HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-12-21, Page 12 (2)Page 28 • Times -Advocate, December 21, 1978 • . • Will -rtame parking committee, undertake study Grand Bend council is ex- pected to appoint a parking committee in the very near future and tao of its first • -priorities were discussed at Problems to be aired As. soon as -tenders_ are in for the upcoming Grand Bend sewers system.- meeting ystem.-meeting will be called to dis---- cuss some of the problems involved with construction. Council members agreed • Monday night to include ex- etutive members of the •Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce- in such a meeting. - -The subject was brought up when a letter: was read from C of C president Nick Carter. who 'is also a.main street business owner.. Carter's letter asked for additional information on the construction. It con- tinued. "I understand Main street will be interrupted the longest time. We know the horrors we can expect and the loss of business will be great." Carter questioned the proposed start on Main .street in -January saying, it e should be lefty until after Labour Day. • • Councillor .Bill Baird agreed saying. "There is no reason that most of• Main street can't be done from Labour Day anti} May. We will have _problems. but. let's keep them to a, • • r minimum." ••• - . - . ,'' Reeve Bob Sharen suggested • a' meeting with Chamber officials, contrac- tors. engineers and govern- ment officials could tie held by late January. He added.: "The wheels should be tur- SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS The top winners in the senior Science Fair at Stephen Central ning by that time. were. Fred Miller witha solar cooker and Dean Watt and his solar green house. at eOver80ecumenical-. . hosted at Ang lican church Monday's regular meeting Two enginea& from De Leuiw Cather d1Ttis ed with council 'the possibilly of do- ing a traffic operation and parking study. - - Douglas Barker and Blair Anderson said such a study would be subsidized to the ' extent .of 45 percent by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications if that body gave its approval. :any work to implement recommendations of such a - N study would lfe subsidized on - a 50-50 basis. 'the study would include traffic counts. parking habits of Grand Bend residents and visitors in- cluding the length of time, lights. cross walks, etc. • AND DISTRICT NEWS ;8,‘, Beet Maim Thanks for your patronage. We extend best wishes at Christ- mas time, and throughout the New Yar. Closed Dec. 17 to Mar. 1 Pizza Delight D Hayter, ` Grand Bend More than 80 gathered Monday evening at the St. John's by the lake Anglican; church for the Christmas -- ecumenical hosted by the Anglican and Catholic ladies groups. - . - C. W.L . president, Ms. Annie Grootjen presided. All joined in singing several Christmas carols. Special numbers were a reading "I like Christmas" by Ann Baltessen, and two solos by Mrs. Roberta *Aker, "The secret of Christmas" and "Lo how a Lose e're blooming" from the Catholic church. A number from the Church of God was. a solo "Redeeming love" sung by Mrs. Verona Snider. Grand Bend United Church . ladies presented a skit (in costume) of the "Three Wise Men" telling their story• about coming to Bethlehem to see a baby King and bringing gifts of gold. frankincense and myrrh. Marlene Brenner _.portrayed Melchoir, Lillian Brown was Ctispar and Irene Kennedy was Balthazar. Dashwood United church was represented •by Anne Marie Hoffman, by a solo "0 Holy night." ,n tune with our holiday wishes for you are our' warn; thanks and