HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 30 (2)Page 30 ti • •••••rr11, Times -Advocate, November 2, 1978 .. uuunuuuuuuttunuuuutuontn ;WELCOME TO 3 DAYS 3 WITH NP���� toS`O -. Nov. 6-7-8 REV. JOHN LOCKHART O.M.F. Hong Kong And Philippines MISS IENORE CATES • B.M.M. Jamaica, W.I. MR. MARIO BRUNO F.E-B.C: Italy - Toronto 1 0 a.m. COFFEE HOUR 2 p.m. 'GET ACQUAINTED' THESE IN HOMES 7:30 p.m. MISSIONS RALLY AT THE CHURCH EMMANUEL BAPTIST - CHURCH W. HURON ST. EXETER PH. 235-2661 or 235,2559 -iili1iitiitp111111llliiiiliiiitinll 11111111, Huron County Family Planning Project lnvlter You To Attentt- - FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p m HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann 5r Eieter• -For Information Call 235-1014 , Weekdays or Tuesdoy evenings Everyone wekome' J ACKPOT 5500 in 51 calls N 11 Reg games S l0.prlte 3 Special g9m es ...1.12_prrze G 1 Shore -the -wealth game O Wed Nov. 8 8:30 P.M. ZURICH ARENA SPONSORED BY ZURICH REC BOARD NO PERSON UNDER 16 WILL BE ADMITTED South Huron Recrn Centre MOMS & TOTS SKATING. TUES 10 - 1 1 A.M. TUES 2-3P.M. THURS 10 - 1 1 A.M. Optimists of Stephen NEW YEARS DANCE Music by BITTERSWEET HURON PARK REC CENTRE 9p.m.-1 a:m. • Price.: s30 till November 15 s35 after Tickets Available from all optimist members Ticket includes dance, beverages and meal For tickets call: Bob Pinter 228-6329 Jim Gage 228-6589 Bill McGrath 228-6871 • IMP 1 TRULY CANADIAN FOWL -- Thanks to the efforts of Doug Gill of Crediton o truly Cafhdian breed of chicken hos been established. Through extensive cross -breeding, he has come up with o purebred Chantecler. T -A photo Crediton poultry fancier gets true Canadian breed. A Crediton man has been successful in creating a true Canadian breed of chicken after three years of crops breeding. Doug Gill who has been showing fowl at district -fairs for several years has per- fected the Chantecler breed. These birds have a FETTES TOURS RENFRO VALLEY, KENTUCKY- — A teal great Weekend trip with 3 country music shows included os well as, a boardinghouse meal and a guided tour of Lexington and horse form area. Qur most ,pop• ular tour in 1978. 3 days. Nov. 17 and Dec. 1. WWVA JAMBOREE -- lost time this year.for the ever popular Jamboree in Wheeling, West Virginio. A popular show for yearsrDeparts Nov. 10 (limited Space) NEW ORLEANS ANO DEEP SOUTH — Some space remains. 9 Day tour deporting Nov. 14. Features Memphis, New Orleans, Guided City Tour, Boat Cruise, French Quarter, -Bayou Country, Beuregord Plantation, Mobile, Biloxi, 800 Acre Bellingroth Gardens, with millions of Chrysanthemums in the world's largest out door display. FLORIDA -FLORIDA -FLORIDA — We hove the best selection of tours to Florida ever. Trips of 9 days, 10 days, and 14 days. The prices are low and there are special prices and pick ups for groups. Special early bookipg,discg.unts availoble. Call Now.' BETHLEHEM & CHRISTMAS — A very special 3 day tour to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania during Christ- mas Season. Departs. Dec. 1. Beautiful Christmas lights, displays and food. Plenty of shopping time and scenery. Reserve Now. WRITE OR CALL FOR FREE BRCFCHURES Mount Forest Mitchell 519-323-1545 519-348-8492 r. Dick Packham In Hensall Richard Packham and Klass Van Wieren will be the two new members on council. Packham. a native of England has lived in Hensall since 1972 and is ernployed in the manufactured homes plant formerly owned by Bendix Corporation. He said his- reason for standing for eleetion that he felt he should do something for his communi- ty - Hopefully. Kis activities on council will benefit his children and their friends in the future. Packham said Also acclaimed to Hensall council was Klass Van Wieren'of 57 London Road. a foreman in the former Ben- dix manufactured homes plant NEW AUTHORITY MANAGER William Mungall of Dundas hos been named resources manager for the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Adthority replacing Don Pearson. Mungall assumes his new position on November 13. - T -A photo rigorous and rustic tem- perament- that can resist the climatic conditions of Canada. They are a general purpose fowl, good for.. treat and laying, especially -in