HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-09-02, Page 221 Page 72 Times -Advocate, September 2, 1981 i i { Notice to Exeter Public Utilities Commission Water Consumers Please be advised that restrictions for watering of lawns and gardens have been cancelled. The Commission wishes to thank its customers for their co-operation. EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION • H.L. Davis, Manager --•�- -ate-- ---�- Auction Sale to be held at Richard Lobbs Barn Clinton Sat. Sept. 5 at 10 a.m. 1974 Chev von as is; 1980tct rn axle trailer w 6x- 12 box hydraulic brakes. 20 sides and custom fit tarp; 30 ft. aluminum ladder: Rigid 300 electric power pipe threader; pipe L,. nde, stand and vise• pipe cutter: reamer, threader. etc Wagon Toad of new electrical supplies• wire• fuse panels, etc. 8 ft. aluminum brake rout too old). Heavy duty all angle extendable aluminum cutting table; plus furniture, appliances, glassware etcfrom local consignors. Terms Cash Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. --s-- -API.- - irof Dashwood Estate `\ to be sold by public auction We have been instructed by the ex- ecutors of the late Milton Haugh to offer by public auction the property -and con- tents on Church St. in the" village of Dashwood. Wednesday September 16 at 6 p.m. Property to consist of 1'2 storey frame home with 4 bedrooms, 3 up and 1 down, country kitchen, large living room, 3 pce bath with full basement. House is situoted on a Targe 75"xl 50' corner lot. Terms S1000 on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Viewing upon request. Furniture, appliances and an- tiques consist of an Admiral 19' color TV with walnut stand, Sony radio, Moffat 12' cu. ft. deep freeze (like new) Simplicity spin washer dryer, McClory double door refrigerator, 20" stove, elec- tric 21 ' fon, walnut paper rack, end tables, 2 washstands, brass and marble floor lamps, vinyl swivel rocker, 2 pce chesterfield suite, 5 pce chrome suite, walnut dresser, 3 drawer Jokes Hayes dresser, single bed, parlor table, baby buggy, pictures, odd choirs, 2 steel beds, miscellaneous glass and china, boot and motor, garden tractors plus many ,mis, cellaneous items. Ts Cosi;r For further lnformation please contact cam( it(/il••El/ AUCTIONEERS. L .' 'OATCRS. AFPRA'SERS 77 MAN ST • SEA ONTAR'J NOK 5'"") IS8*-1-loctiott ego LARGE AUCTION SALE 4 129 Francis St., Lucan Ontario Saturday, September 5th. 10:00 a.m. Selling the -, - cluding tier• garden tools , • chest of -tri:•.:.• freeze, ori' t• pieces of glor; bottles, wncker bottles is'JJ':'e bowl (grope • • a'', • g estate ,.. onol,onces ,r TV, old dressers. a mock -e deep _e mantle, ^Jmereus •. ollect,or of Avon 'r''y bottles old gloss 'tr.pressic ' Ornivol ' .'rn.ng troJer, cuckoo clock, pine a• --y `; t r..' '''ted 1897 Royal Bonk $20.00 bill 1927 2.,00 hockey cads, rolls of new corn^' . ; ''.'s.• :%r,:.,.: •_on.rt.r of paint. shutters, dry 'rn s n'tr,••yl ,,,n^? in rolls, ce- ment mbar, • 4 •Orcin.c tile• odd chairs wet dry 'roc Burr • ;;•otohle generator 110- 220 .rolt 1090 ..;!• r a rch table scow with motor. solid h'7s-. te,.e -' r c frri r•' 'Y 'J hark. plus many more 'te.