HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-07-29, Page 22Page 22 Tinges -Advocate, July 29, 1981 16 For Sale CLO(Is \1.1ke tour own E your own d: sign Qu.srat htlers movement, 11Jw 111 sbi1 Hie Country Spire .119-0141 ' t 12x60 \1()13111 U()\II. he110I0r11. tt11h 11!dee n!d •l,it:. and 5111.111 Tool sh:sl. ,it:..l lid ui Norwood \ 1If.1ge. SI 1.III0 Phone 235-032- 'illus C US1OM .IA1)1 solar htoil.;1 pool coser roller ILulrIh.'n s \!aching Shop 23` -try" 2-' 11 H1:-\1 jIR\11 - 41' Phone kick I.1s for 2''+ 64„ - \ 1 (i \R \(.l SA! I Sao .,nd Sun Aug i \ 2 ::_ Serval til Ill .1 111 - 1 urniture. .lpplr.rces. garden tools. pion: IPube. knlck- k1l.lck s, snow Iflohde, eat_ 3t1 1 ARD S k Portland Street. C rntrllla oleo to ( \ Stetson) Sat At.g 1st - 9 .1 m I-rill'khll fireplace. 2 garage door,, riding lawn mower. bicycles and tnesek., baths nectls. toys. avle tor trailer 1lordl. ,ttmg set 3 hrlold closet door,, 2 electric heater. Atom more item., An- uque, chairs. tote ,rut. wash stand. dressing table. oak mantel. hint'• eye maple parlor table. 30 STR A11 1.OR S•\Ll- Phone 294-6437 otter sax p mr 30' 21 ROOF- TRESSES: 29 ft. lung. Phone trom9 tot 5. 235-2650. 30c I EACH men's & Ladies' 26" htcylaes with or without baby seat. Call 235-0206. 30c. MOTORS - Twin 35 horse John- son outboard. Must ,ell. Phone 235-1804 any time. 30' STUDIO COUCH. clean In good condition. Suitable lir rec room or cottage. S25.00. Phone )29-6327. 30c METAL GARDEN SHED. in excellent addition. size 6'x3'x6' high. $60.00. 2364569. • 30 GE FLOOR POLISHER: told range hood: antique wooden end table: small child's tricycle: an- tique wooden high chair. 235- 1941. 30 STEREO RECEIVER - Sanso DCX 1970 AM/1-M. 25 watt, per channel. 5200.00. 235-1525 or235-2212. 30 :31' SUSPENDED Clare Heck' oil fired retention head burner. 2(X) gal tank and controls. Clare Hecla coal and wood heat enchanger or radiator for model 3022.\. Phone 2274755 alter 5 p.m. 30 :31' SOUVENIR SPOONS complete set. perfect shape. Ca!! 228-6823 anytime. Large and small. x ANTIQUE CAST bathtub. 4 • sinks. 2 toilets. Lowrey electric organ. Continental hed, bicycle carrier. 6 rattan ladder hack chairs, electric refrigerator. basket weave clothes hamper. Phone 235-2605:: '• GAVE UP ON CAMPING for now. 1 used tent. will sleep one and a dog. Phone 237-3479. 30c CHESTERFIELD and nlalching chair made by 1 n and Blackwell, in good condition. S100.00. 235-2884. 30c Steel Buildings Biro Inventory or deposit forfeited 50 ft. x 110 ft. grain building 524,- 000.00 need S12,075. 40 ft x 70 ft. grain machine storage 515,500.00 need $7,875. doors included. Stack grain 7 ft. through 11 ft. against side walls. Check 11 'WL rew- gvnements Brute Steel Building Factories by Sunward Corporation for local representative call 1- 800-665-0431 Barbecue for Rent for barbecuing pigs hips of beef etc. Huron Park Fire Fighters Association for more information phone Don Clark 228-6580 FREEZERS FREEZERS FREEZERS WOODS Summer Clearance of CHEST FREEZERS 22 cu. ft. (620 L) 18 cu. ft. (500L.) $380 $360 Centralia Farmers Supply (519) 228-6638 17 Wanted To Buy (- I I L1' - we pay good price lor recently injured unthrifty cattle. 1 ass loading trailer with winch. ( .til collect 238-2796 John Anse ins (.rand Bend. 361 O\I- USED MANDOLIN. Please call Aliso Craig 232.4581. 11 long distance call collect. 25 t GR AIN - quantity of good clean moved Phone 238-2759 30' BILI C1.1- - (food used tic -ginner', girl, Phone 262- 525 - --- 30L - I\ LL'C AN -\R1 - toys for preschoolers. cars and trucks. Call Dorothy 222'-49t' 30c 18 Wanted PERSON to share driming for trip to British Colunlhla. Departure August 1st Inane 235-1495 etclung, for re intormation til' DUTCH \I \l.F R-\111311 for breeding purposes only Thune 234-6'04. 30 31' IMA1l-:DIAll- P-\1 \IF.\ 1 lor good slandulg timber -Apply Robert Eagleson. Ailsa Cr:ue or phone 2324450 before '30 o.111 or between 3.und 5 p m 281 CEN URAL! A (01.1.1(il A.FI.T student wishes to shore duplex 111 Huron I'ark with another lengale •Ataitahle Sept I. Phone 681-9719 29 :30c 19 Property For Sale HOUSI in /urlch. Krick. lull lot. good locatlun. Phone 262- 2128. ,y :304,- 2 1'R OLD EXEC1.1 I. RA\CII - 34 bedrooms. king sloe kitchen with built 111 appliances and Ilsnoter cupboards, formal entrance. sunken Iiving room. I four piece hath. two piece hath. Indio !amity room with fireplace. mom Iloor laundry room. centrad oar. central sacuunl. inground pool. lull hlsryilent. 