HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-26, Page 20 (2)Page 20 Times -Advocate, October 26, 1978 PLACE A CIASS1FEIJ AIJ QUICKLY. EASILY ..JUST PHONE Classifications ' 1 Lost: Strayed • 2 t-au)ld 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 NustneSsOppottwtttie, • Ser. ices Livestock h Farm Machinery '1 Shorts kquipmeticA eh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets - ----13 Mu,iett1-Itritruments' 14 Appliance,. feles)sttin l f ersonel • 16 For SJIe 1- \1 anted to Bu) 18 Wanted iv Property Lor Sale 20 Propern-Lor Rent 21' For Rent . 22 1 Jr Sale or Rent 2 t 11:Anted t o Rert 24 Propertt 11 anted Notice, • 26 Legit Notices 2 Tender, 1\ anted • 28 Auction Sale, 1 Lost, Strayed fit R1,1 ()Kl) �rovntatelt l,U(t) ih, tech. (corp " 1.lit 22. (oncessnm _. Stet, hrn los nshrr delle.ed ser v.t:e3 Phone W instar. Shap.- •, -2666 a t' 2 Found .i-I(iUU (-(.1I 1)1 KI I` .ire uith :;e- �.:', '•. �Hat P..ler or int pile Ih- phor _ 230-41 I, 42 11 "ARE Yet) THE SALES PERSON WE- ARE LOOKING FOR? ore you on aggressive per- son who wants to make an above overage income? Do •you enjoy dealing with the public? Are you willing to work hard for o prosperous • ' future? Are you /currently successful in the automotive field? ;Not a neccessary re- quirement; If- so you may be the soles person we ore look- ing for. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Zharges are bored on the number of words Sets of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words loaned by hyphens count os separate words .FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2 40. 9e per word there•rfter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes. 7e pe word. minimum SI 40 • • SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION —4210 per i:olumn inch _SUBSEQUENT -INSERTIONS — S2 00 per column inch Minimum size in -this cotegory 1 '-r` inches. Accepted In multiples of halt rnch•l BOX NUMBERS.to this office -- S1 00 per Inserpon Sr BIRTHS — 20 words $2 00.13e per word thereafter MARRIAGES. Engagements. Death Notiles. — 20 words S2 00. each additional word 8c . IN MEMORIAMS - S2 00 plus 124 per line of rrerse COMING EVENTS — 20 words 52 00. eoch additional word Sc three Inseetrons for the price of 2 CARDS Of THANKS- 30 Words 52 00 4d per word - 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION r - - Deadline for classified ods Is 4.00'p m Tuesdays When possible late insertions will be inserted at on extra charge of S 1 00 Phone 235-1331 • 2 Found (SOLD, RI\1\1FD. inert', eye • glasses lett rn Laidlas Fra,,sport•, Shipping otttce Owner ma. clam at Itater f•-\. ht pal nig !t+r -td 425 BLL 1- /31. 1)1;11 :11 Wand Bend. (;'eery Acres Ph s, re 23'- , ,I, • 43 'WE OFFER - good friendly working conditions in (/rand (Bend's aery 'aggressive Chysrer dealership. Your efforts are enhanced by .o,sotid adver- tising .fRJmpoign: A brand new compemy demonstrator. and'we pay top commissions, to the qualified solesoerson. FOR APPOINTMENT CAIN PeterlMit,rner Of Bill Chandler 238-2391 jtQ' ON'N/1111tRi ......r........ GRAND SENO 23$-2311 Ht -It LR 411 c. - .•n Brddulph Tornsh.; 15 3 Situations Wanted N IL L DO house cleaning ht the dot in Hensall Phone 262 r 20n ; 43- • 4 Help Wanted I'1 RSI )\ N AN TED ;o become plan: •.:penl,or to run -small hoot ^..-Iding plant to Lannon are.: Some knowledge of tihreglass work or boat butidtng stou!d he an •ts,etApplicant ,houid he respunsthle.- 'trustssorths person capable of working on own initialise All application, sir strict confidence. reply iu:lranteed \ll applicant, should send heel resume to Bot LRP. 1-.seter• Tames \d.ocale. INeter.Ontario •" 33 ( RPE\TFR'S HELPER .nole-frame eon,trsetlon, full lime position. ( all 236-4081 ,atter 6 r m 36t HE\S'RLL SO( TH Huron \griculturai. Society requires a, secretin :ree,urer Duties to ctmmen.:e January 1. 19-9 nvane. interested contact 262- c. is eller 6 , rya hetore \oserrher -th 1 42 41 44 47 LEGAL SECRETARY __ ernune,.;' .