HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-26, Page 14 (2)•
Page 14 . Times-AdYQe_at4. October 26, 1978
and district news
Mts. Hilda Payne. Phone 262-5018
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
Rummage sale iscancelled
Naiiewinners at euchre
A successful dessert
• euchre was held by the
. Hensall Women's Institute
on Wednesday afternoon.
Membersrfrom neighbouring
'Institutes were guests and
. helped to make it the success
it was.
-Prize winners were • ladies
high; MA: Mary. Kooy..
._Centralia; ladies low, Mrs.
Jessie McAllistter., Hensall:
tone -hands. Mrs. Ethel
Schroeder. Exeter' lucky
,chair, Mrs' Mable Munn,
Hensall; draw, Canned ham.
Mrs. Leita Taylor,. Dash-
wood; basket of apples\Mrs
Martha Weigand, Dashwood.
To conclude. -Happy' • Bir-
thday" was sung intionour of
Mrs Verna Hicks of Cen-
No rummage sale
The Hensalt and District
Kinettes• met for their
October meeting; on Wed-
• nesday with all members
present_ The meeting was
electricity. atomic power.
all forms of energy that
guide and govern the un-
.•iverse •l')r Ralpii Topp was
,at the organ and Mrs
Marianne McCaffrey and
Mr. Donald McCaffrey sang
a duet. "Sun of my soul-
oul 'giving an added lift to the
Rev. A. Young a1 Goderich
conducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on
Sunday. MissSylvia Bell was
guest soloist. accompanying
on guitar and sang ':.Try A
Little Kindness" *Mrs
Robert Taylor presided at
the organ. The service next
• Sunday will be at 10.15
standard time. The Ladies'
Aid will hold their annual
Bazaar on Saturday
November 4 at 3 p.m
Attend Presbyterian
Attending the Haron-
Perth Presbyterial ;:t
Chiselhurst last Tuesday
October -17 Were \irs
Shirley \icAllister Mrs
held at the -home of Mrs . Jessie McAllister. \irs
ponna St. John who led in the . Dorothy \tickle. Mrs Pear:
Erratt and Rev T Garnett.
.Husser. from Hensa11'
4-H clubs meet
i he Cookie Monsters.
Hensall 41-1-1 club 1 met in the
Hensall United ('hurch for
their third meeting on Tues-
day. Assembling in the
kitchen. they made plain and
Kinette Song It was decided
not to hold'a Fall Rum �nage
Sale as there are so�ew
memberts Plans for t e
upcoming Christmas season
were discussed and it was
decided to hold the next
meeting 'on November 11
Hostess Mrs. Donna Sc- John,
served• coftee and l0nch to
close the evening
Will have Halloween party
The Granola Bar Maids.
Hensall 4H club•No. 3 held -
the;r .fifth,, tneeting . or.
Monday evening. October 23.
at the home of Betty Beer .
They made Superior Steak.
Pink • 1.'elvgt: and Maple
Treasure. .Then they com-'�
pleted lesson five in their
books and decided to hold the
next meeting at the -Chalet on
Saturday. October28 at 10.30
- a.m. This meeting will take
the form of a Hallowe'en
The Power °IGO
Rev • Garnett Husser
conducted the service at
Hensall United Church on
Sunday. preaching from the
subject. How great Thou
art' . pointing out that God
• expresses Himself through
the powers we enjoji today.
Lawrence are Jeff Coldwei! C
t ' ^,q r V^ J ... 'a^...
Many r. ,• ins
E,e.. ., re sun,..,.. ,, s dry'
"0MECTE .,N, nr,,.P
Small Engine Repair
107 Oueen St Hensoil
y,,.,• HOMELITE rioc0er for
So ,•h Nuro^ North
M •,ire!Ptey
wjH',It-eertll bt (t111' \ext.
thus- worked to their hooks
anti then dt. cusSelf what wa•4•-
1u bs' made tor the next
meeting Judy Ferguson
reEad the minutes and
eve'ttpprm•ed Leader.
