. October 3, 1981 in honor of their parents 50th Wed- ding Anniversary. No Gifts Please. Anyone wishing to make a Donation to the Dashwood and Area Medical Centre in honor of this occasion may do so. 36e Mr. and Mrs. Wm Spence RR 6 St. Marys announce the marriage of their daughter Susan Doreen to Mr. Douglas Thomas Marriott son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marriott, St. Marys on Saturday, October 17, 1981 at 3:30 p.m. in Woodham United Church, Woodham, On- tario. 38pd The families of Harry and Elsie Burgin invite their friends and neighbours to an "Open House" and Family Night Dance in honour of their 50th Wedding Anniversary to be held on Friday October 2, 1981, 8:30 p.m.. at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre. Your presence is your gift. 38,39c ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Klaas VanWieren. Hensall, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Olson, Quill Lake, Sask. wish to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their children Patricia Joyce and Robert James. The wedding will take place on October 3, 1981 at 4:00 p.m. at the United Church, Hen- sall, Ontario. 38pd UNCEMENT ENGAGEMENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS — CARDS OF THANKS — IN MEMORIAM— Mrs. EMORIAM— Mrs. Janet Sutherland, Maple, Ontario wishes to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter Sandra to Noel Jeffery Skinner. son of Bev and Elaine Skinner. Exeter, at 4:00 o'clock Saturday October 10 1981 at St. Andrew s Presbyterian Churcb, Maple. Ontario. 38pd Johnny and Joyce MillerStatfa and Ed and Jean Dolmage, Mitchell are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their children Karen Joyce and Richard Edwin. The marriage will take place on Friday October 23, 1981 at 4 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church. Cromarty. 38pd Mr. and Mrs. Jim Avery, Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cornelissen RR 3 Ailsa Craig are happy ,to announce the forthcoming marriage of Sandra Louise to Peter Anton on Oc- tober 2, 1981 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan at 5 o'clock. Open Reception to follow. 38c CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to thank the lady who found my wee Budgie and brought him to Pat's Pet Shop who so kindly looked after him and is now happy at home in Oshawa. Mrs. Jenny Devlin. 38pd The family of the late Mr. Herbert Harlton wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation. to relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy, floral tributes and memorial donations received during our recent bereavement in the loss of a loving and kind father and grandfather. Special thanks to Rev. Moore, Dr. Scrimgeour. T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, the pallbearers. and figwerbearers. The Royal Orange Lodge no 1035, Varna. Organist and choir of Greenway United Church. Mrs. John Harlton for the lovely solo, Greenway U.C.W. for the delicious lunch and those who sent food to the house. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 38c I wish to express my sincere thanks to my family, relatives, friends and neighbours for gifts, flowers. cards and treats which I received while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and Exeter Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Knight and Mrs. Knight for their visits and the Legion Auxiliary Hensall. It was all greatly ap- preciated. Mabel A. Munn. 38c We appreciate the cards, visits. flowers and treats sent to Howard while a patient in University Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. McDonald and the Ladies Auxiliary and Legion. Thanks again. Howard and Jean Smale. 