HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-19, Page 25 (2)Ministry suggests master study of programs Physical fitness classes organized by resort rec committee Residents of Grand Bend and area have the opportuni- ty to participate in physical fitness programs thanks to the Grand Bend Recreation Committee. Councillor Keith Craw- ford, a member of the rec group told the T -A Monday that fitness classes will be held in the downstairs of the village hall each Wednesday NOTICE Preliminary List, 1978, of the Village of Grand Bend. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 23 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, and that I have posted up at my office at Municipal Office, P.U.C. and Post Office on the 12th day of October, 1978, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elections, and that such lists remain there for- inspection and I hereby call uporl all electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors` or emission's corrected according to law. Complaints will be received from October 23 to October 27, 1978. The place at which the revision will commence is the clerk's of-' fice. The time at which the revision will com- mence is October,30, 1978 dated this 12th day of October, 1-978. Louise Clipperton, Clerk VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Village of Grand Bend that in Compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, Chapter 62, the period for nominations in the Village of Grand Bend. From 9 A.M. MONDAY, OCT. 16, 1978 To 5 P.M. MONDAY, OCT. 23, 1978 at the office of the Clerk of the Village of Grand Bend, during regular office hours, for the purpose of nominating persons who are qualified to hold office. REEVE - One to be elected DEPUTY -REEVE - One to be elected COUNCILLORS - Three to be elected PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - Two to be elected AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where the number of candidates for an office who are nominated at the end of nomination day is not suf- ficient to fill the number of vacancies to which the candidates may be elected, on the Wednesdoy, following nomination day, OCTOBER 25, 1978, the clerk may, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect of which there was an insufficient number of candidates. Grond Bend, Ont. October 12, 1978 LOUISE CLIPPERTON Clerk VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND NOTICE OF POSTING Preliminary List of Electors for 1978 School Support List for 1979 faxes The preliminary list 9f electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act 1977 will be publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk on the 13th day of Oc- tober, 1978. Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. Complaints in the nature of requests for ad- ditions or corrections to or deletions from the •list may be niade by an elector com- pleting and filing "o form obtainable at the Office of the Clerk. The School Support list is also available for inspection. The last day for filing forms requesting ad- ditions, corrections or deletions for either list is the.27th day of October, 1978. Louise Clipperton Clerk -Treasurer NOTE: Any person mqy inquire by contacting the Municipal Office at 238-8461 night from 7 to 9 p.m and Saturday mornings from 10 a m. to 12 noon. There is no charge for par- ticipation and Crawford and other members of the com- mittee will be handling the instruction. r • • Some exercise and weight lifting equipment is already in the hall and additional equipment is expected Howard Hartle is chair- man of the Grand Bend and area recreation committee Other members are Pauline Lingard, Harold Green. Keith Crawford :1larilyn Martens. John Merkies and Sid Homan Robert Collins and man Bailey of the Ontario Ministry of Recreation and Culture were in attendance WELCOME TO BAZAAR — 'The welcoming and admission committee at Saturday's Huron Country Playhouse Guild was from the left Melva Ecker, Val Burke and Helen Douglas. About people you know Eighteen from the Church of God attended the Ontario- fall missionary retreat held Saturday at Thamesford. Guest speaker was Rev. R. Simpson of Grand Cove Estates on the topic, "needs of the world." Around 90 attended the Progressive euchre party held Thursday night in the .Anglican Parish -. hall sponsored by the church ladies groupwith 20 tables in play. Winners were lady high, Inge Bolek; lady low, Pat Young; men high, Mickey .Webb; men low, Tony Bolek; most lone hands, 3 ties, Velma Huff, Grace Taylor and Earl Herst. Lucky draw prizes were won by Susan Baumgartner, Inga Bolek, Ian Urquhart and Vivian Pt Obert.. Church of God Church of God ladies held their October meeting, Thursday evening in the S.S. rooms, with