HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-08-26, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, August 26, 1981 OPP SUPPORTERS • Cheering on the Constabulary at Saturday's ball game between the Grand Bend OPP and CFPL radio were Keith and Haling Crawford of Grand Bend Imes Aclyocate 1LU LJ Stars beat Constabulary More than $50 was raised in a silver collection at Saturday's baseball game between the Grand Bend Ontario Provincial Police and CFPL London radio. The Grand Bend Con- stabulary lost the game to the CFPL Superstars after taking a big lead early in the game. The Constabulary were ahead 18-2 after the first two innings, but the Superstars rallied to take the game 23-22. A constabulary spokesman claimed the loss was due to the fact that the game "got silly". The Constabulary allowed some of their children a turn at bat, and the antics grew. There was some water throwing, and confetti tossing. At one point a grapefruit was substituted for the baseball. The highlight of the game was when the Constabulary -U OMR 1, J Families attend cam About 35 attended the On- tario Church of God family camp held at Thamesford last week. The camp mis- sionaries were Rev. and Mrs. Stan Desjardine, home on furlough from Tanzania. The Provincial Church of God women presented Mrs. Desjardine with a trillium cup and saucer. Rev. John Campbell was director of the children's camp with over 50 children. Sunday morning the children Grand Bend Personals Annie Marone 237.3317 gave a special musical program. -Good news - Jesus loves you"..Wednes- day akernoon was devoted to a family fun time of games. A special world presenta- tion held Friday evening was chaired by Mrs. Evelyn Kreuger. of Owen Sound. with slides shown. The "Servant Song" group from Gardner Bible college of Camrose. Alberta provid- ed special music at the ser- vices. Anglican church news The 8:30 Communion ser- vice at St John's was celebrated by Archdeacon Morden. of London. Soccer The Grand Bend Colonials soccer team tied Strathroy 1-1 in their game Sunday. Mike Campbell scored the only Grand Bend goal of the game. The Grand Bend B's lost to Nairn 3 - 1 Joe Mommersteeg scored the B's only goal. The Grand Bend girls soccer team plays against Lucan Tuesday. September 1. At the 9:30 service Rev. G. Anderson spoke about David from the book of Samuel - his desire for perfection. Many people today try for perfection - such as golfers. musicians. sports people. painters and grandeners. Rev. .Anderson stated that a perfect person. the beautiful person who never became angry was Jesus Christ Jesus beckons each and everyone to follow in His way to attain peace. love. forgiveness. gentleness and joy. Coffee hour hostess today was Mrs. Thelma Anderson. United Church news Special music today, at the outdoor United Church ser- vice were duets by Faye Blair and her sister Judy Mills. singing. "Jesus and me... and -Even so Lord Jesus come" accompanied on the organ by Penny Smith. A sing song of favorite numbers was en- joyed by all the congrega- tion. Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was. "God our Keeper." with scripture from Psalm 121 Anyone in need of pastoral assistance between now and Sept. 17th. may call the Rev. Brian Elder. Crediton United Church Minister. His phone number is 234-6748. Personals Karen Guenther of Shipka and Alina Bielawski. of RR 2. Grand Bend were the playground supervisors in Grand Bend for the past summer They had a program of games and crafts and also several trips. Some of the trips were bowl- ing. to Lamhton museum. the zoo. a Dashwood am- bulance demonstation by Jim Hoffman. roller skating. to the fire station and the bank. an overnight campout at Cedar Bay campgrounds. as well as a trip to Story Rook Gardens. at S'cLTEaLEz cSlzo/i FACTORY OUTLET Main Street, Grand Bend OPEN DAILY Mon - Sat 10 - 5:30 Sunday 12 - 5:30 Mens and Ladies All Sizes SNIDER MARINE Grant Bend 238-8495 Open 7 Days a Week Authorized Dealer for • JOHNSON MOTORS • OMC STERN DRIVE • ALCORT-SUNFISH SAIL BOATS • YORK RIVER CANOES SPECIAL End -of -season Prices on Fishing Motors Now in Stock ITALIAN MADE SORDELLI SAILBOARDS Springbank. They wrapped up the program with a farewell party at Karen's home in Shipka for the 25 children who attended. Dur- ing the party the children received certificates for regular attendance and par- ticipation. Mrs. Mary Ferguson, of 11 Green Acres. hosted a dinner party. Sunday night, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Myrtle MacGregor's 92 birthday. on August 26. Attending were her son Donald H. and Olive MacGregor and son Ronald. of Corbett. others were grand and great grandchildren. Larry and Bonnie Grogan. Jason and Shannon of Glencoe, John and Heather Kingsley Shawn and David. of Sarnia. Visitors this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Leland Desjardine have been cousins. Mrs. Annabelle Doan. and Mrs. Ella Mae Emmett. both of Stettler, Alberta and Mrs. Myrtle Doan. of Edmonton. Alber- ta. The visiting ladies are daughter's of the late Ezra and Margaret Desjardine, formerly of this area. While here they visited several other cousins and their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Emery Desjardine at Chateau Gardens in Parkhill. Dan and Sandy Dalton, Kelly and Shelly of 17algary Alberta. are visiting here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dalton. Paul Moore. of Sudbury spent the weekend here with his parents Rev. and Mrs. