HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-16, Page 34 (2)Page 34 Times -Advocate, November 16, 1978 6 Services PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating '• ' New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL • DENNIS PASSMORE` Phone 235-1751 14t BILL'S BURNER SERVICE -2 For expert and wmplete furnace service, including .installations, humidifiers and air conditioning. 43i1I Yeartes. Crediton 234- 6289 , 44t and enjoy all -season home comfort too! Westinghouse - helps make it happen CALL FQR • FREE ESTIMATE L. W. KLEINSTIVER LIMITED DASHWOOD 237-366.1_ Plumbing - eating • EleI 7 Livestock RIDING HORSE - 6 year old Gelding. This is an excellent pleasure horse, and is trained for riding. tie is fast and attractive. Fall price includes saddle 5500.00 firm. 229-6761. ONE PUREBRED Nubian goal and 5 good does. 3, 2 and 1 year old, good milkers. Phone 294- 6661. 45:46c 11 Cars, l r ucks 1973 CHEV PICKUP, long box, flat. side, 6 cylinder. standard with red a rear bumper and tinted windshield. Sharp S2.- 295.00. 1972 Plymouth,Fury 11, 2 door, hardtop, V-8 automatic with power brakes and power steering and radio, 5995.00. Phone 235-0247 after 6 p.m. 43t 1916 T -BIRD, one owner, load- ed with extras, fires. blue vinyl roof, excellent condition. Calf 235-2420 days. • 45.46c 1/2 TON C HEI" truck, 4 wheel drive Phone 229;6506. 46:47' 1977 DATSUN, long box, sports truck. cap. sliding rear window in cab, radio.' 27.000 miles. Ask- ing 54,500. Cali 2.35-11914. . 46' 19'6 MARQUIS. hold colour, - power windows, power steering.' power brakes. plus AM -FM radio, 33.000 miles Phone 262- 2116 46c Farmers FRESH DEAD DISABLED Cows, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. S5.00 - 515.00 payment for animals over 500 lbs. 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks for Faster Service 24 -Hour Service 7 Days A Week CALL COLLECT (Area Code 519) 887-9334 Brussels . Pet Food Supplies CHANGE IN.NAME INDEPENDENT SHIPPER - TO United Co - Operatives of Ontario Livestock Deportment Toronto Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL Dashwood Monday is shipping day from' Verna Stockyard previously Roy Scotchmer Coll Dasha000d 238-2707 • or Bayfield 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday.. for prompt service. - 140 charges on pick-up / 12 Pets NIWFOt \OL-y\D puppies fur sale. Phone 237-3486. 46c 15 Personal WE NEED YOU!- Would you behese it"' if alcohol is your problem contact A.A.: Zurich.. Ontario. 236-7792. 45.4e:47:48' LOOKING for a meeting place' townha1i auditorium is available. Phone 235-0685. 16t 16 For Sale \DUO\G\t t.C'HI\ES, tspewriters. sales. sersice, ren- tals. supplies. Jerry %lathers, Tspcwnters, 92 Main St. 235- 1840. 211 DRILL. presses. vises. anvils. power hand grinders, 'wrench sets.. used ---steel -Phone Hamiltons Machine Shop. 235- 1655. 41t HESS JEWELLERY. •Zurich' has a fine selection of diaeronds, wedding rings. watches. clocks. cuckoo clocks; barometers. Car-- dinal watches sold by Icwellers 'only. S13.95 and up. Family rings and charms.- watch and clock repairing guaranteed. It SURVEY -and Marker stakes. Various soft or hardwood, stock size or made to- order.• Now. fluorescent colours avaifabk.• For -full details contact ARC In- dustries. Dashwood. Phone 237- 3667. 47t OVEN READY ,geele. Phone 235-0'47. 45:46' FOLDING WOODEN garage door. hardware included. Ex- cellent condition. Phone- 228- 68.62.• _ 46c JEFFREY BROS. LTD. CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES RENOVATIONS = ALTERATIONS • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING • (SERVICFr1 LOTS TO CHQFISE FROM! RR 2 2UR)CH 236-4757 Wanted to Buy FURS TOM RUSSELL RR2 DASHWOOD - PHONE 294-6184 447 CARMite- A DUM! TOM RUSSE WS , c•sorrewse - • jtas•" J. There is also a prize for the most coons and the largest coon of the season. Thankyou PHONE NENSALL 262-5242 K HAT RVICES CHIMNEY SWEEP FLUES CLEANED, NEAT & AIR CONDITION DUCTS CLEANED ANb ASSOCIATED SERVICES Anytimd till - 7 p.m. 16 Fos Sole LOG SPLITTER for sale or rent. Hamilton's Machine Shop. Phone 235-1655. 