deep.appreciatlon. CLOSED BOXING DAY DEC. 26TH . OPEN DECEMBER 27TH FROM ALL OF US AT 41\ HARWOOD DRUGS LTD. BESIDE POST OFFICE 22,81 CRESCENT 238-8540 GRAND BEND Greenway United church number was two songs; "Silver bells" and "it is no secret" by Douglas Wood- burn, accompanying himself on guitar. Rev. Aubrey Bell was guest speaker on the topic of "Mary" the mother of Jesus. Idella Gabel, presided at . the organ for all the musical numbers. - The offering of $79 was to go tb Mother Theresa in Calcutta India to help, sick and dying people. Following the service, a smorgasbord lunch of sandwiches, tea and coffee and cookies was held in the ' Parish -hail. Ecology concern Clarke and Irene Ken- nedy were hosts• to an assembly of concerned persons on "Human Ecology", last week. The delegates attending this assembly were Robert Jewett B.Sc, and his wife Donna from Dayton, Ohio, Robert Scharf, State University, New York, Paul Wilford, York University, •• Toronto-, Robert C. Best and Anita Figueras, Russell, N.Y., Luigi Mattia. Mon- treal, Chris Mesquida, Toronto, Ritchie Graham, Enterprise, 'Ont., James Kennedy. Toronto. What Ecology teaches us, and what it implores us to learn is that all things living and dead including humans are inter -related within the web of life. This must be the foundation of our new ethics. Humans now are responsi le for every wolf, as well as for every child, for prairies and ocean as well as for every field. If you love your children, if you wish them to be happy, love your earth with tender care and pass it on to them diverse and beautiful so that they, 10,000 years hence may live in a universe still diverse and beautiful and find joy and wonder in being alive, Personals Mr. " & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson were pre -Christmas dinner guests, Sunday, at their daughter Nancy's Mr. & Mrs. Don McArthur, Kevin and Karen at Port Elgin. Also 'attending were Mr. & Mrs. Duncan McVittle, Robin and Lawrence, Southampton. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Orville Farrell were Mr. & Mrs.. Roland Neil, Ailsa Craig. Mr. & Mrs. Keith McLaren, Exeter, visited an afternoon recently with his sister, Mrs. Raymond 'Carting vnOft CMS 04.3voWorserfrtltrestO•nmcsmea+nareveveorelso HAPPY � HOLIDAYS /4:71`11.S\ l; 1� 1 z :Irg x. g Do Have The 0 gg Happiest Holiday Ever. '‘i); Bill and Don.Rock and families K SOUTH BEND{ SPORTS., g RR 2, GRAND BEND 243-2550 l; g "YOUR SKIDOO DEALERS" gjI RA, , RA, x tl �d f9tl e7(] 9tl �tl f7tl f9u .:%U %o 'o'u <s 'u r^tl 1 'sy dye =NS 0 Anderson. said • surveys would likely be taken on one or two busy holiday weekends- during the summer,, one non -holiday weekend and possibly one or two other days during the season. The engineer said parking and traffic on all streets would he included in -the sur- vey when councillor Bill Baird said. "side -(street parking is our biggest problem". - Possible solutions could be traffic light improvements, cross walks;pavement markings., .' parking limitations, one way streets,.. etc. At the same meeting. Ron McKerlie of Dictatyme Systems showed slides of parking .control equipment which could be used at the beach parking lot. Most members * council appeared to be.An favour of equipment which would be used with an unmanned lot. McKerlie said costs would be cut down and efficiency would be' maximized with parking control equipment. Equipment would includ coin units, entrance and ex' arms and loops under t ground to activate the arms.' The parking equipment salesman s id the .capital cost of such project would probably be ose to 86.500. -• _In -other