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Roy, of Oakville spent the weekend with Mrs. Eva Bariteau. Congratulations and Best Wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. EmeryDesJardlns. who on Tuesday August 25, celebrated their 59 wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. DesJardin new reside at Chateau Gardens in Parkhill Mr and Mrs Laird Hen- drick. and Mr and Mrs. Elgin Adams. were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrick in Crediton Twenty. Catholic Women's League members made a pilgrimage to Nazareth House. in St Marys to honour. Our Lady of Fatima... on Tuesday August 18 This is a day of prayer and devotion. The ladies enjoyed a picnic lunch in the park at St. Marys. Grand Bend Golden Age club members are reminded that their first fall meeing. comes up on Wednesday, September 2 at the Parish hall Congratulations to Dina and Casey Inthout who celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary last Fri- day About 30 attended a smorgasbord supper at their home. followed by an even- ing of tun and music. Due to lack of registration the weekly bridge game was cancelled at St. John's Parish hall The club is happy to hear from newcomers. In the fall an evening will he set up. to show new people. who are in- terested. the methods of play The date will be an- nounced later in the column. Mr and Mrs. Earl Baker, St. Thomas. visited a couple days last week with their cousin. Mrs. Raymond Kading. Mrs Mabel Gill had the misfortune to fall at he home recently and broke her arm. captured an escape convict who ran across the baseball diamond dressed in her black and white prison clothing. The only problem presented by the game was when it was learned that all To set up scholarship More than $8000 has been set aside as a scholarship fund out of money raised at the Eric Mcllrov Memorial Day. Committee chairman Mae Morenz said that donations and proceeds from the dance held to honour the late Mr. Mcllroy amounted to an $8000 profit. The committee decided to establish an on- going scholarship for area music students :•\ trustee will be appointed to look after the scholarship annual- ly. Mrs. Morenz said that because of the mail strike. there has been a delay in receiving a charitable dona- tion number from the federal government. Receipts for donations can- not be issued until such a number has been granted. Mrs. Morenz said she hoped that receipts would he sent out soon. Ella Mcllrov. wife of the late Mr. Mcllroy said she was very pleased with the results or the memorial day. "We're grateful to everyone who donated. and everyone who worked so hard," Mrs. McIlroy said. the OPP were on the diamond, and the village was being patrolled by some local boy scouts. Money collected at the ball game will be donated to the Busy Bee Day Camp for purchasing supplies.The OPP spokesman said that all the players will be kicking in some extra funds, and they are challenging village council to match the proceeds. More Grand Bend news on page 23 GIANT SPLASH -DOWN WATER '-`- SLIDE Main St. Grand Bend Come and Enjoy the Excitement & Fun For The Whole Family From 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Til! Labour Day REMINDER We will be Open Weekends in Sept. (Weather Permitting) Registration 1981-1982 School Year Grand Bend Nursery School located at Grand Bend United Church call Susan Baker 238-8613 Tues., Sept. 1 or Thurs., Sept. 3 It's Our 20 th Anniversury SALEUntil Sept. 1 at Oapwood d Bend serendipity Up to 20% OFF On Waterford Crystal, Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen Christmas and Mother's Day Plates 1970-1980 Plus Much More. See Our Display of Eskimo & Inuit Art for the grill regular aged A-1 steer corner cut rump roust Ib. 2.58 save 70C Ib. full cut round steak Ib. 2.78 roun eeL Ib. family pack ■ SAVE 60c1b. 8 save 60c Ib. fresh Ont. pork , leg schnitzel „2.98 aged A-1 steer save 70c Ib. cube steaks .b. 2.9$ fresh Ont. pork mixed loin chops lb.1 our own pure fie%E NI.. country sau sage save 80c Ib. 68 save 50c Ib. ....1.68 750 ml jar Rose bresweet8� baby p taint) ''di 1.09 process cheddar cheese deluxe Kraft slices P42.29 •Wir� ml W Kraftmayonnaise 1.69 save 60c Ib. frozen assorted Sara Lee yer cake 369 g II 09 375 ml. jar Bicl's or Rose M'' ■ 69 4 750 g tin Goodhost iced tea mix 2.99 pieces & stems Rio rooms 10 fl. oi. tins e9 ■ Wesson sesame $unspun 2 cup tea bags Hills Bros regular 'inn 2.99 ":.1to.t 60.s 1.49 lig s noodles spaghetti or N t1 n. .a. „n .69 OM. Cul Mt b and dced Mn5rO n, WM beet peas a psis b assail Mr vege tables ear tint 1411 2/85 so""d "qht Bye the Sea tuna ' ° n .75 WWI Waa'rr.'; ' • 1:89 cab,,e 'educed i, 2.75 Wool watchers G't n . 99 co Irl Win or One here fY.lpht WatcMrs • treo ilii WI .99 p;„1.49 fince Avowed Kr „•, nisi 5ooa 1.99 candles Westen p'a, enWtsh mu ns bathroom tssLe assorted a roil Cottonelle aa1 1.29 450 a zest 1.99 ^e' 9 ,a paper ates Napo 2.49 -0�dds^ orlt 1541:11. 6 IMr. I�etbrgent pent. 3.59 Bolt detergent °'bas 3.99 au,d e ch 3.11 1.49 a 1 .79 Jonnsc^ b rnson shampoo« 1.89 Scope mouthwash w. 1.Roo99 !row H �- -t• {acspig.2.89 SPECIAL LOW PRODUCE PRICES ,.,n- • .,,..r„ .-tM..r.r.d IbMrdsw Premi JuIa'I w 1.29 Y e Wows We1n,1161, We Aim M NMI wwww. Produce of Ontario Canada No. 1 10 Ib. bag 159 I • product of South Africa Granny Smith apples . 69c product of Ont. no. 1 carrots 2 lb. bag 49( product of Ont. no. 1 cauliflower,, 594 NOW 1 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU WITH SELECTION, SAVINGS+LPERSONAL ATTENTION GRAND REND 311•2i12 11.1 7 days a week Store Hours nAY►IEl n /ORI(N H$.41$7 Men., Tees., Wed. 1 ro 6 Thune 1 Fri. 1 ro 0 ser 1 re 6 Sunday Closed !6l.27C1 1.1 7 days a week