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Times-Advocate, 1981-08-19, Page 22
Sears 1 AV 6 Services Page 22 classifications I L0,t,Stra%ed ' I own) Snu,won. 1%Anted 4 Help 1% anted Bt.,mes. (>rportututics 6 Senices L is estock Farm \1-I:htners a Sports I yutpment. \ eh II Lara. !rucks 12 Pets 13 \luslc-tllnstruments N Appliances. lelesnoon 15 Personal For Sale 11 anted 10 Sus \ . ted 19 Pnoperty For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent • For Sale or'Rent 23 11 anted To Rent '1 Property anted \once. 226 Legal \once. Times -Advocate, August 19, 1981 PLAIEA CLASSIF1EIJ AO QUICKLY.. EASILL JUSTPHONE 1 Lost, Strayed V% 11CH Golci Ladies, Roman numeral,, tint. %stints of t'icier Park 238-2679. 33 34c 3 Situations Wanted DORI-A-\'S A\S\1FRIN(i SI: R\ 3(1: is hoping to expand her business N III answer phone and do office record. (.all 235- 2187. 32-35c• EXPERIENCED cleaning Lady still do housework week -lass. References available 228- 6352. 28 t 3 Situations Wanted N II l 3)u l3 \I3 SI]JIN(i in • .riw home, eek dt\. Phone 235-` I11l i2 -;5c 4 Help Wanted 1\l)\ ( \\ 111 L1' \ (>1 light inflation with etcellent c•.tntings on yu.dils produets Interested "! ( all '35,2275 of AN. \1 \I II sin Manager 451.11541 0-33c 1 I -1I) lit 11 1R PI 111 R re- quired lore oil LeIllportrt C011111rt h,uld .&call preferred hut not es- sential Phone 262-227 32-34c 13 1111 till I I.R, I',trt-time rP- yutred kir 2 children camnlen- ,;Ing Sept 1st 1'relcrrahls In ins honk Phone '37-3725 32 -33c HAHN'S! T11\G - !stature responsible person required for baths sitting and light housekeep- ing duties ( onntn location 3 is e u1 or out 2 gels ages 5 and 3 ('hone 222229-6194. 32 :33c (31 \\1 R 11 ANTI' D. 2 hours mornings dash- 5 days per week to I \etet PhUlle 1.679- V69. 3' :33, ( L.:S JODi \ \ for Kippers St Andrew, l Hued Church. Dunes to commence in September. I or information caul 262-6004 or 262-5618. 33 :34s- LIGHT 34,. LIGHT HO1'SE K E I -.PI NCI per- son to clean offices, showroom etc. hale daay per week. -\ppls Ila person Sirs. Vs arner. Thompson - \s'arner Ch n_ sler, Grand Bend. 238-2391. 33,. H,ABI'SITTER. Part-time. need- ed in its' home starting Sept. 1st. Phone 2382689 after 6 p.m. 33%.- Joseph 3,. Joseph F. Darling Certified General Accountant requires a FIRST or SECOND YEAR CGA Student who is aggressive and interested in a career in an accounting office. Must have own transportation. Reply in confidence to: Box 212 Exeter, Ontario i L REALTY LTD RLACTOR ©©© R. R 3, ILDERTON WOODHAM 2 storey 4 bedroom home with yellow brick. Centre hall plan, farm style kitchen, sun porch with air -tight wood stove. pine floors, home wired for stereo. Large lot with detached 2 car garage with high ceil- ing, could be. workshop. Asking $59,000. To see this remodelled. home call NOW! DASHWOOD Vacant. 94 acres, systematically tiled, good produc- tive farmland in a good farming area. 1 acre of bush Add this to your present holdings, or for a starter and build your own home. Asking 5235,000. HENSALL Good Main Street location. Coin laundry PLUS 3 apartments. All laundry equipment included (10 washers, 5 dryers), commercial water heater and softener. Refrigerators and stoves for apartments in- cluded. Take some of your time and earn an in- come. Asking 568,000. • CONTACT JOHN MATHERS RES. 455-7309 • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1111Biviq REALTY ©©© BROKER 419'`Specializing in �s BUS. 481-1100 Rural Property" THORNDALE RES. 461-1244 HOUSES : 2' /z STOREY 3 bedroom brick home in Cromarty on 3., acre lot recerltl y remodelled, small shop o property ALPINE - A frame house_ new on 1.6 acres, many r•ytrc,', also 32 x 48 garage and shop in the country. 