38c Come To Church Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, September 27 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School & Bible Class 11:00 a.m. - Divine Service Everyone Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER REV. B.H. DE JONGE Phone 235-1723 Sunday, September 27 10:00 arm—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship Everyone Welcome Listen to The Back to God Hour CHLO. Dial 1570 - 4:30 p.m. CKNX Dial 920 - 10:30 a.m. CHOK Dial 1070 - 6:45 a.m. Sundays Centralia Faith Tabernacle REV. BOB DEGRAW Sunday, September 27 Revival Meeting See Special Ad Everyone Welcome Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minister REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV. GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, September 27 RALLY DAY 11:00 a.m. Morning Warship Sacrament of Baptism Nursery Facilities Available Courtesy car 235-2115 All Are Welcome Centralia and Zion United Churches Minister Rev. Burton Crowe Centralia 228-6974 Sunday, September 27 11:00 - Zion Anniversary Service 10:00 a.m. Centralia S.S. Church services at Centralia cancelled and all are invited to Zion for anniversary service. Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets Rev. John Obeda Sunday, September 27 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Church of the Lutheran Hour CFPL 7 a.m. Sunday Welcome Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister REV. BARBARA LAING Organist Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday, September 27 9:45 a.m. —Sunday Service 9:45 - Sunday School Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter Sunday, September 27 10:00 a.m. — Worship 11:00 a.m. —Sunday School 7:30 p.m. — Evening Worship Everyone Welcome Caren Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh. Sunday, September 27 11:30 a.m. Morning Service Everyone Welcome Trivitt Memorial Church TRINITY XV Rector Rev. G.A. Anderson, D.F.C. Mr. OorA grftYnlw. B. Sc Sunday September 27 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer Dr. Douglas Fox 2:30 p.m. Community Gospel Sing Everyone Welcome! I would like to thank the Clandeboye community for the gifts presented to me when I was home last week. A special 'Thanks' to the ladies who organized the collection and picked out the combination elec- tric fry pan and slow cooker. It will certainly be very useful and is very much appreciated. Your thoughtfullness will bring many warm memories in the future. Linda (Hardy) Barnes. 38pd I wish to thank the friends, neighbours and relatives for the visits and cards while mother Ida Smith was a patient at South Huron Hospital. To the nurses and Dr. Ecker, to the Harry T. Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home and to Harry and Ann Marie for their duet of Ivory Palaces. To Rev. B. Elder and the U.C.W. for lunch served. To those who donated to the Dashwood and Area Medical Centre and Heart Fund, Gideon Memorial Bible. Canadian Bible Society and the Crediton United Church funds. To the bearers and for cards of sympathy and the floral tributes and to Ann Cottel a special friend to mother for her care. Gerald Smith. 38c Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hookey, Exeter wish to thank all our family and relatives who made it possible for our 50th wedding Anniversary at the Dashwood communitv centre. Thanks to all (Mrs. Rader) our neighbour for gifts, also from our family and friends. Thanks to Exeter Pentecostal church forflowers and visits and Country Flowers. Special thanks to visitors from Dorchester. Mississauga, Ot- tawa, Trenton, Strathroy, Sar- nia. Corunna. Again both Dorothy and I thank you all for making this day a day to remember. God Bless you all. Ron & Dorothy Hookey & Mark. 38pd The family of the late Alvin Fulton would like to thank all their relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy and kindness shown in their recent loss. Special thanks to Floyd Cooper, Hoff - mans Ambulance, Dr. Gans, The Staff of South Huron Hospital, Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home and Rev. Hargreaves. It has been very much appreciated. The Fulton Family. 38pd We would like to take this op- portunity to thank our family, relatives. neighbours and friends for the cards, gifts, flowers and for the social times which helped to make our 45th Wedding anniversary such a happy occasion and a time which we will always remember. Vic & Mabel Jeffery. 38pd I wish to epxress my sincere thanks to my family, relatives, friends and all organizations who so kindly remembered me with flowers. gifts. cards, visits and telephone calls while I was a patient in St. Joseph's hospital and since returning home. Lois Herbert. 