HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-09-10, Page 24• Page 24 Times -Advocate, September 10, 1981 ANNOUNCEMEN BIRTHS - GLAVIN Paul and Diane are delighted to .announce the birth of their son. Bradley Michael, weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. on August 24. 1981 at Victoria Hospital. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs Gordon Harris of London and seventh grandchild for Mr. -and Mrs Patrick Glavin of Crediton 36c HOHENBERG - Mary (nee Vink' and Steve are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child. Matthew John. on August 25. 1981. weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. He is the second grandchild for both Mr and Mrs. Theo Vink of Kirkton and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Horenberg of Embro. Special thanks to Dr. Maynard, Dr Reed and 3rd floor staff at St Joseph's Hospital. 36pd KLAGES - Helen, Ken and Donny wish to announce the arrival of Adam Richard born August 19. 1981 at St. Marys hospital Grandson for Mr. and Mrs William Green,Exeter and Mr and Mrs. Arnold Klages Huron Park 36c MINERS - Doug and Carol are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son Justin Michael born September 3, 1981 at St Joseph's. London. A wee brother for Danielle and J.J. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chalmers and Mr. and Mrs John Miners. 36c MORRISON - Brian and Janis are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Holly Lynne on August 29, 1981. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morrison. St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hudson, Thorn - dale 36pd ENGAGEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs: Earl Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Elvey Rock and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fields are pleased to announce the forthcoming double marriage of their children. Joanne Louise to David John and Jo -Anne Elizabeth to Mervyn Orland. The marriage will take place on September 26. 1981 at Kirkton United Church. Kirkton, On- tario. 36pd Mr. and Mrs. Norm Shaddock. Parkhill. are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lucinda Gail to Mr. Stanley Earl Rees. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rees. Ailsa Craig. The wedding to take place September 19. Parkhill United Church Parkhill. 36c 377 ANNOUNCEMENTS - The family of Harry and Ruby Isaac wish to invite •Natives, friends and neighbours to an Open House in honour of their parents 50th Wedding Anniver- sary to be held at their home, 3rd farm north of Corbett, on Sunday. September 20, 1981 from 1:30 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Best wishes only. please.36,37pd CARDS OF THANKS - Mary Funk and family wish to express sincere appreciation to friends and neighbours for the kindness shown during the bereavement of Pauline Mackt. Special thanks to Dr. Wm. Steciuk. the staff of South Huron Hospital and Harry Hoffman . Ambulance. 36pd 1 would like to thank the Kirkton UCW. the Class That counts and friends for the lovely shower and beautiful gifts I received Mery and I will make good use of everything in our home Thanks again Jo -Anne Foster 36pd I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends. neighbours and relatives for the lovely bridal shower Thursday September 3. Ken and I sincere- ly appreciate all the lovely gifts. Thanks again Debra & Ken Tilley 36c I wish to express my. sincere thanks to my family, relatives and friends for the flowers. • gifts, treats. cards. visits and phone calls while a patient in hospital and since returning home. Donna Hodgins. 36c A heartfelt thanks to neighbours and the Lucan fire department for their quick response when lightning struck our home Friday evening . Ron & Donna Dickey. 36c I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my family. relatives and frienfki for the lovely flowers, gifts, bArds and good wishes which I receiv- ed on my 80th birthday. A special thanks to the ladies of Wesley UCW for the lovely lunch served at my Open House. Thanks to all who helped in any way to make my birthday a very happyand memorable occasion. Minnie Mardlin , 36c Centralia and Zion United Churches Minister Rev Burton Crowe Centralia 22816974 Sunday. September 13 9:45 - Zion Worship 11 15 - Centralia Worship Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets Rev John Obeda Sunday. September 13 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Church of the Lutheran'Hour CFPL 7 a.m. Sunday Welcome . Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister REV BARBARA LAINIi Organist Miss Idella Gabel ARC r Sunday. September 13 9:45 a.m. -Sunday Service 9:45 - Sunday School Everyone Welcome • Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter Sunday. September 13 10 00 a m - Worship 11 00 a rn. -Sunday School 7.30 p m - Evening Worship Everyone Welcome Lion Lutheran Church Dashvriort Pastor REV MAYO MELLECKE Sunday September t'1 9 30 a m Sunday School & Bible Class 11 00 Divine Service �ve Welcome . Trivitt emorial Church Rector, ev 6t• Anderson.DFC Organist Mr (erald McCauley B.Sc Sunday September 13 11 15 a m. Morning Prayer Everyone Welcome' Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh. Sunday. September 13 Guest Speaker Dr Margaret Kennedy 11:30 a.m. Morning Service Fellowship Hour to follow Everyone Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER REV BH. DE JONGE Phone 235-1723 Sunday. September 13 10:00 a.m-Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. -Evening Worship Everyone Welcome Listen to The Back to God Hour CHLO. Diel 1570 - 4:30 p.m. CKNX Diel 920 - 10:30 a.m. CHOK Dial 1070 - 6:45 a.m. Sundays Centralia Faith Tabemacle REV BOB DEGRAW Sunday. September 13 9A5 a.m -Sunday School 1100 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tues . Sept. 15- 7:30 p.m. Prayer. Share Bible Study. Young People's Fellowship Everyone Welcome Exeter United CHURCH James at Andrew Minister REV JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV (;RANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr Robert Cameron Sunday. September 13 9:45 Church School Reg. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Nursery Facilities available Courtesy Car 235-2115 An Are Welcome IN MEMORIAM- GLAVIN - In loving memory of a dear husband. father and grandfather. John, who passed awayl September 12. 1978. The years pass by. but memories stay Quietly remembered everyday, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts forever there. Remembered by Leona and families. 36pd HEYVb'OOD - In loving memory of a dear son Bill who left us six years ago. September 13. 1975. Dear Bill you have crossed the flowing waters To the shore that is ever green Each day we long to see you But the river flows between Since you have gone before There is something you must do Walk slowly down the pathway :For someday. we'll follow you We want to know each step you take So we may take the same For down that long long path You will hear us call your name So many things have happened Since you were called away So many thing to share with you Had you been left to stay But all that we have left are memories And your picture in a frame • Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom & Dad HEYWOOD - In loving memory of a dear brother, brother-in-law Bill who passed away suddenly Sept. 13, 1975. It's not the tears that are shed at the time That tell of the hearts that are broken s the lonesome tears. in the ter years. Wh n our brother's name is spoken To the world you may be forgotten To the others a' part of the past But to us who loved you and lost you Your memory will always last. Sadly missed by brother Lester and sisters Eleanor, Dorothy. and Joan and their families. 36c PARSONS - In loving memory of Mark Edward who passed away September 11. 1977 in his sixteenth year. A token of love and remembrance of one we will never forget His memory to us is a treasure His loss a life time regret. Remembered always by Aunt Olive. Uncle Bill and Aunt Helen. Uncle Bob and Aunt Delores and families. 36c Coming FESTIVAL SINGLES - Dance at Victorian Inn. Stratford. Dan- cing 9-1. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. 36c KINba-1'E CRAFT SHOW - Exeter Legion, October 24. 9 a.m. -.4 p.m. CaII 229-6558 or 235- 1895 for booth rental. Booking 'deadline September 18. 35,36c STEPHEN MINOR HOCKEY - registration on September 12 and September 13 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Mso used equipment sale. All coaches that have minor hockey equipment please bring it those days. If in- terested in coaching come along to the Annex in Huron Park. 35,36c BRUCEFIELD FIREMEN - are 'sponsoring a pancake breakfast bake sale and garage sale on Saturday. September 12, 1981 from 7:30 a.m, -1 p.m. at Brucefield Fire hall. 35,36pd BEEF BARBECUE - Sunday September 13. 3-6 p.m. at Camp Bimini. 5 miles south of Strat- ford on the Embro Road. Ad- vance tickets only. Adults $6.00, Children under 12 $3.00. Call 229- 6149 for tickets. 35,36e BREATHEEZIE RALLY - Monday. September 21, 7:30 p.m. - Multi-purpose room, Perth District Health Unit, Stratford. -Speaker - Dr. Thomas Wood. Lung Disease specialist, St. Josephs Hospital. London. Dr. Wood is president of the London. Middlesex Lung Association and will bring some "marijuana" facts. Come and bring your C.O.P.D. friends. Physiotherapist Janice Parsons will discuss fall classes. Spon- sored by Huron Perth Lung Association "A Christmas Seal Service 35,36c HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes. being held in the Health Unit office. South Huron Hospital commencing Wednes- day. September 16. 1981 from 7:30 - 9:30 p m. These classes will run for six week. For pre- registration or further informa- tion. please call the Health Unit office in your area at 235- 1014 35,36c FIRST MEETING -- of Ladies' Community Fellowship, in- terdenominational get-together for coffee. flower -arranging demonstration. book table, special music and guest speaker Gwyn Whilsmith. Thursday, September 17. 