HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-26, Page 16 (2)Timis -Advocate, October 26, 1978 Gets guidance Seniors appoint delegate M embers of the Lucan Women's Institute held their -October meeting -Wednesday evening in the Masonic Hall. The roll call "Name a Canadian product.,and bring an ad regarding it" was interesting and varied. presentations. Plans were made for a •- rummage- sale--and--sate--of home baking to be held on Saturday, November 4 from 10 to 4 and the president will convene this event. I6 any. friends have "treasurers" to During the . business donate please phone 227- 4702. Mrs. Jack Radcliffe, .convener for the Blood Donors' Clinic reported and several members offered to assist in various capacities. Clandeboye 'and Granton Institutes have been asked to each provide a registrar and a server. The November meetin e` will feature a "dessert" and meeting, c • ed by the president, Mrs. m Emery Sr., Mrs. James kyer was appointed a delega a to the Area Conventio on November 1 and 2. The area resolutio e read and the delegate give gins nce as to her method o voting, but was ale i-ven freedom to change tNote if necessary after heating the DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Back again By SID DALEY Happy to report the senior member of the Daley clan is in good health' and looking forward to his 101st birth- day, January 7. 1979_ Lucan Legion's Poppy chairman Comrade Art Bell is looking for you. you. and you to volunteer -your ser- vices to assist with Branch 540's door to door poppy - blitz. Time is 7:00 p.m. Fri - CORN GROWERS MORLEY FARMS Now Receiving yw Crop Corn BUYING, SELLING & STORING CORN for AREA FARMERS' Receiving Cor For Centralia Far ens' Supply Lt . Contact Jerry Morley at 294-0206 day'. November 3 The cadets will be here to assist . us. We,lhave quite an area to cover: Lucan. Clandeboye. Granton and area. • With enough volunteers the whole drive shouldn't take apy more than a couple of hd'urs. Saturday.. November.. 4 Comrade Art will be. looking for volunteers to conduct ,ottr- street distribution of pop- pies. Here again Comrades. many hands make light work, leave your name with th steward and the time will be available. lsewhere on this page u will see what Branch 540 has laid on for remembering those who paid the supreme sacrifice. • By the way I was speaking with Santa's helper the other day and he advised that after 25 years he. was retir- ing. He said it had been a rewarding experience. Over the years he had 'observed children. grow into adulthood and bring their childrep:..dS him to be gra. Yes. Santa. a rewarding experience in- deed. And that's 30 for this week - remember - Tact is the knack of making a point . without making an enemy. 111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL Royal Canadian Legion Branch 540 Remembrance Ceremonies SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Attention • 10:30 a.m 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. All Ex -service Men and Women • sharp - Muster at Lucan Legion - Act of Remembrance at the Granton Cenotaph. Ex -service men and women banquet hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary (it is not necessary you be a member of the Legion'to attend the banquet) Following the' banquet entertainment will be provided for the enjoyment of our ladies and guests. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12 Attention all ex -service men and women, Cadets, cubs, scouts, guides, brownies, etc. 10:30 a.m. - muster at Legion Hall Lucan. 11:00 a.m. - to attend Anglican Church Luton - Remembrance service. 12:00 noon - Return to Lucan Legion for wreath laying ceremony. Following this ceremony refreshments will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary. We trust members of the . community and area will make a special effort to attend these services. 'AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN AND IN THE MORNING WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.' IIussitIIII laniIIIIINIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIlI111111111onsi1111111111111111111111111111111111111iani1I11isai = _ a 1 1 3/4 11 1 a Remebrance Day speaker at 7:30 m. on Noveml>er.16....-_IRISH SPONSOR LUNCH - TheQnnuai lucanArisliunior-hocksy- team -Poor- Boy tun ch ��° held Soturday. Shown above with hot dogs and do hnuts are player Paul Medd, manager 'Each" member is asked to 9 ut p y g bring two desserts on plates Bob Taylor and ticket seller Karen Taylor. T-A,photo for serving. The 4-H Homemaking • Clubs Achevement Day will be held iat e Medway High VLionswinter- � win ter dances on . • School at 1 p.m. Saturday December 16: All members and friends are invited. A collection • o miscellaneous gifts will b made for the "Gift Cup board" at Thameswood Lodge for their Christina baskets. Your gift should no be wrapped. Mrs. Glen Haskett, con- vener for Agriculture and Canadian Industries gave a most interesting and in- formative talk on the care of cut flowers and houseplants from the florist. Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. F. Tike and Mrs. M. H. Hodgins. Church news Special guests at Lucan United Church for the Sunday service were Mr. & Mrs. Donald Langford and family of the Kerwood area. Mr. & . Mrs. Langford are graduates of the University of Guelph and spent three years in Algeria as Agricultural Missionaries of the United Church of Canada. Mr. Langford spoke most terestingly of his work both with • private farmers and with the state farms, giving members a real insight into how some of their M. & S. monies are spent. A question and answer period was most worthwhile. Rev. Keith Brown sang a beautiful solo "I Cannot Tell", accompanied on the organ by his daughter, Helen. The Friendship Unit- Id its fall fellowship lune on following the service which gave members of the congregation the opportunity of chatting with the Langfords and their children. This morni Thursday at 9:45 .m Inter- dehomina anal "Prayer & Share" group meets in the C.E. wing. This evening, Thursday, all couples are invited to the "Couples' Cltlb at 8 p.m., and at 8:30, if you like to sing, come out to the choir. Next Sunday the Sacrament of Infant Baptism will be celebrated. Call Mr. Brown, 227-1143 for further information. Also next Sunday at 8 p.m. The United Church Renewal Fellowship, London Chapter, will meet in Lucan Church. f' e The 1978-79 winter dances, sponsored by the Lucan sbistrict Lions Club, at the t Lucan Community Centre are offering a good time to all who attend with a light lunch and all live bands. They are really expected to be the best ever! Books of tickets, with a New Year's `Eve ticket in - ,eluded, are inexpensive and may be obtained from any Lucan Lion's Club member. Lion Gary McFalls f is the convener, 227-4789. , The Lucan figure skating classes have started. They are held twice weekly, Thursday 7-9 'p.m. and Saturday 6 to 8 p.m., and will continue for 24 weeks. The cost per child is $48. These classes are sanctioned by the figure skating underway More than 100 give blood Members of the Lucan Women's Institute wish to thank the over 100 donors, or would-be donors . who par- ticipated in the Blood Donors' Clinic on Monday evening. Unfortunately about 10 persons were turned down. because of colds, medication, etc., but their intentions were good! A special thanks to the following companies and friends for their generosity in donating products for the Clinic t Hearns & Silverwood Dairies, Darlings I.G.A., Westons Ltd. through Bryan Smith, Lewis Bakeries, Wraith Family Hardware and Coca Cola Ltd. The Lucan W.I. served supper to 18 members of the Red Cross Unit who said it was the best they'd had in any centre! A member of the Clan- deboye Institute, Mrs. Jim Cunningham, assisted at the registration table, along with Mrs. Tom Emery, Sr., president of the Lucan branch. Mrs. Jack Radcliffe was the general convener and deserves a sincere "thank you" for all her worlf. Others assisting were Muriel Culbert, Lillian Ashton, Rachel Tuke, Iola Goring, Alice Hodgson, Berrfice Lockyer, Bertha Mylak and Iva Hodgins. Canadian Figure Skatin: Association. While these classes have Seniors host area visitors Senior citizens groups from Ailsa Craig, Granton and Ilderton were guests of the Lucan Club Wednesday -evening, October 18, when the 3M Choral Group, under the direction of Doug Barr, entertained at the Lucan Public School. • The large crowd enjoyed very much ' the various singing numbers: Following the program euchre was played with the prizes going as follos s: Lady's high, Amy Shoebottom, a guest from Lucan; lady's lone hands, Shirley Williams; Iow:Gwen Edmunds; ,man's high, Marion Ravene, playing a man's card; these three -of the Ailsa Craig Club; lone hands, Clare Dunlop of Granton and low, Fred Brown of Ilderton. Thursday's meeting The regularmeeting of the Sunshine & Bus' Buddies group was held Thursday afternoon in the Masonic' Hall with the president Mrs. Tom Kooy presiding and with Mrs. S. A. Steeper acting as secretary. Plans were finalized for the indoor garage sale and sale of home baking, Saturday. Birthday greetings w e extended to Mrs. Harr B nd Sr. and Ivan Stanley.