HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 28 (2)1 Page 28 Times -Advocate, November 2, 1978 6 Services For Your Western & Local Cattle Needs CaII 229-6314 STAN. FRANCIS RR I. Kirkton,.Ontano.' -44:45:46c ORNAMENTAL IRON - ` porch railings. column posts. in- side vinyl coscred stair rJih. room divld,sr. etc Elroy Des- -Jardine. 6-46222 kir 23h- 4242. I8t • • PROFESSIONAL Business Scr- s► sices-i Addressing. labelling envelopes. printing tickets, flyers. bulletins. hooklets. photocopying. ARC Industries. 237-3667 4't JEFFREY BROS. LTD. CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES RENOVATIONS - ALTERATIONS •• ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING •!SERVICED) LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM! RR 2 ZURICH 236-4757 a Farmers FRESH DEAD or DISABLED COWS, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. S5.00 - $15.00 payment for animals over 500 lbs. 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks for Faster Service 24 -Hour Service 7 Days A Week CALL COLLECT (Area Code 5191 887-9334 • Brussels Pet Food Supplies THE HERITAGE. SHOP IN THE TOWN HALL SPECIAL SALE DAYS Thurs. & Fri. Nov. 16 & 17 10 A.M.-5 P.M. 7-9 P.M. VISIT THE UPSTAIRS & DOWNSTAIRS Good used Clothing, Dishes, Toys Books, Etc. Proceeds to Hospital Auxiliary and Heritage Foundation. Dorlations of saleable items appreciated. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 1 to 5 p.M. Friday 7 to 9 p.m. Phone 235-1712 or 235-1995 6 Services ROOTH CUSTOM ' ENGRAVING Engraved Signs For Bus. & Home N'e sell and engra%e name tells, wall plaques. desk sets. direc- tional signs. .,,13ttice signs. in- dustrial signs, dour plates. trophies.. Engraving done on plastics. metals and plexi glass . Jeff Rooth, Manager 357 Carling St:, Exeter 235-0322 ssociated with RSD Sport Den ` In: 282 Mau) Si . Exeter • 445 Don's Electric . Industrial. Conimercl4l. Residential anti I-Jrm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Instellations- PHONE DON BENDER .Dashssood 237.3.57: I -2t. CLS1011 BACkrIOLINC; sep- tic tanks.•se%er.. weeping bid,. drawls. etc (,-.tint Skinner. Lx- acr2t_:!0' 16t For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems TRIEBNER ELECTRIC (tidies St . Exeter 75 :35-;, . h • Kesldena.al. Commercial -Industrial. and Farming • Generator Installations 46t. and enjoy all -season home comfort tool W Westinghouse helps make It happen CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE L. W. KLEINSTIVER LIMITED DASHWOOD 237-3661 Plumbing - Heoting Electrical CHANGE IN NAME, INDEPENDENT • SHIPPER • TO • United ,Co - Operatives of - Ontario Livestock Department , Toronto Ship your livestock - with FRANK VOOGEL Dashwood Mondoy is shipping day from Varna Stockyard previously Roy Scotchmer Call Dashwood 238-2707 or Bayfield 565-2636 By 7 30 a m • Monday' for prompt service No ch9rges on pick-up I INSULATION SPRAY ON URETHANE FOAM For Cottle and Hog Barns, Workshops, Homes, Attics, etc.. also Vans. • AGRICULTURAL • INDUSTRIAL • • RESIDENTIAL Blown In - Mineral Wool - Fibre Gloss - Cellulose N. