HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-08-19, Page 24i Page 24 Times -Advocate, August 19, 1981 16 For Sale The Tree Trunk Main Street Seaforth, Ont. The Store is Closing! Store Nrde •,•d J,/,) + Vp to 500T Ott lhu',a.ty NuOU11 13 - 5o't,00, AO.;,,,t 22 Stoves t,, n.• S.'S tl' .,p Chesterfield .t +r, trent S25 00 Deters ••om 54000; Dining room, •u.te. f-oot 5125.00; Bedresem „ nes front 5100 00; K,kher, .vile, l'o' 525 00, Mot - hes, Unc1 h; a ,orings from 515 00 ()',•,ser. ,,n,1 chest ;,f Bros,'' trot•, 525 00, Moray rO't• h.'uc' . 5veryt' r1g (must go Corse • „n•3 make us an eft( , Soh ends August 22 Tom anr3 Down Pnpule 1" x 5" Tongue and Groove Lumber 200' Bundles, $12.00 per bundle 2 x 8, 2 x 10's, Light Fixtures At Old St. Marys Arena J 16 For Sale 11011\G - Sell defrost Iridg 520000, elet'Irlt' stupe S100.(10 both \IL< tars. dinner set. lame,, oscnpruul 530.00. sinal camera SIO (10. subhead divente and dluvserhe,Id 515 00, Iadie Nlnter coat, like nee. 20':, hes oiler, raccoon collar 58,00 bedroom drapes 58.00. 2 un dcrrugs like new, 6s9 510.00, g 16 For Sale W 1- WATER SONER, Culligan manual, ideal for voltage 236- 7745. 33' YARD SALT 24 King Sl N 30 Crediton. Sat. Aug 22 4-5 p m I Drapes. dishes. 1969 Struachiet r car, as is. 2 children's hikes. s clothing and many more t items. 33c ' CLOTHES - hos cat 12 yr old irls clothe,. slacks. kips. 235-2598. ;.ARA(;E D(X)RS 2-10s7 tonal steel garage doors 1 v- ellentcuudiIi,ul 237. 439. 33 3-1.- 'A Ail E RA at'.AMER\ - 35 nun Konica Auto S2. Shod speed ti to 500. ds exposure meter plus UIUIIIatic electric es e. h sec ,ell inter. Auto aperture set or lanual set 11.8.16. Perfect wurk- 9x62 S15 (83. 235-0591 33 :34' ftA1 - 16acres ofsecond cutting i red closer :Ind alfalfa hay. Phone 229-6354 - 33c c 3 (OI'\FR1 GARAGE SALE Huttons to Boxes. Mailboxes. dishes. 1linnrirre. electric heaters. lots of small unusual items C ( ndcr 1:1'ter S.lturday and Sun- :t day\ug 22 and 23. Just oil I Huron Road 11 nett to West n /ton Ulilted Church. Watch for iI suns \oon to 6 p.m. 33c etc 31f 2 HOOK C \tit S 54"x24'": end table. h syo,dcn chain: 2 lamps, I 1 table with tkours, hooks and games. 227-1240 1 -1N \ & GA\RDE\ 101:1I'\MENT. JD 210 tractor and mower 10 h.p.: JI) 70 tractor and inOsser 7 h.p.. JD 68 rider ssiih mower 8 h.p.: 811 t) tractor and mower 16 h.p.. like new Bolen, 12 h.p. hydrostatic with mower and front end blade: mis- cellaneous dents. Irom1 end blade to 111 Mas:cy Garden tractors 48 in. Sweepster broom: will lit .Ins lawn and garden tractor Brindley Hardy 10'' 1 rums (s plough with sleeve hitch will tit any lawn and garden tractor. Huron Tractor. Exeter. 235. 1115. \11V & Used eye beams. angle. channel. plate and pipes. 1lannilton's Machine Shop Phone 235-1655- 201 Township of Hibbert Scrap Wire Drive (Residents only) A Scrap Wire Drive will be held for the residents of the Twp. of Hibbert on August 25 and 26, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Twp. of Hibbert Landfill Site, Lot 16, concession 8. All wire to be free of wooden posts or other incumbrances and to be tightly wound. Charles Friend AMTC, Clerk Twp. of Hibbert TENDERS WANTED THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY For the supply and installation of ap- proximately 3500 feet of asphalt in the Police Village of Dashwood. Tenders will be accepted by the under- signed until 12:00 noon, SEPTEMBER 2, 1981. Tender forms available at the Township of Hay Shed, RR 