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;011* ANTIQUE AUTO SHOW — Pearl Wheeler and Clifford Smeltzer were two of more than
1200 who came to lambton Heritage Museum Sunday to view o special display of antique
cars. Staff photo
Boat explodes and burns,
three taken to hospital
A boat exploded and
burned in the Grand Bend
harbour Friday evening,
sending a Stratford man to
Hospital with first degree
Barry McManus, 48, of
Stratford was treated and
released at South Huron
hospital in Exeter. Two
passengers in his boat, Mary
Lynn Core, 41, and Paul
Core, 42, also of Stratford,
were treated and released
from South Huron Hospital
for minor burns. A third
passenger, Barbara
McManus, 46, was not in-
jured in the mishap.
The accident occured
Friday at 6:30 p.m., just
after McManus had put
gasoline in the 18 foot boat at
the Pier booth at the mouth
of the Ausable River.
As they pulled away from
the gas pumps and headed
toward the lake, the motor
stalled. When McManus
attempted to re -start the
motor, an explosion occured.
He lifted the cover off the
motor and fire engulfed the
boat. McManus attempted to
put the fire out with an ex-
tinguisher, but he was un-
successful. The four jumped
from the boat and swam to
the pier. The Grand Bend
volunteer fire department
was called.
Value of the fibreglass
boat was estimated at $3000,
and thecontentswere valued
at $1500.
A spokesman for Ontario
Provincial Police at Grand
Bend said he suspected that
the motor wasn't properly
ventilated, causing the
explosion and fire. Most
inboard motors are equip -
with a blower which
must be used to remove
gasoline fumes from the
motor compartments each
time the motor is started.
The police spokesman also
speculated that the motor
may have been flooded,
adding gasoline to the fire.
Catholic women hold
annual parish picnic
The Catholic Women's
League held their annual
Parish picnic, Sunday after-
noon at the Alhambra hall
with about 35 adults and
children attending. Games
and sports were conducted
for children and adults. The
children received ribbons
and prizes. All enjoyed
barbecued hamburgs and hot
dogs, pop and ice cream for
The C.W.L. ladies are
reminded of the upcoming
sale of home baking and
fresh vegetables to be held
after the Saturday night
mass August 29, and after
the Sunday morning masses
on August 30.
Church of God news
Special music at the
Chufch of God morning ser-
vice was by "Servant Song
Group", from Gardner Bible
College of Camrose, Alber-
ta. Nine young people com-
Perso nah
Annie Mor.nz
prise the group, including
Doug Steckle of this area.
Their songs were accom-
panied on piano by Ken
Bitner, who had arranged
most of their music. Flute
and guitar music also were
The group were noon
dinner guests, Sunday, with
Rev. and Mrs. John
Campbell, Laura and
The group were enter-
tained Saturday evening at a
barbecue, at Doug Steckle's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Steckle, of Zurich area.
Seven Church of God
ladies met Thursday evening
for their August meeting at
the church.
Theme was - "There is a
Presence ". Roll call was
to bring in cookies for the
annual family church camp.
Betty Campbell presided
for business. Katie Vincent
was lunch hostess.
Services at Church of God
will be withdrawn on Sunday
August 23 due to family
camp services being held at
Rev. Edwin Wattam, of St.
Catharines will be conduc-
ting services at Church of
God on Sunday August 30.
Anglican church news
The 8:30 Communion ser-
vice was celebrated by the
Venerable John Morden,
Principal of Huron College,
London. Archdeacon Morden
also assisted the Rev. G.
Anderson at the 9:30 Com-
munion service. In Mr.
Morden's address he related
the history of Huron College
and the part it plays in train-
ing clergy for Anglican
Many graduates of Huron
College are serving in coun-
tries far away from Canada.
Coffee hour hostess today
was Mrs. Ruth McIntosh.
United Church news
Special music at this mor-
ning's outdoor United
Church service was two
solo's by Mrs. Roberta
Wacker. accompanied with
organ music by Idella Gabel.