\Ir• I ,•.• -. enkorn. gave in-
for hornetwork
• ne'dNihat hooks
tvt)tl t tlr' checkrif`ne t
week The meeting adiourn-
ed Im r.II}t!on trorn Sandra
\:xr til
Bonsai' 4-11 club 2 met at
the < t : e } lie They made
tea bl; ring ; nd tt•heat-Merril
1' -eu1!• rid then the
n;ee';nt u;c: rpened by all
repcetane the i'1erigt• and
then doing lesson 3 When ,Ill
ha) cottlpleIed Ihi the
n evttng ‘vas ad't;urned
The Granola Bar \laids
Hensall 411 club :3 'net 1•r
Monday eyt•nine at the
h•atne of .till and llohan
51. Lt,,1an • where thr(
tn.ute wheatgernt hiscu:r-
an.f. cheese :ani) bacon ..
1-.(•ll'.t: and .. '1 ....
and mushroom lai':'a r
\li t tine 4 w::: ('eJ•,1,In•.,.(i ,n
Sales active
.Th.. Hnmall sale: Barn
ttas again active last week
with higher pJtces :and sales
-being mainly in heifers anti
-tear' Fat cattle. steers
�ti t 5o-370 TO. sales to $72 75:
heifers. St;l 50-S6R (10. sales
to $68.75. nags. $35 00-$51:100
To aid elderly or disabled
Homemakers addingnew services
The Town and Country Country Homemakers and
Homemakers Service now in fees are charged based on
full -swing and serving all of one's ability to pay.
Huron County, is adding Housecleaners, weekly or
several Home Support heavy duty, are available to
Services to its operation. everyone: t'he elderly.
Now available to, lend a physically handicapped and
helping hand to eglderly or working family. Duties
disabled persons Who wish to would involve weekly
continue Jiving At home cleaning,. dusting and
despite difficulties ir.vacuuming or more involved
keeping up with home housecleaning as required.
maintenance is a handyman Charges would be based on'
service. Handymen will the degree of cleaning and
perform heavy duty tasks. the ability to pay. To\t•n and
which are normally per- Country Homemakers is
tormeit--by-- -the - a-verage----presently_tooking for persons
physically able homeowner interested.in housecleaning,
ranging from digging flower weekly light or heavy duty.
beds, lawn cutting, raking A. sitting service is
4. leaves, t ' ptjtting on or
• taking off storm windows,
window.'"Q eaning, minor
repAirs or home im-
provements,. • painting,
cleaning eave troughs, snow -
shovelling or perhaps even
Abiding a ramp or rail fir a
,homebound person.
Also available now are
live-in .companions for the
elderly who would fill in
during the •absence of the
usual attending relative or
other crisis situations or
simply for those who live
alone. The live-in companion
is a protective person for the
client, preparing meals,
shopping, helping with
personal care, doing light
housekeeping and laundry
and accompanying the client,
to necessary business, etc.
- Referrals for this service are
made through the Town and
THE WONDER OF IT ALL One of the many very interested
>pectators at a puppet show held Saturday by the Huron
•County •Library at the • Hay township hall was Kelly
londsbergen, 2, daughter of Ted and Hilda londsbergen of
'RR 2 Zurich. • Staff photo
About people you know
Sirs Edgar' • Munn Mr. Ed Corbett had the
returned home after spen- misfortune to slip while
ding a tew bays with Mr. & working on his fat`m. He cut
Mrs. Don Gooding and Dale his leg and was attended at
in Parkhill. South Huron Hospital-,
Sir Walker C2rlfle who Exeter, where several
bas been a patient in St. stitches were required to
. Jce eph s Hospital. London close the wound.
tollowi rig major surgery . Mrs.. Harold Parker spent
returned to his .home last a few days visiting with her
week son -in -law -and daughter M -r.
Sirs. Bertha MacGregor & Mrs. Don Dalton and Carla
returned home after sten- at Seaforth.
ding the past two weeks with blrs. Helen Thompsontaken. of
':er son and daugahter-in- Toronto . up
law Sir '& Mrs. Don,residence in her dwelling on
SI ac Laren. Jodi and Mill street.
Brooke in Oakville. - Mr. & Mrs. Don Sharpe of
Mr Bert Horton and Mrs. Morrin, Alberta. visited last
Harold Parker returned
home from a moose -hunting
trip to Thunder Bay.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Pepper
attended church in Corrunna-
on Sunday and visited with
Rev & Mrs Don•Beck
•' n. , ' ' l ss
• e , , .t. l
J111,`• ,,..
week with their cousin's Mr.
& Mrs. Hugh McEwen.