1, Zurich, Ontario. Lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted. Joan M. Ducharme, Clerk-Tresurer P.O. Box 250, Zurich, Ontario Tel. 236-4351 County of Huron Tenders For Vehicles For Winter control Maintenance Sealed tenders on forms available from the undersigned will he accepted until 4:00 o'clock local time on: Wednesday, September 9, 1981 For all or any of the following pieces of equipment for winter control commencing on or about November 16, 1981: (1) HC -81-503 - one 'heavy duty' tandem truck with driver and snow plow, equip- ment for snow plow duties in the Wrox- eter area. (2) HC -81-504 - one 200 h.p. motor grader with driver and snow oto w equipment for snow plow duties in the Auburn area. (3) 27,000 G.V.W. trucks without operator or box for installation of county's sand spreaders to spread salt and sand in various areas of the county. HC -81-506 - 1 truck required for area HC -81-507 - 1 truck required for Zurich area. HC -81-505 - 2 trucks required for Wroxeter area. Tender forms may be picked up at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R.A. Dempsey, P. Eng., County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario ~.S Telephone 524-7412 Auburn 1 18 order. (ireat t:Illler.l for .I serious beginner. Red sMIA hls priced. Call 237-3370 after 7 11 p.m. 33' h. 1' \TIO BLOCKS - Quanuts of ss ncurly new 18" Cheap Phone :u August Gregus 235-164' 33 t ,dI 1976 CI 250 MOTO( ROSS re BIKE. Asking 57(0.(0 PLnpen, change table and dug house ( Phone 294-0045 any time 33, 781(1 Snn, TIRES tor sale 4.000 ( miles: 350 1'8 engine ler sale CIII262-660'. 33,, \1 16 For Sale FRESH CAULIFLOWER 3 miles West of Exeter on Hwy 83 VISSCHER FARMS 56.00 a Boren OPEN DAILY 9am -6pm CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE iN LARGE ORDERS 237-3442 281 l 511 BU-ILDING \I A 1 1 R IA LS. Brick, barn hoard, steel roofing, Karn beams. steel cattle pens. house and Karn. Joan and windows, two old fur- naces, two old tanks. tree delivery . Phone 235-0898. 29 t ESS 11:1\'1: 1. LER Y. /uric•h is ,I fine selection of diamonds. edding ring,, watches, clocks, ckon clucks. barometers. Car- nal watches ramify ring, and .Inns, watches and clock pairing guarantee. 3 t 1976 BL:1/O\ 25' I R'\I l 1 R. "' deluxe. excellent tlrndruun. 4 (t piece hath. 2 tables. lorcrJ an 131 Inmate. 4 hunter ,lute. user. I' hot writer, double sink, standard Ira awning. 55.5(0.00 located at 2 Pinehurst Campgrounds. 9 miles sic south of Grand Bend, near fort est 1 -rank s. Atter 5 p in 82 weekday s. 3c HA GAR \(;E. S -\LI:. Clothes. qua hooks, and toys. Aug. 22nd l)I- qua ''. '4 miles north of Ne Dashwood. 33x• We .O( K - Make your own. Use ur own design. -Qua Ft/ hatter\ senlenls now in stock. 1he inn try Spire. 229-6341. 17 t OA INC, 11 EST • House fur - lure Phone 229-6817 or 7 lunlhia ( res. Huron Park. 33x' R(1IH\RK 1R:\1LFR \RK 1979 Hermit Aristocrat iler, 13': toot, 3 burner stove, ssay fridge. Carefree (tuni lg, cps 4. spotlessly clean. Many ru- Please call 238- 56 33 :34c SKL(S - Quantity of 11 rt and 6 quart baskets. 1I Irl size 25c. 6 quart site I5c. s Hackney, 60 Alexander St. sl. 33' (;A RAGE SALE. Sat. Aug 22 US 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Numerous items ' flet 433 Main St. Exeter. Behind G &G Discount. 31' still dry TRAVEL TRAILER - 18 foot 11'h 1971 Holiday. Sleeps 6. Excellent 235 condition. Loealed on large cor- ner lot at Old Homestead Camp Phone 262-2813 alter 6 p.nl. 33c ED FURNITURE. - chester- ds and chairs. diningruum cs. kitchen tables and chairs. cr., refrigerators, rages etc. Icing's Warehouse. Exeter. -1964. 