HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-12-21, Page 18 (2)toga 34 Times -Advocate, December 21, 1978 AN NOU N C .MEN BIRTHS - INCH - Bill and Barb are pleased to announce the birth of their son Jeffrey Adam on December 5. 1978 at St. Joseph's . Hospital. A wee . brother -for Bryan S1p PERGEL - Dave and Doreen tree Lee) announce the arrival of a daughter Melissa Lynn born December 4. 1978 at St Joseph's Hospital. London Proud grand- parents --are Mr: and Mrs Harold Lee 'and. Sirs Violet Pergel. Great grandparents are, • Mr and Mrs Albert Steeper 51p • ROBINSON - Kevin and Karen -are happy to announce ,the arrival of their long awaited 1. baby 'brother. Timothy Jon. born at St Joseph's Hospital on 'December 13. 1978 The parents- . - Zion Lutlteran'Church Dashwood Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday. December 24 ' 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Bible Class 11.00 a.m.-Worship 7:00 p.m. -Christmas Eve Service December 25 10'00 a.m.-Worship with -- Holy Communion December 81 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.--Bibie Class ' 11:00 a.m.-Worship with Holy Communion 7:30•p.m.-Worship with - Holy Communion 8:30 p.m. -Fellowship January 1, 11:00 a.m.-Worship All Welcome s Christian . Reformed Church Minister' REV CLARENCE BISHOP. 11.A., B.D. Sunday, December 24 10:00 a.m -Morning Worship 2:15 p.m. -Afternoon Service Everyone Welcome • The Back to God Hour • CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 580 • Centralia Faith Tabernacle Rev Bob Degraw • Sunday. Dec. 24 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. -Evangelistic Service The Services tor 26. 28 are cancelled due to the Christmas Activities. Everyone Welcome • Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minister REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister . REV GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr Robert Cameron Sunday. December 24 . 9:45 a.m.-Church School 1 1:00a.m.-Christmas Servi£e 7:30 p.m.-Fafniry Service and Altar Communion Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-1286 Centralia and Zion United Churches Sunday. December 24 STUDENT MINISTER' Paul Schott ZION Organists Mrs. Lorne Hefn, ' Yvonne Jaques 9:45 a.m.-Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.-Sunday Spool CENTRALIA Organist Mr. Douglas GIII 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School -11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Choir presenting Cantata "Following Yonder Star" . 8:00 p.m. -Combined Christmas Eve Service et Centralia Everyone Welcome Peace Lutheran Church Andreand George Streets VICAR - DOUGLAS PRIESTAP Sunday, DeceOlber 24 9:00 a.m-Morflt)q Service 8:00 p.m -Christmas Carol Service WNbom• 74 Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister REV. BRUCE GUY 8 A - Organist_ .Miss Idella Gabel. A R C "Sunday December 24 • 9.45 a -m. -Church Service 10:45 a.m.-Sunday School Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter 'Evangelical in teaching. -presbyteriait in churchgovernment. welcomes you. • Sunday. Decernbet 24 10:00 a.m.-Warship' 11:10 a.m.-Sunday School , 7:30 p.m. -Evening Worship Pastor • REV HENRY VAN•ESSEN SA B.D. 8 Telephone church 235-204 Manse 235-1435 Emmanuel - Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental - Evangelical Pastor REV LINN LOSHBOUGH ,Sunday. December 24: 1978 9:45 a.m.-Bible School • 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:30 p m. -Worship . - Wed.. 8:00 p.m. -Prayer Meeting 5 Nursery facilities Everyone Welcome Mrs E A Keyes. Organist Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER Rev Kenneth Knight Organist Pk Robert.Mclntosh Sunday- December 24 1 1 30 a.m.-Morning Service Junior Sunday School during service 10 15 a m -Senior Sunday School Nursery Available Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Main at Gidley Rector Red G.A Anderson. D F C Organist Mr Gerald McAuley •• Christmas Eve - December 24. 1978 - 8 00 a m. -Holy Communion 1 1 15 a.m.