visitors from Calgary and Michigan. Roll Call was a memorized verse of scripture. Dorothy MacGregor led the worship service and Janet Desjardine gave a study talk on "Using our tongues wisely". Katie Vincent presided for business and also was lunch hostess. It was decided to send the offering money from the Thanksgiving ecumenical to World vision. At the Sunday evening service at Church of God the ladies led the worship ser- vice, conducted b Milli Desjardine. Rev. n Campbell showed color slides of Japan. United church news Twenty-seven ladies met Thursday • afternoon at the United church manse for the UCW October meeting. We opened by all repeating the UCW Purpose, and a hymn sing. The worship service was on a Thanksgiving theme, conducted by Jeanne Kading and Mabel Gill, and they read meditation scriptures alternately followed by a "Thanksgiving" reading. A solo "Thank you God" was sung by Marlene Brenner with all joining in the chorus. Roll.call was answerled by a verse from the Upper room.' Continuing the study of the Caribbean Crescent, Millie Desjardine showed color slides and commentary of a visit there. We saw pictures of Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados but' mostly of Grenada where she had spent her holiday. It is mountainous country, many trees, bush vegetation, beautiful flowers and is known as the island of spices. Roads are very narrow There are no machines and natives hammer rocks to make gravel. There is good fishing and it is noted to have the most beautiful beach in the world. A record of native music was played featuring steel drums. She showed us souvenirs of baskets and broom made by natives. President Eleanor Durie presided for the business. Discussion was on the annual upcoming hot turkey supper to be held on November 8. An invitation was read inviting us to Greenway Anglican fall bazaar and tea on October 25 at 8:30 p.m. Lunch hostesses were Lenora Orr and Ruth Hen- drick. Grand Bend bowling at the Village Inn is a fast growing recreation. Twenty four young children bowled Saturday morning, some for the first time. Scores as follows: 5 year old Billy Jennison, 29: 7 year old Tod Hayter, 60; 8 year old Bonnie Turnbull, 70; 9 year old Jeff Hayter, 175; 10 year old Ivan Chap- delaine, 133; 11 year old Richard Brown, 158; 12 year old Mark Roogeman, 142. Bowling hostess Sandy Brewer reports more than a 100 percent increase in numberof bowlers this year. She had high praise for the good behaviour oftheseyoung children with thanks to Phyllis Jeffrey for helping with them. Personals Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Adams and Mrs. Susie Devine visited Saturday in St. Thomas with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Baker and in London with Mrs. Devine's grand- daughter and great grand- children, Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Scrimegour, Angela and, Jeff. Mr. & Mrs. Bob McDonald, Edmonton, Alberta have been visiting the last 10 days with the .latter:s mother, Mrs. Rosie Grigg. Visitors during the weekend with Mrs. . Alex Hamilton were Barry 'and Debbie Hamilton of Ottawa, Brad and Brent Hamilton. PUTCO makes Running Boards, not steps. 4,(1 ftlII11 ^p r„a•.,. r • n..•n• rn•s i,..e.m.a c•�.f,. In w ,p..r .,pn.•, ' . tw^ ' - . er,nr •, .rT„ar sr... r ninny M.'.d e..r.. n ••pit a•a^'. ♦ r-., . am..1.^rMr �.•a,r,.N .. . ..rn %VI r11rant. UA q•,•.^ . t n•r ,�'^Mna1•r r r't Protect Your Investment Will Not Corrode Like Aluminum Stronger Than Aluminum Chrome Plated Finish Your Dealers "Convenience Built In” ors R &R DISTRIBUTORS RAY IANO RR 06 Sr Mays Ono ]]06112 NOM WO Rooter Rumour 22114734 Barry and Debbie visited their father and grandfather, Alex Hamilton at Victoria hospital. Mrs. Loretta Williams, Port Huron visited this week with Mrs. Susie Devine. Marg Love, Marge Mason, Eleanor Durie, Irene Ken- nedy, Eva Bariteau and Annie Morenz attended a UC Si' executive meeting Tuesday afternoon. - Mrs. Susie Devine was a Thanksgiving dinnear guest at her son's home. Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Devine Alex Hamilton returned home Monday from Victoria hospital, London where he has been for two weeks. Weekly bowling scores Monday afternoon "Cove, Town, and Country. ladies' • high single Elva Wainer. 