Mrs. Walker sang, "Sabbath
Prayer,", from Fiddler of
the Roof, and "Come down
Lord". Also she played a
medley of violin selections.
Rev. H. Moore's sermon
topic was "But Jesus
said"... He told us to
remember the values of
God's gift of time. Scripture
reading was taken from
Chapter twelve of Luke.
verses 13 to 21.
- Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Wainer, Steven and Marilyn,
attended the wedding Satur-
day. August 15, of their niece
and cousin, Jane Becker,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Becker, (former
residents of this area) now
of New Hamburg, to Grant
Thompson son of Mr. and
Mrs. Terence Thompson.
The wedding was held at
the United Church in New
Hamburg with reception
following at Bingeman Park,
Mrs. Kathleen McDonald
of Calgary. Alberta, is
visiting her mother, Mrs.
Rosie Grigg and other
relatives in the area.
United Church Women
served a hot turkey dinner in
the SS rooms to a bus load of
St. Marys farm wives,
Wednesday evening, after
they had attended the play,
"Nurse Jane Goes To
Hawaii," at Huron Country
Anyone wishing to join the
Grand Bend 4-H clubs, on the
project. "Which came first,
the .chicken or the egg?
please contact Mrs. Gerry
Love, by August 21. Prospec-
tive members must be 12
years old by September 1st.
Les and Marjorie Adams,
Exeter, visited Wednesday
with Elgin and Elda Adams.
Rev. and Mrs. Morris Vin'
cent. of Morden, Manitoba,
arrived here last week to
visit with his mother, Mrs.
Katie Vincent and other
They held a family get-
together at Mrs. Vincent's
home last Friday evening.
Attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Hubert Vincent and
Elaine. of Crediton area,
Jim and Judy Snyder, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Vincent,
Lori, Michael and Michelle,
all of Shipka area.
Visitors last Wednesday
evening with Lorne and
Loreen Devine, were Mrs.
Shirley Dell, Clinton, Tonya
and Cynthia of Belleville and
Annie Morenz of Shipka.
They celebrated Tonya's
12th birthday with cake and
ice cream.
Four tables of bridge
played the Howell move-
ment. last Wednesday even-
ing at St. John's Parish hall.
First - Helen and Manning
Jamieson, second - Sue
Baumgartner and Betty
Brad and Rita Hamilton,
and baby Allen, of Windsor,
spent the weekend. with Alex
and Clara Hamilton.
Mrs. Margaret Maven, of
Guelph visited a few days
last week with her friend,
Beulah Holt. They attended
the play, "Comedy of
Errors," at the Stratford
Festival theatre.
Robin and Lawrence
McVittie, Southampton, and
Karen McArthur, of Port
Elgin. have been holidaying
here with their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
The McVittie and
McArthur families all spent
the weekend here and with
their father, Lawrence John-
son, attended a family reu-
nion, at Tavistock Communi-
ty Park, Sunday, when 140
descendants of Lawrence's
father, the late William
Thomas Johnson, gathered
for their annual r icnic. •
Sc,rEaL&' cs�io�
Main Street, Grand Bend
Mon - Sat 10- S:30
Sunday 12 - 5:30
/Kens and Ladies All Sizes
Times -Advocate, August 19, 1981 Page 17 •
Plans for recreation facilities approved
Grand Bend council ap-
proved inprinciple aplan for
developing the recreation
property adjacent to the
Legion Hall at Monday
night's council meeting.
Lorne Campbell of the rec
property committee and
Nancy Biggar Smith of the
Ministry of Culture and
Recreation outlined the
necessity of approving the
plans so that the village can
apply for Wintario grants to
develop the property.
Campbell said that the rec
property committee and the
rec committee had hired
Deleuw Cather to come up
with plans for the property.
Three years ago, the com-
mittee had sent out a
questionnaire and learned
that people wanted a soccer
pitch, a baseball diamond
and a hall.
The plans showed a rec
hall for dances and social
functions on the land
presently used as a soccer
pitch, and a baseball
diamond beside it. The ,
soccer pitch would be moved
behind the legion hall on the
rec property, also known as
the Patterson property. A
parking lot would be located
behind the present fire hall.
