HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 14 (2)• Page 14 Times -Advocate, November 2, 1978 Annexation opposed Full battle in Bosanquet Electors in the township of Bosanquet will go to the polls November 13 to elect a full sl"ate of council members. Battling for the position of reeve will be a. four year councillor Charlie Srokosz and newcomer Denise Couckuyt. • Current reeve and 1978 warden of lambton county Jack McDonald will be challenged by Peter Parks for deputy. reeve Trying for three council STORE WIDE * 3 DAYS ONLY * SA�/L/E SAVE 20% TO 5O% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE This evert includes our large selection of Jeans and Cords LEVIS - CARHARTS - G.W.G. SCRUBBIES :ter, (Foxy) - H.I.S. Soles Start Nov. 2 to Nov. 5 Store Hours 10 to.6 SALE HOURS ONLY DEJONG' 5 GRAND BEND CLOTHING 47 Main St. Grand Bend Phone 238-2358 GO positions are Donna Fer- naid. Hans Harms. Jean Keith. William Kingdon. Bill Lindsay and Don Tidball. In trying for the reeve's chair Mrs. Couckuyt said she has no serious -com- plaints about the present council. She continued. "I will do my utmost to achieve the rights. needs .andwants of all the people I want equali- ty for everyone. "One thing I was able to do was go to council and get my mobile Thome taxes decreased and those of all other Similar owners." she continued On the subject of proposed annexation by Grand Bend. Mrs. ,Cguckuyt said. "I'm opposed. We should keep what we have in Bosanquet. Mrs. Couckuyt said her husband Eugene is accom- panying her on her cam- paign travelling.. Charlie Srokosz is com- pleting four years on council. -and has been the townships representative on four fire area boards. Srokosz is a past chairman of the Ontario Vegetable and Fruit Growers.. He says he.would like to return to council especially to complete some unfinished projects and unresolved problems. .• These include the township joining bylaw and completion of the Conces- sion .8 road from Camp Ipperwash to Lake Huron. One of the unresolved problems is the Grand Bend annexation threat and the reeve candidate says -he will do all he can to retain all present Bosanquet property. Roll up your sleeve to save a life .. . BE A BLOOD DONOR NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND • for approval of a by=law imposing special rates for - parking lot purposes - TAKE NOTICE THAT: • 1. The Council of The Corporation of the -Village of Grand Bend intends to appy to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of ; "Purchase of Parking Lot and Parkelte Lot 1, 2, 3, Plan 9 at an estimated cost of 545;000:00, qnd intends to charge the whole (or part) of the cost of the work as special rates for a period of 8 years upon the owners of 'assessed real property who will derive o benefit therefrom. 2. It is proposed to raise the 'whole- (or, part) of the annual payments by special rates on the. owners and in the manner prescribed by Proposed By-law No. 27/78 at- tached hereto as Schedule '•A": • 3. Any, owner concerned may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, serve personally.or by Registered mail on the clerk of the Villoge of Grand Bend, at the .oddress given below, a notice in writing stating his objection.to such approval or to the imposition of the special rates,.and that if a•public heoring is held, heot his agent will attend such hearing to support such objection. 4. The Ontario Municipal Board may approved';he said special roles pursuont to the stotote and may approve of the•said undertaking, but before doing so it may an - point a time and ploce for o p""ublic heoring when any objection will be cansiderec but notice of such hearing will be given only to those' persons who have given notice of obiection as provided for above.-.. , DATED of the Village of Grond Bend, this 12th day of October, 1978 Louise Clipperton Village of Grand Bend Box 340. Grand Bend, Ont. THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND BY-LAW NUMBER 27/78 Being a by -low to establish a parking committervauthority and the method of fun- ding the acquisition of parking facilities. WHEREAS: The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 251, gives Municipalities authority to acquire parking facilities and; WHEREAS: The Municipal Council of the Village of Grand Bend deem it desirous to acquire and -operate parking facilities. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED: 1. That o parking committee authority be established for the purpose of ocquiring and operating parking facilities. 2. That the said committee authority submit -to Council by January 310 of each year a budget for the current year. 3. That ony operating •surplus be placed in a reserve fund 'toward the purchase of additional parking facilities. 4. Thot any of the facilities aqutted moy hove a portion set aside for parkette or rest areas - 5. That the committee authority shall consist of one Councillor, one Businessman, ap- pointed by Council and the Reeve ex officio. 6. That rates to be charged will be established by Council resolution or by-law from time to time as may be deemed necessary. 