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION R.R. 5 Mitchell Phone 348-9376 6 Services Genes SiGnS • (ieate C reces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR I Dashwussd.Ori1 NOM INO l'HO\h 238-8242 4t TO BC 1 OR 51.1.1. antiques and used furniture contact Norm N luting 23>-1964 135 -- JAL K'S DE( OK•\TINC, - painttng and papering. %lost swung. ,ales.. and ihstatlttion. ceramic'lile installation Phone Jack ( leas e. 235-2031 est .BILL'S BLR\ER 51R\t(1-- t -or expert and complete furnace sen ice' including uis(atlatnms. humidifiers and air conditioning. Bill 1 'caries. C redlton 234- 6_�1y 44t AI's Home Improvements Paneling. Flouring Rooting. Siding Painting: Etc - Call AL/II-KI \ \\DF.R1 \A•\ - 23c.0533 14t CUSTOM BACKHOEiN(i and custom wood splitting. wood splitters for sale Tom Roberts. Hensall, 262-5263 44' CUSTOM COMBINING. corn, S16.00 per acre. 36" roes. hase rice tires Call.Arnold or Phillip Steckle at 565-53229 or 565- 5324 ' 44.45c CUSTOM COMBINING. Mortes Farms. Wade avid narrow row,. 4 w heel• dose combine Phone294-0206. Jerre Mor ley 44c VOLR S(-\\DI\A\l-\ painter and decoratilr wilt give sou a lull estimate on ons p,nn- ting rob. wall papering. snnsl hanging, also carpentry )'hone Gunnar Hansen. 262.51'5 175 • (LSTO\t COR\ combining. wide and narrow rows ("all Doug or Don -Liston. 215- 1946 42 43 44 4 PERRY'S DRYWALL \pply 1-.„,,h& texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates .228-6481 42 4; 44 45. S5 • S15.00 15.00 - ke. ATTENTION FARMER'S HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON. ONTARIO We ore now paying WOO - 415.00 for 'fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs: All calves and pigs picked up free of charge. Fast Efficient Service - 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week CALL COLLECT 452-91111 "Coil us first you won't have lo coif anyone else." Are -Dee - Construction General Construction farm. Commercial and Residential Buildings Authorized Dealer for Alcan Aluminum products. siding. sof- `it and fascia. doors. window: .end garden sheds Phone Roger Dougall 235-1281 - 11t BUILDS EVERYTHING BETTER F09 BARNS \1 \111-\II\C;.( 11 \♦OI 1 and ll 1 I)1\G S1 511 \lS Also (O\\ SiAI.IS F 1RRO\VIN(i( KAiVS 1 RI! ESHAMES 'Call Roger Dougall - 235-1281 1.11 C l SI0M SI Al (dill -RING and processing l'h,.ne 262-2017 Sshoil's 1 nod Market. ltens.,l1 361. IN T I K IOR. exterior punting K If & S Painting Phone Ronald Heywood. 235-2087 10t 5\1.111. ENGIN/ and hacscic sales and sersice. Milt Robbins & Son Ltd . 1:X ET 1- R. 235-2940. 263 \Lon Si •• north of caution fight 40t BRI(. K AND BLOCK work contrautor now Itsailahle. quality work. keen prices. Mat Haft Masonry. RR 1. Dashwood. phone 236-'792 241 9 Sports Equipment,Veh. (i & ( SAI TER. lisestock trucking. Denfield. Kitchener, Stretford. Toronto. RR 2. St. Mars Phone 349-2229. call collect 21 t 1976 SIX I ROL Lk- (LIR 340. good condition. Phone 262- 5093.444: • • 1975 SKIROI l E SNOW- MOBILE, good motor and track. Asking S350.00 Call 235> 1232 or 229-8936 escnings. 44c 1978 XS YAMAHA 400, black: 10.000 kilometers. 51,400.430 or. best offer.,Phone 235-0357 44c 1976 T-131 R'1). one owner. load- ed with extras. gres. blue vinyl rout, excellent condition Call 235-1715 after 6 p m. 43 44s: 11 Cors, Trucks 1973 ('HEV PICK-UP. long box. tleet side. 6 cylinder. stan- dard with red o. rear bumper and tinted windshield. Sharp S2.- 295 60. 197,1 Plsmouth Furs IL 2 door: herdtop. \'-K automatic with power brakes_ and power steering and radio. 