41:42:43:44;4%4017:48c DOWN DRAFT stoves.• .Hamilton's Machine Shop. Phone 235-1655 or 263-4735. 41:42:43;44:45:46:47:48c APPLES Open Saturday" Frank Sawyer Hwy' 4 and Crediton Road 42t THE COUNTRY SPIRE dried flowers, craft supplies. 10 . minutes east of Exeter off Highway 83. Phone 229-6341. 43:44:45:46:47:48:49:50:51' NOT JUST KNOTS: is having a final nios ng out sale on all knit- ting •and.macrame supplies from ovembe* 2 to December 31. All stock must go...at our cost • By appointment or chance. 235 An- drew St., Exeter. Ontario. 235- 0105. • 44;4546.47s C.C.M. EXERCISER with timer and speedometer. Used 10 days - must. sell for health re(sons. Phone 236-4819. 45:46' l - 30 ELECTRIC STOVE; refrigerator. white:9piece•dining room suite. Phone 293-3164 mornings. 45:46' •KROEHLE-R SOFA BED. queen size. .brown, real good .condition. Phone 235-1217. 46' THREE HORSE POWER snow blower. Phone 235-1756 after 6 p.m.. 46:47c BARBiE DOLL CLOTHES made. ideal Qtnstmas gifts for. those little girls on your list_ Reasonably priced. Phone 235.- 2939. 35-2939. 46:47:48:49c FOR SALE - Franklin fireplace stove.- glass- doors, never used. 5350.00. Pool table with snooker and boston balls, cue rack and cues. 5200.00. New condition. Hammond Sounder Electronic organ; complete with bench, 5500.00. •Call 235-1394 daytime, . or- 235-0646 after 6. 46:47c • APPLES 11/2 miles north of Dashwood Phone 237- 3362. ` 46:47:48t ROOSTERS READY for freezers 5 lbs. and up. Call 229- 6240. 46c SINGLE BED with white head- board. boxipring and mattress in excellent, condition. Phone 229- 6238. - - 46c BABY SLEIGH, 510.00. Exer- cise • bike. 515.00. 2 dressers, painted white. 520.00. Phone 235-2880. - 46c PIANO • SHERLO-CK MANNING. apartment size.- Chesterfield ize.Chesterfield and chair. Cedar chest, wringer washer. night table. quilts. Phone 235- 1955. 46:47' POTATOES. ONIONS. cab- bage. carrots. Noel Ann Farms, HOUSE TA%LER, west of west of Crediton. Phone 234- Kippen. Phone 262-5070. 461 . 6488. •46t 19 Property For Sale (OK SALE - Commercial. lot (74 Ft. Frontage 150 ft. depth. north end Exeter, Hwy. 83, two blocks west of Hwy..4. Residen- tial lot. 58 Ft. Frontage, 15Q (t. depth, one block south of 83. two blocks west of Hwy. 4 Ivan Taylor. 36 Gilmour Cres., Kitchener, Ontario. N2M 4M4. Phone 1.743-2417 •' 45:46c 20 Property For Rent FOR LEASE - 30 x 40 cement block building. overhead door. MY furnace. Call'.Rihard Shoebottom, 228-6818 after 6 p.m. 48:47c. APARTMENT - 2 miles north of- Exeter 00 highway 4. Four bedrooms and hath upstairs. kitchen, large livingroom and Utility room down. Newly. renovated and carpeted Available November 15. Phone Harry Dougall 2352747. 46:47' TRAILER - 2 bedroom. unfur- nished. private location. - Call after 6 p.m:, 238-8656. - 461 THREE BEDROOM home in country. S225.000per month plus utilities, Centralia area'. References please. 1-941- 7083. - 46c ONE 3 bedroom double wide house trailer. Available im- mediately. Highway 4 at Hensall. Phone 262-5628. 46:47c SMALL • OFFICE on ground level. main ,street. available im•• mediatels. Phone 235-0.332 or 235-0394 after6 p.m. 46' - WANTED -- Guy to share house with 2 others. Own roorp. dow n town, available im- mediately. Phone 235-1182 after 6 p m. 46' TWO BEDROOM seniors apartment. • Laundry facilities, ground floor, central location ideal for responsible adult. Call 235-1497 or 235-0541.- 461 FARM HOUSE, Mount Carmel area. immediatepossession. Phone 234-6253... _ 46-47c EXETER 2 bedroom unfur- nished apartment.: -main street, utilities paid. Phone ;235-2090 after 6 pan. 46t HOUSE FOR- RENT --,farm home (ranch style).