Mrs. Terry Gregson of
Niagara Falls spent a few
days last Week with her
parents Mr. &-Mrs. Hugh
Pe?, ,tration fcr the Hensall Cub Pock 'was held Thursday night. Signing in with leader Gory•
: ber Joy Caers a^d Robbie Taylo• •
Tuckersmith drains is discussed,
learn of Vanastra -hydro cutoff
Richard Kootstra and
Mrs Roberta Plumsteel
hath of RR 5. Clinton
attended Tuckersmith
township council meeting
Tuesday night to discuss the
engineers report on the
O'Brien Drainage works for .
repair of P. section with
Henry 1derstadt engineer
of Orangeville and
members of council -
The report was accepted.
subject to some minor ad-
justments Court of recision
will he held Noyernher 21 ;0
R 15 p m. -
The cost of the 1:900 lineal
feet of closed dram has been
estimated -by the engineer to
cost about 59.300
Hensall council extended
an invitation to Tuckersrmth
16 attend the opening
ceremonies dor the .newt•
constructed Hensall and
District ('rimmunity (:entre.
Wednesday, N-ovember 1. at
7 30pm'
An application for a
building permit was ap•
proved for Riemv Van Loon.
Lot 5 concession 9 Huron
Road survey for a barn silo
and two manure pits.
"In the heart of downtown Varna"
• Vacuum Cleaners - Sales & Service
of most makes
• CB Radios & Accessories
• Speed Queen Appliances
• Moffat Appliances
• Smoke Sensors
• Insect Lights & Fly Killing Units
• Handcrafted Gifts
Phone 482-7103
to council in-
,..• are 53 4-11
•I: 1;'r� ,r the township
hate completed pro-
trnvnship gives
:mall nulne'tary
Huron County Health Unit
gave council the go-ahead to
have another property. with
an absentee landlord.. clean-
ed up ;it Vanastra The gar-
bage on the site is con-
sidered a health hazard
Bank announces
first draw winners
from the
F;.:el el PC. ,n+ 1' ++f the Bank
of \lontrPal announced to-
nal that. 22 hank custonIcN
in Ontario were wrnner�' ad
e1 ono each In the interim
(frau of the hanki.s contest
for personal sayings and
chequmg depositors There
are 50 interim draw winners
from }across Canada
The contest features a
$150.00(1 ¢rand prize 10
prizes of S5.000 and 100
prow of $1 .000 The major
.awards and the remaining 50
prizes of $1.000 will he
drawn at the end 01 -the !lin-
test November 17
The eons') er reserves
one fn4 v for each S50
deposit in either new 01 ex-
isting accounts with a nrax-
irnum of 100 entries per
customer A unique feature
of the contest. available only
• to winners allows them -to
deposit their prizes iii -
special (Donnie •Your
\lonev Savings Cer-
tificates- and double their
winnings in six tears
Donald F. McLean. Vice-
I'resident. Personal
Deposits and Loans. mid
this year's savings incentive
program is as popular as the
hank's Dream Draw contest
last year which was a first in
Canadian banking history
We feel very confident that
customers enthusiasm
about our unique approach
savings will grow even
'trtmger over the remaining
weeks 01 the contest ..
Interim drew winners in
Ontario were \irs \1 Bain.
West Guildford Helena
Hardt-. Perth. Mr .ldelard
Dube • Tecumseh. Mr• Y'
Scott \filler. Siineoe: Mrs
Beryl i)ernpsey. Guelph:
\irs Parn Allan Guelph:.
Boss McLellan- Sarnia.
\1 r- ('lance Stafford.
-1 \inlet Mrs Elsie -Irvin.
(Dungannon.' Mr Garth
Mc(;inn!f. Thunder Bat'.
Mr • .fames Scott. Foxboro.
Mr C 1 Woolley. Ottawa
Nicholas Patatio..ORawa.
Mr S Barr. Mississauga .
Mil' Spiros Psom(s. Toron-
to. Mt Bill Coristine.
Toronto. Daivta Dalinda.
Toronto Mrs Martha
Visocchi klartillton. Mr. K
('hilli,ps._ Hamilton.
Christine Betts. Aurora.