• Deane & Laughton 41- Main St. f teter. ' 1' 4 • ELECTRONICS SHOP SERVICE Employee required for repairing industrial electro mechanical equipment. Applicant should 'be a trade school graduate, with training .in electronics. Electronics trouble- shooting experience and mechanical ability for light equipment is or asset. Send written resume to: Kraft Machinery Limited Box 970 Exeter, Ontario Male or Female Persons required for bartender course at, Conestoga College at Clinton starting January 2, 1979 Minimum Qualifications age 18 - out of school 1 year - grade 10 education Interested Persons Contact . Canada Manpower Center of Goderich 524-8342 - or Exeter 235-0471 4 Help Wanted t L SfO'ttEKS -\R1 Vs kl1- I\G'-Thcs-1e wining for sorld- tanusus -As on ( hrntrn.ts, fiats and dash need produc:. Ne.or;re the ;son represent.ltrte lir tour area Territtktes.n a tlable not rn His.. l Shorne and I iddulph Townships ( all [:xeter 23�-22 or London 451-0541 42.43 -1-1 6 Services C l S1OAI ( ()WV ,,,mhintng. aide anti nano\. rots, all Doug' or Don Easton. 2;5- 1496. 4243444` PERRY'S DRYWALL \prI% E rntsh & Tenure . Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6481 - 3243444 Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner , \eu And Reconditioned • Sales And Se y i c Fred Kleinhaar 396 Carling St. 235-0992 12 3- FLEMING DECORATING _ Paper Hanging. Painting \nd Ceramic Tile Sale, \nd Installation Phone 234-6775 For Estimates . 32334445 CHINCHILLAS Rant ( h+nd1111Js Tri .onr h.hement. earJge. !+.lrn iv.,a•ie n ,tett:l,d (• ''9-611- 3' 42 (l 5; TO ( OR\ :orth:r.:a,•. wide and narrow Not.. read\ then you are Don.,W (relgcr. 16.1,h5 - 11 42 11 CULLIGAN WATER - CONDITIONERS The Answer To Hard Water Problems 1 .,r a tree ,tn•dssis and .t presen- 3,ttron on the benefits of ,ottened tater. cell u, at 23x-2210 and s.r% HEY CULLIGAN MAN R1 \11•MNl 11 1\ a treit tater serious - C. MORLEY HALL B & L Stereo Music taped muss: for all ages and occasion. RESERVE NOW G 11 Robert G. F -oxer Granton 22$-2884 6 Services Complete Material Handling Equipment - I E.\iCRI\(i 1111 1-N. HO1TOM DISH \ R(i 1 - L\1 O\DLR \I -.o 1' kilt's' 1 eed ( art,. Borst Cow trainers, Bedding layers. \Iternators .end agent for Sin11hrol t'our'ed Stlo Builder: f or Detailed Int.rrmation ,:all 1 our I a-AHinier Dealer GLENDINNING & SON. • George and Ken 294-6574 Of - 227-4593 Your Huron County Representative Is JIM YOUNG - - 345-2723 r BRI( h -\\1) i(ll)(K toil work. keee price,. M.tt ll. U \i.t,rnrs.. RR 1):4hatrod. phone 216--",J2 - 24t 6 Services Clandeboye PLUMBING and HEATING 'Se t\ I11,11I1.r1,, , 1,. (ienivtai Rep 1,t, Rural, Restdentral.( online/clot Greg Wragg . RR 22, Luc., Phone 227-4026 • 'tit D. W. KYLE'S DECORATING I' -\l ss. 1INo \\1) PAPI RING St RA I( LS t O\ I,\( I. DOUG KYLE Hensall, Ont. -Phone 262-2249 1st W. D. CONSTRUCTION House's. Addition,. Sheds Siding. Rooting. Rerot.111.10, Free 1-.,tim.11C, ('hone Bob \1illis,21' - Ketth•.l7asey, 23. after 6:00 p 11. 1't 6 Services 235- :1331 GLAVIN SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING - Houses. Machinery. etc. Free Estimates - (ALL JACK GLAVIN - 234-6701 19t GLAVIN BROS. BARN PAINTING High Pressure-- Water ressure\Water Cleaning .,. ,Airless Spray Equipment and Aerial Boom rrucks 228-6256 228-6247' lot PASSMORE Plumbing and • Heating New Installations and General Repairs -Rl R \l.. RFSIDI'\ HAI ' (O\IM1-R(I \L DENNIS PASSMORE FORREST ELECTRONICS Tv •\N1) - (OMMCNI( TIONS - A\EF-\\•\ Installations and Repairs Repairs to most makes Of TV. ( 13 Radia Auto Sound Products -\uthori,ed W arrant' Service for Automatic Radio, canon and A udinvot 102 RICHMOND ST. N. Hensall. Phone 262-2540 2X CALL Forest Fence For all your'fencing needs. Larry Haugh at 453-6620 or Exeter 235-2017 after 5'p.m. 16t P 489 MAIN STREET, EXETER OFFICE 235=2,533 EXETER NEW LISTING — 3 bedroom 1 iiz storey home in very good condition. Two bedrooms on main floor, Large corner lot. Priced for qutcNple in low 30s. Call Carl Walker. - NEW LISTING — beautiful older 2 storey brick home in excellent condition near downtown. Separate dining room, all bedrooms very large, 1 t/§ baths, carpeting and hardwood. Immaculate inside and out_ Nice family room overlooks rear yard. CaII Carl Walker for appointment. NEW 2 STOREY executive mans home over looking river. Quality finishing throughout, solid oak cupboards, dishwasher, 2 fireplaces, 2 car gorage. Loaded with extros. Custom built and must be seen to appreciate full value. CaII Paul Hohner. 