7. That the committee/431.006N reports to Council'and is not autonomous. Read o first and second time this 18th cloy.of September, 1978, Read a third time and finally possed this 18th day of September, 1978. R M. Shares, Reeve Louise Clipperton Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND BY-LAW NUMBER 26/78• Being a by -low to empower the Reeve cfnd Clerk to borrow Forty Five Thousand (345.000.00) Dollars as pf February 14, 1979,•for the purpose of purchasing Lots 1, 2, 3, Plan 9, Village of Grand Bend. WHEREAS: The Council of the Village of Grand Bend deems it desirous tfhat the purchpse of Lots 1, 2, 3, Plan 9be financed over Af4'eielerided.periocrof time. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED that the Reeve and Clerk be and hereby are empowered to borrow the required Forty Five Thousand (545,000.00) Dollars os of February 14, 1979, for the purpose of closing, the above described transaction. Read o first and second time this 18th day of September, 1978. Read a third time and finally possedthis 18th day of September, 1978. R.M. Sharen Reeve Louise Cliperton r Clerk Charlie Srokosz Denise Couckuyt Few issues in Hay vote While there will be a race for the reeve's job in Hay township there appears to be no burning issue on -which the election will be.fought Reeve -Jack Tinney said he couldn't think of any major issue among the ratepayers - of Hay and that from his standpoint, the township is in good shape. On what he would like to see accomplished providing he's returned, Reeve Tinney said the secondary plan has to receive final approval and. the township should continue its road upgrading program. In reply to a question about - the number of candidates which are seeking office in Hay, Tipney said there has always been an interest in the happenings in the township. ':I guess this means we're progressive, ' Tinney. said. Asked for his reaction to the challenge for reeve's job - by. deputy -reeve Claire Deichert, Tinney said "He was a bit surprised" with Deichert's standing for of- fice. Deichert said his main reason for running was he had to let his name stand for' either the reeve's or deputy reeve's job and that he might as well go for the top position. On what he would like to see accomplished in the township in the next two years Deichert agreed with T'ipney that the passage of the secondary 'plan and the upgrading of roads were important. Deichert said he would like to see a few changes made to 'the secondary plan before it is passed with one of his 11. concerns being the in -filling of lots surrounding the villages. He said these lots should be built in first rather - than having housing units put up in the -township in an unorderly fashion. According to Deichert who has served as deputy -reeve for two years. his lack of council experience should not prove to be a hindrance as he has been involved in several organizations over the years.. i Greenway Orange hall will be a machine shop By MANUEL CURTS The Grace Anglican Guild held a successful bazaar-, bakesale and tea in their Parish Hall. Wednesday evening. In the United Church. Sun- day morning, _eau] Schott. student minister at ten - Vella had charge of the ser- vice. Orville •Truemner _ has _ purehase I `we former Orange Hall here andis busy readying it for a machine shop. Ron MacGregor; formerly employed with the P.U.C.. Parkhill is now an employee of Cable T.V., London. Lisle and Dawson Wood- burn -and Mrs. Ron Turner attended the Convocation at the-U.W.O. London. Satur- day. when Mrs. Bill Baker, • Hensall. received her Shipka folk return home By -MRS: -HUGH MORENZ Mrs. Janet Navarre. Barrvton Michigan visited here last Wednesday with her sister Mrs Lucille Vin- cent and family. Their mother. Mrs. Fred Hoffman who had been visiting here. returned home with .Mrs. Navarre. Harvey and Gloria Beierl- ing. returned Friday from a two week h'liday in Califor- nia. travelling by plane, visiting cousins. and• friends there. Little Kevin Beierl-' ing. kept his grandma Mrs.. Thelma Beierling. company. Mrs. Kenneth Chambers, St. Catharines. spent a few days 'last week with cher. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sid . Durie and Glenn; and return- ed home Saturday with Ken. Ervin Ratz returned home from University hospital.. last week. where he has been hospitalized some weeks following a farm acci- dent. • Those from this area who attended the sauerkraut and sausage supper • Saturday' nighE•'-at the Zurich Men- nonite Church•were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Zielman. Debbie • and Angie.'Mr. and Mrs. Ferman Snyder, James -Snyder and Judy Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz. The supper was sponsored and catered to by the young people of the church. with proceeds to go to mission work. helping the blind in - Afghanistan Africa Carol Erb •has been ser- ving in that area for some Years and presently home on furlough. She had many -beautiful native handcrafts such as rugs. table cloths. slippers. hats and or- naments on display. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beierling and Kevin attend- ed the 100th anniversary ser- vices at the Zurich Lutheran Church. Sunday. Later they - visited Gloria's. aunt and uncles in the Kippen area.'' Mr. and Mrs. John Deitz and- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wareing. Friday evening visitors with Mrs.