- 3 bedroom: full basement. two bathrooms. oil heated. air conditioned. All appliances including microwave oven and dishwasher. Near Hen- sall. Phone 262-5592. 46c TWO BEDROOM cottage and One bedroom cottage, furnished. available year round. Phone 238- 2405. • . 46t ONE BEDROOM_ apartment, 4 piece bath. unfurnished except for refrigerator and stove. Phone 238-8656 after 6 p.m- 461 MODERN- 4 bedroom farm home on paved road, no children, possession November 15. Phone 262-5768. 46t TWO' STOREY = 3 bedroom home. available December Ise, Near . Zehrs, S200. monthly. Retired handy person; Phone 235-0354 mornings. 46:47c Nommoiesmoirest is ,0o 151](1 •Rs.* ATTENTION FARMERS HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON. ONTARIO We are nowpoying $5.00 - .$15.00 for fresh deod or disabled cows and horses 'over 500 lbs. All calves and pigs picked up free of chorge. - • Fast Efficient Service = 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week. st-feet i "Cell us firs) you won't have to calf anyone else.' GARAGE. SALE - 365 William SL. Friday and Satur- day, November 17 and 18. Stereo system. pool table, bread pans. skates. boots. material remnants, tape dlayer, carpet 11 x 16. other hems. 46' TWO .ANTIQUE couches, new- ly reupholstered. Caeser couch. 5175.90. Other couch, 5250.00. Phone 235-2147.- - 46:47c TWO. ALUMINUM car top carriers, one large,, one small,,, 510.00 each: 4.tires E78x14, Si0.00 each. Phone 235-2884.46' INSULATED Northlander mobile home. 53 x 12. stove. refrigerator, drapes and carpeted throughout. .Call '229-6371 or 229-6386. 46:47c CB EQUIPMENT 40' tower with 4 element. Shakespeare beam and ham. 2 rotor. Good for long distance. Call Wayne Prance. 229-8771. 46:47c BARN BOARD and barn beams for sale. Phone 235-2168 after 6 p.m." 46c KITCHEN. CUPBOARDS/ 7 foot base cupboards,_includes_ar- borite rolled top. stainless steel sink, 4 drawers and alp-. proximately 5 feet of top cup- boards with window valance. Wpoden portable closet. 4' wide, 2' deepapd T high. Unit step - 4 steps, 4' wide. Phone 235-2815 after 6 pmn. ' 461 17 Wonted To Buy UNREGISTERED fire arms for the purpose of reghtration. Call after 6 p.m. _ 235-1532. 46c USED 01L .furnace- and hot water heater for.. -small house Phone 235-0354. ' 46c WANTED TO BUY: Used roll top desk; age preferably old. Call 686-6286 after 5 p.m , 45:46 47c 18 Wanted • RIDE WANTED for winter months from Whalen Corners on Hwy. 23 to London. Preferably Highbury and Dundas area. Hours flexible, fee negotiable. Phone 453-3565 • or • 471- 4029 ' 45 46c 19 Property For Sale Residential Building Sites bordering on wood) t Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 . te- 391 EXETER -. Private Large Home. In ,Dow Subdivision: behind schools, 2 fireplaces. 2-4 PLYWOOIXICIRMSr. wedges;=- piece._baths.-double-gatattr,--Ter-firers, power vowel, etc. Form room, 52' x 17', cardeted ties stocked. For more informs- . throughout, large lot. Must be tion call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich, seen. Asking only 569,900. - 236-4954 after 4 p.m. week delfts Phone 235.1 377. 461 any time weekends.- , 17t APPROXIMATELY 40 ides newly drained land. mail your offer to Mrs. S.J. Keyes. RR 3, Parkhill, Ontario. NOM 2K0. 46c ZURICH attractive 7 room up- per duplex. excellent central locdtion. -Vartial furnishings op- tional. Available now. 1-236- 4861 evenings or 1-453-2579. 461 MAPLE ARMS apartments. 309 Senior St.. luxury apartment. i bedroom, den. dining room: well located. parking. sauna and exer- cise room, Available immediate- ly. Phone 235-2754. 45t •HENSALL - 2 bedroom apart- ment, remodelled bethroom. new ' carpeting in living room. 5140 per month. heat supplied. Availableimmediately. CaII 262- '2736: • 43t AVAILABLE NOW-eicellent location on main highway. Large ranch. full basement. garage, completely redecorated, large private lot. 235-2233. 