-Service of Lessons and' Carols Sunday School during service WrMivttlnldpight of this threesome are David and Beverley Robinson of Exeter The proud- grandparents are Albert and Shirley Beer of 1-ucan, and Mrs Cora Robinson of Clinton 51e ANNOUNCEMENTS - Den's Den Clandeboye will be closed on Boxing Day December 26 Regards to all my friends and neighbours Den- . nis 51p CARDS OF THANKS We would like to say thank' you to our good neighbours of the school section. for the social evening and lovely gifts we received It was very much ap- preciated ' Cliff and Lorraine Brock 51p 1 wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards, treats, and phone calls while i was a patient . in University Hospital and g.ince returning home Special thanks to Harry Hoffman Ambulance. Drs Borne. Steciuk and Wolfe. Lorne Genttner 51e The family of the late Russell Wilson wish to thank their friends. relatives. neighbours and -Centralia United Cttruch for mann cards. •flowers. memorial donations and other expressions of sympathy Lois Wilson and v• CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank everyone who remembered me with cards. gifts. flowers and visits • while i was a patient in South Huron Hospital and since retur- ning home Special thanks to Dr Gans and the nurses. Also b spe,Sial lanks to my sister and my niece for the help given to my husband. Doug. it was all deeply appreciated Eva Trtebner Sip We wish to extend our thanks to our family. grandchildren and great grandchildren for making it possible for us to spend our 50th wedding anniver-. sary with friends. relatives and neighboul-s We also wish ' to thank ,everyone for their.best wishes: the lovely flowers. cards. and gifts Speciallhanks to Leila and Isobel. 1t all helped to crake our day such a happy one, and we shall always have treasured memories.: Percy and Emma Campbell- • - 51p . • I wish to thank alt m' relatives. neighbours and friends for being so kind to me while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital Special thanks to Dr. Steciuk. Rev. and Mrs. • Anderson, Mr and Mrs. Harold Harness and Bob Cutting. all the nurses and anyone At the hospital at that time. Thanks alot. Alvin Cornish. 51c We would like to express our thanks to relayves. friends and faintly for 'the `visits. cards. flowers and gifts while we were' in St Joseph s Hospital' London and since returning home . Special thanks to Dr. Steciuk. Dc Girvan. Dr Jaco and the -nurses in the ,neo -natal inten- sive Care Unand and -Bob Hoffman. Dore u and Melissa Pergel 51p I wish Jo thank my family. • relatives and friends for the . lovely cards. visits. flowers and gifts while I was a patient in St: Joseph's Hospital and since returning home Your kindness was very muoli appreciated. • Vera Greenlee 51p family Sip . I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank i y. family. friends and relatives for all the cards.. Rowers and letters 1 received while; a patient at University Hospital. Special thanks to brs. and' urses on 9E. Everything -was deeply ap- preciated rothy Young 51c l would like to thank evkryone for, the get well cards and Christmas cards and. 1 wish ' everyone -a Merry Christmas Mrs. May Smith 51c . it is with appreciation that we would like our friends and neighbours .to know. how • thankful we are for...their kindness A special thanks to - Dr Steciuk and nurses and staff at South Huron Hospital Season's Greetings to all. Annie . and Harry Horton 51c • i would like to thank all my friends. relatives and neighbours for cards. flowers. visits•and treats while a patient in University Hospital. Special thanks to my daughter and son- ' in-law Pat and Bevior all their kindness • since returning home from hospital Also special. thanks •to everyone for their acts -of kindness. and sympathy in • the loss of my brother. Audrev,('Iarlte - 51p 11'.00 p.m. -Holy Communion Glory 10 God in the highest. and peace to ,his people on earth. We welcome the people of Ex- eter. arid"area10 Jofn us as we- celebrate'Christ's bony birth • EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE December 24 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:0O-a.m.-Morning Worship "Whereas He9_ 6:00 p.m. -Special Christmas Eve Service . "The Night Before Christmas" 1 0 0 F Exeter Oddfellows Lodge No 6i will not have a meeting. December 26th nor January- 2nd We will be having P G M Ross Chiswell as guest.. speaker on Tuesday. January' 9th Alt Brothers welcome 7V.or'in Stanlake Rec Sec . Ray Mills N G 51c • BINGO - Ebery Tuesday night- at ightat -the Vanastra Centre. RR 5. Clinton at 8 p m F irs"t regular card 51.00. 