- Trellis Little and Earl Stebbins were Mr. -and Mrs Ray Cooper. Exeter. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Little. Lonnie and Connie. London. Bachelor of Arts Degree ('ongratulations. Margaret.. Hose, Mrs Gladys McLinchey moved to her new residence. in Parkhill. Saturday. A life long resident here. we wish her well in her new surroun- dings. Mrs Florence Larmer. Blackstock. has been visitingn hese,. with..her.so and family, Mr and Mrs. Ken Larmer. Tara and Brent. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pollock. St. Thomas were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Turner were guests at the wedding' ti Come & Enjoy our 6TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT BAKE SALE Sof. Nov. 4 ` 1.0 a m. • 5 p.m. GRAND BEND PUBLIC SCHOOL Gill Rood(off kiwy 81) Tea Tables Free Admission CUT OFF CHILDREN'S LIVES it SCOT'S LEATHER & TACK SHOP 120 Sanders St. W. Exeter Phone 235-0694 Come on down and see our selection of * DOWNFILLED '` JACKETS & VESTS * LEE BOOTCUT JEANS & JACKETS * WESTERN BOOTS, SHIRTS & HATS * TACK & STABLE SUPPLIES - * HANDTOOLED LEATHER WORK & REPAIRS OUR SPECIALTY of Joanne Holson and Tim Turnbull in Grand Bend, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bullock Were guests at a wedding -in Windsor. Satur- day. The happy bride is a niece of Mrs. Bullock. • Jean Luther, London, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London- and upon discharge. - wiH--be• con=- valescing at the home of her mother, Mrs. Irwin Luther. — -By the way: If your name never seems to appear in the column-. above. just remember there is one thing in the world worse than be- ing talked about, and this is, not being talked about. A HEAD STAND — Corol Morrissey performs at a gymnastic class Saturday morning of District High School. o headstand South Huron T -A photo Advance Poll for Public School Board Candidates is Nov. 4, 1978 Hrs- 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Grand Bend Townhall ---44"ItJlain Sfi�eel " Polling Day Nov. 13 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. HURON SANITATION Owned by John J. Hotson - CAN OFFER YOU COMPLETE 241st. SANITATION SERVICE PHONE JOHN HOTSON AT 238-2140 If no answer call 238-8240 for prompt reply. POWER SEWER LINE CLEANING • from 1'/,"to5"pipe save unnecessary lawn damage • cut down labour costs • for farm, commercial and residential PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE Portable Toitets are ovoiloble 7 days a week with Maintenance and Delivery included. 6 • Custom Backhoeing at reasonable rates. Call us anytime 238-2140 Reit. 1, GRAND BEND L Boy, our car upholstery looks like new." One call to Tidy Car, and yours will".too' Tidy Car will clean the interior from.the floar-mats up and - can give the seats and carpets a special treatment to water and stain- sc proof -them. Avery good idea for new cars too, before they stain. Tidy Car's interior treatments cost less than you'd expect because our operators have little overhead. We bring our mobile equip- • ment to you, wherever you are,and,just about whenever you want. . • Call and find out how soon wtcan get to your car, van, truck or plane. Ask about our vinyl roof treatments and Presery-A-Shine too,: . They'll keep your.car looking like new. TIDY CAR We do your car wherever you are. Call Tidy Car Independent Operator Garry Koyle 228-6611 "Hey how d'you keep that terrific shine?" It's Presery=A-Shine, and jt keeps itself. Unlike wax, the Presery-A-Shine exclusive formula is actually huffed into the surface of the car to give a protective glass -like shine that seals out the harmful effects of oxidation, salt, snow and sun., The Preserv-A-SKine process includes initial treatment and an annual cleaning and resealant job: And it means you'll never have to wax your car, again. Because Tidy Car operators are mobile, Presery-A-Shine costs less than you'd'expect. We bring our equipment to you wherever you are, and just about whenever you want. ` Call and find out hew soon we can get to your car, van, boat or plane. Ask about our interior and vinyl roof services -too. We think you'll take a shine to us. TIDY CAR We do your car wherever you are. Call Tidy Car Independent Operator Garry Koyle 228-6611 "Y'know, your vinyl roof doesn't show the dirt like mine." Let Tidy Car at your vinyl roof and not only will it.not show the dirt, it'll actually repel dirt. . Perfect protection for a new roof. But even if your roof is dingy, Tidy Car will clean it, restore the original lustre and apply a dressingio seal and protect the vinyl for months, making it virtually impossible for dust and dirt to stick. These treatments cost less than you'd expect because Tidy Car operators have little overhead. We bring our mobile equipment to you wherever you are, and just about whenever you want. Call and find out how soon we can get to your car, van or boat. Ask about our interior and Presery-A-Shine treatments too. They defy dirt. TIDY CAR We do your car wherever you are. CaII Tidy Car Independent Operator Garry ' Koyle 228-6611