HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-12-14, Page 25 (2)• • • • GRADUATES -- Deborah Lee Wooden, daughter of Joseph Wooden, Mount Carmel and Mrs. Diane Boyes, Bayfield graduated with her Bachelor of Arts degree in -English and Drama at the 100th Convocation of the University of Western Ontario. Deb is presently attending Elborne College in London and hopes to teach elementary school next year. History isn't dull! History dull? - not when Gerald Kilian is in charge or Ed Phelps is talking! Dr Kilian is chairman of the Local Societies Committee of the Ontario Historical Society and Mr. Phelps is curator of the Regional Collection at the D.I3 Weldon Library. of the University of Western On- tario.. Executivemembers of the Huron County and. the Bayfield Historical Societies attended a workshop on Saturday. in London. ?fir. Dave McClure of Crediton. Mrs. Robert Simpson of Hensall. Miss Dorothy Cox. Miss Kay Reid and Mrs. Gwen Pemberton of Bayfield were amongst forty registrants. The session was held at King's College and was designed for researchers and genealogists with little or no writing experience. Dr. Kilian pointed out that there is a new breed amongst researchers called LACACS which. he said are multiplying like rabbits all over the province. (At 'latest count. there are over' ninety 1. Dr. Jacques Goutor spoke hri organizing research data in preparation for writing and Dr. Kilian chaired a ses- sion on the problem of providing that all-important 'historical setting and hackground 'when writing family profiles or biographies. This is most es- sential and. of- course, re- quires much patient digging. • In the afternoon -a con- ducted tour of•the D.B Weldon Library - the sixth largest in Canada was followed by a session on the value of the university reference section to the writer of local or family history. We then went to the room where the Regional History collection is housed and Ed Phelps told us about it. He talked about the research tools and archival resources that are available there and stressed the great Importance of- co-operation amongst all the groups which have collections of archives. . By using the many modern copying techniques. such as photostats. microfilm and microfiche, valuable in- terchange can be made. There are collections in many places - museums. historical societies. ^hurches, public libraries.. voluntary organizations. townships, large companies as well as the provincial. national and university archives. These should be preserved and shared RESEARCHER- •— Mrs. Az - mina Merchti, Exeter, a gcaduate of the University of Toronto, has recently graduated with o diffloma in Nuclear Medicine from the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology. She has also ob- tained membership of the Canadian association of Medical -Radiation Technologists and is currently employed with the Ontario Cancer Research Founda- tion, Victoria Hgspital cis o Research Technologist. 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