7.45 p.m.. Exeter Town Hall. Admission $1.00 36,37c DASHWOOD UNITED CHURCH - Craft Sale, Show, Saturday. October 10, 10 a.m. - 6 p m. at Hoffman's Ambulance garage. Booth rental call 237- 3 450 37-3450 or 237.3212. Booking deadline September 26. 36,37c CLINTON AND DISTRICT BADMINTON CLUB - 1981-82 season offers free introductory practice nights, Wednesday September 16 and 23 from 8-11 p.m. at the CRSS gym Clinton. R gistration will be on September 30 and October 7. If you have never played before, this is your big chance. Rac- quets available for beginners. Bring your own running shoes. Fees are students $5.00; singles $10.00; couples $15.00. Student badminton starts October 7. For more information call 482-7865. IN MEMORIAM - PARSONS - In loving memory of a dear son and brother "Mark" who passed away September Il, t977 Nothing could be more beautiful Than the memories we have of you 7'o you were someone special God must have thought so too. Loved -and sadly` missed by Mom. Dad. brother, sister and inlaws 36pd PATERSON - Cherished memories of a dear husband Raye B. Paterson who passed away 3 years ago. September 15, 1978. Though absent you are very near Still loved. still missed and very dear. A silent thought. a silent tear, Keeps your memory forever dear. Eternally remembered by his wife Cora. . 36c RATZ - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Gordon Ratz who passed away five years ago on September 15. 1976. Time slips by but memories stay. Quietly remembered everyday Happy thoughts of times together Leave memories that will last forever. Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. Helen, Barbara. Katherine. Bill, Belle & Roger. Bonnie & Wayne and family. 36pd RYCKMAN - In loving memory of a dear son, brother and uncle Robert Wesley Ryckman who left us suddenly on September 7. 1973 in his 19th year. "Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts. You are always there. Never forgotten and deeply missed by his Family. 36c LEGER - In memory of Gary Leger who passed away 4 years ago. SepTember 10, 1977 My heart still aches with sadness And secret tears still flow What it meant to lose you No one will ever know When I'm sad and lonely And everything goes wrong I seem to hear you whiser "Cheer up and carry on" Each time I look at your picture You seem to smile and say "Don't cry I'm only sleeping We'll meet again someday.' Remembered with Love Marlene & Karl. 36pd Events BINGO - every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clinton. 8 p.m. First regular card *1.00 •15 regular. *15.00 games. 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot $200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years and over 26ctfn HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Cen- tre. held at the Health Unit Of- fice. South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter on Tuesday. September 15, 1981 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: Health Surveillance, Foot Care, Anaemia Screening, Urine Testing. Blood Pressure, Hear- ing Test. 36c HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at tt.e Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital. Exeter, on Monday. September 14, 1981 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: Health Surveillance, Anaemia Screening. Immunization, Fluoride. 38c HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - invites you to attend Early Bird Expectant Parent Classes. being held in the Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital. Exeter commencing Monday. September 21, 1981 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. These classes will be held for two weeks and will follow the regular Prenatal Classes com- mencing in September, 1981. For pre -registration or further information. please call the Health Unit office in your area at 235-1014. 36,37c, BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS - will resume rehearsals on Monday. September 14 at 8 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall•. New members welcome. 36c JAPANESE CUISINE- Sunday, September 20, 4-8 p.m. Vanastra Centre. Adults 87.50, Children $3.00. Proceeds for Town and Country Homemakers. Tickets available at door or from Lossy Fuller. tel. 235-0684. 36,37c LUCAN COMMUNITY MEMORIAL CENTRE - all you can eat beef barbeque, Sun- day September 13, 1981 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets at Lucan Arena. 36c HARVEST BAZAAR - Caven Presbyterian Women to be held in Town Hall. October 24, 1981. 36c is • IN MEMORIAM- SMALE - In loving memory of a dear son and brother Kenneth Smale who passed away due to an accident one year ago September 11. 1980. Little We knew when we woke that morning The sadness the day would bring The blow was hard, the shock severe. For it brings back a day we can never forget You left so sudden. without a good-bye The memories of you will never die. Lovingly remembered by Mom. Dad and Paul. 38c SMALE - b loving memory of a dear brother Ken who passed away so suddenly one year ago, September 11. 1980. Deep in my heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest, In memory's frame I shall keep it. Because he was one of the best. "Sadly missed" Missed and never forgotten, Barry. Shirley and family. 