3 BEDROOM 1 ' storey frame house on large lot in Kirkton, close to bank and store. ' MOBILE HOME - - 12x68 Bendix like new with appliances. Must sell. FARMS: JUST LISTED - 75 acres, vacant farm land suitable for any cash crops on Hwy. 21, north of Grand Bund. 150 ACRE FARM - suitable for cash crop, barn set up for beef, house recently remodelled and large FCC mortgages available for $200,000.00 at 103.,oi., 12 8 " ACRE FARM - suitable for vegetable far mint) mony buildings suitable for storage north of Grand Bend. 27 5 ACRE FARM - suitable for cosh crop in Port Elgin area, 57000 bu. corn drying and storage fac,Iitir•s, recently remodelled home. For information on the above properties please contact Jim Bears: RR 1 Kirkton 229-6488 or Bill Elliott Thorndale 461-1244. xxxxxxxxz xxxxximmom 1 1 1 0 o r CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number 01 words. Sets of numerals as for serial numb, rs street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word p+r set Words lorned by hyphens count as seporole words F - 20 words 52 90. 10c per word therealter SUBSEQL'"NT INSERTIONS - No copy changes 9c per word minimum S 1 80 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - S3 00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 52 50 per column inch. (Minimum sere .n this coteao', 1 nches Accepted in multiples of holt inch ; BOX NUMBERS to this oft,,` 51 30 pe• msert,on BIRTHS - 20 word, 53 00 10c oe, word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Fngageme•-', Deaf., Notices - 20 words S3 00. each oda r.e,al w , a IJc IN MEMORIAMS - 5300 ot., 13c per line of Terse COMING EVENTS - 20 'so•ds 53 00. each additional word • IOc Three insertions for the price of 2 CARDS OF THANKS - ? v%. d% S3 00 oddmonol words 5c 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Mondays. Phone 235-1331 4 Help Wanted BOOK K1 FPI R. experienced in cull sets of hooks to trial balance Exposure to mini computer would he helpful hut not essen- tial. '(torkine hour. are 4-5 \ion - i hut-. Please appls with resume to Bas Held Bost laud, ( linton 482-3425 33c 131H\S1111 R for 1t month old 111(.1111 Full time. Lise in or out. Light housekeeping. Phone or ss rile Dr. Steele 803 T,itho( St.. London. 1-338-027, 33 :34c \\ AI [RISS lull time Must he willing to work some weekends. \lust he IS l'htiie 238- 225- 33 :34c RI 33131333 f3AI3\SI i (I -R for 2 children in ms home. Reference, required. Starting In September. 235-2961. 33 :34c FARM DRAINAGE Person required to work on I arm Drainage installation crew Kistner Drainage Ltd RR 1 Gadshill 656-2363 or evenings 273-4249 33c Bluebird Landscaping Ltd. Ground Maintenance Specializing in perennial rockeries, foundation planting, small trees, shrubs, flagstone patios and limestone walls. Gary Hugill R.R. 2 Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO 243-2090 CATALOGUE SHOPPING •,r • Ur.I•e CATALOGUE SHOPPING 238-8471 FOR CONVENIENCE SELECTION SATISFACTION WE'RE JUST A DIAL AWAY 4 Help Wanted RII.IAHLI- B-1B1'SITTI R needed 2 pre-schoolers. ages 1 and 4 sears Preterahh nls home Huron St. F. Hours 12 30 - 4 pot 235-1030 anytime. 32-34c CAREER in heass trucking Now Is the time to trail for sour Class -A license. ( ontact A F:1 Ssstems Ontario. London Branch. (519)438-3029. 29.34c 6 Services HENSALL ROOFING Commercial & Residential FREE ESTIMATES Hensall Exeter 262-2246 235-0911 31-34c Mobile Steam UPHOLSTERY & CARPET CLEANING SPECIALIST (Insured) FREE ESTIMATES --Hot" high pressure wash Auto interiors 3\1 carpet protector 666-0778 Commercial -Residential 3l -34c SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped: new tanks installed. new weeping beds land. old systems repaired. Immediate ser- tice Butler Bros.. l-ucan 227- 4312 or 227-4254. 26 t CUSTOM COMBINING • Direct Cut. V1 mdruws While Beans, Soo Bean. Wide & Narrow Row ( ors Trucking Asatlahle A VOID 10551-5 (.01 Early to l-itsure (food /Tamest iinling BRIAN WILSON 527-1123 30-37c CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING Homes, Collages and Business We do them all Gel rid of unsightly weeds, the weed sprat ing way Call Don Van Patter 236-4547 lunch elter 6 p.nt. Miller's Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dash Wood Portable Welding, Wrought Iron Railings General Repair OPEN 6 Days A Week Earl Miller RR 2 Dash.vood. Ont 237-3365 301 183 - ATTENTION MORTGAGE HOLDERS If you hold a 1st or 2nd mortgage and would like to cash in on your investment, PLEASI- ( •AL1. Tim Firth 519-235-0633 123 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Personally supers Ised outdoor parking facilities now asailahle in the Exeter area for sour recreational seh'cies Hoots, campers, etc. Summer or winter oils or Al year r Vacuum and high pressure washing available for spring cleanup For reservations call 234-6790 33 34c BRICK Ct.