38pd I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Read and Dr. Sweeney and the nurses on the 4th floor, our family, relatives, friends and neighoburs for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, and since returning home. Your thought- fulness was very much ap- preciated. Ethel Alexander. 38pd We wish to thank our friends, relatives and family for the beautiful gifts, cards and flowers and best wishes on the occasion of our 60th Wedding Anniversary. Also grand- daughters for afternoon tea, decorations. artistic family tree and floral arrangements, our family for dinner, United Church women, Reverend Stan McDonald. Gary Flaxbard, Master of Ceremonies, and pianist Shirley Cooper. Sincerely Sam and Mary Oesch 38pd IN MEMORIAM— CAMPBELL EMORIAM— CAMPBELL — In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Lloyd Campbell who left us two years ago. September 23, 1979. With beautiful memories for us to keep From Hospital bed to heavenly rest God saw the road was very rough When a cure could not be found You suffered much in silence Your Spirit did not bend, You faced your pain with courage Until the very end You tried so hard to stay with us Your fight was alt in vain God took you to his loving arms And freed you from all pain Life goes on we know thats true Though absent you are always near Yes we remember when others forget. Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by Wife and families. 38pd DESJARDINE — In loving memory of our dear Dad, grandpa. and great grandpa, Wm. P. Desjardine, who passed away three years ago, September 25, 1978. We know that he is happy In our Saviour's home above Growing fairer as he lingers In the sunshine of Gods love. Too dearly loved to' ever be forgotten. daughter Luella, Son- in-law Robert and family. 38pd DICK — In loving memory of a dear son and brother Jeffery Ross Dick who left us 6 years ago. September 25. There is a place set apart, In the depths of our heart. A corner that's always your own. No one can replace it. Or time erase it. We keep it for you alone. Forever loved and sadly missed by Mum and Jason. 38c Coming Events BINGO — every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clinton. 8 p.m. First regular card 91.00 15 regular. 115.00 games, 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot 1200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years and over 26ctfn RUMMAGE SALE — sponsored by the Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital will be held Thursday, October 15. 10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the South Huron Recreation Centre. Town wide pick-up com- mencing 9 a.m.. Wednesday, Oc- tober 14. 37,38,39c FASHION SHOW — Central Huron Secondary School, Wednesday. October 14, 1981. Admission 15.00 each. Showtime 2 p.m. or 8 p.m. Lunch, draw prizes. 38,39c EXETER FAIR BARBECUE — hip of beef. September 27, 1981, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Adults 18.00, children 12 and under $3.00. 37,38c REGISTRATION NIGHT — Registration for 1st Centralia Beavers. Cubs and Scouts will be held the night of the 29th, September 1981, at the Recrea- tion Centre in Iluron Park from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cost of registra- tion will be 110. Registration is open to boys from Centralia, Crediton. Huron Park and sur- rounding areas. 37,38c DASHWOOD UINiTED CHURCH CRAFT SALE — and Show. Saturday. October 10, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Hoffmans Am- bulance garage. Rooth rental call 237-3450 or 2.37-3212, booking deadline September 26. 38,39c WOMEN TO -DAY — next meeting, September 28 at 7:30 p.m. Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. Room 123. Topic. London Women's Crediton Union and Financial Resources Survival Kit. 38c WOMEN'S AUXILIARY — South Huron Hospital, Annual Tag Day. October 2 and 3.38,39c EXETER DISTRICT CHRISTIAN WOMEN — will meet Friday September 25, at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Ha11.38c 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY — The family of Allan and Beatrice Campbel wish to invite friends, neighbours and relatives to an open reception in Brussels on Friday evening. 2nd October, 1981 on the occasion of their parents' 40th Wedding Anniver- sary. Best Wishes Only. 38c BLOOD DONOR CLINIC --- S.H.D.H School, Exeter, Oc- tober 8. 