HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-26, Page 18 (2)Royal Insurance Canada lip Good News For Yotjng Drivers!, Have you. had trouble finding ateo insurance at a reasonable price? Do you have a gooddriving rec- ord? Have -you completed an Orftario Safety League approved driver training course? If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, you may benefit from the NEW RATES estab- lished for YOU by Royal Insurance Canada. Royal is Canada's leading insurer of homes, car and busi- nesses, because we have new ideas like this — sensible pricing for young drivers. IT COSTS NOTHING to find out how much money you may save and if your record is good, so are Royal's prices! Over 150 Indepen enc. nsur nce Agents in S.W. Ontario sell Royal Insurance. Call the local agent listed belowand find out how affordable quality can be! GEORGE T. MOORE INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 147 MAIN ST. S., EXETER 2354211 Page 18 Times -Advocate, October 26, 1978 409 MAIN -STREET EXETER OPENING THURS., NOV. 2 WATCH. NEXT WEEK'S T -A FOR DETAILS TOWNSHIP- OF McGILLIVRAY The Township of McGillivray has funds available under the On- tario Home Renewal Program t assist owner occupants to repa'i'r their homes to standards developed locally, and accep- table to the Ministry of Housing. Anyone wishing further infor- mation, contact the Township Office, Telephone 294-6871. W. J. Amos, Clerk NOTICE � Preliminary List, 1978, of the Village of Grand Bend. Notice is hereby given that I hove complied with section 23 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, and that I have posted up at my office at Municipal Office, P.U.C. and dost Office on the 12th day of October, 1978, the list of all perst5ns entitled to vote in.the municipality at municipal elections, and that such lists remain there for inspection and I hereby call upon all electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or emissions corrected according to law. Compftiints will be received from October. 23 to October 27, 1978. The place at which the revision will commence is the clerk's of- fice. The time at which the revision- will com- mence is October 30, 1978 doted this 12th day of October, 1978. I Louise Clipperton, Clerk VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND . NOTICE OF POSTING Preliminary List of Electors for 3978 School Support List for 1979 Taxes The preliminary list of electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act 1977 will be publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk on the 13th day of Oc- tober, 1978. - Electors shpuld examine the. list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. Complaints in the nature of requests for,ad- ditions or corrections to or deletions from the .list may be mode by an elector com- pleting and filing a form obtainable at the Office of the Clerk. The School Support list is also available for inspection. The last day for,filirig forvns requesting ad- ditions, corrections or deletions for either list is the 27th doy of October, 1978. Louise Clipperton Clerk -Treasurer. NOTE: Any person may inquire by contacting the Municipal Office at 238-8461 • Open adventure pksygroundatEas explained Mrs. Vats Doe. - staff who did support the She -also expressed I community bee "Those who gratitude to the parents and came worked•hard and were By JOY SCHEIFELE AILSA CRAIG Children attending the East Williams public school were delighted Monday mor- ning when they arrived at school to find a new look to their playground. Logs have been installed for them to climb and- hang on and two -extensive_ _sand—enclosures With mounted tires have been built. A .-"family day" was . planned Saturday when fathers.. mothers. grand- fathers and grandmothers. aunts. uncles. neighbours and children were all invited to help out — for an hour or all day The day was warm and sunny — perhaps too pleasant a day as the response was disappointing. Six parents. five teachers and two spouses responded to the appeal along with a. number of children. "Being a rural community mane families were busy on the land". itcknbwledged "directing engineer". Mr. Pat Wolfe of Ailsa Craig. -The work is being planngld by the Playground Com- mittee consisting of teachers Mrs. C. Van Dbp and Miss L. Sinclair and parents Pat Wolfe and Mrs J. Steeper "When we have completed this aspect of the playground we would like to turn the project over to a committee of the Home and •School". Candidates. confirme4! The Rt. Rev. T. David Ragg *as warmly welcomed last month by members of Trinity Anglican Church in . Ailsa Craig. It was his f'ir'st official visit as bishop of the diocese. t Williams very enthusiastic, We couldn't have done it without Pat Wolfe's help. or Bill WILLIAMS BOYS TAKE SOCCER TITLE — The East Williams won the Dred 5 school soccer championship in a recent round robin competition. Back, left Jeff Harmer, Dave Shepley, Ken- ton Otterbein, Jon Arnel, Bill Ingham and Kirk Campbell. Centre Mike Mitchell, Stephan Aszalos, Mike Hutchison, Matt Furmston, Wayne MacGregor, Jim Simpson and coach G. Welshman. Front Brent Martin, Poul BQrnes, Dean Bender, Jeff Rock, Cameron MacDonald and Steve McLeish. Photo by Scheifele • HIRES WIN, TOO_— The East Williams public school girls soccer team also proved victorious in the area 5 round. robin tournament recently held at the East Williams School. Back, left, Debbie Watson, Wendy Currie, Kim McFadden, Elizabeth Ingham, Jennifer Davies and Diana Dixon. Centre, Ingrid Doek, Jennifer Toes, Ciody Hooper, Mary Ann Wdtson, Wendy Brunner and coach Mrs. C. Dinnin. Front, Stephanie Marti. Shelley Davies, Connie Thomson,.Ronnilyn Waters, Bonnie McPhee and Kelly McFadden. - Photo by Scheifele A confirmation servicaat was held Setitember 24 in conjunction With sisters ,congregations at Brinsley and Parkhill. Thirteen candidates were received by the bishop. In his remarks Bishop Ragg urged the_candidates to always keep Chryst before thetnselves in the com- mittment ,which they were now voluntarily making to Him. He warned them against trying to'go it alone. He cautioned that the struggles in their Christian lives will increase as they mature more fully and it is necessary to consciously seek His help. He invited the members already confirmed to renew their vows "along with the Candidates. The confirmation class included Martha Ana and Carl Andrew Mollard. John Robert Whitmore. Laura Elizabeth Cutler. Wendy Elizabeth - and Wayne Dawson MacGregoi:, Keith Gordon and Kevin Frederick Scott, Dennis George' and Michael Wellwood Mitchell, Michael James and Aaron Robert and Paul Ross Scott. The service was conducted by the rector. the Rev. John A. Latham. Lessons were read by Laura Cutler of Parkhill and Martha Mollard of Brinsley. Keith Scott led in prayer. - Following the laying on of hands the congregation joined together in a service of Holy Communion. A light lunch and fellowship followed in the parish hall. The three parishes joined together again on Thanksgiving Sunday for a coprorate service at St. Mary's, Brinsley. Exeter and area's newest headquarters for BOLT & NUT SUPPLIES Buy what you want by the Ib. no minimum package sizes to purchase. • $1.1918. Nem EXETER • 235-111. Exeter women will attend auxiliary event in Toronto Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mrs, Ray Frayne are to be delegates from Women's Auxiliatry to South Huron Hospital of Exeter at the 68th Annual Convention ,of the New face on council ByJOYSCHEIFELE A new member was elected to the Ailsa Craig Council by acclamation. Running for council for the first time John Bender, proprietor of the Superior store in the village took his seat by acclamation. Returning . to office for another year are reeve Jack Whitmore and councillors ida Belle Bice. Ken' Jones and Don Shipway by ac- clamation. Former coun- cillor John Willms did not let his name stand this term. As of official closing time, Monday the clerk's office had not received a second nomination for Hydro Commission. Chairman, Don McLeod will continue to run, but former member Jim Walsh withdrew his name. Former teacher dies in Stratford Mrs. Noah Kipfer, the former Mrs. ,Winsome Duckhorn died in Stratford.' Octoj3er 17. , Many will recall when she taught. at the S.S. 7 McGillvary -t Morton School in the late 1940's. She retired from active teaching in 1961. She is survived by her husband, Noah, son Walter, B.C., step -son Robert, Scarborough and daughter. Mrs. Jim Hughes, London. Ggbian Stone Calcium Chloride in 100 pound bogs Sand & Stone Gravel Stone for Weeping Beds EARL LIPPERT TRUCKING LTD. Crgditon 234-6382 Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario at the Loyal York Hotel -in Toronto - from Sunday. November 5 to Wednesday. November 8 inclusive. - Delegates are expected from 223 hospital auxiliaries and volunteer associations across Ontario. The con- tributions of these groups to" their hospitals.areeven more important during this critical period in the he8lth care fields. - 'Educational sessions in- clude: 1 i Abuse of mood.• altering .drugs - with or without alcohol - Mrs. Margaret Benner, Com- munity Consultant, Addiction Research Foun- dation, Toronto: 2) Nutrition and Fitness -+ Dr. Z.1. Sabry, Department -of Family . Studies, University of Guelph and - Peter R. Elson, Physical `Fitness Consultant. `Concurrent workshop sessions will include: 'open discussion for first&time tdelegates. Attracting' volunteers to hospital..ser- vice; Fundraising; Gift shop' buyers and Adapting the volunteer program to psychiatric, rehabilitiation and chronic care facilities. A joint session with Ontario Hospital Association's annual con- vention will feature a,series of presentations, one of which is entitled "Blood transfusions in the health care delivery systems". with Dr. Roger Perreault. National Director of Blood Transfusion Services of Canadian Red Cross Society.. Offered as well' will be auxiliary craft exhibits. •untnmIunnnnnnnnunnrnnrrnu: ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of All Types INSTATE[. MODERNIZED o'd MAINTAINED • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron St East, Exettrr iunnnumnnnnnnntlnnntnnrrnr�r slides of "auxiliaries in action"•, annual reports and a project parade; - The Honourable Dennis R. Timbrell, Minister -of Health' will give the keynote address and Bob Hesketh of Radio Station CFRB will be the banquet speaker. The president, Mrs. W.N. Kneefe, Midland, will •preside. Teams win soccer titles Excitement abounded in both the boys' and the girls' games in the area 5 soccer championships held recently at- the East Williams Public School. Both the " East Williams teams won hard fought victories with dramatic -finishes. Competing against the Ausable Springs School, Adelaide, SleGillvray and Parkhill. the boys took the final round,robin game on a penalty shot after tying ,Adelaide -134.