Elainl Tacener. Brampton
(;.\i :\1hsiin. Deep River
T -A photo
Clerk Jack McLachlan dis-
cussed with council a
problem in the•apartment
buildings in the James
Queen subdivision at
Vanastra where the hydro
has been strut off due to a
S5r.000 debt in back payments
on the.hydro bills. There are
12 families living there.
some with small children. •
Among those trying to find
a.solution to the problem are
the Huron Health Unit.. the
Community Resource Cen-
tre at Vanastra, and both
provincial and federal
members of parliament
The property is reported
to be in the process of chang-
ing hands The tenents have
been given notice to vacate
the apartments. but most
have made no 'effort to
move Some reportedly owe
hack rent
All members of council in-
dicated they would seek re-
election. except councillor
Robert Drummond who has
moved from the township to
Could be
in rabies
available for families in a
crisis. • This provides
emergency care for a family
when mother is suddenly
absent or ill and there is no
one to care for young
children for a short period of
Rabies may increase
above normal levels in parts
of southern Ontar o in the
coming months. Natural
Resources Minister James
A.C.•• Auld said the 1978-79
season is the tenth year
since the disease .last oc=
carred. and there was a
major outbreak befo that
in 1958-59: .
"If this 10-vr cycle
recurs. a pea can be ex-
pected tand winter."
Mr. Auldsaid.
Outbreaks of rabies have
already. eccgrred in _Bruce..
Carleton. Frontenac. Grey.
'Lanark. Leeds. Lincolh'and ,
- Renfrew Counties. ,with red
fox and striped skunk being •
the major carriers.
The minister said that
rabid.animals are frequently
unusually tame. and any
. wild animal whose behavior
seems unusual should be
avoided. - _
Hesaid that his wildlife
biologists advise that if.
rabies is suspected. contact
should be avoided even if the
animal is dead'.
"Howe'er. if a sportsman
does contact rabies. either
through his own dog or by
direct contact with a rabid
fox or skunk. a physician or
veterinarian should be
notified immediately." Mr
Auld added.
is organizing
Mon. Afternoon
Ladies Curling
If interested please call
Eileen Ronnie
PHO E 237-3527
time. This includes parents Friendly visiting and
on vacation. volunteer drivers is another
A sitter service for the strrvice being established. A
elderly is available during regular social visit, in person
the absence of the usual or by telephone, a neigh--
eigh-attending person. hourly assist with, grocery
Home -living for seniors is shopping or transportation to
a service for elderly persons the doctor ... these can go a
who cannot live alone and for long way toward relieving
widows and couples with some of the loneliness,
grown children who would isolation and burdens of old
provide a home to.either a age. The Homemakers
man or woman over 60 who agency it looking for
do not require personal care volunteers to provide this
but who could have full service eitttr Singly or a
hoard or kitchen privileges. group effort. -
Every •ef tort_ would be made Another service is that of a
to arrange a compatible Hairdresser -barber who will -
match beteeen client and travel to the.homes to do hair
home giver for people who are
Friendly visiting and homebound for some reason.
volunteer drivers is another Anyone interested in a.
service, being established. A position with any of these
regular social visit, in person services or wanting further
or by telephone, a neigh- information. of the services,
hourly assist with grocery please contact Mrs.
shopping Katherine Nivins at 357-3222.
to read this advertisement.
Did you miss purchasing
your appliance before the
tax increase.
and better still look of the low
discount prices that are in effect at
Drysdale's. a -
'on any new
- appliance pur-
chased from
now to Novem-
\ ber 4th t18
Check the following Sale Prices
GE Automatic Washers
GE Automatic Dryers
Frost Free Fridges
30" Electric Ranges
Automatic Dishwashers
from 369 with *rode
from 27995 with,trode
from 45495 witfi trade
from 36995 with trade
from 26995 with trade
OVER 235
Most colours - most sizes all in stock -
stoves, fridges, washers, dryers, freezers', built in
ovens, dishwashers etc. all in stock. •
We do our own service on all units (except Hotpoint)
7-1'2-15-18-22-27- cu ft freezers in stock
20 " GE Colour T.V. 3 year warantee 48995
Smoke Alarm from s1388 comp with battery
STEAM CIE AN YOUR (iv... Rulis
Rent a T,ewa. HVd•o M.st a.
Steam Carpet Chan., -
Se/,r and etonnm -
As easy ce use as a
vacuum Leann,
Book NOW
HENSALL, Ontario
Old Country Roses
Centennial Rose
Chelsea Gardens
Remember Me
Victorian° Rose
Tay San
Open Stock and 5 pc. place settings
Closed Mondays