1981. 2-4 p.m. 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Bring a friend. 38,39c ATTiC AND BAKE SALE Saturday. September 26, 2-5 p.m. Cromarty Presbyterian Church (basement) Complimen- tary coffee. Everyone welcome. 38pd FESTIVAL SINGLES — Dance at Victorian inn. Stratford. Dan- cing 9-1. Welcome all singles over 25 No blue jeans. 38c KINETTE CRAFT SHOW — Exeter Legion, October 24, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call 229-6558 or 235- 1895 for booth rental. Booking deadline September 18. 38-42c AMBRA MAGiCLOWN — Fri- day October 2. 1981, Hensall United Church, 7 p.m. Free ad- mission. sponsored by Huron County Library and funded Outreach Ontario. 38,39c HIBBERT 11NiTED CHURCH — annual family dance on Fri- day October 9 at Kirkton Com- munity Centre. Dancing 9-1. Live music. Admission 12.00 per person. 1600 per family. Ladies please bring lunch and door prizes 38,39c FISHERMAN'S COVE RESTAURANT Specializing in fresh fish dinners from our boat to your table. Open Friday 11:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8 a,m. - 8 p.m. 63 River Road, Grand Bend �. Eat in or take out 238-2025 a w ails A -p kit Y Arlv I» •eI• 1!, '�� ► •qp'i 11 I. 171 •-•7111' • ." " • • .41 • rr irdb.LIP11411 jimr. DICK — In loving memory of a special little boy, Jeffery Ross Dick. who was taken suddenly on September 25, 1975. Though your smile is gone forever And your hand we cannot touch, We have our precious memories Of the Grandson we loved so much, Life goes on we know thats true But not the same since we lost you. Though absent you are always near Still loved, still missed, still very very dear. So dearly loved and sadly missed by his Grandma and Papa. 38c KERR — In loving memory of our only daughter Ella Kerr who left us suddenly six years ago, September 26, 1975. There's a place set apart, In the depth of our hearts, A place thats always your own, No one can replace it, Or time erase it, We keep it for you alone, Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by. Mother and Joe 38pd KERR — In loving memory of my wife of 35 years, Ella Kerr who passed away suddenly six years ago. September 26, 1975. Softly I turn back the pages of 4ime. And wander down memory lane. Craig. 38pd KERR — In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Ella Kerr ,who was taken suddenly six years ago, September 26. 1975. To a beautiful life came a sudden end. She died as she lived everyone's friend She was always thoughtful, loving and kind, What a glorious memory to leave behind. She left so suddenly her thoughts unknown But she left us memories we are proud to own. Treasure her God, in your garden of rest. For in this world, She was one of the best. Lovingly remembered and never to be forgotten by son Ernest. daughter-in-law Gaye and grandchildren Teri and Jeffrey. 38pd McKINLEY — In loving memory of Elgin McKinley who passed away one year ago, September 26. We miss thee from our home We miss thee from thy place A shadow o'er our life is cast We miss the sunshine of thy face Our home is dark without thee We miss thee everywhere. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. yeh, saith the spirit. that they may rest from their labours, And their works do follow them. Elsie and family. 38c NORTHCOTT — In loving memory of a dear husband and father Gerald Northcott who passed away one year ago, September 22. 1980. Many lonely heartaches, And often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory. Of the one we loved so dear. Your resting place we visit. And say a silent prayer. But no one knows the heartache, When we turn and leave you there Just as you were You will. always be Treasured forever In our memory. Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by wife Mildred, daughter Michelle and son David 38pd � 1 PUBLIC SKATING Stephen Township Arena Commencing Sun., Sept. 20 2-4 p.m. IN MEMORIAM- NORTHCOTT — In loving memory of a dear son-in-law, and brother in-law Gerald who 'passed away September 22, 1980. Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. Always remembered by Mom & Dad Weiberg and families and Grandma Purdy 38c NORTHCOTT — In loving memory of a dear husband and father Bill Northcott who passed away eight years ago, October 8, 1973 and son and brother Gerald Northcott who passed away one year ago, September 22. 