5995 00 Phone 235-024' afters6 p m 431 7 Livestock 1973 CHEVROLET tun, 6 cslmder. step -side box Phone '29-8743 37t PUREBRED Yorkshire Hampshire and cross bred boars Also Gilts of bredding age of the above breeds and crosses. Bob Robinson 345-2317 1$3:44c 9-4 LTD SEDAN. puwer.steer- ung. power brakes. automatic. Radial tires, new paint. certified. 51.89500 19-3 (hes rulet ' : ton. \ -s. 53;01X) mile;, new paint. cer- titted.: 51.895 00 Park' Tire. Huron Park. 228-6672 42 43 4-k 19'0 FIREBIRD Formula 400. black with [nags. certified. Ask- ing 51.200.00 Phone 23'- 3489. 43 44c '972 SIO\TEGO 11X, powers steering, .engine heater. hods work needed 535(100 as is Call 228-6558 or 228-6722 See at 253 Algonquin Dose Huron Park. - 43 44' 8 Farm Machinery 150 111,'S111 I. 1 & 11 gravity box. (i & \1 10 ton wagon. 14 pis tire's. complete wnh ridge. pole and tarp. 51,750.00 com- plete Phone 243:2932. 42-43:44c 12 I NIT FARM pre cast bunks. 6 feet long x 44.9 feet wide in ex- cellent condition. Beatty 80 feet. 12 inch feeder auger with 5 horse motor in good condition. Cockshutt 175 bushel manure spreader, 3 beaters in good con- dition. Phone 234-6770 or 234- 6345. RR 1. Exeter. " ' 44c 9 Sports Erjuipment,Veh FOR SALE: 2 - bed snow- mobile trailer. 1971 and 1973 Scorpion snowmobile. Telephone 262-2534. 44c 1974 MOTO SKi snowmobile, rebuilt motor. Phone 262- 5789. 44c 1472 FORD V AN, Econoline 300. partially customized. sellas. is Hest offer Phone 26-- S86 i • 44c' 19.3 (i\IC I ton truck. \'-8, power brakes aid steering 1 lisestock hot with root and pole hi)ist, 5.1.5[0.00. 1971 (i MC s_tn, 6 automatic. runs excellent. 5450.00. Allis Chalmers plough. 4 x 46. 3 point hitch. 5475 (X) Phone 262-6408 44c 1964 I'o\TI-\C LAI RE\1I-\\ 4 door. 6 cylinder. automatic. 44.00(1 pules. good motor and in fair condition throughout t- ricer titied. 5250.00 Phone 228- 6728. 44' 1973 GMC NI\DO\\ san. good condition. new, Paint. atloUt• 3 months. carpel tnrougnou(, 6 cs tinder ( all 235- 1232 or229-8936 es ening; 44c 1977 HO\D -\ CIVIC hatchhack. 13.(XX) kilometers. excellent condition Best offer Phone after 5 - p ni 235- 1664. 44-45c 1973 Ctl-V NO\ •\, good condi- tion. hest offer. Phone 262- :931 .44c 15 Personal 1.001..1\(, tor -a r11.ei:r,c PI.t e townhatl auditorium is available Phone 235-0685 - 165 16 For Sale 1\10 S\O\'. 111t1 S,.n wheel-. 78-14'5. tor 5'_ ('hone 234- 6794 445 ADDING M:\CHT\I 5. ts pew riters. sales. sers ice. ren- tals.. supplies Jerry Mather. Typewriter,. 92 \lair St• 235- 18-:13 - 2 rt OR ILI presses, rises. .imak. poser hand grinders. wrench sets. used steel Phone Hemiltan Machine Shop. 235- 1655 41t HI SS JI V11-11 i:RY. Zurich. has a tine selection of dt:unonds. wedding rings. watches. clocksi cuckoo clocks. barometers ( Jr- dmal watches sold hs levellers cooly. 513 95 and up Farnils rings and tharrns. watch •,end clock repairing guaranteed I t Sl R\ EY and Marker stakes' Various soft or hardwood. stock s„e or made - to order Noss i'.,nrescent colours al%.Ofahle. For full details contact ARC In- dsntrtes. Dashwood Phone 237- 3667. 