HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 1 (2)• About 35 ratepayers
hear council hopefuls
Only 35 rateefavers showed
up, aT Wednesday's public
meeting to hear the eight
- candidates seeking spots on
Exeter council for the next
-term. .
While the five new can-
didates used much of their
tine to introduce
themselves to the public.
there were .a .few
suggestions for programs
that the newly elected coun-
cil should consider.
Speaking first was incum-
bent Loss Fuller. who after
noting the many changes
that have 'taken place in
town with 1 ie wilding aline
rec centre._the restoration
of the town hall and the un-
equalled commercial and
residential -growth;
suggested it may now be
time for citizens to turn
their attention to providing
more facilities- for senior
She noted that sometype
of accommodation was re-
quired in Exeter so seniors
could continue to live among
their friends and relatives
and not have to be shunted
YOUNG SPOOKER One of the youngest participantsinTuesday s Hallowe en :party sponsored•by the Grand Bend
Lions club was -Luke Laye. T -A photo
PUC denies request
to join fire brigade
Middlettn's report said
about 90 percent of the fire
&ails. during .1977 came dur-
ink working hours between
the hours of 8 a.m.- and 5
• In making the motion to
deny the request, Com-
missioner Chan Livinstone
said. "That would be too
many working hours."
Mayor Bruce Shaw agreed
saying. •'Right now- it's in
our best interest to do this."
Manager Hugh Davis ex-
plained that ong man and a
truck -already is `in -atten-
dance at all fires in town.
The fire chief's report said
that 29 fire calls in 1977 were
far below the average of 42
of the .39 hours spent' on
calls. 27 were for out-of-
town fires.
In his manager's. report
Hugh Davis said he expected
the hydro increase for Ex-
eter users would .be about'
six percent. He added.
"There shouldn't be too
much flak" -from customers
over this." .
Davis said their will be an
increase in the charge of
power from Ontario Hydro
to municipalities of 9.8 per-
cent but that would be
lowered to about six percent
because of an excess
revenue credit ordered by
the Anti-inflation Board.
Commission chairman
Murray Green added. ' •That
sounds good for next -year. -
but. I'm not looking forward
to 1980. That's when the
price increase will likely hit
us the hardest."
The Exeter Public
Utilities Commibsioa Tues-
day denied the request of an
employee .to become a
member of tfte Exeter
volunteer fire department
. Decision on the request
made a month ago was .held
up until a report on fire
statistics was received from
fire chief Gan Middleton
No issues
for deputy
No issues are at stake
between incumbent Deputy -
Reeve Don MacGregor and
challenger Ben Hoogen-
boom. or at le t geither
mentioned an at last
week's public meeting.
MacGregor said it had
been art honpr and pleasure
serving Exeter for the past
two "very busy years"
- He commented briefly on
the reserve fund set up for a
new The truck by three •of
the • participating
municipalities in the Exeter -
Area Fire Board. of which
he is presently chairman.
and concluded by thanking
the administration staff and
the ratepayers for their
Hoogenboom outlined no
issues either. saving that -he-
would like to think his past ,
experience would assist him
in getting his message
"i wish Don well. but not
as well as f hope to do on
e,)ection day t" he said.
off to Huronview or homes petent. it should also be
i'n Aensall orT.ur�cFi bus.inessli�;--honest- and
Mrs. Fuller said that _open.
statistics show that the . Noting that vandalism
number of seniors will in was a growing problem. he
crease -dramatically -in the suggested the town should
nein two decades "and we look into a study undertaken
should plan now" to look in Mississauga in' this
after their needs, '=not only regard.
of the present seniors. but His •fourth concern was
those of us who are getting about :committees. and he
there sootier than we would suggested he had seen no
care to admit".other place that had such
As *chairman of the social civic vitality and he would
services committee. she ex- like to see this harnessed
plained that the committee.-•. and carried on.
had .initiated a recycling Another local
program for glass and businessman seekinga coun-
newspapers, and said this cit seat, Ron Cottrell said'
would cut down on the use of that while past councils
the local dump and save tax have . done a commendable
dollars "if.you citizens take job. he envijoned the need
the time and effort to 'Tut for a more professional at -
Items out for collection". titude to cdpe with future
"I'm not given to decisions.
speaches." commented in- He outlined the need for
cumbent Harold Patterson. council to consider the long
who remarked only that tie and short term implications
was the liaison with building Please turn to page 3
inspector Doug Triebner and
that permit values would hit
almost $3 million this year.
