HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 21 (2)000 .. 1 A SENIOR the school Westlake. SPOOK —. Exeter Public School music teacher Joan Perrie appeared as a ghost at - Tuesday. She is shown with students Scott Russell, Donna Jones and Shannon T -A photo FOR EXETER FOR • COUNCILLOR JAY CAMPBELL *A PROFESSIONAL APPROACH TO TOWN GOVERNMENT •WORK HISTORY OF SOUND DECISION MAKING *DEDICATED - TO REPRESENTED YOUR INTERESTS At meetings, parties, seminars Busy week for Thames Road folk By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Mrs. Howard Cunnington, . Mrs. Jack Duncan, Mrs. Ken Duncan. Mrs. Michael Elford, Mrs. Ross Hargreaves. Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Mrs. George then were guests with Mr. -and Mrs. Hedley May. Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Hodgeet returned home from their honeymoon on Saturday evening. George Luther and, daughter Mrs. Earl Bradley Hogan of Sarnia • visited on Monday witbMrs. Hazel Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey spent the,weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson. Mrs. Alvin Passmore and Mrs. William Rohde attend- ed the U.C.W. meeting at Elimville last Wednesday night whet' Mrs. Michael Boulger of Monkton sang, showed slides and commen- tated which was very in- teresting. - Ross Hargreaves attended. a London Conference Kerygma Leadership train- ing seminar at Lambton United Church Centre last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan attended a Four Counties Horseman's Association banquet and dance at Glen- coe on Saturday. Miss Mary Gardiner of London and Mrs. Vern Johns of St. Thomas spent the weekend with Miss Shiela Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morley of Exeter were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Mr. and Mrs. William Lamport of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore were Saturday evening•guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Harper of Mitchell. Mr. and _.Mrs._:Lorne Passmore and Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Passmore. Robbie and Todd. -Mr. and Mrs. David Passmore. Tom and Jon were Saturday supper guests with Mr. arid Mrs. Dennis Passmore of Exeter.- The occasion was the 89th birthday of Mrs. Edna Passmore which is November lst. - Mrs. Isobelle Cann of Ex- eter. and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert visited recently with Mrs. Jannie Turnbull and Earl 'of Aylmer also Mr. and Mrs. Al Rice and then were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith of -St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and Connie and Mrs. Hazel Jeffery visited with Mrs. Greta Luther of -Grand Bend Sunday afternoon. Mr., -and Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Alan attended Exeter United Church An- niversary on Sunday and BERNINA SEWING CENTRE ONLY BERNINA ELECTRONIC PERFECT STITCHES EVERY FABRIC with no tension adjustment From silk to stretch to suede, only Bernina con make this sweeping statement because it is the only machine that can penetrate fully, through. thick and thin without puckering or thread -snapping. And, the beauty of Bernina is that it adjusts its own tension, automatically! Swiss engineering makes sew- ing so simple and every stitch soperfect. Bernina hos a built-in fabric sensor to ensure on even, un - puckered line on any fabric, including the hard -to -sew stretch-. In fact, Bernina's super stretch stitch Con be picked out, easily, if and when necessary. Bernina is the leader in its field, embodying every facet of automatic sewing, from basting to buttonholing. Bernina is a lifetime 'blue chip' investment, a masterpiece of Swiss engineering, made to last and I60! So, enjoy sewing on any fabric you please ... there isn't o chance you'll spoil it ... not on a Bernina! nestsew a Bernina today. You'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner! OMEGA' MODEL 600 OUR- $2 1 O ' PRICE A triumph of modern technology, the OMEGA 600 features one dial to control all the stretch, utility and embroidery stitches necessary for successful sewing with today's modern fabrics. Each stitch is clearly illustrated on the single pattern dial so you can instantaneously select and set 'the stitch you require. The diol is even colour coded to match the proper • stiteh length for each pattern. The truly automatic OMEGA 600 offers one dial to control the buttonhole. blinitch. overlock stitch, smocking stitch, serpentine stitch, stretc titch and zig-log. WIDE CHOICE OF CABINETS from $59 LAY -AWAY FOR XMAS NOW - NO PAYMENTS TIL JAN. 79 LOCATED AT DINNEY FURNITURE INC. 467 MAIN ST., EXETER Tel. 235-0173 OPEN DAILY 9-6 FRIDAY 9-9 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rohde. Danny and Tammy were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and'Mrs. William Baker of Belton. On Saturday. at 2.p.m. the Baby Band party .will be held in the church basement . at-ip:m-a gregational meeting will be held in connection with the centennial phoning. Several couples attended the organi2ation of a Singles and .Doubles Club on Sunday evening when Mei viewed the film "I heard the Owl call my name". The November meeting of the United Church Women - will be held on Monday at 8 • p.m. In Iacf week's news—the--t'- names of Ron Stewart of St. Catharines and Rob Stewart of Goderich wereomitted. the AT PD DAY — Prior to the opening of Monday's Professional Day at the Victorian -Inn in Stratford, SHDHS: principal'J.L. Wooden -.chats with Huron superintendent Bob Aller'. Seniors tame"firip - to Jack Miner's By TED CHAMBERS Wednesday of last week two Charterways busses left ' the parking lot behind Old Town Hall at 10 a.m. with nearly 80 Senior Citizens of Exeter and district headed for Dresden. ' Going by way of Highway 83 to 21 then South through the Pinery where the colours of the leaves was a beautiful sight. We arrived at Uncle Tom's Cabin near Dresden at 11.40. Everyone took a lunch and hot drink with them. One busload eating their lune!