281 WINDOW - One used 5 foot Dashwood Sliding window Phone 235-2033. 33 - GAR AGE 3'(;AR•\GE SALL. Sat., Aug. 27 1(1 a.m - '' Good antiques. new appliqued quill. 266 ( htrchill Drive. Exeter. Ont. 33c ADD( N(, MACFIINITS. typewriters. sales. service. rental. supplies. Jerry Mather, typewriters, 94 'Alain St. 235- 1840. 211 PEACHES by the bushel or basket 'Pears •Plums *Apples 'Apple Syrup *Honey =Fruit Juices 'Apple Butter OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK CALL: ROCK GLEN FRUIT FARMS LTD. e28-3644 Arkona 17 Wanted To Buy IN LUCAN .AREA - toys for preschoolers. cars and trucks. Call Dorothy 227-4966. 33-35c CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Assents Grand Bend. 36 t 18 Wanted HOUSE - Twu or three bedroom single slore). house. good condition. crash buyer. Call Tim iAiacf-arlane Real Lslat,• Limited -Realtor 235-0541 or 227-3071. WANTED Money for investment on secure mortgage at 20.5% Call 235-1281 THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT SCRAP WIRE DRIVE (Residents only) A scrap wire drive will be held for the residents of The Township of Hibbert on August 25th and 26th 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Township of Hibbert Land Fill Site. Lot No. 16 Con. No. 8. All wire to be free of wooden posts or other en- cumbrances and to be tightly wound. Charles Friend, AMCT Clerk, Township of Hibbert County Of Huron Quotation For Winter Sand Sealed Quotations on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 4:00 p m. local time on: Wednesday, September 9, 1981 for the following contracts: (1) Supply of 3,500 tons of winter sand at Auburn Patrol Yard. (2) Supply of 2,500 tons of winter sand at Wroxeter Patrol Yard. Alt material shall comply to M.T.C. grads tion for winter sand. The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. R.A. Dempsey, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 18 ;3, anted OLD BRICK BUILDINGS for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc.. 1185 Murphy Road; Sarnia 1-542-4088: Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed Krick. We fulfilkd 76 wrecking contracts in 1980. We paid cash for a few buildings, we demolished sonic for no charge. and for others we charged a slight fee lin our ser- vices. Yes, we travel. We have associates/p.rniers living and operating out of London and 1.islowet areas Honest ap- praisals. references available. We carry SI .000.000 insurance and, are covered hs Workman's Compensatron We eliminate eye -sores in .un honest, fast, and efficient manner. 3Ic TOYS, children's furniture. old tools - prior to 1940. 262-2192 a Iter 6 p, m. 32 :33c IMMEDIATE PAYMENT for good standing umber. Apply Rohert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or phone 232.4450 before 7 :30 a.m. or between 3 and 5 p.m. 281 19 Property For Sale ('REDITON - Main Street - 2 storey Krick honk with garage. 3 bedrooms, 4 puce hath. oil fur- nace. Possessjuu'. Sept. 1st. Phone London 43411132 32 :33c 2 YR. OLD E:XECUTI\'IT RANCH - 34 bedrooms. king size kitchen with built in appliances and Hanover cup- boards, formal entrance. sunken living wont. 1 hour piece hath. two piece hath. Tudor family roost with fireplace. main floor laundry roost, central sur, cen- tral vacuum, inground pool. full basement, 3,100 sq. 11. on main floor, 1,500 sq. O. garage. Call 235-1460 to view. 271 1 -STATE LOTS - Near (;rand Bend 23 - 114-3 acre lois. 200' frontage. piped -in water. new 4 bedroom hi -level house. garage. on I' -:acre. 1.672-6863. 