471' LOG SPLITTER for sale or rent. Hamilton's Machine Shop Phone 235.1655 • 41 42 43 44 45464'48c DOWN DRAFT' stOses, H�miiTon's Machine Shop. Phone 235.1655 • 41 42 43 44 45 4647 48s: BARBIF 1)01.1. clothes made Ideal Christmas gifts for -those little girls on sour list Reasonahls priced Phone 21',- 2939 ' 42 43 44' DRY SPLIT hardwood S25 (X) single • fool cord Phone 235- 2625 42 43 44' 16 For Sale ( 111.51 ERI II 1 1) and chair, A- 1 condition, light green Phone 296.4835. 43.44e APPLES - Snows, Tomlin Sweets, Spys, Delicious and BaldNlns. Cider and cider apples • McC'lymonl Orchards. 1 mile south'of Varner Phone 482- 3214 43:44c FIREWOOD. mixed hardwood, delivered. free kufdling. Leslie Cudmoie-235_1-26' - 43:44• LINCOLN WI- t DER 225 com- plete including steel welding cable. All ,lake new. Clarence Smillie. Phone 262.5141. 43:44c THE COUNTRY SPIRE - dried Flowers, craft supplies. 10 minutes east tit Exeter off Highway 81 Phone 229-6341. ' 43:44:45:46 47:48:49:50:51' FOR SALE - tsio long dresses. 1 green. I brown, size 16. Phone' 235-2030. 44x ►\ ESTING1101 SI- 24" electr.ic stores, kenrnore 30" gas. both excellent condition. Ski boots. sire 10. stereo portable Phone 227-4381. 44:45:46c COLDSPOT CHEST freezer, 48 cu. ft.. good condata Firm 5150.00. Phone 235 -26. 44t • Help Protect Your • - Investment! Use The Purina Receiving Chow Program On Beef Calves • - Receiving (how Helps !m- orose Earls (Tains. Reduce Costs And -Lower Disease Problems. - Bev Morgan & Sons n RR 1, e 23Hensall -1487 445: FOR SALE - wood stove - Flarrisµsn cookstove, also new ,is ocado gas.range. 235-1831. 44c NOT }CST KNOTS: Is having a final closing out sale on all knit- ting and macrame supplies Prom ."November2_ to December 31. All stock must go_ at our cost. By .appointment or chance. 235 An- drew St.. Exeter. Ontario. 235- (1105., 44:45:46:47x 1 - ROXTON, 4 light. wagon wheel ceiling -fixture. 590.00. Plush Chenille bedspread. dou- ble size. chocolate brown. New condition. 5220.00 235-051 1. 44e FIBERGLASS KING Kap truck capon good :..nditIon. Fits standard 8' box Call 234-6477 for details. 44c USED FORCED AIR furnace. cornFlotation • sn ood and oil Complete with oil burner and all control: )'hone 565-5313. 44' 2 H1 1% AY. R1 WAY white wall snow tires. clic F78-14, good coni:,uon. law mileage. used 1 winter, 51500 each. Phone 203-3096 44c 4 PI EC/ 1.1\'1\G ROOM suite. brown and heiee tweed including chesterfield. 2 chairs, and ot- toman. all in good condition. Asking 5150(X). Phone 262- 224'1 - - - 44c 11\ 1- S( 10)01 desks. 520.00 each -One crih. 530.00. Call 235 1532 44:45' 3 - 200 (i' -\LI ON UPRIGHT oil drums: complete with pipes, a gwuittt' tit used doors. windows and lumber Phone 229- (1354 44:45. 1.10411) \1A\URE pumps. Hamilton's \Lachine Shop. Ex- eter Phone•235-1655. 44:45:46c SNOW BLOWER - Ford model 519,:. 3 point hitch. "V" tope. Good condition. 5200.00. Phone 228-6728 44' BOXES 01 boy's clothing. size 10-12. Phone 235-2598. • 44c DOUBLE: 1311). wooden head - hoard; foot hoard. steel side rails. springs and mattress. Girl's winter coat. size 6X. Phone 229- ' 6461 after _ 44c APPLES 1. 1 30" KELVIN ;TOR RANGE. white, good working condition Phone 229-0825 - -- -- ---- 44c • HALL SALE Gord & Jean's Banquet Hall 50 Main St. Grand Bend 14Ov. 11 10 A.M. - ? 