3.100 sq. Il. on main tk,or. 1.500 sq. ft. g.uage. 0.111 235-14611 to view. 227 t BRICK RANCH, 3 I hedroo ms. !iv ingrown w u h fireplace. diningroom, finished basement. inground pool 565.500.00. Phone 262-2825. 27 t ESTATE LOTS - Near (iruld Bend 23 - 1',4 acre Tots. 200' frontage, piped -in water. new 4 bedroom hi -level house. garage. on 1': acre. 1-672-6863. 16 t HOUSE 2 bedrooms. electric heat. large lot. 11mortgage until 1984. Phone 235-170(w evenings. 26 t 11.2 STOREY HOUSE located on large well -treed lot. Wood burning dove in living room. 3 bedroom. 11/2 hath. kitchen. ,un porch. carpet throughout. new windows and also Targe storage shed. Assumable mortgage for 3 years at 111."x7. Call weekday, after 6 p.m. and weekends ant lime. 234-6754. 30-33c 20 Property For Rent DON N TOWN 2 bedroom garden apartment. Parking. seniors preferred. 5169.72 plus utilities. 304 Andrew St.. Unit 14. Available September. Phone 472-0986 and 235-0591. 261 20 Property For Rent IIENSALL - 4 bedroom apartment. Heated with gas-, electric, air conditioning. Available September 1st. Phone 235-0537. 30 :31c EXETER - 2 bedroom lower apt. Utilities paid. Available Aug. 1/8 I . Phone 235-0680 alter 5 :30 Monday to Friday. 301 2 BEDROOM apartment. heated, unfurnished. Also furnished bachelor apartment. Art Gaiser. 236-7753. 301 1- ARM HOUSE - 3 bedroom. Available Aug. I sl. 262- 6609. -' 30 :31c BACHELOR APARTMENT near Huron Park. 235-1927. 28-3Uc: .APARTMENT - 2 bedroom to sublet. Carpeting. electric heat. Available Aug. 15. 235-1028 after 6 p. nt. 28-30' GRAND BEND - for rent (iull- 'iew Restaurant. Apply to I'rosper's Garage Ltd. 238- 2451. 28 t 4 BEDROOM I -ARM HOUSI Available September 15. Phone 235-1009. 29-31' HOUSE - 2 bedroom. recently renovated, Carling and John St. Available now. August Gregus 235-1647. 291 1 BEDROOM newly decorated apartment. suitable for single working adult. Abuse Canadian Tire. Phone 235-0451 or 238- 8805. 251 •\P.ARTMENT - 2 bedroom. available Aug. 1st. 231 Carling St. .Apply August Gregus. 235- 1647. 221 COM Ml: RC1 AI - Retail space 500 square feet. •Adjoining Main St. .Ample parking. reasonable Phone 235-2087 alter 6 :30 p.m. 231 .APARTMENTS - 2 bedrooms. stove and fridge. electric heat. Atailahle Im• 'lately. Phone 235-0141. 161 .APARTMENT 1 bedroom. stove and fridge. electric heat. Available Immediately. Phone 235-0141. 161 WE NOW HAVE warehousing space available for lease at Oud Warehousing. Phone 262-2928 or262-5768. 151 RETAIL SPACE - Primo location downtown. 1200 square feet. Phone 235-0173 days or 235-1080 nights: 241. I BEDROOM APARTMENT. large newly renovated. Close 10 downtown. Phone 235-0173 days or 235-1080 nights. 241 ELIZABETH COURT APA RTMENTS nNE & TWO BEDROOMS AVAILABLE August 1 - Sept. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout. laundry facilities. all utilities included. 176 Oxford St. Hensall. Ontario PH: 262-3418 or 262-2615 241. 21 For Rent CAMPER TRAILER - 17 loot. utas stove and fridge. toilet. 5100.00 per week. Phone 228- 6352. 30-33c 21 for Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges. portable cement mixer. potter trowels,. wheelbarrows. etc. Form lies stocked. Call N.J. C'orriveau, lunch 236.1954. 18 t FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's Largest selections. Agent for Freeman's Formal Rentals Syd Silver's of Sarnia Bob Swarunan !den's Shoppe. Exeter, 235-0991 • 481 THE "OLD town Hall'. auditorium for rentals including weddings, nleelings. banquet room. lectures. exhibitions. films, etc. Kitchen facilities asailahle Comict property manager Bill Doyne} 235- (1231 231 22 For Sale or Rent 1 IVE ROOM COTTA(il: style house. w ith new insulated aluminum siding. new gas fur- nace. Suitable for retired couple. Phone 235-0736'Exeter. 291 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate ot Charles B. Hoffman Late of the Town of Exeter. in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 11111 day of April. 1981. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to Zile full particulars of such claims with the undersigned on or before the Ilth day of August. 1981. atter which date the assets of the es- tate will he distributed haling regard only to the claims then til- ed. Little & Evans Exeter. Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 29 :30 :31c 27 Tenders Wanted Tenders will he received by the undersigned until September 15. 1981 for the purchase of land Approximately one quarter of an acre. lot one, concession thirteen of ruckersmith Township. known as the Chiselhurst United Church site. (former Church shed not included in purchase). Tender in writing. and for further particulars. Contact the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily .accepted. Mr. Harold Parker. RR 1. Hen - salt, Ontario. NOM IXO. 262- 2689. 30 :31c Boost attendance officer The school attendance officer for the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic School Board, William lines of Stratford, was given a raise of 50 cents per hour, bringing his wage to $7.00 per hour. It was reported he works about 250 hours during a school year, mainly meetings between students and parents in the evenings. He does some assessment work as well. His mileage allowance was raised from 25 cents to 28 cents per mile beginning September 1. The board office custodian was given an increase of eight per cent over last year and Professional Building Maintenance of Stratford was given a five per cent increase for cleaning five rooms at St. Michael's School in Stratford bringing the pay to $370 from $353. K.L. McCarthy was hired as a driver for two separate school board students from St. Patrick's school in Dublin to Stratford at the rate of $51.74 per day -- for special education classes. Transportation of special education pupils from Goderich to Clinton is to be continued with Goderich Coach Lines at a cost of $41.50 per day. The daily rate paid to the eight drivers of board -owned buses to be increased from $21.70 to $22.70 for 185 days, also for the school year 1981- 82. The school bus rate schedule for contracted buses was increased $1.00 across the board ranging from a fixed pay of $21.50 for a 6-10 passenger station wagon to $65.00 for a 72 - passenger bus. The board will protect the contractor for increases in fuel prices over the term of the con- tract. The resignation of Sister BUILDING LOTS New Subdivision Exeter 65' Frontage 126' Depth Motz & Pryde Blvd. Fully Serviced Paved Streets Builder Available Phone 5 D REALTY 235-2208 Elaine Noury was accepted. She has taught seven years at Holy Name of Mary School in St. Marys. Sister Colleen O'Reilly was hired to replace her. Mary LaBerge of Ottawa was hired as a speech pathologist at a cost of $17,600 plus benefuts. She will work out from the board office. NOTICE Of Road Closing Notice is hereby given that pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 443 and other powers thereun- to enabling, the Corporation of the Township of Stephen proposes to stop up .and close: A portion of the original road allowance being part of lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 Aux Sables Concession, in the said Township'• of Stephen, more particularly described., in Schedule "A" attached hereto. The lands comprising that part of the said road allowance rereby stopped up and close and the subsequent sale or other disposi ion of the said lands, shall be subject to easements for existing sewer, watermain and hydro services on the. lands in question. That subject to the said easements, the lands comprising that part of the said road allowance hereby stopped up and closed shall continue to be vested in the Corpora- tion of the Township of Stephen to be dealt with from time to time as the Council of the said Corporation may see fit and deem proper. And that the Council of the said Cor- poration will hear, in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applied to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Coun- cil Chambers at the Village of Crediton in the Townships of Stephen, County of Huron on the 18th day of August, 1981 at the hour of 8:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Dated at Crediton, Ontario, this 15th day of July A D. 1981. Wismar D. Wein Clerk of the Township of