1980. Never more than a thought away Quietly remembered every day No need for words except to say Still loved. still missed, in every way. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Violet, Ellis and Glenn. 38pd SMITH — In loving memory of a dear husband who passed away Sunday September 30, 1979. Time slips by but memories stay. Quietly remembered every day, Happy thoughts of times together. Memories that will last forever. Loving memory by his wife Margaret and family 38c ( Congratulations to Dick & Jean Davis on your 35th wedding anniversary September 28 Community Gospel Sing Sun. Sept. 27 2:30 p.m. REC CENTRE Featuring the Cornerstone Quartet plus Ted Nunn of St. Catharines plus various numbers from local churches. Collection will be received for ARC In- dustries n- du The Dashwood Hotel presents the "Fabulous 50's" Fri. & Sat. 8-1 Wear your favourite fifties outfit... Music by S.U.S. Book now for Christmas Party, Anniversary or Birthday catered in the dining room. "Your friendly neighbourhood Pub" Beaver, Cub, Scouts Registration Grand Bend Public School Monday , September 28 7-8 p.m. Dashwood Community Hall Wed., Sept. 30 7-8 p.m. Boys 5 to 14 Adults any age Shortage of leaders may restrict registration Phone 238-2016 the peen arrest MOTOR HOTEL For Reservations Call 238-2365 This weeks entertainment:_ COUNTRY COBRAS NEW WINTER HOURS Closed Mon. and Tues. evenings Open ev.ry day for breakfast and lunch 8 a.m. to 1:30 Dinner Hours - Wed. -Sun. 5-8 Grand Bend No. 21 1 MI. S. of Traffic Light LAST NIGHT THURS., SEPT. 2401 •k Starts FRIDAY' THERKiHO • SHOWTIMIS: Fs!. & &.t. 1 £ 0 P.M Sun. Thu,. SEPT. 2Sttt to OCT. 1st • GY1G.IIC 1 SPM • III Iti\'l• a stranger it easy. 1ki11 .i I''ri-ntit. EYE OF THE NEEDLE PARK G'OOIR"(r tiZi4YX1 t411•I;=111:1II:.•,'is:.•In 1 SEPT. 2St11•26th-27th ' FRI., SAT., SUN. - r,� floe OHI,. Op.n. 1:30 ShowtI n. Dori At LAST THE WORLD'S FIRST COMEDY HORROR MOVIE. The comedy that pumps the flu'isto summer. Cit B • NUS FEATURE ?', FRI. & SAT. NIGH ON ONLY NWT 1 COOIIICH AT CONCESSION fro 4 • • PHONE 124 9910 - a DRIVE.IN TBEATRE 1 Times -Advocate, September 23, 1981 Page 13A 60th Anniversary Service at Brinsiey United Church on Sun. Sept. 27 at 11 a.m. Guest Speaker Rev. J. Davies Special Music MIRACLE REVIVAL with evangelistic team Rev. Harry Nunn Rev. Shiela Nunn Evangelist Ted Nunn Place: Centralia Faith Tabernacle Date & Time: Sept. 27 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Sept. 28 - Oct. 3rd 8 p.m. nightly Oct. 4th 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Singing & Preaching Praying For The Sick Ministering The Word A SERVICE FOR ALI, I'i;4)PLI; EVERYONE WELCOME BINGO LUCAN ARENA September 23 Doors open - 7:15 p.m. Early bird - 7:55 p.m. Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot '8OO - 55 calls Proceeds for Arena Double Door Card $ 1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. Licence # 28721 1 Proceeds for Arena Due to I,cense regulations no one under 16 yea,s of age will be odn,dr•d Toddlers Inn Nursery School Fall Registration • LOCATION Residence of S. Strang - highway 83 east (2nd house post Zehr's Pla.a) - 235-1466 PROGRAM — Indoor and outdoor Creative play activities - Musical activities - Conversational French TIME 9-1 1 :30 a.m. Tues. to Friday 1-3:30 p.m. Tues. 8 Thu STAFF Susanne Strong: Operator Marilyn Hern: Teacher Carol Rideout: Ass't teacher To register call: 235-1466 THE HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH 482-3931 is pleased to invite you to hear Dr. Paul Patterson, Consultant Psychiatrist to the Centre speaking on How Families Change Children's Behaviour at the Annual Meeting of the Centre WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1981 7:30 p.m. at the Huron Centre 160 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario The Huron Centre of Children & Youth has provided counselling service for hundreds of families since its incorporation as a Children's Mental Health Centre in 1977. The Centre is governed by a Board of Direc- tors elected at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation. 1