HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-09-16, Page 21Council discusses conflict of interest A meeting at Grand Bend Monday night designed to in- form council and committee members about the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act became an in- formal discussion when the guest speaker failed to arrive. Micheal Smithers, a stu- dent of the Act and a writer for Municipal World was to have explained the Act and answer any questions coun- cil and committee members had. Nigel Belchambers and Chuck Godkin of the Ministry of Inter- governmental affairs dis- cussed the issues and the Act as they understood them. They discussed several cases from other com- munities and hypothetical cases which involved problems they thought were pertinent to Grand Bend. Council found out that a conflict of interest occurs when a member of council or a board, will have a financial interest in a situation, or if a family member will gain from a contract. Any member discovering a conflict is responsible to declare that conflict before discussion is begun on the topic. He is responsible for verifying the conflict has been declared in the meeting's minutes. Any member found guilty of conflict of interest can lose his seat and be ineligi- ble for running in that office for up to seven years. The punishment is up to the judge hearing the case. Council was told they are only responsible for conflicts which occur in the current term of office. and cannot be charged for anything in the past. Ratepayers have six weeks after hearing about a conflict in which to apply to have the matter heard in court. SEAWARD BOUND—Bud Jones of London readies the 35' Sandpiper for an afternoon of sailing. He was hosting an in- vestment club meeting. Times -Advocate, September 16, 1981 Page 21 Council to host open meetin A scheduled meeting about sewer problems in connec- tion with Grand Cove Estates has been cancelled by the residents association but will be held by council. The president of Gra6T Cove Estates Residents Association, Bob Marvin notified council Monday night that the Association would not attend Thursdays meeting, because council had not agreed it was to be a closed meeting. Marvin said the meeting was being cancelled because he did not have enough time to notify the 500 residents in the park that the meeting would be open to the public. He said the board had dis- cussed having an open meeting, but had decided to 1 — — MI MO r 1 1 1 1 1 Weather affects zoo adversely, Museum Many Grand Bend merchants are saying this is the best year they have ever had, but one attraction didn't fare so well and another could have done better. Ted Relouw runs the zoo south of Grand Bend and says the weather was too good. July was too hot, he said. and the rain in August didn't help. While he did better than last year. he said two years ago was his best in the 11 years he has been operating the zoo. He has 70 displays, and is located just off Highway 21. However. in that location, he in same boat ' 1 can't place signs for people coming from the north. Often tourists don't realize he is there. He tries different adver- tising strategies but says the signs would be a big help. The land on the West side of Highway 21 is owned by the Ministry of Natural Resources. and they will not allow him to erect signs. He hopes to keep the zoo open until Thanksgiving, but that depends on the weather too he said. The Lambton Museum had a successful year, says curator Bob Tremaine. There were a number of New residents at Grand Cove The Misses Grace and Beatrice Wilson of Niagara Falls, have taken up residence in Grand Cove. The ladies are first cousins of Mrs. Lillian Brown. Art Bake is presently a patient in South Huron hospital, Exeter. It was announced at the United church service Sunday morning that the first meeting of Ladies Community Fellowship, interdenominational get- together for coffee, flower arranging demonstration, book table, special music, and guest speaker, Gwyn Whilsmith, will be held Thursday September 17 at• 7:45 p.m. at Exeter Town Hall. All ladies welcome. The first fall meeting of Grand Bend Women's Institute will be held Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the S.S. rooms of the United Church. Topic will be Resolutions with Convener, Ann Russell, in charge. All ladies welcome. Personals Grand Bend Couples club met at the United Church last Saturday evening. In the social time, Donna Lovie showed slides of the Casino fire, and other local interest pictures taken by her father, Bill Sturdevant. Couples in charge were Larry and Donna Lovie, Elsie and LeRoy Keyes, Millie and Morley Desjar- dine. Lunch closed a pleasant evening. The club would welcome any newcomers that are interested. Alvin and Clara Statton received word of the ac- cidental motorcycle death on ,Sunday, of their nephew George P. Dawe, of London. The funeral service will be Wednesday September 16, at the chapel of A. Millard George Funeral home in London. A Desjardine family reunion picnic was held last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock of Greenway, with more