161 HOUSE 2 bedrooms. electric heat. large lot, 11'4% mortgage until 1984. Phone 235-1706 evenings. 26 t 11/2 STOREY HOUSE located on large well -treed lot. Wood burning stove in living room. 3 bedroom, I'-: hath, kitchen, star) porch. carpet throughout. new windows and also large storage shed. Assumable mortgage htr 3 years at 11'/4%.. Call weekdays alter 6 p.m. and weekends anytime. 234 -6754. 30-33c 2-3 BEDROOM brick house, large kitchen, living room. sun roost, 4 pc. hath, beautiful hard wood flours. clean Italsemen1. double garage. nicely landscaped Ion. excellent location. close 10 schools, park. Call weekdays alter 6 p.m.. weekend, anytime 235-1726. 33 :34c EXETER - 2 or 3 bedroom instil Krick house with oil furnace on good sized lot near /chr's and post office. Phone 293-3175 alter 9 p.m. 33 :34c 20 Propel ;y For Rent ONE: BEDROOM apartment. (aurally located. heated. fridge and stove supplied. Available Stitt. I,I Phone 235-2087 alter 6 :30 p.m. 331 KJPPI:N AREA. Farm house. 3 bed 100 ins- Availahle now. Phone 2623.609. 33-35c 11W Y 21 - 8 miles Orth of (;rand iJend on take. Nev, es• ecutive hack home. attached garage on large lot. Phone 236- 4211. 3.k LARGE 3 bedroom apt. in new building. available Sept. 1 Phone 235-1339. 33 :34c [ALIT R - apartment. electric' heat. available Oct. I. Phone 235-1303 33c IiOUS1. • Iwo bedroom on Carl- ing St. 5240 per month. Phone 235-2183 331 EX I.l I R • 2 bedroom lower apt. Utilities paid. Available Immediately. Phone 235.0680 after 5 30 Monday 1u I rpd.0• 301 COMMS-RCIAL - Retail space 50) square feet. Adjoining Main St. Ample parking. reasonable. Phone 235-2087 after 6 :30 p m 23 t APAR 1811 NTS - 2 hedrotims. shove and (ridge, electric heal. •\vailahle Immediately. Phone 2354/141 16t APARTMI NT - I bedroom. stove and fridge, electric heat. Availalhle Immediately. Phone 2351/141 161 WI NOW HAVE warehousing space availahle for lease al Oud Warehousing. Phone 262.2928 or 262.5768 151 :'ti f' 1,1 h('rt ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS -O E BEDROOMS AVAILABLE Sept. 1- Oct. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario PH: 262-3448 or 262-2615 24 t 3 BEDROOM f;trm home, dose to Hillsgreen. Available int - mediately . 262-2928 or 262- 5768• 311 I BEDROOM APARTMEN1 available Sept. 1st: No children or pets. Phone 235.1891. 32 :33c FURNISHED One bedroom apt. Heat and but water includ- ed. Suitable for responsible working adult. Above Canadian Tire. Plume 235.0451 or 238- 8805. 321 SHIPKA - MOUNT C'ARME:I. AREA. 3 bedroom house. 6 yrs. old. Available Sept. 1. Phone 234-6268. 32 t FARM HOME, 4 bedrooms, on county road !': mile Itom Muunl Carmel. Phone 237-3387. 32 :33x' IN LUCAN. 3 bedroom home available immediately. Phone 227-4312. 32 t IN LUCAN - I hedruom heated apartment. Phone 227-4312. 321 ONE BEDROOM COTTA(;l. dose to /urich. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 262-2928 or 262- 5768.__ 321 2 BEDROOM APARTMI-N1. with basement, court yard. ekc- lric heat 5175.00 plus utilities. 37 Main Si, Grand Bend. 238-8750 or 1-948-2066. - 32 t 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges. Portable cement mixer. power trowels. wheelbarrows, etc. Forst ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, /urich 236-4954. 18 t I-RMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, der,235-0991. 