Stephen Schedule "A" In the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron and being coriiposed of all of the original 33 foot road allowance adjacent to the westerly boundary of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, Ausable Concession, save and except that portion of the road allowance adjacent to the westerly boundary of that portion of Lot 2, Ausable Concession designated as Part 1 on RD Plan 657 registered in the Registry Office, Goderich, Ontario. :g3TI•OsE011 00 QIIIIIIIIIII1111118181N1►111111111p010001110pIIp111p11111111111111111111➢tuuuuuuuuululumul1 r3� 1Antique Estate Auction and collectibles. for the Tate Martha McNair a Saturday, August 1 10 a.m. Ilderton Curling Arena Furniture, Canadian glass, china, lamps, primitives Check ad in London Free Press for complete listings. Viewing 8 to 10 a.m. day of sale. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111�r GIGANTIC FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1981 10 A.M. SHARP of new and used equipment including approximately 30 combines, 60 tractors and over 200 pieces of all typos of farm equipment. Plus antique cars, lawn tractors and new tools. Terms cash or cheque day of sale. Not responsible for accidents on property. Trucking and lunch available. Auctioneer Cliff Gilbert, Wiarton, Ontario. DON'T MISS IT. SEE YOU THERE!! Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Hwy. No. 6 Wlarton, Ontario DIAL 1-519-534-1638 or 534.1110 LARGE ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE of Old tractors, old water cooled and air cooled engines, walking plows, gang plows, horse mowers, cast and steel implement seats, hay forks, buggies, cutters, wooden wheel wagons, drag saw, water pumps, and miscellaneous farm equipment. For Robert Brindley R.R. 6 , Goderich 7 miles northeast of Goderich or 3 miles north to Sunset Golf Course then 4'/, miles east. Watch for signs day of sale. Saturday, Aug. 15 10 A.M. SHARP onff ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 301 WELLINGTON 00 S LONDON. OW NeC 4P1 432 2293 Exits, - Coll Zenith - 45150 PETER G. MORETON. O.L.S. Res. 472-S4S2 AUCTIONEERS /Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service 1 Coedurl sor•- .)t •,•,� . - ' r1 •', 1, We guarantee you mole to Phone Collect 666.0833 666.1967 , NORM WHITING l( FNSEO AUCTIONEER A APPRAISER . 1 ' • E ",, P. AN, • °f ANY SIZE r.%'(l R( ,., , ., "r,iP'r %r/1P tett • 1'u'is• 811)PERIENlE Phone Collect 235 1964 EXETER ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC r GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS. 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 J CHIROPRACTORS DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Mo,n Street E.eter 235-1535 8r Appo.nlmenr Do,ly f CHIROPRACTORS C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel lone STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please Gerold A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST. EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLIN(. CERTIFIED i;ENERAI. ACCOUNTANT -1-El., 010-200-2200 THE 01.1) TOWN IIAI.1. 022 MAIN HTHEET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO INSURANCE i Bev. Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main Street. Exeter NOM ISO Ontario 235-2544 Complete Insurance Coverage OFFICE SUPPLIES SEE US FORA FULL UNE OF Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment LIVINGSTONE'S Downtown Exeter 1 This space could be yours Phone The Times Advocate Exeter 235-1331 for details BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CAREY & OTTEWELL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Main St. Zurich, P.O. Box 208 Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 1-5 p.m. RESIDENT PARTNER J. RICHARD OTTEWELL Ph. 236-4312 Res. 524-4653 J INSURANCE e ear ye TELEPHONE 15191 235 2211 - ( - r 4iore fr'onsws.. . (zzrriirl 147 MAIN ST Fir. E T. S EXE TER, ONTARIO, P 0. HOX 1600 NOM 190 INSURANCE S.C. PEARSON 1 / Insurance Agency Inc. 33 Huron St. East Exeter, Ontario GENERAL INSURANCN Nus. 233-1455 Res. 235-0357 Box 1769 �N_OM 1S0 J Realty Insurance Inc. EXETER 235.2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 GODERICH 524-2118 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates J