HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 5 (2)TUCKERSMITH RATE PAYERS We wish to express our sincere thanks to you, for your confidence in our recent acclaimation. 'REEVE ERVIN SILLERY DEPUTY REEVE BOB BELL BEST WISHES TO The Swartman Family on the opening of Anita's Ladies Wear FROM. the ' junctlon Use Yoyr ChorgeA or Mosterchorge I TOGA COYEA G • *A1I PIP(R {AMI-. C,OfH:NG .GRAPE$ r.eR, CS t WS Owners of smaller businesses... we provide: • Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE • Management training • Information on government programs for business Can we help you? rSee our Representatives , . RANDY BROWN .And/Or BILI SCHUTZ • at: THE DEVON BUILDING, 476 Main St. S., EXETER on: EVERY TUESDAY L rk FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK • (Branch Office Address) If convenient, please call collect for prior ap- pointment 1036 Ontario St., Stratford (271-5650) CREDITON DRAW - • The Crediton Parks Board and firemen elimination draw Friday night t drew plenty of interest. Shown during the draw are Ken McCann, Wilmar Wein and Don Dinney. Splitting the $1,000 grand prize were Mrs. Maurice Beaver and the Exeter Kinsmen dub. T -A photo Elimville 4-H, Explorers enjoy Hallowe'en parties By KATHY COOPER ELIMVILLE The Elimville United Church Women entertained Thames Road, Zion, Kirkton, Woodham and Chiselhurst United Church Women at the Elimville church, Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. Philip Johns opened the meeting with a poem "Dear Lord". Mrs. Howard Johns read the scripture after which Mrs. Ross Hargreaves led in prayer. Mrs. Philip Johns in- troduced the guest Mrs. M. Boulger of `Mnnkton • who sang a solo "He Touched • Me Miss Ruth Skinner read a letter which Joan 'Allen, who is now. working in India, had sent to the United Church Women. Joan's mother, Mrs. Wm Allen, also had a picture she had sent her of herself • and two of the children that she is working with. Mrs. Parker, Chiselhurst, brought greetings from the South Huron region. Mrs. Boulger who is a minister's wife showed slides and spoke of the three years that her husband, two sons and herself had spent at an Indian village about 300 miles, north of Manitoba Mrs. Ross Skinner thanked her and presented her with a gift.' Mrs. Boulger sang another solo "His Eves are on the Sparrow"-. Everyone sang the hymn "In Christ there is no east or west" and repeated the Mizpah Benediction. The - president Miss Skinner welcomed everyone. Mrs. Skinner read the minutes of the last meeting. Following this everyone joined together in the church SAVE 204 STUDENT SPECIAL ONE CAN OF POP AND A CHICKEN BURGER REG. 95c VALUE FOR ONLY i 7,4 SAVE 20' MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY - ONLY (limited time offer) • ie basement for a bake sale and a social time. Hallowe'en Party The Messenger Hallowe'en Party was held on Friday evening at 7:00 at the Thames Road church. Melissa Seldon and Shelly Miller won the witches' categories. The ghost category was won by Jane Rowe and Sandra Cottle. Andy Grubb, Danny Rhode and Tom Batten won the skeleton c4legory. Kim Prance was th7 best princess. The. tramp category was won by Jeff Prance and Gregory Lamport. Robbie Passmore and Patrick Jeffery won in animals. The clown category was won by Larry Lewis, Brad Borland, Wendy Ballantyne and Erin Coward. A storybook character was won by Michael Jeffery and Mark Coward. Kenny Miller and Larry McCarter won the unusual prize. The couples' category was won by Kim Prance and Tracey Coward and Allan Pym and Doug Cooper. The messengers enjoyed several games and lunch was served. 4-H club. The Elimville II 4-H club held their Hallowe'en Party on Monday evening at Elimville United Church. The church was decorated in black and orange streamers and witches, pumpkins, ghosts and cats. Prizes for the best costumes were won by Jacky Van Rostel, Cathy Van Rostel and Marg Pym. The members and their friends enjoyed a hour of fun .and games. A lunch of breads and cookies was served. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FI YED . 1 op CHICKEN1 4 1 EXETER orl, 284.1240 • 1 1 1 1 Times -Advocate, Novombor 2, 1978 Foga 3 YOUR Kir TO tifIG is Drysdale Home Hardware's Toyland in Hensall. Make your selections.now while our stock is its best. A small deposit' holds any item until Christmas. $ FREE TOY MONEY$ AGAIN THIS SEASON, WE WILL BE GIVING AWAY TOY MONEY - 7' ON EVERY DOLLAR CASH PURCHASE REDEEMABLE ANY TIME IN OUR TOY DEPARTMENT. •START SAVING THESE TOY MONEY SLIPS NOW" Except Major and .Small Appliance Soles or Sole Items t HERE IS YOUR FIRST COUPON Clip out this Free Coupon and Start Saving Right Now!• • ;c '•• Vim.» Pt �,!� 4. it -:T7�-�% ` r rte, ^s ZZ .drat,: \' 1" =IRIf11111MIR' EER Itl1®111111111111®1Ifi1 11111. 74 74 HOME HARDWARE 74 Good For SEVEN CENTS IN MERCHANDISE At Toy Department of HOME HARDWARE Hensall - Ontario 74 till 11`I 1111 11'—t!I _ili ilii®illi 4! DRYSDALE HENSALL 262-2015 Home Hardware HOME HARDWARE ESTIONNAIRE I Exeter's Mainway business and professional people are interested in what you think of the area. You can help by completing and returning the questionaire below. If there pis not enough room and you have ad- ditional comments you would like to make, please include them too. Just clip along the broken lines, fold and drop in the mail. The postage is already paid. - --- - - NNIIf•--umNI me f�-- 1. Age: , 13 1 7, ,18-2.5L 126- 35), ;36-45 (45-651, 165 and over, 2. Sen- iMl (F) 3. Occupation: 9. How da you rote car parking facilities in the town? • a) on Main Street good fair poor b) in -rear parking Tots good fair poor 12. What is your favourite building on Main Street? Why? 4. Number of years you have lived in area: 5. How many hourl per week do you spend in the Main Street area? Day Night hours hours 6. How do you spend most of the time? Window.Shopping hours Shopping Dining Out Recreation Citizen Groups Other • hours hours - hours _hours hours 10. Rate Moin Street and your impression of it. a) building appearance b) traffic c) street lighting brightness d) sidewalk width e) window displays f) street signs g) covered wdlkways & or awnings good fair poor 13. What would you suggest to improve Main Street? 7. Where have. you shopped, I other than in Exeter, that was a pleasant or enjoyable experience? 8.. Describe the features of this place that made it en- joyable 1 1 . How Do You Rate Our Shops And Services good fair poor Selection good' fair poor Service good fair poor Competitive Pricing good lair poor -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 14. What other typest of businesses or services would you like to see come to Exeter. INV NI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TODAY - NO,POSTAGE NECESSARY SEE REVERSE SIRE. 1 us me or ▪ INrim roc= lir -on im - nof•r■ropuire -some-oronnweusas umf•rl ---