48 t 1HE "OLD Town Hall" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room. lectures, exhibitions, films. etc. Kilehen facilities avaHuh le. Contact property manager Bill Dinncy 235- 0231. 23 CAMPER TRAILER - 17 toot, gas stove and fridge. toilet. 5100.00 per week. Phone 228- 6352. 30-33c 22 For Sale or Rent FIVE ROOM COTTAGE style house, with new insulated aluminum siding. new gas fur- nace. Suitable aur retired couple Phone 235-0736 Exeter. 2', t HOME - 2 storey lour bedroom Krick home, 2 lour piece bathrooms, six appliance,. Available Sept. 1. 1981. Phone 262-2I90 evenings. 33 :34e 23 Wanted To Rent BARN for fattening hugs. in Ex- eter area. Apply to Box 2311. the Exeter Times -Advocate Ltd. i:x- eter, On t. 33x. GIRL REQUIRES small apart- ment, house, room or roost and hoard in South Huron area. Would like stabling also lir a horse a sante location or in dose proximity. Call Bill Hallen at the T- A. 235-1331 h)r lurcher details. 335 rho,. M admit all tint ought 1 tried Before learning Me value of Classified? All the gadget and gimmicks that "just couldn t fai" Plus the mons I wasted on "Occupant" moil. Now a smolt "Wong Ad," running consistently, Brings in lots of steady business for mei McCANN CONST. LTD. REDI-MIX CONCRETE All Types of Concrete Went Precast Feed Bunks Precast Slats RR #3 Dashwood Phone 237-3647 Precast Concrete Steps Porches Ornamental Iron Railings Grand Bend news Liquoroffences plague OPP Liquor again presented the moat problems to Ontario Provincial Police at Grand Bend last week. During the week of August 9 to 15, 212 charges were laid under the liquor licence act. Two impaired drivers were charged and eight people were charged for Pinery OPP For the first time in several weeks, Ontario Provincial Police at the Pinery had no accidents to report . There were 36 charges laid under the liquor licence act during the week of August 9 to 15. Two impaired drivers were charged. There were 11 charges laid under the highway traffic act, and nine charges laid under the provincial parks act. One narcotic control act charge was laid. In addition, the detach- ment handled 24 miscellaneous occurrences. GB council Continued from page 1'7 that there may be some problems arising due to conflicts of interest. He said that while there hadn't been any problems on council, there may be some problems with some of the bodrds and commissions. Sharen said that conflict of interest is a serious problem for municipal politicians. He said he would like to invite someone to a meeting to outline the ramifications of transgressing conflict of interest. Sharen also warned council that certain ratepayers were trying to "divide' and conquer". He said that sal matters should be referred to the whole council rather than dealt with separately. CONESTOGA COLLEGE offers a variety of practical, skill -training programs that can help you to a better future. Fees are low and you may qualify for financial assisatance. Drop in or call us today Clinton Campus Phone 41324458 Building illsfor the needsorttort 1 conveying liquor in a vehicle. Eight people were charged for the unlawful consumption of liquor. Two minors were charged for drinking under age, and three arrests were made under the liquor licence act. There were 14 charges laid under the traffic act, and one Ell MI IIII 1 IOVTSTANDBI 1 1 1 motor vehicle collision was investigated. One insecure premise was investigated. Two missing persons were located. One charge was laid laiundder. the narcotic control act. One assault charge was In addition, 99 general occurrences were handled. 