431 FOUR BEDROOM brick near downtown. Large kitchen. separate dining room, refrigerator and stove supplied: Newly redecorated. 235- ' 2233. 431 COMMERCIAL AND office space 500 to 5.000 sq. ft. Main Street. core area. Phone 235- .'0141. 431 BACHELOR UNITS, Grand Bend. colour T.V., refrigerator, - electric heat. Fountainbleu -Motel;fShnine 238=Z334'- ' 41'# • • ELIZABETH COURT - IN' .HENSALL NOW RENTING One. two and three bedroom - apartments. Shag carpeting. Kelvinator appliances. all utilities paid. for inquiries phone 262-2129 Hensall or 433- 7781. London. - 501 SMALL IU ATED ani fur- nished apartment abot%e Cana- dian Tire with laundry facilities. Parker Apartments. 235-1497 or 235-0451. 451 ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, available December I. centrally located. Phone 235- 2087 after 6 30 p.m 451 21 For Rent 21 For Rent Rent a Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE RAU BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Eoteter FORMAL RENTALS - by lefts of Sarnia- available in our store. See what you're renting. Bob Swai(man Men's Wear, Ex- eter.235-0991. • ' 101' 235-1640 31t 22 For Sale or Rent "51 M1 -DETACHED for sale or rent with option to purchase. Will accept any reasonable offer. 1-S19-886-3090 " 44t 23 Wanted To Rent I OK 2 BAY GARAGE or shed for winter months. Phone 228- 6497. 44t ANY AMOUNT OF cash crop land for 1979 planting. Apply Box AY P Exeter Times Ad- vocate, Box &50, Exeter, Ontario. • 44:45:46:47c ONE OR two car garage, heated. Phone 228-6614. • 46c 24 Property Wanted GRAND BEND area - within 5 miles of lake - 15-30 acres, very sandy or gravel. 13ox `DLM.-45:46c 25 Notices Centralia Police Village - NOTiCE OF NOMINATION Take notice that candidates for - the various offices may be nominated on: MONDDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1978 • to FRIDAY', NO\ EMBER 17, 197 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 1 P.M. 'and on - MONDAY; NOVEMBER 20, 19'78 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Stephen. Crediton, by filing nomination papers in the prescribed . form for .the following office: . Three Trustees to he Elected Term of Office for Tws; Years "A'ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where the number of candidates Tor an office who arc' nominated at the end of nomination day is not sufficient. to fill the number of vacancies to which candidates may be elected. on- Wednesdas following nohtination day November 20, 1978, the Clerk may hetween.the hours of 9:00 a:ni. and 5:00 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect of which there was an in- sufficient number of -Candidates.. If a poll is necessary for the pur- -pose offilling the above office, such poll will he held on Mon- day. December 11, 1978 in the polling station. Centralia. Crediton, Ontario Wilmar D. Wein November 13. 1978 Clerk & Returning Officer A PUBLIC MEETING OF RATEPAYERS AND TENANTS OF'THE POLICE • VILLAGE Or CENTRALIA WILL BE HELD IN THE CENT'RALIA COMMUNITY CENTRE ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1978 AT 8:00 P.M. 46c NOTICE RATEPAYERS OF THE .TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN The second installnterit of the 1978 •taxesv of the Township of Stephen are due on or before the 30th day- of November, 1978. After November 30th a penalty will be charged on 'the outstay - ding taxes at the rate of V. oft%. . Wilmer D. Wein Tax Collector Township of Stephen, 46:47o Stephen Township Council. has openings for: representation on two. committees -Ibr a two year term: . Stephen Township Recreation Committee SoutW-Huron Recreation Centre Board If yoti are interested in either of these- committees, please contact the Township office by phone at 234.6331 or drop into the office - for