^, tr.',• .. , )s t , H.. r, Also. 76 Dodge Sr:-Ic.r. ? r nr, ru.i,ol t 'as and brakes, 75 Chrysrn, / 9 w,t• „',,,r r !r•nther interior, one o/r^er -.','i r r')rning order, to be soli ,< ,s Property known as lot 2(58 Do. 211, Or) 188 /illoge of t rcnr,, ' 2? r - Stent, 94 ft frontage by 154 ft dont,-. -,• n,s '' 5 ri' nssunwble mortgage, senor• spry, •< 'r." y fru a stucco. kitchen. both, f,,II Easement, ti Bee bedr' em; large livingroom, diningroom 'jird -,'nn, r;nverf dr ve, born at rear, reasonable reser ro 1')'4, riovrn, hnlince to 30 days subject to e'er..,t')r anr)rnr')I "311 Futon 227-1180 Note: ladies rind gentlemen th,s is (1'orye rrrferrng with something for everyone, r:herr) early, '.ass- or cheque with 1D., r.,y •, r,',rStbl„ fr . n .idents. watch for roari signs on , 't • Strr,rt 'J•) 4 Hwy Don Van Patter Auctkneer Zurich (519) 236.1547 16 For Sale HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, docks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t CLOCK - Make your own. Use your own design. Quartz battery movements now in stock. The Country Spire. 229-6341. 17 t YARD SALE - Saturday, September 5 at 1100 to 600 p.m. Variety of many things ranging from antique dishes, wine glasses, lots and lots of paper back books, toys, figurines, etc. etc. Come out and rnake your offers. Al Vincent,' Variety, 4 miles south of Grand Bend. 3521 JEROLD REMOTE control T.V. converter for V.H.F. and U.H.F. channels. 535.00. Phone 228-6823 anytime. 35x FIREWOOD, mixed hardwood, delivered. Free kindling, Leslie Cltdmore.235-1267. 35:36' CITATION, 1969, 10 foot truck camper with ice box, furnace and toilet. Call anytime after 6 p.m. Phone 234-0754. 35-37c FIVE FOOT TRIPOD, never been used. Phone 236.4581. 35' TWO USED Husgvarna sewing machines. Excellent condition. Call 235-1990, Hopper Hockey Furniture Ltd. 35c TABLE TENNIS table - Heavy, steel frame, 1" thick top, folds for playback. Four bats includ- ed. Phone 235-0522. 35:36c .LAWN TRACTOR, ten h.p. MTD, 34" cut 5 adjustable cut- ting heights, 5 forward gears plus reverse, electric start and head lights. 2 months old, excelknt condition. Call 235-0402 after 6. 35* YARD SALE - Saturday September 5, 24 King St. North, Crediton, 10 a.m. -? Drapes, dis- hes, radio, many more items. Rain date - Sunday, September 6. 35c WEALTHY APPLES - starting Thursday, September Wilfred Mousseau - 84 Hwy. 236- 4110. 35c DISHWASHER - Westinghouse portable; men's redwheel roller skates, size 7; Yamaha 100 motorcycle, 900 miles, like new. Phone 235.1687. 35* WALNUT 4 poster bed, springs and mattress, and dresser. Call after 5 p.m., 262-2539. 35c NEW REMINGTON 308 automatic gun, 5350.00. Call 228-6387. 35:36c USED GRAIN BINS, 2-2800 bushel bins erected. Bargain prices. Call MF Agri Builders 519-235-2120. 35c YARD SALE September 5 and 6 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Baked goods, canned goods and many other goodies. 3 miles north of Grand Bend Hwy 21 35c QUANTITY OF cedar rails, an- tique parlour stove, oak bench. Phone 237-3300. 35c GREEN AND GOLD chester- field in good condition. Call evenings 234-6275. 35' PLUMS Green Gage prune plums. CaII 235-0387 35c TOMATOES pick your own 54.50 bushel. Bring your own containers. 3 miles west of Exeter on 83. Phone ahead, Bert Visscher 237-3442. Cbsed Sundays. 35:36c YARD SALE • Friday, September 4. 3-7 p.m. Saturday, September 5 - 9-3 p.m. Bargae hunters delight. Clearance of new items with soiled and damaged packages. Garage door openers, ceiling tile, range hoods, 210 Ib shin les, zero clearance, heatilator. In stock 2 - brick, medicine cabinets, 1" aspenite, Coastline, panelling 20 percent off, Langford Lumber, Parkhill. Hwy. 81 at no. 7. 35c REFRIGERATOR 535, stove 550. Fbor model stereo 575. Al in working condition. Must sal, 6607.ng away Saturday. 228- YARD SALE, Saturday, September 5, 106 Parkdak Ave. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Trailer, cam- ping equipment, bicycles, piano, miscellaneous items. Phone 221- 6582 35' 17 Wanted To Buy ELECTRIC TRAIN, second hand inood condiiton. Reasonably priced. Call Dorothy 227-4969. 