+'A p m "Your Name" was res by Mrs. Ivan Stanley. Euchre winners were lady's high," Laura Williams; .lone hands, - Kathleen Neil,' low, Ann Kish; man's high, Percy Williams; lone . hands, Ed Dowdall; low, Eleanor Darling, playing a man' card. High Bridge prize we to Ivan Stanley. The Busy Buddies t nished their first ;'Papier ole" picture and thigli members wishing to mEilltr a second one will.do so this afternoon. The second Ceramics Class is postponed one week. Lunch was served by Maude Hodgins, Iola Goring, Agnes and Gordon Hotdon. First 900 triple at Lu4‘n Lanes Thursday night in the Lucan .Mens League, the first 900 triple was bowled in a number of years'. Wayne Smith had single games of 390, 283 and 261 for a total of 934. Congratulations go out to Wayne on having such a fine evening of bowling. Saturday afternoon at St. Marys, Lucan Lanes, after losing the first three games, came storming back to win the next two and managed to come home with four points. Glen Gagen was the top bowler for, Lucan with 275 - 1238 followed by Don Watt with'270 - 1185 and Charlie Glenn 290 - 1140. Lucan two missing three of their regular players, lost all five games to Stratford Bowl Mor. Brian Ankers had 264 - 1137 for Lucan Jeff Park with 268 - 1083 and Jim Smith 303 - 1080. The Lucan ladies team had a fine day as they beat Stratford Mikes team in all four games. Muriel Kennedy got things together and had a very good afternoon with a high single of 321 and a total of 997. Nancy Densmore had 246 • 892 followed by Lorna Ellyatt with 243 - 847. Since Bob Smith is getting married this Saturday, Lucan Lanes played host of Lucan Two Sunday af- ternoon. With the rivalry ttetween these two teams - beginning at the first of the season, this shaped up to be a classic battle. Lucan Lanes won four of the five games for a total of nine points and for the time being are the number one team in Lucan. Top bowler for Lucan Lanes was Bill Neil who had a 336 - 1257 folldwe'd by Bob Srimlth with 364-1215and Don Watt 302- 1209. For Bill and Bob, this was their best day since Lucan entered the Inter -Town league a little over a year ago. For Lucan Two, DonRuddy had 318 - 157. Jim Smith 289 - 1134, and Jif( Park 255 - 1107. Monday Ladies - Loretta Dickson 276 - 704; Wendy Hardy 252 - 619, Marg Young 215 - 619, Joan Gwalchmai Dickson 276 - 7,04, Wendy Hardy 252 • 619, Marg Young 215 - 619, Joan Gwalchmai 263 - 611, Mary Jefferies 254 - 611, Helen Ewen 255, Donelda DeBlock 240, Shirley Noyes 240, Muriel Kennedy 236, Beulah Hardy 2354 Sandra Disher 229, Louise Sutherland 229, Joyce Sovereign 225, Pat Hodgins 221. Senior Citizens - Percy Williams 222, Jean Miller 215, Clarence Stanley 213, Laura Williams 200, John Park 197, Nellie Blum 185, Verna Dowdall 171. Tuesday Juniors - Richard beBrouwer 184 - 310, . Mike Neil 167 - 307, Al Criig 157 - 308, Nancy Van Genf' 183 - 305, Jeff Nevin 153 - 302, Paul Van Geel 173, Diane Watt 147, Dennis MacDonald 137, Vicky Hyde 134. Colleen's • Nancy Lawrence 246 - 638, Nancy Densmore 252 - 615, Tanny Vanderhoeck 228 - 602, Debbie Arnold 295, Marie Sockett 228, Anne Jones 226, Mary Van Geel X22Marg Carroll 218, Maureen Craig 209, Angeline DeBrouwer 208, Joanne Molenkamp 203. Wednesday juniors - Lisa VanGeel 1490 - 267, Michael Cannon 130 - 239, Rod Johnson 130 - 218, Todd Hayter 130 • 205, Brian Roe 110, Jeff Gwalchmai 107, Vicki MacDonald 105, Sandy Hyde 100. Wednesday Mixed - Bill Bannerman 258 - 727, Bob Smith 260- 721, Glen Rollings 271 - 712, Ward Ellyatt 248 - 686 "Lorna Ellyatt 260 • 685, Jeff Park 282 - 682, Wayne Smith 259 - 645, Vic Capitano 237 - 633, Janice Abram 282 - 628, Brenda Scott 258 - 627, ;holly Elson 245 - 820; Dave Mawdsley 257 - 614, Alex llyile 228-600,11uss Smith 236. Thursday men - Wayne Smith 390,283, 261 - 934, Jim Hearn 289 - 750, Larry DeCaluwe 250 - 717, Don Watt 260 - 703, Ron Culbert 325 - 70q, Jeff Park 251 - 697, Art Hodgins 277 -°695, Bob Smith - 270 --687, Pete VanGeel, 245 - 682, Jim Burt 285 • 671, Ward Ellyatt 251 -664, Bill Neil 273 - 661, Doug Cunningham 276, Lyle Beatson 263, Harold Mayo 255, Rick Rollings 253, Frank Hardy 251. been very successful; there are still- a few vacancies available. Please contact the convener, Lion Ron King at 227-4245. There has been a terrific -es the Lions Club douse-leagu' ockey each Saturday morni , with over 110 boys registered. Bring yor boy, out if he is not retistered. • Fourteen of the Lions club, in *inform, supported the blool donors' clinic, spon- sorec by the Lucan W.I. Moncay event Several. others were turns down because of colds, medicaion, etc., Thank you for your support. Memters will soon be conducting a blitz canvass of the villaga for the Canadian National Institute for- the Blind. The Lions are happy to report tlat 615,000 of the 1978 Fair proceeds has been - turned over to the Arena Fund. Congratulations on a very successttl Fair. Among those running in the election on NoVernbErfe for the Loncon-Middlesex Three area accidents Three accidents were investigated by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police in addition to a fatality which is detailed on the front page of this issue. Wednesday at 8.05 a.m. a parked and unattended vehicle owned by Louis Burrell, Denfield was struck by a vehicle driven by Philip Guest, Denfield while it was parked* on County road 22 half a kilometer south of Concession 16 in London township. Constable W.T Hodgins