HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-09, Page 28 (2)Page' $ Times -Advocate, November 9,1978 PLACE A cisswiw AIJ QUICKLY.. IEASILY. U.JUST PHONE classlflcatlons I Lost. Strtsed 2 1- ound yltuatiom Wanted 4 I lelp Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock K Farm Nlachiners 9 Spurts Equtpmenr. \ eh I I ( ,ars. Trucks I: Pets • 13 !Musical Instruments I4 \ppIi i es. tete\1+fall PCCsottel 16 For Sale ' 12 \\ .uueu :T a Buy 1 h \\ lilted Properts ForSalc 20 Properin For Rent • . 21 For Rent 22 1 or Sale or Rent 23 v. anted IC, Rent 24 I ruperts N .utted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices Tenders N anted 2h Amt ion sates 1 Lost, Strayed -\ Will YE and brown part HuskC. part ( ollle doe 1 sat seen 6th concession l .borne Answers to "Sadie" Please collect '29-6-h3 45. 2 Found 5-6 \1O\TH ULD Labrador pup. registered Ihim tile area Phone 124-6T'1 .atter 6 r m .45: 4 Help Wanted 1-\1'1K11 \t IIT 's1 Rl- 1\R\ -RI I 1 I'IfONIST. re- quired imincdlatel . shorthand essential Please reels bs November 13 to Bos - ARP, Times .\dnocaIc - -Js. I)I:RSON 10 watt table, — AM - IN after 6 p.nl. to manager Shillelagh. 1.ue.0 . 44 45: H'E\SA I. I. SUI" 1 H Hun ll \gncullural Soctetn requires .l se♦-retars Treasurer Duties 10 cs•mrllCnce J Moan 1, 919'9 Alone interested contact 26' 5:09 after 6 pint, bet/ire \osemher 15th 41 42 43 44 45. 1 1\ E -I\ CO\IP\\I(>\ wJllted trtr elders w 0111,111 111 1 s- erer. C ompensJnon offered plus full use of is ell -kept home Stature Person preferred. Phone cotton London 1-{-1- 6, 45 46. \I \Rhe:r RESE-\RC H inter- .icsser required immediate'', for large ,uses ..n1p1111 (anta.-t Shelia (limbs. RR 1. Dwieonn.,n 45: 6 Services PERRY'S DRYWALL \ppls Finish & Teaure Perry Knee Centralia • For Free Estimates 228-6481 42 43 44 4 ANIMAL HEALTH SALES One of Canada's. leading animal health product manufacturers hos several openings for cdmmiSSioned, agents in southwestern Ontario. The people we are Iboking for should have a knowledge of, or- a background in the livestock -industry, plus some sales. ex- perience. These positions would s erk,in well with per- sons now selling other non-competitive Tines. Above average commissions are paid monthly. • Send brief resume to Animal Health Sales, P.O. Box 1744, St. Marys, Ontario. CLASSIFIED .RATES--- • WORD COUNT Charges are bosed on the number of words Sets of numerals as for serial numbers street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one woid per set Words turned by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words S2 40. 9c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy,Fchonges 7c tie word minimum SI 40 SEMI-DiSPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- S2 50 per coivmn inch - . SUBSEOURNT INSERTIONS — S2.00 per column inch (Minimum sae in this category 1'z inches. Accepted in multiples of • halt mch.I • - BOX NUMBERSao th.s office -. S 1.00 per .nseriwn. BIRTHS --- 20 wards S2 00. 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES. Engogements-Death Notices. — 20 words 12,00 each additional word 8e ill MEMORIAMS -- S2 00 plus 12c per Ile of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words 52 00, each additional word 8c Three insertions for the pace of 2 CARDS OF THANKS — 30.words 52 00. 4c per word 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BE -FORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4 00 p m Tuesdays When possible late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of S1 00 Phone 235-1331 6 Services FLEMING DECORATING Paper 11anetng, Painting And Ceramic Tile Sales Andd ltistaliatitx> Phone 234-6775 For Estimates 4_2434445. CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONERS The Answer To Hard Water Problems For. a tree anahsi\ and a presen- tation on the benefits of softened water. cJII u+ at 235-22.311 and +:is HEY CULLIGAN MAN RI \1f \IBI.R e rreJI water set -musk - C. MORLEY HALL 37i CCSRUy1 CORN .ombirin2. wide and narrow rows. (-all Doug or Don Easton. 235- 1 yy6 42 43 44 45c Building Lots For Sale On Pryde Blvd.,or Motz Blvd. 65' Frontage 126' Depth Fully Serviced Paved Streets i Phone 235.2208 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 6 Services ED ALLEN INSTALLATIONS t .1rt•et .4 \ invIllooring Professional's Installed Re.iret:hent rr Re; .tired Phone 237-3747 4'1 6 Services t S10\1 -13-\t hHOtiIN(isep- tri iaitks, sewers. weeping beds, Jraui+, til. Grans Skinner. hs- eter 235.1023 I t t CALL Forest Fence, For all sour fencing needs. LJrrs Haugh at 451-6620 or I:celir 215-2017 after 5 P u1 it t 13 & L Stereo Music taped muni. for all ages and occasions - RESERVE NOW C.tll Robert -Ci. Buster Granton 225-2884 32t ROOTH CUSTOM ENGRAVING Engraved Signs For Bus. & Home N e sell end ener.+e aleme .ags, wall plaques. desk sets. direc- tional signs. office signs. In- dustrial sign... door ,plates. trophies. 