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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-16, Page 22 (2)• Couples Club The Couples Club staged a family night at the Grand Bend Public school gym Saturday evening with about 35 in attendance. An opening sing song was ' led by Jean Weigand. A film •'A talent for Tony" was shown by Sharon Miller. Refreshments were ser- ved. Couples,in charge of this meeting were Sharon .and supper Glen Miller, "Donna and Larry Lovie and Elsie and Le Roy Keyes. Cove Town 8. Country Ladles High Single & Triple, Norma Desjardine (S) 191, I T) 503. The Benders Ladies, High Single & Triple, Pat (S) 156 - (T) 438. The Fishers, Mixed Leagues, High Single & Triple, Karen Harris (S)176 - (T) 403, Jeff Harris (S) 193 (T) 444; Ted Ravelle (S) 200 - (T) 5044 Mina Lamb (S) 138 - (T) 336. - Charlies Angels - Our Gang vs - Hopefuls, Betty Datars (S) 234 (T) 561 (TEAM.) 2448, L. Van- denberk 216 (T) 574 (TEAM) 2374; Hi Hopes vs The -Good Ones, Fran Relouw (S) 210 (T) 539 (TEAM) 2426, Marg Roberts '(S) 246 (T) 639 (TEAM) 2427. Saturday Little League - Dreamers vs Angels, Jim Jeffrey 75, Tanya Johnson 80; Rascals vs Scrappers, Todd Hayter 85, S. Chap- delaine 73; The Pointers vs The Stooges, Danny Green 119, Ivan Chapdelaine 142; Grand BendGuerillasys The Strikers, Jeff Hayter 110, Richard Brown 180. Bluewater Mixed League = High Single & Triple_, , Ladies,M.Gaiser (S) 185 (T) 485; Mens, Joe Grigg (S) 241 (T) 602. CORRECTION In the story which ap- peared last week oe the Grand Cove Estates ex- pansion it was stated the company had purchased additional land abutting on Highway 21. This statement should have read Highway8l. ATTENTION l The Store 238-2528 Hwy. 21 & 83 RR 1 Grand Bend Has Artist Supplies, Liqutex, Water, Oil & Acrylic Paints & Delta Brushes 10% DISCOUNT Now Till Dec, 31 Quilts Reg 585 Now; 62" Afghans Reg 549 99 Now$45°° & Many More Crafts • -Pag.- l-P4.venkber--lb, 1978- - Send articles to -Children's Aid GB ladies hold Remembrance ervice Twenty-one ladies g athered 711treday af- ternoon in the S.K. rooms for the United cjtur h women's meeting. Mare Mason ' conducted the- worship service on a Remembrance day theme. An article . written_ in. November 1962- -during the debate con- cerning the banning of religious exercises . in Ontario schools reads as follows: , There is one place where we can prat for anything we •wish in words of our choosing. That -is in the sanctuary of the heart. The silent prayers of all of us together can conquer evil. A poem "After Blenheim' printed in •1885, in _a Third • reader was read. Between 1914 and 1945 there have been two world wars and since 1945 over 60 wars in other parts of our world. Statistics tell us there were over 59000 casualties in world oar one, and over 42,000 in world war 2. Quoting from an article in United church observer by Rev. Kenneth Wotherspoon he says "One of the things Christians may be going in November is. remem- bering." There is very little Remembrance day in- formation } in school books and teacher's magazines as the material is written in United States. Roll call was answered by NQ --BEND AND DISTRICT NEWS • a Remembrance verse. President, Eleanor Durie, presided for the business. The layette articles which -the group gathers through the year have been sent to Goderich children's Aid. Meeting closed - with Mizpah benediction. Lunch hostesses were Susie Devine and Eleanor Durie. United church news The sacrament of baptism and reception of new members was observed Sunday nioi ning at' the United church.. Those baptized were Jeremy Alexander . Bud Wilde and Makeysha Dawn Wilde; children of Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Wilde, (nee Nancy Pimperton). ' Nancy Lynn (Pimperton) Wilde, daughter of Mr. • & Mrs. John Pimperton; John Earl