Times-Advocate, 1978-12-14, Page 39•
The council of Exeter proclaims
Tues., Dec. 26, 1978
as Boxing
Day Holiday,
annan, nseuvogrowiia .xii2 sesta v.csa�na*na.4..m
, N\1//j' Your patronage
. we have enjoyed
Goad'will and friendship
//r 4 ��\\ Our gratitude we'd like
to show
By saying "Thanks to you".
We'd like to have you
each to know
That we will always strive
To keep that valued friendship
And good will with us alive, '4„
We want to say to everyone
Our hearty wish sincere,
A very Merry Christmas
And a very Happy
The Arthurs
Graham pnd Mari
Tom and Carol.'
Closed Dec. 24 at 8:00 p.m. until
1 1:00 a.m:Dec. 26
4a Aa 445 Aa Uta Ata Ad AaodVie= 4anaAaAG iaaieGli
W`4 vvvooc,c,yCYC?aCMS Vct* eastC:Pac'nvaranvrd,
3 - We're
3 prescribing daily doses of
Holiday- cheer accompanied by
our thanks and good Wishes.
g• From All The People At
6 Dart .
0 va Oft a►n an, aft aft ma va evn rya eaaean
Exeter Pharmacy Ltd.
Main Street 235-1570
AN OPTIMISTIC FLOA ► — Sporting activities in the ,Stepher4Huron Park area were
depicted in the float entered in Saturday's Santa Claris parade by the Stephen Optimist,
club. T -A photo
Huron's health inspector
s - eaks to KirktonInstitute te
B RS. HAROLD DAVIS After opening with the lunch was served by
KIRKTON, Mary Stewart Collect and. group in charge.
• Ode, Mrs. Gerald Britnell personals
The Kirkton Women's president. welcomed
Institute held: their meeting everyone. ' Minutes of the - Mrs. Bernie Harvieux.
at the Kirkton .Woodham last meeting. cart Algoma Mills. Mrs. Joan
Community Centre •and had respondence and thank you Massicotte and Mrs. Ina
guestsnotes were read by Mrs. • French both of Toronto.
as theirh ladies from . Mrs.. Walter Muscraft Ed-
the_locatchurch groups. Ewart Crago. -
Mrs. ,Bill Spence gave -a .monton,•Alta. and Mr. Tom
- report on Rally Day held at. Atthill of London visited last
Christmas Kirkton. Mrs C Britnell week with Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. J. •Gunton were Norris Atthill; and visited
-11Y LEANNE STEWART delegates at the 64th annual their mother Mrs. Dan Jar
area convention in London ' vis'
oStephen Central
who has undergone sur -
and. each gave highlights gery. in St�3oseph Hospital.
C - is for Christma -so full of Mrs. M. Shute brought a London.--
good. cheer_• reptrt on the South Perth Master Chris Weerrrink
H - is for Ho and sleigh, fall banquet she - attended has returned home after be -•
bell's we h Mrs Ronald Denham ing a patient in London Vic -
R - is for riches the wise presented a gift to Cynthia toria. and Sick Chiidren's
men did bring Copeland wh received her hospital for several weeks.
I • is for icicles that breack
with a ting.
S - is. for singing and shouting
out loud
T -.is for tree with beautiful
M - is for Merry we all like to
A - is for Angels that good
news did peal.
S - is for Savior who is
always so dear
Christmas is a great time
of year. -
1 Am A Christmas.
Tree r -
Grade 4 -
Usborne Central
• I'ts two days before
Christmas and everyone is
decorating me I have a star
Provincial Hors and Mr. Bill Maddock has
Cathy Regie t ho .got her returned home after being a
advance honors •at the 44I patient in London Hospital.
Achievement Dav The 4=F1 Paul Robinson and
loaders were asked Co come Graham Ross Scouts along
forward and were.presented with leader, Mr. Brad Smith
with, a gift for their work back packed from London
with the girls. - - Fanshawe Datn to St Marys
The program was in on the Thames Trail -
charge of the education con- • Miss Heather t'rguhart.
veners Mrs. Bill Spence and Toronto w•aS hostess to a
Mrs. George Burgin opening shower at the home of her
with a sing song :1 group of parents for Miss Cindy
boys. Jolla •Wiles -,Lim Wiles. Bryan....RR .6. Si Mary s,
Wade Bukell. Jason Bukell: bride elect.
Ron Brookshaw delighted Jack Clark of Dawson
the audience with three live- Creek is visiting friends in
ly numbers-andWere'accom- the community.
panied.on the piano be Mrs. Communion Service. was
Earl Stephens. • held in Kirkton and a Christ -
Mrs . CIRrence Switzer mas evening of song arid
Mrs. Rea Stephen.- Mrs. worship with senior .and•
Robt Ratcliffe • took part in junior choirs rendering
a Education Skit "The serveral anthems. solo. trio
Enumerator- and quartette and a drama.