35c 18 Wanted CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty attic. Easy loading traikr with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend. 36t WANTED TO BUY used baby furniture. Must be good condi- tion. Phone 238-8866 after 2:30 P.m. 34:35c ROOM AND BOARD in Huron Park or Exeter fbr 5irl v.orkina at Flock (night shift) 345-2079 or 3459981. 34:35c OLD BRICK BUILDINGS for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest. supplier of reclaimed brick. We fulfilled 76 wrecking contracu in 1980. We paid ash for a few _buildings, we demolished some for no charge, and for others we .charged a slight fee for our ser• vias. Yes, we travel. We have associates/partners living and operating out of London and Listowel areas. Honest ap- praisals, references availabk. We carry S1,000,000 ,insurance and are covered by Workman's Compensation. We eliminate eye -sores in an honest, fast, and efficient manner. 31c BUNK BEDS in good condi- tion. Phone 235-1489. 35x WANTED DAILY transporta- tion. September to December for student going to UWO from Ex- eter. Phone 235-1725. 35c 19 Property For Sale t 11 STOREY ALUMINUM sid- ed house. Well insulated, 3 bedrooms, livingroom with propane heater in a fieldstone fireplace. 3 piece bath, good oil furnace with garage, on a krge lot. Close to church in Elimvilk. Phone 229-8788. Reasonably priced. 35:36:37c 11 STOREY HOUSE located large well -treed lot. Wood bur- . ping stove in livingroom, 3 bedroom, 11 bath, kitdten, sun porch, carpet throughout, new windows and also large storage shed. Assumable mortgage for 3 years at 111 percent. Call weekdays after 6 p.m. and weekends anytime. 234- 6754. 35:36:37c 2 YR. OLD EXECUTIVE RANCH - 3-4 bedrooms, king size kitchen with built in appliances and Hanover cup- boards, formal entrance, sunken living room, 1 four piece bath, two piece bath, tudor family room with fireplace, main floor laundry room, central air, an- tral vacuum, inground pool, full basement, 3,100 sq. ft. on main floor, 1,500 sq. ft. garage. CaII 235-1460 to view. 27 t ESTATE LOTS - Near Grand Band 23 = 11-4 acre lots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, new 4 bedroom bi-kvel house, garage, on 11 acre. 1-672-6863. 16t HOUSE 2 bedrooms, electric heat, Targe lot, 1114% mortgage until 1984. Phone 235-1706 evenings. 26t .HOUSE for sale, 11 lot, gar- age, 5 bedrooms, I 1 bath. Phone 237-3650, Dashwood. 34:35c 50 ACRES AT 9/ FCC mortgage with brick home and 2 bams- Set up for 80 sow farrow- ing. Liquid manure, north of London. Phone 1-686- 0031. 34:33c 20 Property For Rent TWO - ONE bedroom apartments availabk October 1. Phone Jack Taylor 235-1252 or 229-6472 after six. 34t ONE BEDROOM apartment. Centrally located, heated, fridge and stove supplied. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 33t EXETER - 2 bedroom lower apt. Utilities paid. Available Immediately. Phone 235-0680 after5:30 Monday to Friday.30t COMMERCIAL - Retail space 500 square feet. Adjoining Main St. Ample parking, reasonabk. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 23t APARTMENTS - 2 bedrooms, stove and fridge, electric heat. Available Immediately. Phone 235.0141. I6t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111 l I 111111111111 LI McNair Antique F. Estate AuctionEi Wed. Evening Sept. 16 LE Sale time 6 p.m. Viewing 4-6El F. Ilderton Curling Arena =_ F.,- illlminlllll mi1111111111ll11111111imininIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111aini11rri AUCTION MARKET WATCH FOR OUR FIRST SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 AT 11 A.M. at the Vonastra Auction Market 2 miles south of Clinton CONSISTING OF: Household effects of Walter Snarey of Clinton and rho Reverend Peter Mantel of Vanastra. AUCTIONEER: Jak• Thelon Jr. FULL LISTING IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER 20 Property For Rent EXETER • apartment, eliectric hat, available September 13. Phone 235.1303. 