Mawson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Mawson •tnee Large crowd in attendance at United Church hot Turkey More than 500 people at- tended the annual hot turkey supper at Grand Bend United Church, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Nola Taytor,attended . the district board meeting held in Hensel' last Tuesday afternoon, for South Huron Women's Institutes. Flowers in the United church sanctuary Sunday - morning were placed in loving , memory • of Wellington (Bill) Baker by his wifett)live and family. The young people of the United church will hold their first fall meeting in the S.S. rooms Sunday evening November 19 at 7:30 p.m. Ezra Webb of Green Acres has taken up residence in the -Sluewater Rest Home at Zurich. . Mr. & Mrs. John McKenzie, Windsor visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Art Finkbeiner. Mrs. Rov Morenz is • spending some time in the Kitchener area with her father, William Cook who is seriously ill. Sunday visitors and supper guests with Mrs. Rosie Grigg were two of her sons, Mr: & Mrs. Harold Grigg, Kit- chener. Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Grigg, Joey and Kelly, Waterloo. - •Mr. & Mrs. Don Hendrick, Pamela and Paul of Wyoming and Mrs. Susie Devine were dinner -guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. E1'gin Adams.. Church of God news Church of God ladies held their November meeting Thursday afternoonat the church. Roll call was an- swered by 12 members with a memorized verse of scripture. Worship service was conducted by Mrs. John' Campbell on - ':God's leadership". v' - Mrs. Janet Desjardine gave a mission study talk on the work of Paul Brand, working as a missionary. serving lepers in India. She quoted from a book "Ten Fingers of -God". about Mr. Brand's work. Mrs. Katie Vincent, president, presided .for the business and lunch was served by Marian Sni THE BOOK STO 21 Main St. Grand Bend Give a BOOK for Christmas We stock all the latest BEST SELLERS - hardcover and paperbacks. Visit our juvenile room for the latest in books, toys and games. Phone 238-2508. J Oa, We wish to thank the Lucan & Grand Bend Lions Clubs for donating their games to help make our Monte Carlo evening tl success. Also thanks to everyone who supported us by buying draw tickets and giving donations. Your kindness is much ap- preciated. _ 4. Crediton Firemen & Park Board HURON SANITATION Owned by John J. Hotson CAN OFFER YOU PHONE JOHN HOTSON AT 238-2140 ' If no answer call 238-8240 for prompt reply. POWER SEWER LINE • CLEANING • from 11/2" to 5" pipe • save unnecessary lawn damage • cut down labour costs - • for farm, commercial and residential PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE Portable Toilets are available 7 days a week with' Maintenance and Delivery included. Custom Backhoeing at reasonable _-_CaILus annoe 2344140 R.R. 1, GRAND BEND At the Sunday evening - service at Church of G.6d, the church ladies were in charge of the worship sert•ice led by •Mrs. ,Harold Vincent. Lori Vincent read the scripture lesson and Lucille sang. a solo "Mv task". The meditation theme by Rev. John Campbell was "Forgiveness Experience Forever". - Church of -God young people met Friday evening at the• church rooms and continued m a series on teens and 'life issues and com- mitment lets by Rev. John Campbell. ` • 4-H meets The two, Grand Bend 4-H clubs held meeting eight last week to finalize their plans for Achievement day on November 18 at Step);len Central school. " - Club 2, the "Munehy Bunch" met at Sharon • Johnson's home Tuesday night. Club I; "Nutritious Nuts" met at Mita Smits home Thursday night. These girls are planning a skit on the do's and don'ts of measuring. Leaders of these clubs on the project "Essential •Edibles' were Club I, Rita Smits and Karen Smeekens; Club 2, Karen Woods and Marlene Britnell. a Joyce Pickers • Amanda Marie Dunn, daug h r of Mr. & Mrs. George n (nee Susan Grigg) ; Tyler Bennett Fink, son of Judith Fink. New members at Grand - Bend, Margaret Lynn pes jardine,transferringfrolti Melville •United Church, Ivan, and Evelyn Scott, transferring from , St. Andrews Prebyterian Church, Wingham. . Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was "Ten' Com- mandments for Parents." Under the leadership of Dawn Crabe the Junior choir sang two anthems, "Jesus friend of little children" and "The church is wherever Gods people are praising." Cathy Brenner sang a solo entitled "We are the chur- ch". All the small Sunday school children attended the first part of the church service to observe- the baptismal as they had been studying baptism in their lessons for several weeks. FOR ALL .YOUR - FLOORING NEEDS SEE US TODAY • RICHMOND • ARMSTRONG • CELANESE •VINYLS & SOLARIANS • STATESMAN • AMTICO • PEERLESS • HARDING • DOMCOR • OZITE • MANNINGTON • COMPETITIVE PRICES AND LARGE SELECTIONS • FREE ESTIMATES • EXPERT INSTALLATION GRAND BEND DECORATING and FLOORING CENTRE 15 Main St. 238-8603 IS NEXT YEAR'S. FAIR CALVES =-- Feeder calves to be shown at the 1979 Hensall Spring Foir arrived Monday and were dis- club members. Shown gn, a fence of the_ Hensall sales barns waiting for their animals are Brent and Poul love, David Gill and Heather and Patti love• •T -A photo NommEINI Chase & Sanborn Ground Bag Coffee ib '2.78 Cashmere Bathroom Tissue 4's 78" „at ,n<wded Q,,e ,e, -ted. 11111 everybody saves on food here- IYM,V&TWij' AGED Al STEER BEEF BONELESS RUMP ROAST I6;1 .88 Save SOt Ib. AGED Al STEER BEEF FULL CUT BONELESS ROUND STEAM ies1.88 Save 50 4 Ib. Blue Bonnet Margarine 316s. $1.68 aea Maple Leaf Red Sockeye Salmon 7 o. $1.48 d 6 e d Tend -R -Spot SIDE BACON by the piece, Ib. $ 1.28 Save 30c Ib. Store Sliced COOKED HAM x1.98 Save 90' lb Ib Sugar Plum R HAMS '1.98 Save 80c lb. DINNE Stokely's Red KIDNEY BEANS 14 oz Tender Vittles, Beef, liver, Chicken, Tuna, Gourmet Sea Food CAT f OOD 340 gr. 68P , Pepperidge Farm Frozen Old Fashioned Apple Walnut, and Carrot Nut POUND CAKES 14 Green Giant Fancy Whole Kernel NIBLET CORN Carnation COFFEE MATE Kraft Thin Canadian 2 1/3 az. CHEESE SLICES Chapmans ICE CREAM 25 oz 1 1 51.08; 19oz. 551 16 oz. per slice, 1 1.281 1 11b. $.1.65' 2 litres, all flavors 986 1 1 Ib Swift Premium WIENERS lb. s1 .1 .8 Save 30c111. "PRODUCE' "-• Canada No. 1 1 Green Cabbage: 3/88c Produce of U S A Tend-R•Spot Sweet Pickled BACK BACON by the piece, lb. 1.98 •Save 50c lb, Swifts New SIZZLEAN 9.58 Save 30c Ib. 1 1 1 - Tangerines I 88, • doz Canada No 1 1 Cooking Onions; 10 Ib bag 88c 01111111111111111.111111111 MI SI III le VALUABLE COUPON FRESH ONTARIO PORK Weston 100% Stone Milled PORK LOIN who . s 1 .38 Limit 2 family packs per customer with coupon and $12.00 order excluding cigarettes, tobacco and coupon item. STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8-6 Fri, .8-9 Sat. 8-7 Closed Sundays Prices Effective Nov. 15 to 21 «1. SENIOR CITIZENS GUI. 10)o. e» r IN.,1 16 . ,..,n,amodestMvmodest"eare SAYE 10/0 <.,. e.xr,.ar a.. .an n..r..N a. r*P1vd'nq C,, • nd Qvor,en el B..f Save 40c Ib. BREAD Whole Wheat 24oz. 2/98' Old South Frozen Concentrated ORANGE JUICE 12 2 a=. 78' Gattuso SPAGHETTI 16 oz. 2/88` Vachon APPLE PIE FILLING 19 oz. 88`i libbys in Tomato Sauce SPAGHETTI 19oz 53' Campbells Tomato, Chicken Noodle, Cream of Mushroom Soup -For -One 8 Oz 4/98' Boketime Seedless 24 oz. 680 gr SULTANA RAISINS SZ•18 Westons Sliced WHITE BREAD 24 az. 3/1.18 Tenderspot Everydtiy Low, Low Prices 2% BAG MILK 3 qt. s 1 .49 TWO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT „,TENDER SPOT 238-2512 GRAND BEND BABY BONUS' SAYE 6% Co. ;C aoweON(.,. arae owe /1M1 r C,paren.. and Qunrren of Be.f