rurthe,articulars. Wilmer D. Wein Clerk -Treasurer 46:47c 26 Legal Notices DOROTHY MUNROE Mrs. Dorothy (Deitz) Munroe of Kippen passed away Monday November 13 at South Huron Hospital in her 57th year. Beloved wife of Tom Munroe, Kippen she is survived by one son Lan at home, a brother John Deitz, R.R. 3 Kippen and a stater Mrs. Wm (Norma) Coleman, Kippen. Predeceased by daughter Linda and sinter Mildred. Funeral service was held from the Bohthron Funeral Home, Hensall, Wednesday with Rev. Robert E:cMullen • officiating. Interment in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley township. Pallbearers were Gary Deitz, Robert' Munroe, Les Coleman, John Coleman, Jim Hyde and Stuart Broadfoot. ELZAR MOUS$LEAU Elzar Mousseau Clcippen. passed. away after a lengthy illness at Seaforth• Com- tnunity ,Hospital Monday November 13 ii his 69th year. Beloved husband of Maudie (Brown). Survived by one daughter Mrs. Ross Faber .(Marilyn) of Kippen. Also laved by four grand- children, Kevin. Darren, Lori and Lisa Faber. Predeceased by one sister Mrs: Amanda Smith (1976), one brother Herbert (1978). Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood where service will take- place Thursday November 16 at 2:00 p.m: by Rev. Les Shields assisted by Rev R. Degraw. Interment to take place in Grand Bend Cemetery. Memorial con- tributions to charity of your Dinney Funeral Home and choice would be appreciated Exeter United Church with e family. Mr. Mousses Rev. James Fo?sythe, of - operated a servieestation at ficiating assisted by Rev. Kippen for many years and Grant Mills. Interment in St. was a charter member of the Jacobs Cemetery. South Huron Gideons. 1. JOHN MUEGGE John Muegge. age two days passed away at St. Joseph's- Hospital, London p p Wednesday. November 8. 1978 beloved son of Richard Obltuarles Street, London, and the late Doris Herbert (predeceased in 1961), in his 65th year. Dear father of Mrs. Doreen Kirk, and Mrs, Jerry MacLean (Alice), both of Exeter and Jim Chapman of Strathrby. Four step- children, Mrs. Al (Dianna) Bruevelaites, of Wallaceburg, Mrs. Allan Burke (Linda) of Whitby and Darlene Whyte of London and Jim Farmer at home. Also ' survived by four grandchildren, foul' step - grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral service wag held Friday from the Hopper - Hockey Funeral Home with Rev. Harold Snell of- ficiating._ Interment in Exeter Cemetery. REV. NELSON ERNST At Huronview on Sunday, November 12, 1978, Rev. Nelson R. Ernst of Exeter, formerly of St, Jacobs, in his 91st year. Retired United Church minister after ser- ving for 50 years. Beloved husband of Violet (Schutt) Ernst and the late Melinda Weber and the late Maggie Weber. Dear father of Lily tMrs.. William Adam- thwaite) of.Ca'lgpry, Alberta, Margaret (Mrs. Ernie Gorrell) o1' Port Elgin, Viola (Mrs. Harold Heins) of Lansing, Michigan, Nelson Jr. of Enid, Oklahoma and •Barbara: (Mrs. Pete Duerhold) of Calgary, Alberta. Predeceased by 2 sons; Howard (1943) and Lloyd (1942). Also survived by 12 grandchildren. and 7 great-grandchildren. The funeral service was- held Monday from the R. C. and Joanne _Muegge Dietrich 1. 12 Mollard- Place. Chatham. brothers Paitl and. Karl at home. Grandparents. Mrs. Marie Muegge, Seaforth and Charlie and Mary Dietrich. Mount Carmel. Service was held by Father Joseph Bagat- . to of St. Agnes Roman Catholic - Church from the- _ Murray Bowman- Funeral Home. Chatham. November • 10.- Interment was at St. Anthony Cemetery, Chatham: . ' • NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Je$ ie Edith O'Brien All ersons having claims against the estate of Jessie Edith O'Brien. late of the Village of Zurich. in the County of Huron, deceased,. who died 'on the 12th day of October, 1978, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, • 1978, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated et Seaforth, this 25th day of Oc• sober, 1978 McConnell, Stewart & . Devereaux, - ' 'Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. 