Mrs. Bill Spence' in- "WhereLovels"basedona
traduced Mr Klaus Seeger. story by Tolstoy. -
on top and silver around nom' Health Inspector for 'the - The following people took
I look .very .beautiful. I'm county 'of Huron He spoke' part. -Miss Reverend La
on BacteFia in our food and Rouche, RaySwitzer• Harold
beautiful e. than any low it gets.•there_ Mrs. Burgin, John Heard. Bud
ddeco ati ns g. Butm when the ly. If --George Burgin thanked the.,-, Beath. Jackie Lamond. Bill
don't tons go I'm I won't speaker' A contest and .Denham.. Christine
I don't think of now I won't reading brought the meeting i' Eveleigh. Tracy Shute. Jean
feel beautiful. to 'a close The delicious Ratcliffe and David Switzer.
Hey! it's Christmas, here .
Comes the opening of ,:a+armmmar+ncfrsar,moo",on,esrc,mawc,vc,rn,=a wizi m,nvna
presents. I get the best view g
of them all. It sure feels To The Ratepayers
terrible when they cut me 1
down but now everything's
all right. I keep all the gifts 3' Of Stephen Township 3
under me. I'm proud. I like 2
Christmas 2 lalfSGPM,A8 g
2 s • a
/ leo t
1143}' 'Lc jos ,r,�,+�;<<
Q rr Q
d and pr-4ce• f ri; 3
of this ?�,j,, sc k �., 3
2 I holiday 1 j' J9" °v'r i �i 3
1 `9" e 'y� 4. 3
2 season • f 1ti +� ' ' %5� �'`
2. Q be with ,.�+ �i 1 . ' ( t.1, �,i �,t�� a
you.''.,., t,
a 3
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X10*- I
2 . ye3
•rJaromaarts arei era tot cera sena amtveseresart rafts vol?a•17sCinarsartssaltwowscmtwoarcaart0743IsnawvnIs
a -•-
As we celebrate Christ's birth, let us unite in the relolvc\to
forge a stronger society built on greater understandin • 2 2
and dedicated to a lasting peace. Merry Christmas!
Chan Livingstone, Commissioners—Murroy Greene and Derry Boyle
and the staff of
1 2 Reeve - Kenneth Campbell ,
g Q Deputy -Reeve - Doug, Russo!'
d A t.
- d Councillors Alan Wolper, Ralph Weber
- . and Tom Tomes
EXE•TIR PUC i Road Sup' 1. - R.F. "Frank" Mcisaac
Clerk -Treasurer - Wilmar D. Wein-
1 1sme AtG1 AID cw, Aa sw *Ne 4A3 c :3 Ai s eva AIA wri A. ► t5' emo ctias Cie! AG1 Ate! q6f bees CYs1! AeafbiA trop Clots oihsAno mill
• J aJa CMS a7'a Na n'n * a 'vx, m'a evstl �a 75'43 ma �"a w.I3 aP't1 �+n l�+n
Play cards
at Brinsley
Ten tables were in play for
the euchre party held Friday
night at the Brinsley Com-
munity Hall which was
convened by Mr: & Mrs.
Pred Lewis, and Mr. & Mrs.
Wilbert Lewis. '
Prize winners were - ladies
high score - Mrs. Harold
Guilfoyle, lone hands - Mrs.
'Jack Trevithick, low - Mrs.
Evan Hodgins, Men's high -
Charles Rollings, lone hands
- John Levine, low - Earl
Lewis , Special prize - Tom
Kooey. •
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Robinson
and Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo
Hodgins are conveners for
the next party December
Rev. Harold 'Snell, Exeter
assisted with the service in
the United Church,: Sunday.
Miss Cindy Prest, London
visited Sunday with her
parents Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mclnroy
had their 'baby baptized in
the United Church at Ailsa.
Craig. Sunday. ,
Brinsley United Church
Sunday School. concert will
be held Thursday December
21 in the Church.
As part of the Christmas
celebration Rev. Jottn
Latham conducted the
traditional nine -lesson carol -
service at St. Mary's church;
Brinsley, Sunday.
The annual- Christmas
Communion Service will• be
held Christmas eve at 9 p.m.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cor-
bett have as holiday guests
their daughter Jane and her
husband John Becker from
Toronto. Dr. Stephen -Blum
of the York University Music
Departnfent. spent the week
end with them.
Mr. & Mss. Bob Hodgins
and April were'dinnerguests
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Victor and Mrs. Dyck
.. visited Saturday evening
' with Gordon Morley. .
Time-Advocafs, Doc•mbor 21, 1978
MERRY (xRiSrriffis
'Tis the season to trim
trees, sing carols,
give gifts - .. and
enjoy all the
holiday cheer.
So what more could we
kvish for you, than a
warm old-fashioned
Christmas? Thanks
for your support.
.::• .4 .
C. A. McDowell Ltd.
PHONE 235-1969 -
WED., DEC. 215:3jm.
,. t