17 Wanted To Buy 111 AN 1 (( PICTS Phone 229- 6252 444: 18 Wanted OLD BRICK buildings for - demolition and salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lunitly 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 37t 19 Property For Sale Residential Building . Sites - bordering on woodlot Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 • 39t MOVE IN tomorrow-- modern 3 bedroom. brick, split lesel home at 172 Mill St., Parkhill. Excellent condition with at- tached garage arid extra large lot. A bargain which must he seen at onh 542.000.00. For appoint- ment ' call (-338- 2947. 41:42:43:44c HOUSE: FOR sale on 83 highµas, west. Phone 262- 2338. 42:43:44' 20 Property For Rent HENSALL: - 2 bedroom apart- ment. remodelled bathroom. new carpeting in living room. 5140 per month, heat supplied. Available immediately. Call 262- 2736. 43t AVAILABLE NOW - excellent location on main highway. Large ranch, full basement. garage. completely redecorated. Targe private lot. 235-2233. 43t FOUR BEDROOM brick near downtown. arge kitchen, separate dining room, refrigerator and stove supplied. Newly redecorated. • 235- 2233. - • 43t TWO BEDROOM apartments for rent lust north of Huron Park. Utilities paid. Available November 1 and November 15. Phone 235-1927. 43:44c COMMERCIAL AND office space 500 to 5.000 sq.. ft. `lain Street. core area. Phone 235- 0141. 43t APARTMENT - 2 miles north of'Exeter on highway 4. Four bedrooms and bath upstairs, kitchen, Targe livingroom and utilits room dow Newly renosated a carpeted. Available November 15. Phone Harry Dougall 235-2747. 43:44c F EA TURING - antique tables, chairs. lamps. round potbellied • stove. Christmas decorations and many other items. 44:45c Open Saturday Frank Sawyer Hwy: 4 and Crediton Road 421 Freezer Special BRUSSEL SPROUTS 40C Ib. picked and (orders sink I 300 Ib. " Rick sour own 0 er No .- -Sups imi ed PHONE: '26212 2 'early a m.. noon or evenin . 2 miles west of Kippen. ( HI STERFIl-.1.D AND chair. gold nylon and rayon. 575.00 Evenings 238.2586 • 44c APPROXIMATELY 40 sheets, sheeting. grade plywood, 4' x W. Quanits 2" x 4". all lengths. 20-2" x 6" x 20' long. Phone 235- 0435. 44' 1 - 6x 7 : l;TILITYSHED as is. Phone 235-1617. 44' DELUXE BELL & Howell cube protector. automatic focusing. had little use. 5125.00. Phone 235-1723 • 44c RF.FRIGERA TOR - excellent condition. 2 years old. 5150.00. Phone 235.0361 44:45:46c FIVE DUCKS and roosters for sale. Selling hs the pound. Phone 237-3339. 44c DOBSON FARMS FOUR THIRTEEN inch rims. 425 two with tires. 235-0402 or 255- , FARM FRESH eggs. (i. Flem• 0451. 444 ming, 234-6283. LADIES' CLOTHES. size 5 and FOUR PAIR boy's kkates, 1 7, never been worn. suitable for summer coat. size 14.. floor young woman. Call Linda at polisher. Phone234-6752. 43:44c 23.5.0919: -44c ONE PAIR youth's Bauer • hockey skates. size 7!9 to 8, ex- cellent cotidiuon, 5(000. 2 pair of boy's skates. sizes 2 and 5. 52.00 each. Phone 235-2815 after 6 p.m. - 431 17 Wanted To Buy UN REGIS I FRED fire arms for the purpose of registration. Call after 6 p.m. - 235-1532. 44:45' 20 Property For Rent 1 WO SI ORI:Y house. large garden, rent reduced to handy person, repairing apd maintenances Available December 1st, •apply Exeter. Times Advocate, Box IMP. (Please state phone number.) 44:45c TWO BEDROOM apartment with ,two. fireplaces and lot of character. Call 235-2350 or 235-- 1080. 44c EXETER AND. LUCAN - aooms weekly or monthly. one and two bedroom apartments. storage and office space. 237- 4406 or 227-4034. , 43t ONE BEDROOM apartment, 4 piece bath, unfurnis ed except for refrigerator and s ove. Phone 238-8656 after 6 . 41 t BACHELOR UNITS. Grand Bend, colour T.V.. refrigerator, electric heat. Fountainbleu Motel. phone 238-2339. 411' L,\RGE TWO bedroom apart: rnent. " Phone 235-1706 evenings. 41t\ MAPLE ARMS apartmentss. Senior St., luxury apartment. 2 bedrooms. den. " dining room. II located. parking, sauna and-_ ex rase room. Available Oc- tober 1.235-2754.' 38t • FURNISHED heated one bedroom apartment. above Canadian Tire Phone 235-1497 or 235-0451. 381' FARM HOUSE - 3 bedroom newly renovated, 2': miles from Hensall. No pets- Immediate possession. Phone 262-5768. 37t ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW RENTING One.' two and three bedroom apartments.,. Shag carpeting. Kelvinator_ - appliances.- all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 262-2129 Hensall or 433- 7781. London. 50t UPPER APARTMENT. down towh Zurich. 2 bedroom. available November 1st. Phone 1-453-2579 or 1-236-4861. 38t "O'FPiCES FOR RENT - Devon Building, 476 Main Street, Exeter. 285 sq. 0. not par- titioned. Heat. light. taxes and parking included. To see please contact A.W. Read, G.H. Ward & Partners, Exeter, 235-0120 or Grand Bend. 238- 8075." 42:43:44c Hugh A. Evans Real Estate Ltd. • • • HENSALL -12 bedroom apart- ment with stove and refrigerator. S150.00 per month. Phone 235- 0537. 44' FARM HOUSE - 5 bedrooms. oil heat, nearlurich. Phone 236- 4185. 44c SELF CONTAIN.EI} room, •suitable fdr• working adult. Phone 235-0394 after 6 p.m. 44' SMALL OFFICE on ground levet main street, available im- mediately. Phune 235-0332 or 235-0394 after 6 p.m. - 44' ONE BEDROOM apartment furnished, all utilities included. Phone 228.6545. 44:45c 21 For Rent DASHWOOD 11/2 storey insul brick home. 4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath. living room, dining room and kitchen. well kept home only 523,900.00. Garage and workshop. • • • . GRAND BEND Good year round home with 2 or 3 bedrooms; fireplace in living room, kitchen with dining area,- panelled rea„panelled rec room. 2 driveways. Asking 539.900.00. • • • FORMAL RENTALS - by Jells of Sarnia available in our store. See what you're renting. Bob Swartman \len', Wear. Ex- eter. 235-0991. IOt HOUSE FOR RENT New home on paved road. south of Grand Bend. 3 bedrooms, 1 acre lot•. • • • . CaII Mac Morenz at 238- 2822 Grand Bend 44:45c. THREE BEDROOM house, No. 4 highway, north of Clandeboye. Call 1.268.3526. 44c Rent a Car or Truck 13Y THE HOUR BY THF DAY BY THE: \VELK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 3It PLYWOOD FORMS, wedoes. mixers. power trowel. etc. Form ties stocked. For more informa- tion call 11.3. Corriveau• Zurich. 236-4954 after 4 p.m. week days, any time weekends. 17t 22 For Sale or Rent "51:111 -DETACHED for sale or rent with option to purchase. Will accept any reasonable offer. 1-519-886-3090." 441' 23 Wanted To Rent 1 OR 2 BAY GARAGE or shed for winter months. Phone 228- 6497. 