set damages at $500 • • •The .first of two mishaps Monday --occurred at 415 p.m. at the intersection of Highway 7 and County road 22. Involved were vehicles driven by Henry Thuss, R.R. 5 Parkhill and Anton War- chewski, London.ages were estimated at $3,300 by Constable G.N. Wilcox - • At 7.15 p.m. the same day a vehicle driven by Ronald Sydney Box, R.R. 3 Komoka was damaged to -the extent of $1.000 when it caught fire on Concession road B in London township. Constable Hodgins investigated. APPLES HARVEST SPECIAL High Quality Macintosh $6.95 bu. Bring your own cot?tainers CRUNICAN BROS. 1 1/2 miles south of Elginfield i Roman Catholic School Board is (Lion) Ted Giesen, RR 3 '- Good luck, Ted. JIM SIDDALL & SON LICENSED & INSURED TRUCKER • LIVESTOCK • GRAIN • FERTILIZER • FARM SUPPLIES � 4RKTON 229-6439 NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the Village of Lucan that whereas more candidates have been nominated td each of the following of- ficers than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held upon the dates and of the times and paces stated in this notice for the pur- pose of electing the holders of such offices. Offices) for which Poll to be held: Four Councillors Two Hydro Commissioners Advance Poll Date: November 4, 1978 location: Municipal Building, 161B Main Street Time: Advance Pool will be open from 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m' Regular Polls Date: November 13, 1978 Location: Municipal Building, 161B -Main Street Time: Regular Polls will be open from 11:00 a.m. until 800 p.m. • Proxy Applications A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of polling day to receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the polling subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. G1978.iven under my hand this 24th day of Qctober, Returning Officer • E.J. Melonson TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH Take notice that the Council of the Township of Biddulph has passed By- law no'21.1978 for the submission to a vote bf a question under the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act 1977 to the qualified electors in the municipality. The following question in ballot form will be available for a "yes" or "no" answer. "Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under a dining lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises where food is available." The vote shall be taken on the same day, in the same manner and at the same polling places as the Municipal Election 1978. An advance poll will be held on Saturday, November 4 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polling day' will be Monday, November 13 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Austin Hodgins Clerk Twp, of Biddulph WASTE CONTAINER SERVICE FOR Exeter, Hensall,, Grand Bend, Parkhill a ' areas within H: Lewis (Lucan)Ltd. LORAY'S Tack and Harness Shop is having its first annual - sale starting Oct. 14 - NOV: 5 L i Fantastic savings of up to 50% on boots, hats-, shirts, grooming supplies and pony harness Winter blankets 7 20 % off . All saddles 15% off Blankets, pads, feed tubs - ond bridles also on sale. This is super sale you won't wont to miss Shop open daily except Tues. 1 1 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Phone 227-4172 NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Elec- tors of the Township of McGillivray in the County of Middlesex that whereas more can- didates have been nominated in each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held at the time and places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such of- fices. OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD Councillor (Three to be elected) , Trustee - Area No 2 London and Middlesex County. . Roman Catholic Separate School Board. (One to be elected.) ADVANCE POLL: DATE: November 4', 1978' LOCATION: Township Hall, West McGillivray POLLING HOURS: 9 o'clock a.m. until! 8 o'clock p.m. (for advance poll only) REGULAR POLLS: DATE:November 13, 1978 . LOCATION : Poll No. 1' Neal's Recreation Centre Lot 6, Concession 2 Poll No. 2 James Cunningham's Residence Lot 24, Concession 2 Poll No. 3 Brinsley Community Hall Lot 15, Concession 10 Poll No. 4 Bob Doerr's Residence Lot 17, Concession 7ECR Poll No. 5 Township Hall Lot 16 0cession 14 Poll No. 6 Clifford Ritchie's Residence Lot 10, Concession 7WCR Poll No. 7 Corbett Community Hall Lot 35, Concession N.B. All polls will be open from 11 o'clock a.m. un- til 8 o'clock p.m. PROXY APPLICATIONS: A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply ,to the Clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day, November 13, 1978, to receive a certificate to vote by proxly for the polling sub -division in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. Given under my hand this 24th day of October, 1978, • W. J. Amos, Returning Officer