- For the girls it was no less challenging. In a sudden death final East Williams downed Parkhill team. They competed against 41cGillvtgy, Adelaide and Parkhill also in a roufid robin series. • • DON'T CUT OFF CHILDREN'S LIVES R Mathers who operated the back hoe without cost", she stressed. The project is presently composed of two areas, each complete with a 30' square •sand enclosure, and a series of logs and tires to climb and explore. One area is com- pletely finished. The other still requires about four hours work. It is anticipated that the grade 8 students `wilt spend-time.finishing the work. Although initially the plan was that no money be spent on the playground, but rather all materials be recycled. on Saturday it was found that a few railroad ties'had to be purchased. The children are now busy with plans -for a Hallowe'en carnival in order to meet the expenses. Their enthusiasm reflects their appreciation for what has- been provided for them on the playground. We'll Do • •1004104 the lob rAr) 1 Right... -'�� We've Moved Our Office .we'are now located at our Exeter shop ' Whatever the prolect, call on us for Ready -Mix Concrete • RESIDENTJAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 235-1969 NOTICE 'OF.APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND. BEND for approval of a by-law imposing special rates for parking lot purposes " TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of The Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of Purchase of Parking Lot and Parkette Lot 1, 2, 3, Plan 9 at an estimated cost of $45,000.00, and intends to charge the whole (or part) of,,t1-0 cost of the work as special rates fora period of 8 years upon the owners of asses e real property who will derive a benefit therefrom. 2. It is proposed to raise the whole (or part) of the annual payments by special rates on the owners and in the manner prescribed by Proposed By-law No. 27,18 at- tached hereto as Schedule "A". 3. Any owner concerned may„within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, serve personally or by' Registergd mail on the clerk of the Village of' Grand Bend, at the address given below, ,a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rates; and that if a public hearing is held, he or his agent will attend such hearing to support such objection. • 4. The Ontario Municipal Board may approved the said speciol rates -pursuant to the statute and may approve of the said undertaking, but before doing so it may an - point a time and place for a public hearing when dny objection will be consideree but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. - - DATED at the Village of .Grand Bend; this 12th day of October, 1978, Louise Clipperton Village 'of Grand Bend Box 340, Grand Bend, Ont. THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND • BY-LAW NUMBER 27/78 Being a by-law to establish a parking committee/authority and the method of fun- ding the acquisition of parking facilities. WHEREAS: The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 251, gives 'Municipalities authority to acquire -parking facilities and; WHEREAS: The Municipal Council of the Village of Grand Bend deem it desirous to ” acquire.and operate parking facilities. • THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED: w 1. That a parking committee/authority be established for the purpose of'acgdittrtg • and operating parking facilities. 2. That the 'said comrtottee/authority submit to Council by January 31st of each year a budget for the -current year. 3. That any operating surplus be placed in a reserve fund toward -the purchase of . additional parking facilities. 4. That any of the facilities aquirecrmay hove a portion set aside for porkette or rest areas. 5. That the committee/authority shall consist of one.Councilfor, one Businessman, ap-, pointed by Council and the Reeve ex officio. 6. That rojes to be charged.willbe established by. Council resolution or by-law from time to time as may be deemed necessary. • - 7. That the committee/authority reports to Council and is not autonomous. • • Read a first and second time this 18th day of September, 1978. Reod a third time anti finally passed this 18th day of September, 1978. R.M. Sharen, • • Reeve Louise Clipperton Clerk •a THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND • BY-LAW NUMBER 26/78 Being a by-law to empower the Reeve and Clerk to borrow Forty Five Thousand (545,000.00) Dollars os of February 14, 1979, for the purpose of purchasing Lots 1, 2, 3, Plan 9, Village of Grand Bend. WHEREAS: The Council of the Villagecof Grand Bend deems it desirous that the purchase of Lots 1, 2, 3, Plan 9 be financed over on extended period of time. -• •• THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED that the Reeve and Clerk be'ond hereby are.empowered to borrow the required Forty -Five thousand ($45,000.00) Dollars as of February 14, 1979, for the purpose of closing the above described transaction. ' Read o first and second time !his 18th day of September, 1978. Read o third time and finallypassed this 18th day of September, 1978. R.M. Sharen Reeve Louise Cliperton Clerk