16 ACRES JUST ON OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN - zoned residential and Tight ogrecultural. Could be gr�ot urban development polentiol. Call Dirk Coolman. RAISED RANCH 4 years old, 4 bedrooms, all rooms Jorge. Games room, office, storage area, .laundry room, family room with fireplace. Quiet area. Call Carl Walker. • • , NEWER BRICK BUNGALOW — 3 bedrooms, lots of cupboards to kitchen and dining room, 32 x 12'. carpeted rec room. All drapes included immediate possession. Coll Dirk Coolman. • 1 r STOREY -- 3 bedroom hordwoo&floors, car port, neat and tidy, excellent starter home. 533,- 500'00 Call Paul Hohner. REDUCED TO $39,900 -- 2 bedroom bungalow, 3 _yrs old, full bosement, electric heat. Call Paul Hohner. • 16 ROOM/ MANSION authentic older 2 storey brick, very elegont throughout. Must be seen inside to fully appreciate. Extensive possibilities. 'Call Dirk Coolman. .2 STOREY BRICK — older home on•extra large well manicured lot near schools and downtown. Good quolity carpeting and hardwood floors, built- in book cases, large garage. Coll Paul Hehner. 3 LEVEL BACK SPLIT near downtown with Norge in - ground pool, fenced back yard. A good older home with new addition. Call Dirk Coolman. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION --- 2 bedroom home with American style kitchen, electric heat, new cedar deck, carport. Situated on large lot with good born 24 x 15 Call Carl Walker. • 2. BEDROOM BUNGALOW — with lots- of living area. Very forge living room, large dining room, full both, den, utility room. Excellent condition • . throughout. Also cedar' deck and steel shed, nice shaded lot. Call Carl Walker, - ' 2 BEDROOM.RANCH — in choice location within walking distance of downtown' This is an ideal retirement home -with new gas heoling system, 18 x 12 kitchen, office, utility room, living room with fireplace. Call Carl Walker for appointment. 7 YEARS OLD -numerous feature/ in this brick ranch with full finished basement, noturol stone fireplace, fruit cellar, laundry room, quality carpeting. This is o nice bright home on large corner lot. Call Dirk Coolman. • BRICK SEMi-DETACHED 4 bedrooms with 1 to baths, full finished bosem with large rec room. Owners moving soon. CaII Carl Walker. REDUCED TO S34,500 — 1 th storey frame.with full basement and carport. Good Downtown loca- tion and well worth viewing, Call Dirk Coolman. OWNER MUST SELL lovily 1 '7 storey '3 bedroom brick home near downtown. New full bath upstairs, also one on main floor, new. braodloom, sun porch, mud room. garage. Call Carl Walker. Phone 235-1'51 14t 6 Services DON PEN '+ INGA Genera Construction RENOVAT ONS. ADDITIONS REMODELLING FRAMING & TRIMMING - 235.0218 - at HILL'S BURNER SERVICE — For expert and complete furnace service, including installations, humidifiers and air conditioning, Bill Yearley, Creditcw .234- 6289.. ,44t ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewinding ' Repairs • • Sales & Service • 1-:11111 Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELL( 1 RI( Al CON IR-\( fOR • KIRK TON 24-8222 Slt INTERIOR. exterior paintirtg.— R.H. &' S.. Painting. Phone Ronald Heysood.. 235-2087. 