15 regular games of S15 00. 3 Share the Wealth and Jack Pot of $200 00 Must go Ad- mission restricted to 16 years or over 50fnc • FESTIVAL. SINGLES Christ- mas Dance. Friday. December 22nd. at Victoria inn. Strat- ford 50.51c• • BOTTLE DRiVE - Saturday. January 13. 1979 conducted by Brownies. Guides. Beavers. Cups and Scouts Save your empties - 50 51 52c STiLL TIME before.Christmas Stiff one in your favourite fellow's. stocking Tickets for annual Lion's Club S rtstnen's Dinner. Tuesday. F bruary 6 1979 at, Rec Centre Get your ticket Friday from Dick Jongkind at Times -Advocate of- fice • Slnc THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites von to attend the .Expectant Parent Education • Classes, being held in the alth Unit Office, Soutti Huron pita( . Exete_ Tcom�encing Nfonday'-3anuary 87 1979 from 7 30-9-30 p.m These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is interested please register by calling 1-800-265-448.5 toll free or the Health Unit of- fice $t 235-1014 Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the . dis- • cussions 1979 Spring Series will begin' the week of April 19'79 ' 51 52 lc • -gSly most grateful thanks to the staff and Doctors of the Stratford. General Hospital and Westlakes Ambulance at the lime of my accident who cared for me so thoughtfully while a patient there. To . m neighb'burs. `relatives and - friends 'for ' cards:. treats and visits Tillie Ziler 51p IN MEMORIAM- • - CORNiSH -- in loving memory of our dear mother. grand- mother. great grandmother Lot- tie Cornish -who went to be with - her -Lord December29tli. 1971 A beautiful merpory dearer • than gold • - Of a mother whose.w.ortjt can never be told - Always so true. unselfish and . • kind • Few in this world her equal `ou'll find Never more -than a thought away Quietly remembered every day No need for words except to Say Still loved. still missed in everyway Dearly loved and remembered by your family - ,DATERS - In loving memory of Elmore P. Daters who passed away 12 years ago December 26. 1966 Sadly miss along life's way . Quietly remembered everyday No longer in our lives to share „But iA our hearts you are always there Remembered. always by his fasgify . 51p FERGUSON - In truing ..memory of a dear wife. mom and grandma/ Jean Alice. who left us one year ago December 22. 1977 in tears we saw you sinking We watched you fade away - Our hearts were almost broken., You fought so hard to stay . But when we saw you sleeping So peacefully free from -pain We could not -wish you back To suffer that again ' iN MEMORIAM-- IN MEMORIAM- JEFFERY - In loving memory of a dear father and grandpa. Charlie. who passed away December 26. 1974. Four sad and lonely years have passed . a Since the giieat,sorrow fell The shock that we received that day No one can ever tell Your end came sad and sudden No time to say good-bye You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why - A golden. heart stopped beating Two working hands at rest God broke our hearts to prove to • us •. . He oitF akes the best We conn t forget your smiling • face • Your happy carefree way The smile that min so many friends. And the haRP.v by -gone days So this month comes With deep-•. regret • For it brings back a day we cannot forget You left so sudden without a good-bye But memories of you will never die • in all the world. we shall n find A heart so wonderfully kin g So soft a voice. so sweet a • smile. An inspiration -so worthwhile A sympathy so sure. so deep -A love so beautiful to keep. Sadly missed by the family ' 51p. KEL-LER - In'. arfhg memory of a dea ' h and and father Elmer w passed away 11 years ago becemhii 18. 1967 Beautiful memories are all that is left Uf one we loved and will never forget Just.as•you were. you. will always be • Treakured forever in our memory I,ovingl remembered by wife Florence and family - 51c "LUTHER, --In loving rnemory of my husband \fanford. who passed away one Year. ago today. december 21.1977. •• I will always remember in my heart. •, The happiness we both knew. - We fol( ed life's pathway together. • It was beautiful because of you. i remember the day I met you. And the dap God made you mine: I remember the dat;' 1 lost you. i will until the e • Lovingly rememtiered by his • wife Greta. 