1,111CTION AT PiNERY AUCTION BARN it ONHWY21, 1 1 mile North of the Pinery Provincial Park, _ 4 miles South of Grand Bend. 1 Sunday, August 23, at 1 P.M. 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Electric stove, kitchen sets, bedroom suites, occ. chairs, lamps, stereos, side and end tables, clocks, watches, T.V„ wood burning stoves, propane heater, mirrors, bar & stools, air conditioner, set of encyclopedias, duplicator, adding machine plus a selection of new walnut coffee and side tables, cherry wine tables, card tables, TV stands, etc. TOOLS: Acetylene outfit, timing lights and tester, component analyzer, AVR tester cooling tester, plus ■ hand tools. - ■ 1 1 11 1 Over 250 items in all. TERMS: Cash, cheque with proper I.D., Viso or Master Charge VIEWING: Noon on day of sale. Pat Lyon Auctioneer Phone 243-2713 No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. 1 all 11111111111NIS IIIII III MINING 1 1 1 11 1 1 Large Antique Auction Sale Antique, furniture, glassware, collec- tibles, appliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ontario, for Terryand Derek Adshead of Clinton. Sat,, August 22 at 10 A.M. Fridge, freezer, dishware, etc. Red satin Gone With The Wind lamp, Banquet lamp with Cranberry shade, hanging lamp with ripple cranberry edged shade and cranberry and frosted font, hanging lamp with several cranberry shade (cracked) clear font and prisms 1 pair large bisque figurines with fancy detail French or German, 1 pair medium bis- que figurines German or French, excellent, 5 large Royal Doulton Tobey mugs, Churchhifl Royal Doulton jug, plus other small Tobey jugs: dinner set of Austria dishes, 1 pair of Staffordshire dogs, large brass candlestick holders, cranberry bell with milk glass handle, cranberry vases, 32piece cranberry edged plates with thumb print,�int,� 8 sherberts, 8 goblets, 8 wine glasses, several silver pieces, old mantle lamp with prisms , 1 poir of Blue Iustres one damaged, several picture prints and oil paintings, Brass fireplace fender, brass bucket and pad, many brass pieces, copper pieces, miniature hobby clock, Vienna Regulator clock, 2 grandfather's clocks, pink lustre made into lamp, Naughty Nellie boot jack, old iron scales, small iron kettle, coffee grinder, small globe, old wall phone, wooden wares, small spinning wheel, small flow blue dish, copper foot warmer and horn, duck decoy, crocks andjugs, 1 pair buggy lamps, oil lamps, lantern, copper boiler and oven, walnut teawagon with large wheels, open face washstand, hall seat, small blanket box; flat to wall cupboard with fancy car- ving, fancy parlour chairs, wicker setee with 2 chairs plus other wicker pieces, upholstered setee, round wicker fern stand, tilt top parlour table, coloured leaded glass window, large and small chests of drawers, axminister rugs, plus a large offering of dishes, glass ware and furniture not mentioned. Plan to attend this sale. Terms Cash Auctioneer Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898 /IL\ OPEN Hy/land HOUSE Hyland Seeds invites you to join us for a tour of our hybrid corn, soy beans, white beans and colored beans research plots on Tuesday, 25 2-8p.m. Location: 1/2 mile south of Hensall on No. 4 Highway. Refreshments will be served. NOTE: In case of rain the date will be Wed. August 27 Hyland Seeds is a division of Aso r A*meta,r Blenheim, Ontario 1, h