1- r1 its ing done on plastiL•s. metals and plexi glass. Jeri Rooth. Manager 7 Carling St., Exeter 235-0322 Associated with RSI) Sport Den inc .h2 „),lan.S1.. Exeter. - 391 235- 1331 CENTRALIA SERVICE General Repairs Ileass and Light Vehicle Inspecry tion Including School Buses,` - Tins mg, electronic Tuneup. .228-6913 — Business 234-67,87 — Residence PLEASE CALL ANYTIME 33t 6 Services W. D. CONSTRUCTION Houses. Additions. Sheds Siding, Roofing. Reno%aliow, 1 rev. Estimates Phone' Bub Willis. 235-0107 Keith Das e>. 235-0947 atter 6:00 p.m. 171' t ON EY 1 1- ► DEVELOPMENTS INC, J. TAYLOR 1 R.R.31-XFTE?R.ONFANO NOM ISO ► t NOW RENTING NEW APARTMENT BUILDING HURON STREET E. EXETER Available Feb. 1st. 1979 3-2 Bedroom Apts. 1-1 Bedroom Apt. Laundry Facilities • Call - Jack Taylor 229-6472 1 FOR SALE THREE BEDROOM SOLAR HEATED HOUSE • -located three miles south of Bayfield r ' off of Highway 21 - brick siding : - Targe 100 ft,,X 200 ft lot - . For Information Contact: - RR 2 Zurich Philip Durand 236-4749 235-1232 592 LOisIDOi11 RD. EXETER - REALTOR FRED EYRE Eves. 229-8936 SALES STAFF NORM STANLAKE 235-0524 ADRIAN J. EYRE 229-8936 CALL US FOR MORTGAGE INFORMATION Presently - until Nov.. 17, 1978 From 101/4% to 11 % With either pre -payment or fully open privileges. Up to 95% to qualifying property and applicants v/ EXETER h ACRE LOT — Close to•Main St. with'4 bedroom - brick house, ground floor family room, extro large kitchen. Good location and well set up for profes- - sior, man's office. Call Adrian Eyre on this $45,- - 000 listing. PRICE REDUCED two storey brick home located one block from Main Street and half bock from Post Of- fice. Fotir bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and living room. Full basement, garage and large lot. Asking 546.500.00 Call Fred Eyre. - • OWNER ANXIOUS — cute bungalow on well andscaped lot. Peor. trees and pleasant Town gar- den. 2 bedrooms, eat in kitchen Now only 528.- 900.00 Try an Offer, Call Fred Eyre. 31,000.00 -- Two bedroom bungalow, kitchen with dining area, carpeted living rrrom, 3 pigce bath, utility room, attached gorage,'on well treed corner lot. For further information. Call Norm Stanloke. FARMS '115 ACRE - close to Zurich large clad frnme home with good barn. Priced for the lower broc kat purchaser. CaII Fred Eyre. 149 ACRES - with brick house, steel.barn and drive shed. Only about 3 miles from Exeter. Call Fred Eyre. $125,000.00. — A hobby farm near Dashwood with 10 stall horse barn and large beautiful house on 5 acres completely oak rail fenced. Must be seen. Call Fred Eyre. ZURICH 99 ACRES ' good growingrand close to town on paved road. No house but hos beef feed lot for about 160 head Buy now for early spring take over. Call Fred Eyre. LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR BETTER RESULTS. ` . WE HAVE LOCAL BUSINESSES FOR SALE. CALL OFFICE FOR DETAILS Member of the Huron Real Estate Board FARMS 100 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD — all land is clear and excellent for crops. 4 bedroom homewith dour bre garage, beef feed lot for about 300 head. Buildings in suptr ,condition, Buy now for early spr• Ing take over. CaII Fred Eyre. PROPERTIES OUTSIDE TOWN COUNTRY BRICK PROPERTY ON 1 ACRE -- with 3 bedrooms 1 •2 baths, ground floor family room, separate dining room plus large kitchen. Asking 557,500.00 CaII Fred Eyre. KIRKTON" , $78,900 Newel 4 bedroom brick 2 storey home; double goroge, ground floor family tool with stone fireplace on about ' 2 acre fat. CaII Fred Eyre. CENTRALIA LARGE DOUBLE WIDE BUNGA LOW — Big, Big lot. 3 bedrooms, new fomily room being built and will be finished. Asking 549,900. Coll Fred Eyre. CREDITON PRICE REDUCED — Double store presently used as living occommodation, easily reconverted back to commercial. Two .large apartments above. Some remodernizing is necessary. Call Adtian Eyre. LUCAN ONLY S43,S00.00 — for this 1 year old bungalow on quiet subdivision. 3 bedrooms, large eot-in kitchen. Bock onto park and close to main highway. CaII Fred Eyre for details. BUSINESSES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY -- to run o complex business. This busy bawling alley with restaurant and fast food outlet con be o winner for someone. large modern living quarters are above. Get a strike; see this now. CaII Fred Eyre. DINER & GAS PUMPS —'on highway near Grand Send. Senting about 32. Doing good business and. has excellent potential for more. Call Fred Eyre. - ifs 11111 s _ sl MB s IN Is fl os s ; V - REALTY INC. /AW • EXETER 1 . GRAND BEND "t'� • CLINTON 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GRAND BEND PRIVACY - MATURE TREES — This brand-new home situated in a secluded subdivision 'offers 5 bedrooms, family style kitchen, 25 x 15 roc room.for on active family, attached double garage _with workshop area. Owner will' consider holding first mortgage at 9' 2 %. Priced to sell. OVERLOOKING. YACHT - CLUB - and Ausable river from this spacious estate -home containing 26' x 17' living -room with natural fireplace, modern eat - in kitchen, 6 bedrooms, double garage, plus self contained apartment for extro income. THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE --.- overlooking the harbour and lake Huron. Three bedrooms, knotty pine living room with fireplace and sunroom. An ideal s.ot for active fanlil or boater. SOUTHCOTT PINES ---- Delightful two-bedroom cottage with lois of living -area on beautifully treed lot. large living -room, 4 piece bath, utility -room, 19' x 16' family -room. Excellent condition throughout: Also included iso 10' x 8' toolshed. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SOUTHCOTT PINES -- Unique chalet featuring 25' x 23' living -room area plus 24' .x 16' upper deck, Downstairs consists of 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, 15 x 16' rec'roorri and utility, room.. .This completely winterized home offers great possibilities to o very, active family who enjoys the Ipke in.the summer, hik- ing in the spring and fall, cross-country skiing in the winter. OAKWOOD – = Very spacious residence nestled among •tall mature trees adjacent to golf course that can be enjoyed year round. This home' features o large comfortable livrng room with fireplace- family room and sun room, central air, two garages as well as tw6 good size offices in separate building. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESTAURANT — A very rare opportunity. This striving little business hos enjoyed a steady increase in revenue since its opening a year ago. rhe,vendor has renovated the premises considerably; including new furnace, kitchen equipment etc. The relaxed at- mosphere makes 'this eating -establishments o favourite spot in the area. Retirement makes this business ovailoble. , EXETER DOW SUBDIVISION This very roomy side split on lovely Kingscourt Crescent is attroctively priced. It requires some work however., The bender informs us that he will look at any reasonable offer and completely restore this home to its original beauty Don't miss this unique offer. - 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ONE AND .A HALF STOREY BRICK HOME -- on 109' x 145 estate lot. Featuring 3 bedrooms, art ex- tra Iorge kitchen • and dining • area. Immediate possession. THE HOUSE WITH A BEAUTIFUL VIEW — New, three bedroom side split-level with ottached goroge. two bathrooms, fireplace in basement and grade level laundry room. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CENTRALIA POOL - JUST LISTED - This delightful 3 bedroom bungorow with attached goroge. Step out onto 6 , cedor deck surrounding a beautiful 'Fantasea' obove ground pool to -enjoy for the whole family. 20' x • 15' rec-room with wet -bar 'plus fourth bedroom and utility -room on lower level. . HENSALL ANTIQUE TREASURE --- This century home is truly a rare find. The owners hove extensively renovated and • spored no effort to beautifully blend the gracious old charm with practical 'and new ideas throughout..A very efficient hot water system 'with new rods in very room keeps this home very cozy from the sewing room in the attic to the spacious ground floor. A new kitchen offers an eat -in area with family 'room otmosphere. From there you walk into a bright sunroom with fireplace. Thistdtriightful property is a pleosure to show, \\ DUCHARME BEACH LAKE FRONT Attractive little cottage featuring 2 bedrooms, knotty pine living -room with natural fireploce. Full basement with facility for boat storage. Located right on beautiful sondy beach. , DRYSDALE This 1 year old bungalow is beoutifully decorated throughout. Featuring o well appointed living -room with angelstone fireplace -large 32 x 12 cedar -deck off dining room, 3 bedrooms plus,4 piece bath. Lower level consists of very spacious 22 x 22 family room, games room or fourth bedroom, laundry -room and cold storage This year-round home is priced in the fifties. EXETER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEW LISTING Prime commercial location with lasts of porking at rear. Next to Post Office. Well suited for offices. Upstairs needs renovation. BAYFIELD - LOTS — Beautifully treed lake front and second row tots - opprox. 75 x 200 - just north of Bayfield Marina - adjcrcent to Conservation area - recreation property zoned for permogent housing. We hove serious buyers waiting in need of forms, small acieages, resort properties, homes and building lots. Please contact any of our 3 offices for your conveniences. Real Estate Representatives BRUCE FISCHER Res. 238.8735 FRAN RITCHIE ,rsr• Res. 235-0588 1 i Exeter 1 2i5-2420 1 1 1 s Grand Bend 238-8484 Member Of The Huron Real Estate Board 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 -/ 1 1 Clinton 482-9747 1 1 1 1. slisssssl•sfa asss