than 20 in attendance. Out of town folks attending were Rev. and Mrs. Stan Desjardine and family Kitchener, (home on furlough this year from Tanzania) and Mr. and Mrs. Art Krueger Owen Sound. EricPlantengaHuron Park spent the weekend with his grandparents, Alvin and Clara Station and they at- tended the Huron Pioneer Threshers fiddling contest Saturday at Blyth. On their way home they stopped to visit Clara's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dawe who are camping in their trailer near Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxenforth, Winnipeg, Manitoba visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Desjardine and other area relatives. Mrs. Oxenforth is the former's niece. i special days over the course of the summer, and these were well attended. Among these were a gas -engine festival. a quilt show of 80-90 locally made. new and old quilts: a craft show, and an antique auto rally which featured 40 locally owned cars. The museum. which open- ed in 1978 is open year round and employs five full time employees. Mr. Tremaine, says they would have had better atten- dance if the weather had en- couraged people to spend more time indoors. Over the three month summer period, 14,000 peo- ple have visited the museum. 5.000 of these on the special days. Beach lifeguards report busy time Lite guarding at the beach in Grand Bend this summer was without major incident, although the life gurads were kept busy. The beach had two full time life guards and one who worked weekends only from June 22 to September 3. According to a written report given to council by Dave Wright, the heaviest estimatedattendancewas the August 1 weekend. On the Sunday, 7,500 people used the beach. Throughout the summer, a total of 64 people were given first aid. One of these was a heart attack victim. There were no fatalities. The lifeguards had'to deal with heavy boat traffic in the swimming area, people going out too far, and sail There were several lost children and they were located without incident, as well as a few tipped canoes. The lifeguards reported only two rainy weekends throughout the summer. boats being carried out and having to be towed in, and public nuisances. have it closed. He did not have permission from the board to arrange an open meeting, he said. "We were trying to make it simple", he said. The irony, he said, is we will have to abide by whatever decision is made and have no say in the matter. Reeve Sharen said the meeting was to provide the public with the information about the disagreement. Reeve Bob Sharen said council members will be in the chambers Thursday as previously scheduled to dis- cuss the problem with residents who decided to at- tend. In a letter dated ma ma um ma am ami September 9 and mailed to the residents' association, council specified "There would be time allowed at the end of the meeting for any of your interested residents (non-executive) to address their concerns to the ap- propriate party." A letter hand delivered to council and dated September 10 from the residents' association states "The meeting shall be in camera, involving only members of the board of directors, members of council. and representatives of Ridge Pine Park." "The public -at -large, residents and members of the press are to be ex- cluded." The manager of Grand NM I= En MIR MIN MI Cove Estates for Ridge Pine Park, Bob Pearce. said the only notification he has received of a meeting is through the newspaper. He said Ridge Pine Park does not care if the meeting is open or closed. If there is a meeting that is useful for us to attend. he said, we' will be there. Marvin said he plans to at- tend the meeting as a resi- dent of Grand Cove Estates and will try to answer any questions put to him as president of the residents' association. He said he would notify other board members of the meeting. Money raised Members of the Grand Bend Yacht Club raised $192 for the Terry Fox fund Sunday during their weekly race. Before the race started, they decided the winners of each of the three divisions would donate toward the fund. The winners were Bud Jones in Sandpiper, John Warren in Straight Arrow, and Peter Whatmore in So- jurn. There were 15 boats in Sunday's race. ma am amto—ssIpa — Nov 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLIP ME 1/2 PRICE 44' (tk/ith this ad) (Reg. 88 ) PHOTOGRAPHER'S HOURS [T] 1 MAIN STREET, )g3morion The Magic of The Moment 8x10 Colour Portrait Only 880 One special per family. No additional charge for groups. Additional portraits and special cefhllxiDortraiture, if available, may be pur- with no obligation. Poses our selection. Minors must be accompanied by a parent. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. SEPT Thurs. 17th 10-8 p.m. • M� SEPT SEPT Fri. Sat. 18th 19th 10-8 p.m. 10-5 p.m. e>• to — r la — — — ra i EXETER ALSO AVAILABLE HIGH LIGHT PORTRAIT (Ask Photographer for Details) --Mil D)rino U) J ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY 8 McKAY LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 592 Hwy # 4 S. 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