44:45:46c t Two crash in Exeter HILDA MATTHEWS At the Dearness Home on Sunday, November 12, 1978, Hilda V. (Snell) Matthews formerly of 35 Becher St., London, in her 84th year. Beloved wife of the late Windsor Matthews; dear sister-in-law of Miss Roxie Matthews of London and Mrs. Charles (Hazel) Snell of Exeter; also loved by - several nieces and nephews. The funeral was heldTuesday from the A. Millard George Funeral Home, London with Rev. Leslie Files officiating. Interment in Woodland Cemetery. GERALD CHAPMAN •Gerald F. Chapman. At Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, November 8, 1978. Beloved husband of Hazel Farmer, of 85 Stuart Locals are successful Two accidents were in- vestigated this week by • officers of the Exeter town police department. - Thursday vehicles driven by William'Payne, Crediton and Mary Lou Thomson,,388 Edward Street, Exeter collided on Main Street North.. Constable George Robertson set damages .at $250. Constable Jim Barnes set damages at - $3,500 when vehicles driven by Alice MacLean, and Harold Enger, both of Exeter were in collision Saturday at the intersection of William and Gidley streets. By BILL McNUTT The deer seasbn is .now closed iii, Bruce and Grey' but several local hunters returned successful. Doug and Tom Dalrymple of Exeter both took deer last week while hunting up north. Doug took a good eight -point buck while his brother down- ed his deer with a shotgun. Bill and Spike Bell of Hen- sall were also both lucky enough to connect as was Dave Smale. Morris Webb of Zurich finally got his deer in the Parry Sound area. Congratulations to him on his first deer! There seems to be two even brighter spots this week. One Is Bob Merners good fortune. Bob was for- tunate enough to get a black bear while deer hunting with Morris Webb near Parry Sound. He' took the bruin with one shot. The other is an archery killed deer. This deer was taken by Charles Dittmer of Dashwood. He took the six point buck in the Hay swamis' witha crossbow. Thee. *ere. also several local hunters who hunted in Bruce without luck. For those hunters there is still ' the area -south of North Bay for rifles and our own - season. to all who supported me . on Nov. 13 John A. McCann McGillivray Township Council THE HERITAGE SHOP IN THE TOWN HALL SPECIAL SALE DAYS Thurs. & Fri. Nov. 16 & 17 10 A.M.-5 P.M. 7-9 P.M. VISIT THE UPSTAIRS & DOWNSTAIRS Good used Clothing, Dishes, Toys , Books, Etc. Proceeds to Hospital Auxiliary and Heritage Foundation. Donations of saleable items appreciated. Lues. Thurs. Fri. .- 1to5p.m. - Friday 7 to 9 p.m. Phone 235-1712 or 235-199• teetairliteettiertitelaitaalteemietia children. Sister of Madeline (Mrs. Wes Witmer), Exeter and the late Preston Dearing. Resting at the R. C. Dinney Funeral Home, Main Street, Exeter, for visitation Thursday November 16 from 2-4 p,m. dnd 7-9 p.m. Funeral service and committal service at the Funeral Home Friday, November 17 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Harold Snell of- ficiatiJtg. Interment . in Exeter Cemetery. GLADYS REYNOLDS At South Huron Hospital on Tuesday, November 14, 1978, Giadya Dearing of Exeter in her 85th year. Beloved wife of the Late Luther Reynolds and dear mother of Lloyd, Usborne Township and William, ,British Columbia. Dear grandmother of Bob Reynolds, Exeter and Shirley (Mrs. Fred Smith), Huron Park. Also survived by three great grand - 1 Township of Usborne Has for rent the Webber Farm House at Lot 25 Concession 8, equipped with all modern con- veniences. Apply to any mem- ber of the Council or the un- dersigned. H.H.G1 Strang; Clerk -Treasurer Phone 235,2228 R.R. # 3, Exeter, Ont. 1 LEASE By Tender Centralia Village Hall (former fire hall,) modern cement block building. • 30' by 49' with large oveihead door. hydro and gas furnace in building. suitable for storage or small retail -business. Mail Tenders To Secretary Richard Shoebottom Village of Centralia Centralia, Ontario. 