44t TRACTOR TO DRIVL our snowblower this winter. For in- dustrial plant. Please give details of tractor and hourly rental price to Box 191, Huron Park. 42:43:44c ANY A11OUNT OF cash crop land -for 1979 planting. Amply Box AYP Exeter Times Ad- vocate. Box 850. Exeter. Ontario 44:45:46:47e 24 Property Wanted MAN WITH small family stants- to buy a laser farm with 15.000 to 20,000 birds. Write Fred W. Bray. Real Estate Broker. at 75 Wendover Drive, apartmenf_607, Hamilton. Ontario. L9C 2S7. 44c 26 Legal Notices 1, DAVID 11'MBERT will he no longer responsible for any hills other than those made by myself. 42:43:44' Extra? Extra! s 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 n the Estate of Jessie Edith O'Brien All persons having claims against the:estate of Jessie Edith O'Brien. late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, deceased. whp..disd on the 12th day of October. 1978, are hereby . notified to send in ILII par- ticulars of Their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, 1978, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at • Seaforth:.this 25th dos of Os: - Ole r c-Crther, 19.78.. - - • McConnell, Stewart & - ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS - Replacement of Cir- culating Pumps and Heating Control System, Bruce Dormitory Cen- tralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food Project No: W 66474 G.O. 68 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME ON November 21, 1978. 'Tender Documents may be obtained from thg Ministry of GovernmenT Services, Regional Of- fice, 400 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. N 1 E 2Y1. Telephone No. (519) 822-1150. NOTE: For further infor- mation regarding . this tender please call Miss J. Robinson, at the above address. Telephone No. (519) 822-1150. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. • Onlano MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of RHODA ELIZABETH FRAYNE - • Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Rhoda L'iizabeth Frayne late of the Town of Exeter, County of 'Huron. widow, who died on or about the 5th day of September 1978 are required to file par- ticulars of saline with Deane & Laughton, Soiiticors of Exeter, Ontario. bs the 4th day of Nov'cmbm, 1978 after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only -to those claims of - sshich notice has been received. Devereaux, Deane & Laughton Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. 44:45:46c Solicitors for the executors, Exeter. Ontario 42:43:44c- • Classified Deadline Tuesdays 4:0.0 p.m. ** ♦ * •. * f ♦ t ♦ • t 7 ♦ * Clearing Farm Sale'iT Herd Dispersal Farm Sold - Livestock - * Implements - Feed - Some Household * Effects * * on Saturday,; November 4th 1978 * - 1 P.M. * for Fred and Aljoe Culbert on lot 17 concession 5 * Biddulph Twp. 3 !'i miles north of Lucan turn north at OPP station. For information phone • * 227-4596 * LIVESTOCK: 9 holstein cows all milking bred to WF * unit bull, 11 heifers 1 14 yrs; 7 younger calves; 6 WF * steers 900 lbs. I od tested. ' All hoveb o e cattle been * IMPLEMENTS: Int, Formal! M diesel standard troc- * tor, Int. M. gas tractor, M Ferguson TEA model with loader #35, Int. 2 row hydraulic corn scuffler to fit the•M. Hesston sell propelled 10 ft. swather, Ghel * forage horvester 2 heads, Ghel blower, Ghel self un- loading wagon, New idea hay and grain elevator, JT- M.H. 3 furrow drag plough, J.D. wheeled cultivator, * M.H. one way disc, 3 drum land roller, Double disc, * Int. 13 run hoe drill, air