34t ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent for senior citizens at Maplewoods apartments, Zurich, available for October 1st or earlier. 5194.00 per month, all utilities included. Contact Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, 236- 4373- ' 34t APARTMENT - 1 bedroom, stove and fridge, electric heat. Availabk Immediately. Phone 23541141. 16t ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS ONE BEDROOMS AVAILABLE Sept. 1 - Nov. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. 176 Oxford St. HensaII, Ontario QH : 262-3448 or 262-2615 24t ONE BEDROOM COTTAGE close to Zurich. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 262-2928 or 262- 5768. 32t 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, with basement, court yard, elec- tric heft 5175.00 plus utilities. 37 Main St. Grand Bend. 238-8750 or 1-948-2066. 32t HOME - 2 storey four bedroom brick home, 2 four piece bathrooms, six appliances. Availabk September I, 1981 Phone 262-2190 evenings.34c APARTMENT small, 1 bedroom, refrigerator and stove included. Main floor, near downtown. All utilities peld. 522500 a month. Phone 235- 1055. 35t TWO BEDROOM house for rent in Hensall.Call 262-3014 or 262-2731._ 35:36c TWO BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated. No children. Available September. Phone 238-8987 Grand Bend. 35:36c r ILABLE OCTOBER 15, new 3 bedroom home, attached double garage, electric heat. Clandeboye. Phone 227- 4382. 35:36' HWY 21 - 8 miles north of Grand Bend on lake. New ex- ecutive brick home, attached garage on large lot. Phone 236- 4211. 35:36c FARM HOUSE for rent. Kippen area. 3 bedrooms, availabk now. Phone 262- 6609. 35:36c FARM HOME, 4 bedroom on county road, 1 mile from Mount Carmel. CaII after 8 p.m. 237- 3387. 35:36c TWO BEDROOM apartment, heated, unf'urnished. Also fur- nished bachelor apartment. Art Geiser 235.2754. 35c PROPERTY FOR RENT - Farm land for rent. Township of Blanchard is offering for rent, by tender, 80 acres more or kss, be- jng part of lot 7 S.E. boundary 1Usbome Twp., for 3 year term. The tender should state the price per acre per yesr. Ttie,rent is to be paid on May I.t of each year of the contract. Tender dosing date is to be Monday noon, September 14, 1981. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contact Clerk Treasurer Township of Blanshard, RR 6 St. Marys, NOM 2V0. Telephone 229- 8707. 35c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zuridt 236.4954. 18t FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 48t THE "OLD Town Hall" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Disney 235- 0231. 23t 22 For Sale or Rent FIVE ROOM COTTAGE style house, with new insulated aluminum siding, new ps fur- nace. Suitable for retired couple. Phone 235.0736 Exeter. 29 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS and others In theEstateof Emily Alberta Lawson late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, who died on the 22nd day of May, 1911. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 30th day of October 1981, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have been receiv- ed. Dated at London, Ontario, this 25th day of August, 1981. Helen Lorraine Loft, Executrix of the Estate, by her 1011C100f11, Dean, Monteith, Philips, 120 Carling Street, London, Ontario, N6A 1 H6 35 :36:37c Hydro start survey for rural houses Ontario Hydro staff have started energy surveys of homes in rural parts of the province The free survey is part of the Residential Energy Advisory Program (REAP), announced by Ontario's Minister of Energy in June. The program offers a home energy survey and loans of up to 52,000 to im- prove energy efficiency and or convert an oil -heating. system to electricity if there is at least a 50 percent reduction in oil consumption. Many municipal utilities are expected to be ready to introducethe program in late 1981 - early 1982 after staff training. Ontario Hydro will make arrangements to assist smaller utilities to undertake the survey. While REAP. will initially be available to Hydro's direct rural customers currently on oil -heating system, customers with other types of heating systems can participate. Here's how the program will work': Customers will receive a letter from Ontario Hydro outlining the program and inviting the homeowner to make an appointment if an energy survey is desired. The survey will be carried out by trained staff who will provide a list of recom- mendations on how the homeowner can increase the energy efficiency of the house. The survey will be wide- ranging, covering everything from insulation, weatherstripping, energy use, and fuel costs, to heating system alternatives and upgrading of letting. Information will also be made available on the 1 Canadian Oil Substitution Program (COSP) and the Canada Home Insulation Program (CHIP). Loans will be available to a maximum of 52,000, repayable over five years, at an interest rate based on Ontario Hydro's cost borrowing, currently In the range of 15 to 17 percent. All COSP and CHIP grants, however, must first be exhausted, and the homeowner must pay the first 5200 towards the cost of improvements before the Hydro loan applies. The energy advisers will explain how to qualify and apply for the various grants and the Hydro loan. Maximum payback period is five years, with a minimum monthly payment of 520. While the Federal COSP program covers any work done since last October, any work qualifying for a Hydro loan must be done after the energy survey is performed. The Residential Energy Advisory Program is scheduled to run for 10 years. I. IN se 1 INIJSTANMMii At The Handl-Man 1 Building Centre On Hwy 21 at 82 (At Northville) 1 Between Forest and Grand Bend, Ontario 1 Sunday, Sept. 6, 1981 at 12.07 p.m. 1 BUILDING MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NI OTI (1 N Auction Sale of household funishings, antiques, trac- tor and horse drawn implements on Saturday, Sept. 19 - 12:30 p.m. on Thames Rd. W.., Exeter for Mrs. Olive Bierling Complete listing in next issue NORM WHITING AUCTIONEER Phone Exeter 235-1964 HOUSEHOLD AUCTION.: * For Mrs. Orville Dixon on #7 Hwy. * * between Ailsa Craig and Elginfield * * * * * * CaII 235-1331 FRIDAY EVENING SEPT. 4 6:15 p.m. G.E. 30" electric stove, Leonard refrigerator, chrome • set, R.C.A. coloured T.V., pressback rocker,latform • rocker and stool, French Provincial chesterfield and etc chair, antique chairs, coffee and end table, 3 peice * modern bedroom suite, chesterfield, and chair, hall tree, 9 piece dining room suite, Beatty dryer, Inglis .4( wringer washer, Woods deep freeze, old * refrigerator, Franklin stove, beds and dressers, ♦t bureau with wood pulls, humidifier and de * humidifier, fernery, high chair, sewing machine, * lamps, fox fur, hall mirror, pictures, small tables and desk, dishes, silverware, camera, garden tools, • M.T.D. 5 h.p. Lawn Flite mower, etc, * * TERMS Cash Sale Night Booth * AUCTIONEERS * ♦t Hugh Filson - 666-0833 Tom Robson - 666-1967 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a