+ANIN(i Your Krick will look like new Guaranteed satisfaction 1 ree es- timates..Also truck, equipment. building ear:. ('hone \s bile's Sandblasting & Painting ulgham.3.57.1723 32.32 SAFE "0" CONCRETE STEPS Olg PORCHES - patio slabs - sidewalk slabs - curbs - flower bed edging - interlocking paving stones - flagstone Call: G & G CONCRETE PRODUCTS 236-4723 Triebner Electric Trenching for * water lines * drain tile * underground wiring CaII 235-1756 Daytime CARL WALKER PAT GRAHAM BOB JANKE Bayfield 565-5393 Bayfield 565-2847. Dungannon 529-7735 489 MAIN STREET, EXETER OFFICE 235-2533 AILSA CRAIG OFFICE 232-4310 EXETER NEW LISTING. THE PRICE IS RIGHT - Tw m frame bungalow with eat in kitchen room, extra large lot. Lc lmerciol zoningwith w r � orkshor and ret - 537 500 BRICK BUNGALOW -- An ideal starter home or place of business. Commwrriril tastes, near downtown. 549 000 4 BEDROOM BRICK - with very large rooms. Many appliances included 13'15. Tit rlge. Quiet neighbourhood. COMMERCIAL LOT 100' x 175' - on main highway. Cement (,osne EXCELLENT 11 'a °A MORTGAGE. RESIDENTIAL LOT - 75' x 120' in choice location, sewer and water. AREA PROPERTIES CREDITON DON'T MISS THIS ONE. Exceptional brick and insul sided home on .•orlde trees and garden. New roof. A beauty. BAYFIELD winterized cottage on well shaded lot just feet from the lake f f ,• included. PORT ALBERT 3 bedroom lakefront on large lot. ZURICH barge commercial building, good retail outlet on paved street. 4 pre block building and 2 lovely lot Sofro -. -iffllifr 6 Services Gene's slims Gene Creves - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR I Dashwood, Ont N0\1 INO 1'IIONI 238-8242 4t TO MAC OR 53-11 antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 131 PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating Ltd. \saw 3,1stallanuns,rnti Sieneral Repair, RURAL, RESIDF.N I I Al ('U.\1\H:R( 1-' I DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-3753 143 John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Cal 237-3298 124 6 Services FARMERS PIT SHOP HAROLD TRIEBNER RR 1 EXETER PHONE 237-3724 For All Your %Leel Needs - Welding - Lathe & Milling - Portable Welding - Welding Supplies Etc. 1' , miles. North of Exeter Cemetery Watch for Big Yellow Building 184 SHINGL ING Free Estimates R. Elliott Dash wood 237-3552 235- 1331 6 Services CUSTOM large round bales. Phone Doug Case 235-0197 or 235-1648. 30t CUSTOM COMBINING, grain, wrn, beans. Phone 235- 2046 or 237-3465. 30t 6 Services CUSTOM -HIG ROUND BALING. Lawrence Becker 234- 6486. 27-34c CUSTOM BIG ROUND BALING. Co londag. 565- 5308. 234 • REAL ESTATE REALTOR LIMITED M AFAR LANE 53 Main Street, Exeter 235-0541 "IT'S YOUR MOVE" SMALL TOWN VARIETY STORE & GAS BAR - ice cream stgnd, 3 bedroom trailer, DOING GOOD 9 :104 BUSINESS. Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill Das 1s tdncsdas v c-?mcnii£RS DASHWOOD 237-36 77 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. Seaforth Bill Henderson Henry Mero Clinton Harold Workman Peter Damsma Eileen Craig 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE Lakeview near Drysdale. 1 ACRE NEAR KIPPEN - nicely treed, 4 bedroom home in good condition. 549,500.00. 6 ACRES NEAR KIPPEN - 3 bedroom home, horse born, 562,500.00. ZURICH - excellent starter home, $20,000.00. TUCKERSMITH TWP. - 95 acres, systematic tiling 100 sow farrow to finish barn, good home, crops in eluded, TUCKERSMITH TWP. - 150 acres, 130 workable. MOBILE HOME - at Pine lake. $13,000.00. Call us, we have more listings, 527-0995 527-0430 482-3455 482-9849 482-3669 excellent condition. 592 London Rd. EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 FRED EYRE BARBARA BELL Eves. 471-1 15 8 235-1082 EXETER BUYER WANTED: TRY AN OFFER -- Closer to town centre than you could hope. Excellent for young couple with growing family. 