30t smiesi tr' PAUL HOHNER Exeter 235-0302 DiRK COOLMAN Exeter 235-1950 PHYLLIS JOHNSON Dashwood 237-3547 BOB JANKE Dungannon 529-7735 PAT GRAHAM Bayfield 565-2847 BILL FUSS Hensall 262-2946 CARL WALKER Bayfield tr 565-5393 r FARMS - CREDITON — 142 acres, prime level 'land, all systematically tiled. Four bedroom brick home, new steal shed, close to paved road. Call Dirk Coalman. AREA -PROPERTIES ST. JOSEPH - LAKEFRONT — older 3 bedroom cottage with Targe new addition. -Lovely sandy beach with lots of privacy. Frontage is 139 feet. Pric- ed for immediate sale. Call Dirk Coolman. • DASHWOOD — 3 bedroom completely moder- nized. home on 1 acre with lots of trees, garage, heated workshop. House has new addition, excellent water supply. MOVE iN TODAY. Call Mrs. John- son. CENTRALIA — 2 storey cdncrete block industrial bldg. less than 20 yrs. old. Equipment from previous business included, all in good working order. Lots of - potential. Call Dirk Coolman. CENTRALIA — Sacrifice Price: $26,900.00. Converted school house in the country 2 bedrooms, large lot. If required vendor will assist new owner with mortgage. CaII Carl Walker, , CREDITON — 5 Unit Motel and NEW drive-in restouront on 2 acres. Priced for immediate sole un- der 540,000.00. MAKE AN CiFFER. Call Phyllis Johnson, - CREDITON - Excellent starter in a 4 bedroom frame home on extra larger.lot,with its own well. House features new addiition with 4 pc. bath and huge kitchen. Priced to sell at 527,900.00. Call Dirk Coolman. CREDITON — lovely older brick home surrounded by walnut tre s. Three bedrooms, PLUS income from extra large aortment, 3 car garage, corner lot. Priced for immediate sale. Call Carl Walker, GRAND BEND SOUTHCOTT PINES — lovely 3 level home on very secluded lot. Features 2 fireplaces, two 4 piece baths, dishwasher, cathedral ceilings.' Only 5 years old. Call Carl Walker for an appointment. SOUTHCOTT PINES — this beautifully appointed ranch home defies description .throughout. Three bedrooms, rock fireplace, all major appliance -enc_-- professional drapes included in realistic asking price. Call Mrs. Johnson for an appointment. DUNGANNON — 16 acres bush and trout stream, rare building site and recreational property. Call Bob Janke, 529-7735 or Carl Walker. -McGILLIVRAY TWP. --- 4 extra large building lots each 100 x 200 on paved County Road. Lake Huron ' water. Call Carl Walker. HENSALL 2 YEARS OLD - neat 1100 sq. ft. brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms with queen size American Kitchen, Tots of cupboards. Full bosement with poturol fireplace. Call Paul Hohner. NEW LISTING — Prime commercial property on Main St. in Downtown Hensoll. Well decorated store 'and living area. Two storey with full basement, building in fine condition and priced lb sell in lower twenties. Call Dirk Coolman. EXCELLENT CONDITION — _s`ingte storey 3 bedroom'home with modern kitchen and bath, lorge garage. Good stouter or retirement home. Call Paul Hohner. ZURICH COMMERCIAL BLDG. — Jorge fat, tstorey brick, upper rented, lower could be used as restouront or other retait outtet. Priced for immediate sale. Call P(auI Hohner. 6.7 ACRES NEAR TOWN ' - Good 4 bedroom house, separate living and dining room, full base- ment, small shed. Ideal recreational property. Call Paul Hohner. auz Vaal. e � ed Reaaccte NM NI ea f• OM NI a - - a IN a / - 1 REALTY IHC.Awor •, EXETER , O. gillh• CLINTON 1 • GRAND BEND 1 GRAND BEND so PRIVACY - MATURE TREES This brand-new home situated. in o secluded subdivision offers 5 el bedrooms, family style kitchen, 25 x 15 rec room for 1 nn =actiye_famii ,,_attached double garage with workshop area. Owner witr consteter-holding-first 1 mortgage at 9' z Rio. Priced to sell. OVERLOOKING YACHT - CLUB and Ausable 1 river from this spacious estate -home containing 26' x 17' living room.with-natural fireplace, modern eat - 1 in kitchen, 6 bedrooms, double garage, plus self contained apartment for extra income. 1 THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE- overlooking the 1 harbour and Lake Huron. Three bedrooms, knbtty- pine living room with fireplace and. sunroom. An ideal spot for active famil or boater. 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 SOUTHCOTT PINES -- Delightful. two-bedroom cottage with lots of living -area on beautifully treed lot. Large living-roorn, 4 piece both, utility -room, 19' x 16' family -room. Excellent condition throughout. Also included is a 10' x 8' foolshed. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SOUTHCOTT PINES - Unique chalet featuring 25' x 23' living -room area plus 24' x 16' upper deck. Downstairs consists of 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, 15' x 16' ret-rrtbm and utility room. This completely winterized home offers great possibilities to a very active family who enjoys the lake in the summer, hik- ing in the spring and fall, cross-country skiing in the winter. OAKWOOD — Very. spacious residence nestled among tall mature trees adjacent to golf course that can be enjoyed year round. This home features a large comfortable living room with fireplace, fomily room and sun room, central air, two garages as'well as two good size offices in separate building. RESTAURANT — A very rare opportunity.•This striving little business hos enjoyed'a steady increase in revenue since its opening a year ago. The vendor has renovated the premises considerably, including new furnace, kitchen equipment etc. The relaxed at- mosphere makes this eating -establishments a favourite spot in the area. Retirement makes this business available. EXETER DOW SUBDIVISION -- This very roomy side split on lovely Kingscourt Crescent is attractively priced. -1t requires some work however. The builder informs us that. he will look of any reasonable offer and completely restore this home to its original, beauty. Dont miss This unique offer. ONE AND A HALF STOREY BRICK HOME --- on 10SE x 145 estate lot. Featuring 3 bedrooms, an ex- it() large kitchen and dining area. Immediate possession • CENTRALIA POOL - JUST LISTED This delightful 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Step out onto a -cedar deck surrounding a beautiful 'Fantasea' above ground pool to enioy for the whole family. 20' x 15' rec-room with wet -bar plus fourth bedroom and utilrty•room on lower levet. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1`. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HENSALL ANTIQUE TREASURE This century home is truly a rare find. The owners hove extensively renovated and spored no effort to beautifully blend the gracious old charm with practical and new ideas throughout. A very efficient hot water system with new rods in very room keeps this home very cozy from the sewing room in the attic to the spacious ground floor. A new kitchen offers an eat -in area with family room atmosphere. From there you walk into a bright sunroom with fireplace. This delightful property is a pleasure to show. • DUCHA'RME BEACH LAKE FRONT -- Attractive little cottage featuring 2 bedrooms, knotty pine living -room with natural fireplace. Full • basement with facility for boot storage. Located right on beautiful sandy bench. DRYSDALE This 1 year old bungalow is beautifully decorated throughout. Featuring a well appointed living -room with angelstone fireplace. Large 32 x 12 cedar -deck off dining room', 3 bedrooms plus 4 piece bpth. lower level consists of very spacious 22•x 22 family room, Mmes room or fourth bedroom, laundry -room and cold storage. This year-round home is priced in the fifties . EXETER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEW LISTING — Prime commercial loccitlon with losts of parking at reor. Next to Post Office. Well suited for offices. Upstairs needs renovation. BA1fFIELD - LOTS — Beautifully treed lake front and second row lots - approx. 75 x 200 - just north 1 of Bayfield Morino - adjacent to Conservation prep • recreation property zoned for permanent housing. We hove serious buyers waiting in need of fords, small • acreages, resort properties, homes and 1 building lots. Please contact any of our 3 offices for your conveniences. BRUCE FISCHER Real Estate Representative 1 1 Clinton 1 Exeter Res. 238-8735 1 235-2420 Granct Bend 482-9747 1 238-8484 1 Member J�� 1 The HuroBnoardal Estate rt(rralfOti 1 rt('(tltOrt aaasla%Eai•sotoeai♦asE#i• 0,