LARGE CONS AUCTION IGNMENT * Of Household furnishings, antiques, * tractors, recreational vehicles, cars, etc. * From 2 bankruptcies, and Lucan, * Lambeth and St. Marys homes. Ilderton Fair Grounds * Saturday, September 5 * Refrigerators, stoves, automatic washers and dryers, * Simplicity spin-dry washer, air conditioners, dining * room suite with and one without china cabinet, * bedroom suites, chrome sets, coloured T.V., B/W * T.V., stereos, chesterfield suites, coffee and end * tables, cupboards, school desk, rollaway bed, milk * can, queen sire bedroom suite with triple dresser and chest of drawers (like new), oak office desk, * hand made tables, odd chairs, large iron kettle, * numerous dishes and small items, Franklin type * s Recreatove.tional vehicles and mist: Argo 6 wheel all * terrain vehicle, Alouette 440 snow mobile, 1974 * Honda 90 dirt bike (real good), 1974 Suzuki 100 cc * 10 speed (real good), 1970 Honda 70 cc (real sr 1970 1979 Honda 50 cc, 1972 Honda 175 as is, 1970 Kawasaki 100 cc 10 speed (real good), 2 * motorcycle frames and tires, several bicycles, M.F. * 12 h.p. Hydrostatic garden tractor with 42" mower * (real good), Simplicity 5 h.p. riding lawn mower, Ariens 5 h.p. brand new snow blower, Arians used * snow blower, blade for 10 h.p. tractor, 2 table saws * (real good condition), air jack hammer, alum door, * new tools, Stanley steel overhead garage door 9 x 7 with hardware, etc. * Tractors: Ford 9 N, Massey 22 gas, single horse * trailer tandem wheel. * Cars: Selling as is. 1973 2 door Grand Prix Pontiac 8 cylinder., 1971 2 door Ford Torino 8 cylinder, * 1957 Dodge stake truck. * Recreational vehicles, cars and farm equipment will * be sold at 2:00 p.m. * Terms: Cash Sale Day Food Booth * AUCTIONEERS * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 11:00 a.m. * * * * * * ******************** New Starcraft hardtop comper, 18' Walker Cruiser with 100 h.p. motor and trailer, 8 h.p. roto tiller w/reverse, lawnmowers, portable construction heater, overhead propane heater, oil space heaters, filing cabinets, furnace parts and duct work, elec- trical and plumbing parts, and fittings and accessories, paint and weather stripping, large selection of hardware, aluminum trim and accessories, flooring material, panelling, wood trim, dowelling, etc., drape and curtain rods and accessories, round and square patio stones, quantity of nails, nuts, screws and bolts, giftware, kitchenware, and beach items, etc., large selection of hand tools, includ'g: hammers, axes, handles, screw drivers, socket sets, hydraulic jocks, wrenches, etc., sports equipment, doors, windows and lumber, ce- ment blocks. Complete liquidation of $10,000.00 of auto accessories, speed equipment and antique car parts, including: California Custom, open wheel spinners 49 up Chev, Iskederian solid lifters, Olds Buick, Cadillac, chrome air cleaners, Johns pistons for Austin Hesley, 1 go cart slick, Gotha rocker arms, Buick 53-62 special 1,5-1 ratio shifter clutch disc 11"x13/6" Ford, Johns 401 Buick pistons, J.E. 327 Chev pistons, shiffer 1950 up Chrysler clutch disc, col. custom 49-51 Ford chrome bull nose, Mallory magneto 312 Ford, Foxcroft Chev (powerglide), floor shift, Onsen Pontiac selector floor shift, chrome grill components, engine adaptors to various transmissions, wheel discs all sizes - all designs, lee plastic custom tail lights, Mallory distributor 313 Chrysler 40-48 Ford king pins, Ford V-8 60 gaskets valves, snap on white walls, 32 Ford grill, tubular axle (40-48 Ford), Oldsmobile headers (early), Ford flathead headers 40-48, Model A steering wheel - like new, 1940 Ford steering wheel - new, boxes of new and used 1930 up car part mislns, new mufflers, custom exhaust, bend tubing for headers, rolls bars, side pipes, Chev V-8 heads 283-327, Packard transmission parts, Cadillac Lasalle trans. paras, Dragster padding for seat rolled and pleated blue, rolled 1/4 plate for scatter shields etc. Car Parts To Be Sold 2:00 p.m. Terms: Visa, master Charge, Cheques with proper I.D. and cash. Viewing: 11 a.m. day of sale. Pat Lyon Auctioneer Phone 243-2713 No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. MO._E11rInmeElm_ll•se 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Auction Sale of Real Estate, Air Craft, Air Craft Parts, Farm Equipment, Small Engines, Garage Equipment, Camper, Household Fumilture and misc. items. On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1981 at 12:30 NOON. 114 miles North of Exeter and 1% miles West. For DON'S REPAIR SHOP. REAL ESTATE consists of, converted brick school house with, livingroom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, full basement, a heated attached air craft hangar with cement floor. This building is situated on a lot approx. 1.1 acres, part of lot 6, con. 2, Hay Township, adjacent to Sexsmith Air Port. AIR CRAFT, 1946 Classic BC -12-D Taylor Craft. Completely re -built with 1/2 Time engine plus 1 wing and several other Taylor Craft pans. Real Estate and Air Craft will be sold approx. 2 P.M., subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Terms on Real Estate 10% day of sale and balance in 30 days. CAMPER: Eight foot Holiday Camper with propane furnage and three burner stove, ice box, sleeps four peopl - SMALL FARM EQUIPMENT, 5 furrow 14" John Deere semi -mounted plow, 8 N Ford Tractor with 3 point hitch, Allis Chalmers B with starter and lights, 2 row Allis Chalmers scuffler, 5' Ford flail mower (like new), 6' flail mower, 7' John Deere semi -mounted mower, 3 point hitch spring tooth cultivator. Eight ft. spring tooth cultivator; double disk, 2 furrow trail plow; 2 furrow Ford Ferguson 3 point hitch plow; 3 section diamond harrow; 13 disk drill; John Deere 2 row corn and bean planter; 6' Case combine with Wisconsin motor; 2 row bean puller; 50 gal. Calsa sprayer with 20 ft. boom; snow blower; set of 11-28 Tractor chains; 30' extension ladder; assortment of spruce planks. SNOWMOBILES & MOTOR BOATS: 1970 SE 300 Skiroule snowmobile; 1970 Moto Ski with 2 cylinder engine; 14 ft. moulded plywood boat with steering wheel; 40 H.P. Scott-Attwater motor electric start, with trailer. Truck cap (like new). SMALL ENGINES, TOOLS, LAWN MOWERS & CHAIN SAWS: Two good Volkswagen 1600 Engines (like new) other Volkswagen engines and parts; three new Jbnsereds 361 chain saws, 2 with 16" blades, 1 - 14" blade; 1-S L9 Remington 16" chainsaw, 16" McCulloch chainsaw; Moto mower 5 H.P. 26" Rototiller with new motor; several lawn mowers and pans; 235 AMP Comet ark welder; acetylene welder; drill press (like new); 2 H.P. air compressor; 11/2 ton floor jack; creeper; electric drill; 4"x2 hydraulic cylinder; Jack-alljack; and many other power, hand and garden tools, many other items. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Chesterfield and chair, foot stool, 4 pc bedroom suites, vanity, 2 single beds, beds and springs, floor, swag and table lamps, 2 small tables, table and 4 chairs, 2 door frost free refrigerator, 30" electric range, ice cream freezer, humidifier, 8 track player, record player and records, pictures and frames, mirror, book case, antique jam cupboard, 2 coal oil lamps, electric fans, cups and saucers, odd dishes, BBQ, several other items. For Information Contact Auctioneer, Norm Whiting, Exeter 235-1964