the winter. They weigh in excess of eight pounds for mates and more than six pounds for females. Gill's explanation for his breeding accomplishments is, "Because I couldn't find any ire Canada, I cross -bred birds according to the Standard of Perfection book to produce my own White Chantecler.". ' He continued, "It took me five years. Now I have a Smorgasbord Supper Hot Turkey & Ham at BRUCEFIELD CHURCH Sponsored by Kippen United Churchh Wed Nov. 8 5 - 8 p.m Adults '4.00 Children 12 & under '1.75 Preschoolers Free Advance tickets only Phone 262.5758 SP SU LE OB CB OP C4 RO DA PR small flock of Chanteclers, sortie of which I showed this fall at the Exeter and Zurich fall fairs. In the first° year of the breeding experiment a dark Cornish male is crossed with a White Leghorn female and a Rhode Island Red male is Mated with a White Whyandutte female. The followeng year the pullets .from the first com- bination are bred to the male of the second set. In the third year pullets from the second }tear of breeding are crossed with a White Plymouth Rock male to produce the White Chantecler. Bowling scores Exeter Men's" G. Stire 619 H. Holtzman 695 C Murray 682 T Bourne 827 R. Devil608 J Gage 709 • E Matzold 811 B. Tieman 664 L. Miller 614 A Eveleigh 674 3 13 Wednesday Ind. league 5 22 2 15 4 17 3.25 4 -22 - 3 19 7 31 0 29 4 14 FL P. Ldvier 701 7 YW R Frayne 670 7 BS 13 Barnes 689 5 EF, A Quinn 005 8TH D Harvey 666" PE G Penhale 634 2 'TR 13 Dgvries 608 5 HI I. Moir 586 HD •CG PP BB 110 WR MA1 JS PK \11 SP GR. TB TS Ladies Tuesday B Hearn 571 L Dietrich 595 P Haugh 637 A Brook 594 ✓ Flynn 545 N Westlake' 534 ✓ Lindenfield 628 M Deline 571 L Webber 728 1 Campbell 557 R ,Evelana aaV C Stagg 610 Ladies Thursday J Mantev 560 • H Kadv 2 5 2 3 2 5 2 4 5 5 31 31 23 22 19 17 16 9 HG K Triebner 534 MN T Rooseboom 599 I13 H. Daniels 606 TL W. Campbell 677 DS J Rhode 500 OM S Lammie 559 1111 P Scott 528 ° •GG • B. BierlIng 762 Mixed Friday FA' G. Stire 726 B G D. Caldwell 638 CFI P. Durand 693 BB B. McNutt §76 -CO P McFalls 657 CR B. Bierling 806 40 25 35 31 22 18 43 15 25,, 36 `HR DN HP CF GT BL Mixed Sunday B. -Gage 614 .. B. Riley 61'3 K Mason 622 E Hillman 655 H Roberts 649 G Wilsnn 571 2 14 7 36 4 38 7 44 0 16 0 11 3 21 7 42 7 26 0 4 5 33 2 25 2 21 5 38 5 2 224 5 27 2 ,29 5 25 2 26 Wednesday Morning Ladies - B. Smith 447 E Deitz 562 N Coleman 632 A Wilgbn 599 Monday Afternoon Men C Smith B Mauer 5 33 T Yellow 2 6 L Johnson C Fisher W Etherington lucan.ladies - 5 42 0 15 Local native is director- - :1 native of Exeter. S.. •. Grant Sanders has been named director of research and senior broker with Alan Bush Brokerage. Boca -Raton. Florida. He is the son of .the late S M Sanders. Sanders was previously a senior securities analyst in New York '\ graduate of the University of Toronto.. he has held executive positions with RCA'Philco Corp. and ITT - 3 BOOK NOW � P for CHRISTMAS 3 PARTIES 3 3 Huron Park Contlniunity Centre Phone 228-6996 Iy • •3r 'O 91390 =Ntl Wt. 913 Vela 0131 w-•••••••••• 4{{"3 NXZERIA OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ....,. 235'2311 GRANDMA'S SUBMARINES CO SP DM IS FS HH RO CC. RP HT CA 1.0 346 361 438 335 214 432 J Van Geel 710 J Sovereign. 615 1 Dickson 595 H Eaton 600 M Scott 606 H Hardy .549 L Snider 536 A Groenewegen 567 P. Riddell 527 W Hardy •J Dauncey .1 Gwalchmai 31 30 28 25 17 16 13 13 11 '522 111 506 9 561 7 Only one collision for Pinery police Only one accident was in- vestigated by the Pinery OPP this week, it Occurring on Thursday on Ontario St.- in tein Greld Bend. Involved were a car driven by Robert James Meikle, 109 Huron St. E.! Exeter. and a traitor -trailer unit owned by 'Omstead Refrigeration. Wheatley. and driven by John DeWaal, RR 1 Wheatley. There were no 'injuries and total damage was listed at $1,000 by Constable R.J. Sawyers. During the week. the Five candidates - in McGillivray There will be five can- didates for the three council seats in McGillivray township in the November 13 election. The name of council can- didate Ellison Whiting was inadvertently omitted from last week's issue. The other four are Jim Thompson. Jack McCann. Dianne Mollard and Ernest Kowalchuk. Reeve Gerald Wright and deputy -reeve Jack Dorman were returned by acclama- tion. QLTEENSWAY "Welcome" a 'new resident at Queensway Nursing Home Mrs. Alice Rozendal from Exeter. Visitors with Mrs. Irene Kalbfleisch were Joan Betteridge and Violet Bishop. Hazel Snell and Verna Coates and Ruby Pollen visited Louise Mit- chell. Chester aid Ilia Dunn, Iva Ridley visited Vera Lammie. Lenore Butler, St. Thomas, and Irene Craigo, St. Marys visited Runa Bannerman. Olive Stephenson, Bruce and Anna Keyes visited with Russell Erratt. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Smith visited Lynn Latimore and Ellen Ken- drick. Rev. Van Essen of Exeter conducted Church service last week ac- companied by Mrs. Van Essen. The Hensall U.C.W. ladies' conducted Bingo and Music on Monday at the residence. THE BEE A bee is such a busy soul. She has no time for birth Control. Perhaps that's why in times like these. You meet so many sons of bees. Pinery officers laid 12 charges under the Liquor Licence Act, four under the Narcotic Control Act and 19 under the Highway Traffic Act. There were three break and enters, one wilful damage, one theft. one im- paired driver and one charge laid under the Juvenile Delinquents Act. t FOR INFORMATION 4 9N Over: in South Huron Phone 235-1834 We Need More . Big Brothers Now! STAG PARTY FOR DOUG FORD Sat. Nov. 4 ANNEX BUILDING HURON PARK Everyone Welcome ELECTION NIGHT Dance ALL TUCKERSMITH ELECTORS • are cordially invited TO ALL CANDIDATES PARTY Mon., -Nov: 13 9:00 - 1:00 AT VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE Music By - WONNETTA 'RIO LADIES PLEASE - BRING LUNCH LONDON YM -YWCA SOUTH HURON.. RECREATION BOARD How is your • fitness?? Find out with a fitness -test Nov. 13TH and 14TH SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE (Exeter) Between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. The tesf is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and in- cludes:* - Cardiovascular Fitness • Lung Function • Body Weight (ideal) - Strength and Endurance - Flexibility Followed by your own person exercise pr scr done by • professional fitness evaluators. To Register CaII 235-2833 for at SHRC 9-5 weekdays) The lest lakes 60 minutes and is for everyone over 18 years of age Costs: $ 15,00 South Huron Recreation Centre DANCE Saturday, Nov. 4th A 9-1 JOE OVERHOLT -Tickets At The Door - J SPECIALS . Available at all participating Dining Rooms TUESDAY NITE "SPAGHETTI 994 All You Can Eat PER PERSON Includes Roll & Butter SUNDAY From 4:00 p.m. FAMILY STYLE LASAGNA 3 99 PER PERSON Includes Loaf of Bread Butter, Salad Bar, Soup UNDER 12 249 LICENSED LOCATIONS 41 1 Main St. 235-2526 Exeter London - St. Thomas Port Elgin illlllllllillliilliillillliilllllllillilllllillillllillllll 11 lll1111111111I IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII ili111111111iiltlr.. NOW 20 BINGO To -Night Thurs. Nov. 2 GAMES EXETER LEGION HALL 1 1 • 17 Retiular • 1 Jackpot • 2 Shore -the - Wealth 56 calls 8:00 p.m. JACKPOT $400 Licence No. 212181 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats Admission *1;00 for 18 Rounds Extra cords 25' each or 5i '1.00 Shore-the-Weolth - 5 for'1.00 11 for '2.00 Sponsored By ladies' Auxiliary No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted Oa/ to the Women's Auxiliary Volun- teers, and the many husbands for their enthusiasm and long hours of service. Combined with the response of. donors and the public, the Rum- mage Sale was a huge success. Thanks again for supporting our hospital • Centralia College of Agricultural Technolog OPEN HOUSE '78 • Wednesday, November 22 Beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Recreation Centre Phan- to .attends this plogram of in- teresting displays -on College diploma - courses and student, _activities. Plans for our new student residence will be a feature display. SO YEARS AGO, Anne and Ted Choffe were married of the manse of the Rev. L. I. Hunter, Toronto. Ontario. In honour of the occasion , we and our family wish you to share our Golden Anniversary by coming to the SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE EXETER, ONTARIO Friday, Nov. 3, 1978 To help us re -live memories of the past years Dancing 9 p.m..- 1 a.m. MUSIC BY THE HEYWOODS • Lunch Provided Bost Wishes Only