4 bedrooms, liv- ing room with fireplace. Separate diningroom. See This Now!!! Listed in low 40s. WELL CARED FOR OLDER 11/2 STOREY - close to schools and churches. 4 bedrooms, separate diningroom, hardwood floors. Eat•in•kitchen. 541,- 500. Must Be Sold. . ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW - on well kept lot, two bedrooms, large bright Iivingroom, modern eat -in -kitchen, attached garage and_ sundeck. Owner willing to take back mortgage, MODERN RANCH - - with attached garage. Open fireplace accentuates large living room, separate formal diningroom, 3 bedrooms. Partially completed basement. Well kept lot. Priced at $57,000. HENSALL PRICE REDUCED TO $35,000, - this 3 bedroom older house. WELL KEPT HOME separate dining room, 1 ' boths, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, CREDITON LOOKING FOR SMALL ACREAGE FOR KENNELS? - If so - check this one out. 11 acres with 4 bedrooms. Older brick house, large workshop - gar- age. Asking 49,900. Call office for further details. COMMERCIAL LOTS TO BE AVAILABLE - on # 4 Highway north of town. Enquire on Agriculturally related businesses only. Call Fred Eyre for details. LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR BETTER RESULTS Member of the Huron Real Estate Board \ FARMS ATTENTION HORSEMEN! - Ideal set-up for horses, 50 acre farm, well drained, clay loam, 6 acres oak -fenced pasture. 3 bedroom house in A-1 shape, 9 oak lined stalls in barn. All Newly Decorated. HURON COUNTY - 36 acres with beautiful 2 storey red brick house, barn and drive shed, level clay sandy loam on 21 highway close to lake. A Real Beauty. HURON COUNTY - 100 acres well drained beef feed lot with 95 workable acres, 1'/2 acres bush, clay loam, 4 bedroom brick house. Excellent condi- tion. All Ready To Move In. EXETER - PRESTIGE HOME - overlooking RIVERVIEW PARK, three bedroom ranch, 2 fireplaces, beautiful landscaped lot 80x110. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. EXETER - 14.5 acres, industrial zoned property no. 83 highway. CALL TODAY. EXETER - 12 acres industrial zoned property no. 83 highway. Hydro and water. EXETER AREA - ELIMVILLE - 1 "2 storey frame home on spacious lot 132x165, three bedrooms, Iivingroom, large kitchen, 4 pc. bath. A GOOD BUY. # 4 HIGHWAY --- 4 bedroom 1 'a storey rug brick home, separate dining room, hardwood floors covered with broadloom, 900 sq. ft. shop, nearly ONE ACRE lot, excellent condition, good location. 13 '/4 % mortgage. CLINTON CLINTON'• - VENDOR WILL CONSIDER MORTGAGE -- - two storey frame, 3 bedroom home, Iivingroom, kitchen and both. CLINTON-VANASTRA - - two storey aluminum sid- ed three bedroom home, family room on main level, americnn styled kitchen, full basement, wood deck. VENDOR TO CONSIDER FINANCING. 3 YEAR OLD RAISED RANCH - -- 3 bedroom, large kitchen, living room, basement not completed. Ven- dor most anxious, VANASTRA - frome two storey 3 bedroom home, full basement, corner lot, VANASTRA -- two storey frame semi-detached, 3 bedroom home in need of repair. ' APARTMENT BUILDING - 7 units - good investment roperty. CALL TODAY. IDEAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - good office arrangement, two storey brick, zoned commerical, centrally located. DUPLEX - iwo storey frame, each unit hos two bedrooms, Iivingroom, kitchen, and bath, LIVE IN ONE AND LET THE OTHER PAY YOUR WAY. VANASTRA - two storey semi-detached units, three bedrooms, PRICED TO L. LUCANSEL8r AREA NEW HOMES - still to be finished, pick you own in- terior • 10 1/2 percent mortgages. BRICK BUNGALOW at an affordable price, 3 plus 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, sec room with built in bar. CENTRAUA -b former store - capable of many uses, newly remodelled two bedroom living quarters in sharp condition, BRINSLEY - 1 3/4 storey three bedroom home on over three acres, has carpeted livingroom, combined kitchen and dining room has unique skylight, bath and laundry room, with ceramic tile, two storey barn. DASHWOOD - two storey 3 bedroom home, fully remodelled, Targe kitchen and dining area, com- pleted rec room, corner lot, town water installed, OWNER ANXIOUS. Si Simmons Bob Thomas Marg Sceli 235-0526 482-3096 225-2301