usiness. council: Agreed all councillors should attend a Lambton County planning workshop which is scheduled for Sar- nia on March 3. Learned .,that the Grand Be-nd yacht club was • prepared to renew their lease for dockage which comes due on May I. Invited members of the same -yacht club to attend the first council -meeting in January. Decided to ask the Hay guhicipal Telephone ystem to do another survey in the hope free calls can be provided between Grand Bend and Ex.eter. ;WI carve Real AWP nee o' PeC csa o. o "o n csa csa. as csa t1s csea c>a raw raw Wool cup caw pin raw Asa wa WO raw GRAND BEND & DISTRICT SOCCER ASSOCIATION wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our supporters and coaches, during the season, which was ve`tiy- successful, and a special thanks -to the, following sponsors: Norm Barber Cduntry Corners Tony Relouw Green Forest Motel Colonial Hotel Tenderspot - McCann Const. Farmer Bill's Flowers Grand:Bend Decorating Tom Cooke Sanders Tavern Betty & Arts I.G.A. Bob Sharen _ Shane Burley Erie James - Blue Water Pro Hardware j ,Bruno Pachlarz • Blue Water Motel • N Hope to see you all again next year. Grand Bend Soccer Committee 0 0 sstaaia►aeaq�Styeajuas 9AeaAe�Aeaslmt>�aranmA.eovslamsaeaaigRvatoaswas oar.tkp o woo suziodj- h 17?-ir;_ The 1' Tenderspot 1r 4r Staff Manag extend d to all • Chapmans Ice Cream 88'; •t Save 31c 2 litres all flavours Heinz Fancy Tomato Juice 58' 48 oz Save 35c Not mdcded ,n 6'b refund, everybody saves on food here- IWJ',WTPVij FROZEN EVISCERATED GRADE A TURKEYS over 20 lbs. 4 Ib. 9 .. Save 30e Ib. TEND -R -SPOT EXTRA LEAN SMOKED COOKED NAM whole or half Ib. .38 Save 60c Ib. We .ever.. gee npht to I mkt q•.ont.t., AIAA ilk 4 `Pep{i, Kist orCanada Dry Pop 4/99' 26 oz., plus deposit Save 3'ic Cranberry Cocktail 40 o. 8.8' Save 31 Frozen Grade A BUTTERBALL TURKEYS 8 to 16 lbs. Ib' 1.38 Tend -R -Spot SIDE BACON whole or by the piece, Ib. 98` -Save 60c lb. Aged Al Steer PRIME RIB ROAST 1.98 first to fifth rib, Ib Tend -R -Spot Old Fashioned Boneless SMOKED COOKED HAM lh $2.98 Tend•R-Spot Fresh *, SAUSAGE -11111EAT Ih. 88' Tend -R -Spot Smcked Cooked PICNIC SHOULDERS whole, Ib. Mr Save 60c Ib. Canned - COCA-COLA. 1 24-10 oz. cans $4.59 E.D. Smith ' GARDEN COCKTAIL 'Sunspan Fancy FROZEN PEAS • Gattuso Stuffed Spanish OLIVES Realemon LEMON JUICE Ocean Spray CRANBERRIES Maple Leaf Cooked- CANNED- ookedCANNED` HAM Palanda MANDARIN ORANGES i0 oz.48' Dream Whip DESSERT TOPPING Kraft, Dill, Onion, Garlic, Her & Spice CHIP DIP . 28 oz. 584 2 Ib. bag 78' 20 Oz. 9 .48 24 oz. 884 14 oz. 58' 1 Ib. tin $3.88 Whole or jellied, 3 oz. 65; Store Hours Thurs., Fri., Sat. . Sunday ' ' Open Boling Day , Prices Effective Till Dec. 24 8-9 9-5 }9-5 8 oz. 68� 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SENIOR CITIZENS 6660+a tlJ.e6 eve. •• e SAYE 6% • v<o-,rt 0•11 eON W (.eluding Cignr.tt.' and • afart et Sim I PRODUCE Produce of U.S.A. , California Red Emperor Grapes 2lbs. 98C Produce of U.S.A. Seedless Eating Oranges - - . 13trs d,i.. $ i :18 Canada No. 1 Rutabagas each 25'• fret: Christmas Mixed Huts lb... $ l •28 1 Lipton, 2 Envelopes per Pkg. ONION SOUP MIX pkg. 63` Powdered Detergent FAB 6litres $2.58 Del Monte Crushed, Sli:ed, Tid Bits 1 PINEAPPLE Westons Brown•'nServe 19 oz. 58' 1 Rolls 12's 38' 1WO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT THETENDER SPOT W e ,evr.e rhe eahl'0.m,f q. on. • ., 238-2512 GRAND BEND Large selection of Poinsettias and Chrisltmas Cactus, etc. BABY BONUS (40 IOU* rawly .ttO...(I (-I.W .• M ttr0116.0, •••e SAYE6%• e.t r ye M'•r.N EMudi g igaAtt On Qv ,left of sego