5ip IYCTHER - Treasured. Memories of a wonderful dad. Stanford Luther who passed away December21. 1977 if i had one lifetime wish • - Onedream that could come true i would pray to God with all my head ' For yesterday and you. • A thousand times i needed you A thousand times i cried If love could'have saved you. dad.• • • You never would have died. But God took your hand and we had to part -He eased your pain and broke my heart, ..You fell asleep without goodbye But memories of you shall • never die Always loved and missed by husband Wilmer. children. Don and Nancy.. Tom and Muriel. Ken and Trudy and grandchildren 51p Loved and missed in every way b4 your son. Lorne and daughter-in-law Marg. • 51p LUTHER - tri loving memory of our beloved dad and grandfather who passed away 1 year ago.December 21. 1977 Please God forgive a silent tear. A.silent wish that our father w.as here. There are others ves we know. But he was ours ai*i we loved him so' One year ago We had to part. 'Witti one we loved with all our heart. The wound is deep, it will not heal. Only those who have lost know how we feel ' �. • 1f we could speak with dad ,today. . . Laugh with him in the same old ' way. ' Hear his voice and see his smile. • Then life indeed would be worthwhile Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his sons Larry and Ivan. daughter-in-law Carole and grandchildren • Rob1: rt. Terri -Lynn. Tracy and Terry - 51p LUTHER - In loving memory of a wonderful dad and grandpa Stanford. who passed away one year ago today. December 21, •1977 ' This month conies back with deep regret I% brings back a night we will never forget You fell asleep without a good- bye But memories of you will never • die. • 40 - What we would give if we could sat' Hello Dad. in the same bid way To hear your voice to see you a anile To sit and chat with you awhile: For -you who have a dad Cherish him with care For you'll never know the heartache "Til you all meet and hes not there" Always reme ere.d by daughter Shirley, son- -law Don. grandchildren Sb. rc i and • Barb. daughter Lynda. son-in- law Norm, grandchildren Sean and Michael . 51p LUTHER - In fond memory of odr dear grampa ,Manford Luther who parted from us ahe- yea rago. December 21. 1977 The words are few`, - But mean a lot. ' Just to tell you "Poppy' We haven't forgot Lovingly remembered .by ,John. Janis. Julie and Vio. Sip MAXW4' 1L - In loving memory of a • deft brother Robert Brian who passed away December 22. 1972.6 years ago. God took him home. it was His will •• But in our hearts we love him • still Kis memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away We often sit and think of him - When we are all alone For memory is the only friend • That grief Can call•its own. / •Sadly missed and lovingly remembered b!y sister Sandy - -Sip MAXWELL - In loving memory cash dear son and . brother Robert Brian. who, was taken away so sud jnly 6 years ago. December 2 . 72 Six sad and lonely years have - passed inn our great sorrow• fell ' the shock. that we received that day • No one will ever tell But what it meant to lose you . No one will ever know • it's lonely. here without you, A million times we've needed • you. A million times we've cried. To our hearts. there comes a . longing. if only you could come home. For life is not the same to us Since you were called away. 5 ou bade no one. a last farewell Or even said Good Bye' e You were gone before we realized -. And only God knows why Sadly missed and lovingly • remembered by Mom. Dad and • Sister June' and Marilyn 51p, McADAMS - In loving memory -of a dear husband, father. and grandfather Milton who passes away 1 year ago December 30, 1977- - A cluster of recious memories. • Sprayed with a million tears ' Wishing God could have spared • him Only -a -few more years He left a beautiful memory And sorrow too great to be told But to us who loved him and lost Community Carol Sing Along Thursday Dec. 21 from 8-9 p.m. at TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH Arethi , - • Christian - Reformed Choir Guitars 8 Trumpets COnSiinunity Singing • • Come and join us Sponsored by Christian Reformed Church SP' him • His memory will never grow old Lovingly remembered