Ms. Biggar Smith outlined
the steps council would have
to take to be eligible for the
grants from the Ministry of
Culture and. Recreation.
Campbell told council that
the rec committee had
priorized the needs for the
rec property. He said they
planned to start with the new
soccer pitch and fence, and
then do the baseball diamond
and parking lot. The rec hall
would be built in the next
step, and the lighting for the
playing fields added later.
Lastly would come the air
conditioning for the rec hall.
He said that the lighting
and air conditioning would
be added later. The ap-
proximate costs would be
$321,000 or $490,000 with
lights and air conditioning.
Campbell said that similar
recreation operations were
studied at Komoka,
Camlachie and Wilkesport.
Reeve Robert Sharen said
that council would approve
the plans in principle, as long
as the Lions Club would
spearhead the fund raising
drive. All council members
stressed the need of the
involvement of the entire
community and the service
clubs to get the rec centre off
the ground.
In another delegation
before council, Gordon
Lambert of the Grand Bend
Art Association asked
council to purchase a slide
project and screen for the
club's use. He pointed out
that council would have
many other uses for such
Council said that they
would take the request to the
rec committee, and get some
idea of costs.
In other business:
The debate continued as to
whether or not the new
washrooms erected in the
parkette behind the village
hall should be left open in the
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PROPOSED RECREATION FACIUTIES — Grand Bend council approved in principle o
plan for the rec property presented at Monday's meeting. A rec hall and baseball diomond
will be in the present soccer pitch, and o new soccer pitch created.
Ambulance driver warns
of need for resuscitators
Grand Bend council was
warned Monday night that
they need to purchase
resuscitators for their
lifeguards to use on the
beach. Jim Hoffman of
Hoffman Ambulance, Dash-
wood told council that the
lifeguards need quality
equipment if they are to do
their job.
Hoffman said that his
ambulance was called by
the be,0h patrol earlier this
summer when a man was
having difficulty breathing
on the beach. He said that
the lifeguards had no
equipment with which to
help the man.
Council told Hoffman that
the village does own a
fresuscitator butit is so out-
dated, they were warned not
to use it, as it could cause
Hoffman showed council a
Flynn resuscitator which he
said would be ideal for use on
the beach. He said that it
would provide oxygen in an
emergency, and it would also
act as a pump to remove
fluids from drowning vic-
Council said that they had
authorized the purchase of
ambu-bags for the beach
patrol, but none had been
bought. Hoffman said that
the Flynn resuscitator was
superior to the bag system,
where the lifeguards would
have to pump the bag.
Hoffman also took the
or council
Council were pleasantly
surprised to receive a letter
from several residents of the
Green Acres subdivision
supporting them in their
fight over sewer payments
with Grand Cove Estates.
The letter said that they
supported council in their
negotiations to charge Grand
Cove double the pie paid by
village residdgts. Grand
Cove is located in Stephen
The letter pointed out that
because they are not part of
Grand Bend, Grand Cove has
not paid for footage, hook
ups, and the increased four
mills on the tax rate as
village residents have. The
letter also said that Grand
Cove had their water
subsidized by Stephen
township, and therefore it
MUSEUM BARBECUE — Cathy Norris and her mother, San-
dra were collecting money for the lioness club's beef -on -a -bun
supper at lambton Heritage Museum Sunday. The lioness' put
on the barbecue in conjunction with the museum's antique
auto rally. Staff photo
Grand 'Send 238-8495
Open 7 Days a Week
Authorized Dealer for
End -of season
Prices on
Now in Stock
would not be fair to base
sewage fees on their water
Reeve Robert Sharen
pointed out that Grand Cove
ebought space in the1
sge lagoon and the
r ving well.
Council decided to send a
letter to the Green Acres
residents thanking them fon
their letter of support.
Over 1200 see
antique autos
More than 1200 people
visited Lambton Heritage
Museum Sunday to view a
display of antique
automobiles which were at
the museum for the day.
About 40 old cars were on
display. They traveled to the
museum from the Sarnia and
Chatham area.