228-6818 after 6 p.m. Deadline Nov. 25, 1978 ESTATE Auction Sale.. • --Furniture, appliances, household effects- - etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn 289 Bayfield Road, Clinton, Ontario for the Edtate of Mrs. Frank Walters of "Clinton: - Saturday, November 18 at. 1 P.M. Sanyo portable ,colour ,TV with stand like new, small Inglis fridge like new, Westinghouse 24" electric stove in good condition, RCA chest deep freeze, Hoover spin dry washer, Continentaf single bed with head board, seven matching wooden chairs, four matching dining choirs, wooden rocking chair, din- ing table extends from 28" to eight feet long, davenport couch,. chesterfield and two matching chairs,• upholstered platform rocker, "upholstered swivel rocker, dining table six chairs and china cabinet, small chrome table and two chairs, large chrome table with two -leaves like new, odd up"- holstered p=holstered chairs, hall tree, four chest of drowers, lawn choirs, foot stools, severol'odd wooden chairs, two chino cabinets; humidifier, oil space heater, two small annex wood dnd cool stoves, vocuum cleaner, electric broom, floor polisher, oil lomp, table lamps, swag lamps, bedroom lomps, dishes and glassware, pots and pans etr;: plus other items not mentioned. Terms Cosh Day of Sole RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER ' Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. NORM WHITING anctfoueer Auction Sale- _ of Real Estate, Household Furnishings, - Antiques & Misc. Items On Saturday November 18; 1978 1 P.M. Sharp 27 Goshen- Rd., 2 blacks south of main corner Zurich, Ontario. For Peter Deithert - REAL ESTATE - Consists of 1 ',12 storey brick house, main floor, large kitchen, livingroom, den, summer kitchen and closed in back veranda. Second floor•, 3 bedrooms, new 4 pc. bath, full basement. House hos nearly new roof, and -furnace, newly installed sewers, connected and paid in full. Large 2 -storey garage -and work shop. This house dnd garage is situated on a lot 88 ft. X 181 ft. Ideal location only 2 blocks from uptown and on a paved street. Property will be put up for auction at 2 p.m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid, if not previously sold. Terms 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. , HOUSEHOLD FU NISHINGS - Chesterfield and 2 chairs, 2 swivel ockers, coffee and 2 end tables, table lamp, 7 rug, 3 pc. bedroom suite, single and bunk be dressers, mirrors, wood crib with mattress, school desk, refrigerator, electric ronge, electric oven, lothe jig sow, table sow, bond sow, 2 W.P. motors, . small tools, carpenter tools, blacksmith tools, wedges, garden tools, step ladder, bamboo ladder, work beach with wood vise, wheel barrow, 9 storm windows 2' X 47", plants and flowers, severol other items. ANTIQUES & COLLE`CTABLES - large display cabinet, 8 ft, long 6 ft. high, pump organ, organ stool, 2 violins, top and bottom of flat to wall, kitchen cupboard, other cupboards, wood kitchen table, press back rocker, 3'otherrockers, odd chairs, wicker fern stand, small square parlor table with glass feet, night stand, pine box, sewing machine, trunk, 2 cool and wood cook stoves, sausage press, cabbage slicer, wood planes and other wood. tools, horse collars, buggy wheels, small cool oirheater, bugs ' and crocks, copper boiler, cow bells, hand ells, viewer and pictures, pictures- and frames, telephone insilators, old biscuit oncd -tobacco tins, deer horns, se9erol dishes and many other items. - Terms Cash Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone Exeter -235-1964