by'his wife Hilda and family. • 5lc 'IN MEMORIAM - PARSONS - In loving memory of a dear mother •and grandmother Jean wtjQ passed away December 25th, Lovinggann1 kind in all her ways Upright and just'to the ehd of her Bays Sincere and true In her heart and.mind Beautiful memories she left 'behind Lovinglyy remembered by Nancy. • J1p PARSONS - In loving memory - of my mother Jean•Evelyn who passed away six years ago Christmas night. We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds - The�ays we do not think of you Are very hard to find. Always remembered by Ruby and Laird, Sharon; 'silo -.Anne. Sandra and ShelteY. Slp PARSONS - in loving memory - of a dear .mother and grandmother Jean E Parsons who passed away Christmas Day 1972. - I agnt a wire to Heaven To see if Mom was there - They said wait until we check We've so many of them here. I said if I described her You'll know her then for sure For of all the moms in Heaven There is no one quite like her. Do you have a little lady Who makes your task seem - lighter • 'And of all the smiles around you Does hers seem a little brighter Are the hours gay and sunny Do the days seem free from carr. If so Iknow the reason You've got my Mom up there Lovingly remembered ind sadly missed by daughter Lt da and grandchildren Terry and Lori -Lynn. Brenda and Tracey. - 51c PARSONS - Ari loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Jean PTrsons who passed away 6 years ago. 1972 Christmas Day God knows how much we miss her Never shall her memory fade Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. Lovingly remembered and always missed by Helen and Elizabeth Thompson. 51p • PICKER-tAIG• - In loving memory of our(dear parents. Dad who passed away September 16. 1965 and Mother who.passed away December 25. •1970. The world changes year by year, • And friends from day to day, . But never will the ones we have From memory pass away. Lovingly remembered by the ' family and grandchildren: 51p Helen, Dale and Hugh. CENTRALIA FAITH TABERNACLE'S Young Peoples Christmas Musical Presentation will be televised December 23'at the following time. CFPL London 1 1:00 a.m - 1 1:30 a.m. CFNX Wingham 5:00 p.m. - 5:30yp•►r• Watch For It It :FOR INFORMATION "' ON bNive!'s in South -Huron Phone 235-1834 We Need More Big"Bro►hers Now! Optimists of Stephen NEW YEARS DANCE Music by BITTERSNEET • • HURON PARK PEC CENTRE 9 p.m. - 1 o.m. `• Price: S30 till November, 1 5 • s35 after Tickets Available from all optimist members Ticket includes dance, beverages and meal For, tickets call: Bob Pinter 228-6329 Jim Gage 228-6589 Bill McGrath 228-6871 - The Centralia United.Chruch Choir Presenting the Contata "Following Yonder Stcrr" Sun;, Dec. 24 11:15 a.m. Sunday, Christmas Eve Service at 8 p.m.. • SOUTHHURON RECREATION CENTRE PUBLIC SKATING 356 ., Sat., Dec, 23rd - • 2-4 p.m. Sun., Dec. 24th 2-4"p.m. Thurs., Dec: 28th - 2-4 p.m. ' Fri., Dec. 29th. , 8-10 p.m: Sat., Dec. '30th 21-4 p.m. Sun., Dec. 31st 2-4 p.m.. New Years Day Jan. 1 st 2-4 p.m. n::.f 4,. ,SOUTH+1URON RECREATION CENTRE Christmas Holiday Activities CHILDREN'S -- Walt Disney CHRISTMAS MOVIE Sat., c. 23rd , 7:00 to 5:00 p.m. 50: -SKATING Moms 8 Tots Only Thursday, December 28th • 10--11 a.m. (Tues., Dec. 26th - cancelled) 6°L9EN RESTAURANT e41/141E0E &- Cy4N417/,4N F000 493 MAIN ST.. EXETER PH. 2'_5-0464 OPENING NEW HOURS Mort, Tues. Wed., Thurs. Fri., Sat. Sun. 11 a.m. till "9 p.m. 11 a.m. till 12 p.ni. 1 1 a.m. till 3 a.m. 3 p.m. till 9 p.m. EVERYDAY LUNCHEON SPECIAL CANADIAN & CHINESE BUFFET ALL YOU CAN EAT ONLY 5300 Mon. - ri. 1 1 :30 a.41. to 2p.m, ' STEAK WITH LOBSTER TAIL Salad, Vegetable, Potatoes, S795 Beverage Included We have take out for your parties ' at your home. - rift : :l�:tVilVe.i ::f: V:V::I: : it::i�: V I .14 cti ;i..' Ci Come lunch with us DAILY NOON SPECIALS • C EVENING DiNING If, SPECIAL AFTER 9:00 P.M. - • SNACKS •_ ' , OPEN -n SS. CHRISTMAS DAY 2 P.M. - 5 P.M: n CaII 236-4050 r I for Reservations . :n' OPEN - HOURS j i 12 noon to }:00 a.m. Mon. to Sat, • :?‘ 12 Noon to 9:00 p.m. Sundays UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Q Barb at Bob n trfrit �.O �� f ♦frCtrirxCIV.C. �� ` � . i :: ? tt ` s: 1 � s• d. 'Bayviewl,� Tourist 13 0I 4 DINING LOUNGE Tavern Lc----�Oi--117C-10t 131 31:11 0