"That's a.lot of building." he
Veteran councillor Ted
Wright, who was first
elected in 1962. outlined the
town's row ansewer
town's public works
employees_ "are serving you
very well".
He said that the new coun-
cil would have to decide
whether they --would _ follow
the priority set by the pre-
sent council for the con-
struction of a west -central
storm drain.
Wright refuted
suggestions. that local
ratepayers don't get much
for their tax dollars. saying
people with that opinion ob-
viously don't look about
them • or have short
He told the new can-
didates that council work is
a complicated business with
many serious decisions to be
made. He said he always
tried to get the most for the
most people and said he
would not mak a prediction
that faxes won'.t rise
"because they will".
The veteran member said
the dollar doesn't go very
far now, and 'the budget is
nearly $2 million while it
was still in the_ thousands
when he started. •
• "We. still have to progress.
but keep taxes competitive
with other municipalities."
he concluded.
Mayor. Bruce Shaw. who
chaired Atte meeting. 'then
called ptf the only female
among, the new aspirants.
Marilyn Williamson.' •
She said that while
Williamson was a new name
in Exeter. she was riot new
to the community. having
been, raised here: -and -
graduating from-SHDHS.
She said her main concern
was that Exeter attract in-
dustrial growth which the.
meeting was told "would be
very heneficial tq all tax-
We have a lovely town.
and it has great potential to
be even better•" she con-
Jay Campbell. who an-
nounced his intention to run
a couple of weeks ago. out-
lined four main concerns he
had: the first of which was
'the need to resolve any out-
standing conflicts with the
new official plan. He said
plan changes would be made
in the future and" council
members would have to
, have the ability to perceive •
those changes and the im-
pact on the town.
The former- meteorologist
said council had to,be confi-
dent in the way businesswas
conducted and this could be
achieved through•being com-
HALLOWE'EN AT NURSERY SCHOOL — Students of the Sunshine Kids nursery school en-
ioyed o Hallowe'en party,Tuesday morning. From the left ore Eugene Boersma, Jason Laurin,
Eric Breman, Koren Robinson and Mark Keller.. T -A pheto
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
One Hundred and Fifth Year
Cyclist .escapes
with minor Injury'
A Hensall area youth es-
caped witif only minor in-
juries after his motor bike
was involved in a collision
._-_wjlkLaear around noon, Syn-
d Paul Elder, RR 2 Hensel!,
had been riding his machine
in a bush and came out onto
concession 3-4 of Hay in
front of a vehicle driven py
Zofia Stasik, RR 2 Hensall.
The youth was treated at
South Huron Hospital. •
Damage in the -accident
was listed at 8125 by
Constable Frank Giffin.
Daniel Turkheim. Zurich,
escaped with minor injuries
Alt Saturday at 7:00 p.m.,
when he lost control of his
vehicle in fresh gravel on
concession 10-11 of Stephen.
The vehicle went through a
ditch, rolled over and came
to rest on its wheels, in a
Constable Wally Tomasik
investigated and set proper-
ty damage at 82,800.
Last Monday. a tractor be-
ing towed by•a•truekclipped
• a hydro pole in Hermall,
resulting in damage of MA00.
The truck -was being driven
by William Hay. RR I
Zurich, and the tractor was
----owned-by- W,G Dson
and Sons Ltd.
Constable Jack Straughan
He also investigated an
accident the previous day -in- •
volving vehicles driven by
Joanne Minderlein, RR 3
Zurich, and.Stewart Turner.
They collided on Highway
84 west of Zurich and
damage -was • estimated ,at
On October P. a, vehicle '
driven by Terry Pickering,
RR 2 Dashwood, - collided
with the rear of a gravity
box being towed by a tractor
driven by Joseph Barrett,
RR 1 Crediton.
Pickering was attempting
to pass when the accident
occurred and damage was
listed at 81,000 by Constable
Jim Rogers. Pickering
sustained minor injuries. %