HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 3 (2)• $ NOW IS THE TIME FOR $ INVESTVENTS COMPARE OUR RATES 1 or 2 Year Term Deposits NOW PAYING 1O% CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. EXETER BRANCH Now located in the Old Town Hall 322 MAIN ST. • 235-0640 SCHOOL FOUNDER VISITS EXETER — Erbter had the honour of playingthost to Mrs. Induk Pohk, the founding mother of several vocational schools in -her native Korea. Prior to speaking at Exeter United Church on Friday evening, Mrs. Pohk chatted with Carf Cann, Jeff and Susan Wareham and Reverend James Forsythe of the church. T -A photo ALYIH SPP Nothing attained without trying says founder of boys' schools Councillor He has been Director of EPP Homesfor 4 years (a home for troubled boys). Member of Board Big Brothers Assoc • Member of Exeter Lions Club EPP'S aim as a Councillor of Exeter is to LISTEN to the people, WORK for the people and PRODUCE effective results for the whole community. EPP THINKS THAT: • Effective town planning is'a priority • New development is invigorating • Improved roads, sidewalks and sewers are a necessity ' • Safety for our children, elders and all citizens of Exeter is- mandatory, • Areas in the core area of town need revitalization • •Better parking facilities are needed in the downtown area What do you think? Vote EPP on- November 13th For inquiries. suggestions and a wdhngness to help call 235-1461 'For free transportation to the polls call 235-1461. Nothing is ever ac- . complished if you do not try. was the message which Mrs.' induk Pahk broughtto the " students of- South Huron District High School Friday.. Mrs. Pahk the author.ol several books is the founder of a series of trainingschools for boys in her native Korea Mrs. Pahk who is a spritely 82 was in, Exeter to r:u<I• Cooney for her schools through, the telling of what her belief in God has ac- complished. - Mrs Pahk exhorted the sludepts to gets-.grvolved • Exeter council hopefuls 'Continued from front page of their decisions and to get good value for tax dollars. Cottrell also mentioned, the need to attract small in-. dustries -to- provide a brelader tax base and- more opportunities and said • he would also like to see a more varied and extended recrea- tion and culture activity list in Exeter. - "Exeter has a lot to offer - and is a good place to live.". he noted. saving that the un- ique flavor provided by- the blend of urban and rural characteristics has given the Exeter area a sparkle. Don Cameron, 'a lecturer at the Centra'ta College of Agricultural Technology. suggested it was a good idea to have the candidates stand on their feet in front of the. audience, "because after the election you want 'to be sure we stay pn our feet and not sit on our duffs". He said he was running on a platform of conscientious responsiblity. saying he was interested in the town. had the time. _wad `reliable and honest. - . He suggested -the latter wasn't a bad qualification for a politician today. . . The final candidate speak- ing was Alvin Epp. who with his wife. operates Epp Homes. which he described as a home providing a new start in life for boys ..who have been kicked around for many years". ' He sari he was pleasantly surprised_h_ow the town has taken toQ them and how they • have taken to the -town. ' "It's a great place to live and work and I want -to be -a part .of- the growing town. of Exeter." he -said) He suggested the present coun- cil deserved a great round of applause and led -the audience in that recognition A former Mennonite rhinister. Epp said the town must continue to give new development a priority "because unless we- have new blood. we become stagnate'. He suggested the town's roads and sidewalks needed -improvement and urged some consideration for .more stop signs "on streets for the protect}o.n of children and the elderly. Ile mentioned the down town parking. and whisle noting it was improved. could stand more work - "My aim'is to listen to people. work for people. a,pd produce effective results for the whole community." he conclded. • w- • ause.about $3 500- from Crediton draw • • Friday's -.- ante-('arlo night and elimination draw .sponsored by the -Crediton parks board and volunteer. firemen was a real success. ' The gala night held at the South Huron Hee• ('entre raised about 53.500. for recreation and community projects The big winners in the elimination draw were Mrs Maurice` Heaver. Crediton and the Exeter Kinsmen club who split the grand prize of Sl .04)0 Winning '$50, were- Dick Lord. Jack Morrisey. Irwin Ford. Duma and i)oug Jer- vis. Rill Wilds. Gerald Dear- ing. Crediton Social Club. Jack Jesnev. Frank Nieis:lac. -.Jiro Finkbeiner .lie Mc('.inn •John Fahner Rita Schenk Hick Bowers_ \Ilan Waiper. Ilarr-v Hayter Hob Fink twiner . John ('am hell. The Farmers ar FQd Hearn • , It 's A t time you wake up :in something." she Said. even in a country which has fey problems compared to any parts of the world ` Referring to the locale of her first of three speeches in -Exeter Mrs. F'ahk said -. :ducatinn may he very ex- hensiye but ignorance is far nide Costly - The Christian missionaries who came to Korea 100 years ago gave the people of her native land hope. and . promoted the e(Iualitv of men and women [During her early school years. she was forced to dress as a boy to gain acres to formal education _ The diminutive but vital Mrs Pahk amused the students with one of the things her widowed mother told her young daughter about attending the school. - -If you need to co to the hathroom. come home... Mrs Pahk.s mother said. Introducing • Mrs. Pahk was ('art Cann who last year along with bis wife.travelled to Korea with Mrs. Pahk. Cann called Mrs. Pahk who has resided priinarily in the United States f r the past fifty years 'God's miracle at work in Korea Ile said when they visited Korea they found between 2.500 anc1:1.000 boys and girls in one IE'I the most 'up to date techo ir•,il schools in the world Mrs Pahk is a women.of 'infinite wisdom who has authored four books: Cann stated. - - Following her address to the students she spoke to the Exeter Christian Women's Club and Exeter United Church. SALE CONTINUES 7HI5 WEEK ..c Pece B.o..- CHESTERFIELD SUITE e PRICE 3595 Inge Nen.. 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OUR ENTIRE SELECTION 1 AND ITS IS LARGE I IS ON SALE AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES OUR LOSS IS YOUR G,LIN D I:• SCULPTURED SAXONY �R CE 1.95 SHORT SHAG SALE SS 95 PRICE • CARAVELLE CARPETING PRCE '19.95 PP, yd HOW'S THIS FOR VALUE IN STOCK CARPET sZ AS LOWWAS •4 9 Per So vd Warehouse Furniture and Appliances Unlimited (New and Used) Sales & Service • Antiques & Things 235-1964 EXETER MAIN ST. 1 0 TO 50% OFF ALL CARPET STOCK 1 Times -Advocate, November 2, 1978 i R NSMEN INTRODUCE THE SUMMER NIGHTS DRAW The motto of our assocation is 1'SERVING THE COMMUNITY'S GREATEST NEED" In the spirit of this motto, the Exeter Kin- smen have committed their efforts to providing the equipment. for the new physiotherapy gymnasium in the soon to open addition to the South Huron District Hospital. This facility will be used by young and old from aII walks of life, either recovering from accidental injury of a disabling illness. You Can Help And Have Some Fun Too! Buy a . $5.00 ticket and get a chance to win! 1. EARLY BIRD DRAW Dec. 8 1 of 12 Christmas Turkeys • 4 2. MAIN DRAW FEB. 2 an all expense paid WEEK FOR TWO IN SABULOUS FLORIDA Your ticket is good for both draws TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ALL EXETER KINSMEN Prize based on trip for two to Orlando Florida. Trip must be token within one year bf draw date, subject to advance registration and availability Draw held underlottery License No. 246757 ,. ......i■ U