}, while the bus load toured the buildings and listening to the outline of all things to be Seen and of the life of Josiah Henson. This was on which Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe based her famous novel Uncle Tgm's Cabin and was -v.ery in eresting. The second bus- load- then toured the buildings, while the first group ate their lunch. This story is unbelievable. How white people could be so cruel to the negro slaves who were bought and sold like cattle even their children, t-akerr-from their arms -and sold to pay sorheone higher. • Our traditions haven't still changed as we quite often hear of someone 'who is higher up as we say using the aoor ones anddifferentcolour of skin. sharhefully. The busses then left for the Goose Sanctuary at the Jack ,Miner residence near Kingsville to see thousands of wild geese sitting on a field waiting to be fed before continuing their journey southward for the winter. Jack Minters who worked for years to befriend the , geese and feed them was finally rewarded as we were told by Mr. Miners son. One son gave us an interesting talk on hove it all began. They are now banding the geese and have tagged over 80 thousand wings over the years and -showed us the leg of one goose th tt was sent to him with the tag still on it and came from as far north a Iceland. They also have a huge eagle in a cage with a wing spread of about 8-feet.Buses left at 4.30 p.m. for Chatham where we had _supper at Ponderosa Steak House and arrived home ai'ound 8.30 What a grand trip! Your Blood is Always Needed BE,A BLOOD DONOR Wilson's Jewellery Beside Bank of Montreal Exeter PURCHASE A FINE QUALITY \\All /// BRIDAL -KNOT DIAMOND �I���'A• Free Annual \\\��/ Insurance Pleasing you pleases US R 11, ROYAL HOMES "Grandeur with Garage" Built 10 suit your requirements Built with quality materials Built complete - including electrical plumbing carpets cabinets interior and exterior finish Built -with a quarantee Thal counts Built at an affordable price Built on the 101 0f your choice "Inquire Today About –THE OUALITV ROYAL HOME' - CALL 1519) 351-2444 See our model home al the plant in Wingham or write lot free brochures - r Mair to ROYAL HOMES LT,O. BOX 370. WINGHAM. ONTARIQ. Name .. Address .. Town r Telephone I Have A Lot: Yes No Location They -were home for weekend. Sorry! Times -Advocate, November 2, 1978 lige 21 NOTICE Re • Sewing machine sales & service. I will be in Exeter and district one day a week from now until Christmas. Anyone wishing sales or service phone or write. Gerald Courtney . RR #1, Ripley NOG 2R0 PH. `395-5341 Please clip for future reference, as only ad that will appear. usiness Directory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN, L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84. Panel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please 4 People do read small ads. You are. PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER ,Kippen, Ont. Auction Sole Service thot is - • most efficient and courteous CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall ( 519) 262-5515 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience. of complete sole service Provi nciolly l icensed Conduct soles of any kind, any place We .guarantee you more. To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt. Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER • HURON FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. 1st 8 2nd mortgages arranged Box 1341, EXETER ONT PH LUCKNOW 1-528- 2016 G.K. REALTY Bruce Fischer 235.2421 Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238.8484 Realtor Appraisals Mortgoges Life Insurance Trust Certificates Ronald J. Broderick Waiwyn Stodge!! Cochran Murray Limited . Investment Deole•s 383 Richmond Street London, Ontario N6A 3C4 672-5880 MT. CARMEL Income Tax Centre Income Tax - Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping fiervice Phone 237-3469 Vjnce Ryan B A , R R 3 Dashwood CONSOLIDATED SIGN & LIGHTING. SERVICES INC. CREOITON PH. 234- 6721 Comptete Sales, SERVICE & teasing NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO (519) 235-0101 (519) 227-4455 J.A. NORRIS, C.A • Manager. S.W. HOMUTH, C.A. SUITE 200 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO 1519) 673-1421 L.D. GEE, C.A. GERALD L. ME-RNER CharterccounffQni BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. - EXETER 235-0281 G. H. WARD a PARTNERS Chartered Accountants 476 Main Si., South Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner -- - Manager A.W. Read, C.A. J.S. McNeilly, C.A. Home Telephone Home Telephone 238-8075 „ 235-1734 RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 CLEANING & REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY — DRAPERY — CARPET Estimates and Pre -inspection No Charge Ca11 235- 7451 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic • 105 Main Street, Exeter , , 235-1535 By Appointment Doily — Ever•,ng 4 G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST. LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED 1. ACCOUNTANT TE I.. ete-QOtl-teOn� THE 01.D TOWN HAl.1. (MI MAIN NTRF.ET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM ILO J // eoPfe e 4nre 4716,0fdaseAr 48e,n, YeMegfe;71 ' 147 Main Street,'. S. P.O. Box t600 Exeter, Cntd •, NOM 1S Telephone (5191-235-2211