36c SMALE - In loving memory of a close and dear friend Ken (Rifle) Smale who passed away suddenly one year ago September 11. 1980. Memories are treasures. no one can steal Death leaves a heart ache nothing can heal Some may forget you, now you are gone But we still remember no matter how long. Sadly missed by Roily & Marg Vanstone and family. 'sec: SMALE - In loving memory of a dear nephew Ken Smale who was taken suddenly as the result of a car accident one year ago. September 11. 1980. To a beautiful life came a sudden end He died as he lived. everyone's friend He was always thoughtful. loving and kind What a glorious memory to leave behind. He left us suddenly. his thoughts unknown But. he left us memories we are proud to own. Treasure him God. in your garden of rest. For in this world, he was one of the best. • Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten. Always remembered by Aunt Marlene. Uncle Doug and cousin Missy Patterson. 36pd GLANVILLE - In loving memory of a loving father and grandfather, Charles W. Glan- ville who passed away September 10, 1977. Someone to count on what ever the day Someone to talk with when dreams went astray Someone to turn to when troubles appeared Someone to cherish and hold very dear. God bless you Charlie You will never be forgotten Lovingly rememb'ered and never forgotten by wife Marjorie and family and grandchildren. 36pd CNN 11401111EININ YAM NM Open 7 Days a Week Lunch 12 noon -4 p.m. Dinner from 5 p.m. Uve entertainment Thurs., Fri., Sat. TIMES NEXT WEEK Friday • Sat. FRIEND Ph. 238-2251 GRAND BEND Party For Harold Eberhardt Fri. Sept. 18 Admission 52.00 Lunch Provided for further information call 234-6711 EXETER SCOUTS CUBS & BEAVERS Registration Thurs., Sept. 17 & 24 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the SCOUT HALL John St. West Fee $15.00 Parry For Rob Dickey Friday, Sept. 1 1 Admission $2.00 Lunch Provided for more information Phone 235-2970 or 228-6535 after 4 p.m. 1 BROWNIES DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1N Nech St., Clinton 482.7530 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 PM THIS WEEKEND: SEPTEMBER 11.12.13 Neil Simon's LAST NIGHT THURS.. limit fi% 4,�o4r Starts FRIDAY' SEPT. 11TH, 1981 $HOWTIMI$: M. 4 Set. 7 4 5 P.M.. Sun.. Thur,. 1 P.M. $ €AtL:A to BIA1l. 4pURAtd A . . a A_ tiAe. Alt*. td uP (Arta Ilk 44t AANNNTAt ■ GUIOANCN COMING ATTRACTIONS "On the Right Track" "Eye of the Needle" "First Monday in October" H1 , 411•�r1t ',N IRI I A14 )I11011•, Irit SEPT.11.12.13 • I ',Lila., SUN. - s.. aril.. op..l 7:1. 1 showlhn.ou.Y EARTH IS THE HINTING GROUND MAN IS THE ENOANG&RED EPEOES IT CAME.. WITHOUT W BONUS FEATURE FRI. & SAT. NIGHT ONLY HWY I C0D I 1 CONCESSION ED. 4 • PHONE 5241/11 •OillYif Ho QnVa DRIVE•IN TBEATRE VI, Just What You've Been Waiting For! f\ "SMOOTH me SAILING // DANCE - FIT CANADA CLASSES! 20 Classes - 10 Week Session - Only $25.00 Monday and Wednesday Evenings - 7-8 p.m. BEGINS SEPT. 28th - ONLY 30 PEOPLE MAXIMUM PER COURSE Recreation Administrator Don Gravett is pleased to announce well qualified LAURA OVERHOLT, as program instructor. Registration forms and or registration fees may be picked up or paid during the Ex- eter Fall Fair or at the South Huron Recreation Centre office. Cheque payable to Ex- eter Recreation Dept. PARTICIPANTS ACCEPTED ON FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS! For more information phone 235-2833, 235-2774, 235-0471. Program uses a series of dances to take participants through a variety of exercises to improve muscle strength and flexibility as well as en- durance. Program emphasizes the "FUN" and "ENJOYMENT" elements of dan- cing for group physical activity leading to an excellent cardiovascular work-out. IT'S A "FUN" WAY TO GET "FIT"! r T L Thecall of the wild: The Great Blue Heron, the Canada Jay, sandpipers, sapsuckers, loons, owls, moose and martens. Red -backed Salamanders white- tailed deer, spring peepers, red foxes and black bears ... the wonders never cease in Ontario's splendid provincial parks. Reserve one of our campsites or stay at a nearby resort or private campground. For -a thousand ways to get back to nature in Ontario's 131 wide-open provincial parks, mail your ticket to adventurc today; Ontario Travel - Parks. Box 33, Queen's Park, Toronto ,M7A 1N3,orcall usCOLLI:CI 0.416-986-4008 ON'T'ARIO PROVINCIAL. PARKS NAME ADDRESS CITY POSTAL CODE Ontano discover/ Onginal Art by Glen Loates SUMMER FESTIVAL 1981 ,iso 1�Na`d�r diaxatthrta F No��� Fri., Sat. and Sunday, Sept. 11-12-13 1 Mile S. of ARKONA on No. 7 H'way Friday, Sept. 11 WALTER OSTANEK MIKE JURECKA ORCHESTRA Saturday, Sept. 12 THE ROYALES *MIKE JURECKA ORCHESTRA PAGUSES PROCEEDS TO THE UPKEEP AND IMPROVE MINT OF TAXANDRIA COMMUNITY CENTRE Sunday, Sept. 13 Family Day From 2-7 p.m. - Bar -B -Quo ENTERTAINMENT BALLOON RACE Under Authority 1C80 Spot. OCC. P.,mit ADM $4.00 Advance ADM $5.00 At The Door Phone 838-3896 (Code 319) Or Write Box 75, Arkona, NOM 1 SO