compressor with 5HP motor, 4 - * 3 pt. 40 gal. weed sprayer, Geo. White #6 Thresher, De Laval cream separator, Brums PTO tandem manure spreader, cement mixer, -Int. 3 bar siderake, 2 wheeled float, John Deere 7' semi -mounted * mower, Ford 2 ton truck 1950 dump with hoist, 195612 ton Ford both selling as is, steel buzzsow. * iron kettles, Ford Cross Matador self propelled corn- 4. * bine, grain grinder, 2 row Oliver corn planter, 1969 Chev, Biscayne 6 cylinder coach selling as is, quanta- * ty of iron, De Laval milker 3 units motor pipe & pump, air compressor, 2 motors 1-5HP, 1-3HP, rotary lawn mower. FURNITURE: Cedpr chest, picture frames, Coleman stove, woodstove, old cylinder gramophone, and cylinders, refrigerator, studio couch, odd choirs, Aladdin lamp, sealers, crocks, butter bowl and paddles and print, wooden duck decoy •, smoke stand, treddle sewing machine, numerous other or - tides. * Not responsible for accidents sale day TERMS CASH * * * * -* * *- * AUCTIONEERS * Hugh Filson Ilderton Tom Robson 666-0833 ' 666-1967 ***-*** 7C1 7Sy 7�1* 7�6- ** * NORM WHITING aactlon��P Auction Sale of Antiques, Collectibles, Household • Furnishings and Misc. Items. On Sat. Nov 11 1978, 12:30 Sharp for Pat Herechuk and other consignments in South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter, Ontario. Refinished Furniture: cherry chest of drawers, cherry parlor table, oak wash stand, oak book case with gloss doors, walnut side table, walnut stool, lift top chest of drawers from (1800's), catldle table from (1800's), pine chest of drawers, pine side board with high bock and shelf, pine linen press cabinet, pine table, small pine pail bench, small blanket box, Captain's chair, child's primitive chair. Furniture Not Re -finished : pine printers' cup- board, slant front cabinet, 2 cherry blanket chests, 2 oak dressers, dresser with mirror, Waterloo county 2 pc,. wardrobe, small pine wardrobe, several wash stands, pine chest of drawers with doors, old beds, 2 pc. flat to wall cupboard, several odd tops and. bottoms of flat to wall cupboards, several jam cupboar- ds, small"open hutch, 4 pine tables, pine pie sofe, arm chairs, rockers, arrow back and chicken coop chairs, primitive choirs(rod back), lamp table, drop front desk, pine ben- ch, pine settler bench, hump back trunk, tin shade hanging lamp, brass hanging lamp, frame and font oil lamps, railroad lamps, fat Iomps, old gas fixtures, glass and brass Tight fixtures, lanterns and candle molds, wall clock, mantle,clock, Grandfather clock case, 2 pottery pigs, chamber pot, crocks and jugs, redware churn, pottery bowls, pitchers, plat- ters and iron stone plates, antique bottles, pewter ink set, several pc. of sterling silver and silver plate, silver pocket watch, 4 wooden butter bowls, burl bowl, wooden planes and tools, assorted wooden wore, coco cola and other signs, copper eagle weother vane, iron pots, and Kettle tobacco cutter, scales, oil paintings on tin, picture and frames, quilts and coverlets, 'cups and saucers, stained glass door and windows, several pieces of household dishes, chino and glass rugs and carpet, table lamps; table and chairs, many many other items. Don't miss this interesting auction Terms Cosh Norman Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Exeter - x1 •