The Grand Bend Lioness
Club served beef on a bun to
museum visitors.
opportunity to inform
council that keys were
required to unlock the chain
at the beach to allow
emergency vehicles to enter
next to the bath house,
rather then drive the full
length of Government Road.
Council decided to give
Hoffman and all the police
cars in town keys to the
Hoffman told council that
the resuscitator which he
recommended would cost
over $400. He had quotes
ranging from $408 to $568.55.
Hoffman added that the
life guards were doing good
jobs. but "the guys didn't
have anything to work with."
Hoffman said that if the
equipment was purchased,
he would assist in teaching.
the beach partol how to use
the resuscitator.
Council voted to purchase
evenings. curtains had already been
Councillor Dennis Snider stolen.
said that the washrooms Council discussed getting
should be left open as late as several keys to the
possible for the boaters, washrooms made,and giving
while deputy reeve Harold them to the boaters, after the
Green wanted them closed at boaters paid a deposit.
5 p.m. to prevent vandalism. Reeve Sharen told council
Green said that some shower Please turn to page 24
Gibbs sells beach
to limited company
Grand Bend council was
surprised Monday night to
receive notification that
"part lot one, Lake range
concession west" had been
sold. Council was surprised
because they figure they own
that piece of property.
The parcel of land in
question is more commonly
known as Grand Bend's
main beach. The letter from
Thedford lawyer Philip
Walden informed council of a
change of ownership from
Malcolm Gibbs to 468798
Ontario Limited.
"Archie" Gibbs has
maintained for the past
several years that he has a
deed giving him ownership
Oakwood Inn
Grand Bend
Up to
of the beach property. Last
winter he attempted to have
a bulldozer remove posts
which had been erected by
Bonnie Doon Manor and
Sanders Tavern.
The dispute over the
beach ownership between
Gibbs and the village is
presently before the courts.
And even though council
was informed of a change of
ownership, it appears that
there will be little change in
the dispute. Gibbs told the T-
A that the property was
"still in the same hands",
and that the company to
which it was sold is, in fact,
his own investment com-
pa ny.
It's Our 20 th.
SALEUntil Sept. 1
200,/o OFF
On Waterford Crystal, Bing 8 Grondahl
and Royal Canadian
Copenhagen Christmas and
Mother's Day Plates 1970-1980 Plus Much
Fri. Aug. 21 - 9 a.m. to 12 midnight
Sat. Aug. 22 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
DISCOUNTS in s Everore ng
1 mile north of Grand Bend
Hwy 21 238-8240
The Lambton County Board of Education
ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: Forest Central, Woodside, Kinnaird, Grand Bend,
Bosanquet Central, Warwick Central, Aberarder, Errol
Elementary pupils will commence school at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 8,
1981, and will complete a half-day session. All classes will be dismissed at noon on
September 8, 1981.
That afternoon has been designated for professional activities for the teachers in the
elementary schools and classes for the trainable retarded.
For further information about registration, etc.. parents may contact the local school
principal during the week of August 31 - September 4.
In Forest, kindergarten to Grade 4 pupils will enrol at Central Public School and
Grades 5 to 8 at Woodside Public School.
Bus transportation to Kinnaird and Bosanquet Central will follow the usual routes
with necessary adjustments in the first week of school. Students living north and east
of the Pinery entrance will attend Grand Bend Public School. The same bus schedule
as 1980-81 will be continued for Aberarder, Errol Public and Warwick schools.
Secondary schools will operate a regular school program on Wednesday.
September 9, 1981 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and dismissing at the end of closec in
the afternoon.
Tuesday, September 8, is a Professional Activity Day for curriculum development.
NOTE: North lambton Secondary School - Buses will run the some routes as last
year starting Wednesday. Any grade 9 or new student to the areaplease contact
Kernohan Bus Lines (786-2391).
At Lambton Central Collegiate Vocational Institute,
be taken at the time of registration on September 2 and
noon and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
J. McPhersoh,
student photographs will
3 from '9'00 a.m. - 12:00
N.L. Cheeseman,
Director of Education