177. Wednesday evening ladies group "The Hopefuls" high single 303, Louise Van- denberk; high triple 686, Louise Vandenberk. Thursday evening "Blue Water league" high single 209, Ervin Gingerich at the October meeting along with village reeve Bob Shaven During the swim program relicf•rt Mrs Lingard suggested the committee should establish a salary and guarantee -an approximate salary for each. person employed as ari instructor. She said if a grant is re- quested from the Ministry of Culture then that body sets the wages. Allan Bailey wanted to stress haw irnportant the Ontario Municipal Recrea- tion Associatiqn is to recrea- tion Committee. By atten- ding the meetings. recrea- tion members can. talk to other. peoplrwho have done a similar project or ask questions at the time of the meetings instead of having a representative come to all the meetings in the various areas lie felt it is very beneficial for anyone who can attend the meetings. Bob Collins explained to the committee that a master study should be done of all the activities available in Grand Bend and area. The study should include what ,.---activities are available for children t0-14 yrs. of age. youth (15-18 yrs. of age I. adult 119-60 urs. of age). and senior citizens 160 .yrs of. ageand up i. number of peo- ple involved in each activity. sex of people. location of ac- tivities. what season activi- ty is held. and times and dates of each activity Chairman Howard Hartle .asked that sub -committees of the recreation committee he set up to acquire necessary information by the regular meeting in November Each sub- committee consisting of two rrtemhers each should ac- quire the information and turn into the Clerk's Office for photocopying by October 31 The sub -committees were set up as follows: Children - J'auline Lingard and Howard Hartle: Youth - Marilvn Martens and Harold Green. Adult - Keith Craw- ford. Senior Citizens - Sid Homan and John Merkies .John Merkies said he would like to see a sign posted at the parkette area where the creative playground has .been erected He would like the sign t11 say that this playground has been spon- • See our new large Decorator Portrait. • Your complete satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. CHOOSE FROM OUR NEW AND EXCITING SELECTION OF BACKGROUNDS, AND CREATE YOUR OWN SPECIAL PORTRAIT No obligation to buy additional portraits Oct., Thurs. 26, Fri. 27, Sat. 28 Thurs., Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5 $ctlIE.P$LA$1G1 Exeter, Ont.. "SOMETH NG NEW .. . STEDMANS PORTRAITS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING " One sitting per subject --- S 1 per subject for additional subjects. groups. or Individt.als in the sante family Persons under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Bored by the Grand Bend & Area Recreation Com- mittee. Mr Merkles ai4_said-he **would -like to see for next year. more picnic tables and barbecues set up at the area so there would be more for the adults to do while their children played on the playground equipment Mr Hartle said they would talk to the village foreman and request this for next summer Tin},Ak-Ad`voCote, October 19, 1978 Page 25 ...4•441 COMPLETE *jib COVERAGE FOR 4k 0444* ' Horse ' Fatm y � Conimlifeerctal 4. ' Automobile Registered Retirement Plans CONTACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Across born Savew'oy Lumber Business Directory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN 1. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lone STRATHROY Telephone 2451272 By appointment please People do read small ads. You are. 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Broderick Walwyn Stodgell Cochran Murray Limited ' 383 Richmond Street London Ontario N6A 3C4 672 5880 ,ITT (-:1H.11F:i. - lncome Tax ('entre 1nivitnn T,ix trf•f'untine h'nr I•'anner� A Ilii' n- min NInnlhly Uo.kkcersine 'Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Ryan 11 1 R R "3 Ftashwood Let Over 18,000 Readers Know You're In Business To Serve Them Phone 235.1331 NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO (519) 235-0101 1519! 227 4455 J.A. NORRIS, C.A. Manager: S W. HOMUTH, C.A. SUITE 200 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO 1519'673-1421 L.D GEE, C A GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 (:. H. NV ARI) 2'1 .7{r cot/ (�/tarrec,J .7{r rc,uriltrnls 476 Main St., South Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner Manager A.W. Read, C.A J.S. McNeilly, C.A. Home Telephone Home Telephone 2388075 235.1734 '-RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St, Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 CLEANING & REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY — DRAPERY — CARPET Estimates and Pre -inspection No Charge Call 235-1457 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street. Exeter 235-1535 8s Arpo,ntmenrpo• E.e,,,"o G. RANDALL PAUL Adminisfro1ive Services MAIN ST IUCAN PHONE 327-4462 & 227-4463 6 .I ORE1'II T. 13 A IH I. I N( (-P.Ii TiFIP.t) OK'ERAI, AI'r'Ot'NTANT TEI.r ere -,nn -can■ 1UE 01.D TOWN RAI.I- naa MAIN ATREET I ET6R, ONTARIO NOM ISO Jrniie (rr'r)yr inisetnn1Y c- 147 Main Strbet, 5 P O Box 1600 Exeter, Ontario, NOM 150 Telephone 15191 2352211