HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-19, Page 23 (2)A VIOLET DISPLAY — A wide variety of exhibitors featured Saturday's craft show at the Lucan arena. Shbwn with her display of•African violets is Gayle Decaluwe, RR 2, Lucan. ° T -A photo HOT TURKEY SUPPER HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCAN Wed., Oct. 25 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Adults $4.00 Children under 12 $2:00 CWL plans mini -bazaar The ladies of St. Patrick's Catholic Women's held their monthly meeting Tuesday evening, October 10, opening with the League prayer. , Further plans were discussed...for the Mini - Bazaar, Sunday, November 26 in the school gym following the 11 a.m. service. A living Rosary is planned for Sunday, October 29 at 7 p.m. - The guest speaker for the evening was Father Rudi Hogervorst. Father is working in the missions in Chile and he showed slides followed by a discussion period, which were much enjoyed by all. APPLES -j HARVEST SPECIAL eir High Quality Macintosh $6.95 bu. Bring your own containers CRUNICAN BROS. , 1 1/2 miles south of Elginfield • Lucan Travel -- 4141', 01 RI11 11 ( 4% (1% 4RI() 4/1141 2111 Pf40141 :2- 4,141 NOW OPEN Book your winter vacations Now OPEN Mon., Tues., Thurs., 9-5 Wed., and Fri., 9-7:30 and Sat 10-4 OPERATED BY DEBBIE LOYENS AND CHRIS DIETRICH LORAY'S Tack and Harness Shop is having its first annual sale starting Oct. 14 - Nov. 5 Fantastic savings of up to 50% on boots, hats, shirts, grooming supplies and pony harness Winter blankets 20% off All saddles 15 % off Blankets, pads,' feed tubs and bridles also on sale This is a super sale you won't wont to miss Shop open daily except Tues. 11 a.m: to 8 p.m. Phone 227-4172 ori 4 Lucan 'and district news Damage amounts to $10,000 Accident kills cattle beast One of five accidents in- vestigated this week by officers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police caused damages of $10,000. It occurred Tuesday at 2.15 a.m. when a tractor -trailer jacknifed on County road 16, east of Bryanston after striking a cattle beast. The truck was driven by Everett Van Arkel, St. Marys. The animal which was killed was valued at $600. It was owned by John Elliott. Constable Jim Craig investigated. Two Wednesday accidents occurred within five minutes of each other. The first at 8.15 a.m. was in- vestigated by Constable Craig when a vehicle driven by David Lee, R.R. 2 Clarksburg left old Highway 7 near Prospect Hill and rolled over. Damages' were set at $1,000. At 8.20 a.m. the same day vehicles driven by- Jack Arenthals, R.R. 1 Lucan and Robert Alkema. Orillia collided on Highway 4, just north of Birr. No one was injured and Constable W.R. Disher listed damages at $900. Sunday two cars were damaged when they were struck by a table which fell from a truck being driven along highway 4, one .kilometer north of Con- cession 14-15 . in London township. - The truck was driven by Currie Joudrey, London and Darryl' McComb, R.R. 3 Lucan and John Bell, H.R. 1 Nottawa were the automobile drivers. Con- stable D.R. Vance estimated damages at $980. The fifth investigation started Monday but was the result of an accident on the Roman Line near Lucan on Blood donor clinic inset The Lucan Women's Institute is sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Donors' Clinic in the Lucan Arena Monday evening, October 23, from 6:30 to 9. If you are under 65 and over 18, or over 16, ,with parental consent, have never had jaundice and have not contributed in the last three months, come along and share in this -"gift of life". Yours may bejust the type of blood that is greatly needed or it may be like most of us but still much needed to keep the supply up where it should be to handle any emergency which might arise. Pass the word over the weekend to everyone in the, area, so we will have an exceptional response for this community. Further information may be • obtained by calling. 227- 4632 Craft show c a, success The Lucan Community Centre was the stage for the 'second annual craft show held Saturday. Over one thousand people passed through the door to make it a big success. Stretch & Sew demonstra- tions were held hourly by Rose Davies of London. Fifty-one tables displayed everything you could possibly think of. • The •Lucan arena booster club sponsored the event. They had a draw of a ceramic Christmas tree which went to Gary McFalls. Maria Fevery won a spoon rack and Lucan spoon and the raggedy ann doll went to Alice Dewan. We would like to thank everybody for the help they gave. A dance following the craft show was put on by the .booster club. Music was by Gary Boyle and the Mystery Train. The Lucan Lions figure skating program started Saturday night with 34 girls signing up. Anyone in- terested please come up Thufaday night at 7 p.m. or call Ron King. October 8. James Toohey, H.H. 3 Lucan has been charged with failing to report an accident. His truck was damaged to the extent of $900 when it hit a tree. Constable Vance was the investigating- officer. Police report vandalism continues at a high rate,. The latest has seven mail boxes detached or damaged in London township. Two St. Marys juveniles have been apprehended after several vehicles were "reported stolen in West NissDuri township. Constable G.N. Wilcox reports they will appear in°family court at a later date.. A student at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology has been charged with the theft of six pumpkins from Crunican's service station, south of Elginfield. - Local delegate at Cancer conference Education is everyone's business: a never-ending process of teaching and learning. About life„About love. About work", }About health. More than 300 men and women from across Ontario learned more about health and volunteer work in this field when they attended a two-day conference called '78 Education Update, held recently at the Prince Hotel in Toronto. Consisting primarily of workshops, the gathering of Election is apparent It appears as if the voters of the village of Lucan will be going to the polls on - November 13 to select a council for the next two years. Clerk Ed Me nson reported Wednesday or- ning that seven person ad filed nomination papas for the four councillor positions, Incumbent councillors Larry Notson, Gary McFalls, Norm Steeper and Harry Wraith .are being challenged by newcomers Pete Butler, Jim Robertson and John Forster. Present reeve Ivan Hearn is the only one to date who has been nominated for that position. No one has been nominated for the two seats on Lucan Hydro. Present members are Rudy Engel and Clifford Abbott. Any of those already filing nomination papers have until 5p.m. Monday, October 23 to withdraw if they so desire. An election if necessary will be held Monday t,November 13. MORE LUCAN NEWS ON PAGE 33 Education volunteers served many purposes. The volunteers received ad- ditional new material to the Society's `felly' and '4-6 Kit' programs as well as wit- nessing the debut of The Kit is guide to decision-making and health for grades 7-8).. They,, also participated in 'refresher courses' on the adult education programs for the Cancer Society along with tips on effective public speaking and a review of the use of film equipment. English and French editions of the revised Education Manual Were also distributed. Dr. Alan Bernstey,A .from 'the Division of Biological -Research at the Ontario Cancer Institute was one of the guest speakers. Dr. Bernstein outlined the variou9 aspects of cancer research and the progress being made in each. Another guest speaker was Rosanne Laflamme, once crowned Canada's Handicapped Athlete of the Year. Those in attendance were also treated to a unique magic show that in- corporated the Society's educational messages, and a fashion show with a twist — each volunteer modelled the costume of their District 15 different outfits representing the. whole of :Ontario. Attending the conference from this area was Mrs. E. Summers, Education Chairman for the r-- Biddulph branch. Mrs. Summers sai s "The workshops provided with answers to our qu-stions about the Society and our role as an Education volunteer. Listening tc speakers and participating in workshops enables us to keep in touch with what's happening In . the field of education ,and with one another". 1978 SCHOOL SUPPORT LIST TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY The School Support List 1978 prepared in accordance with Section 23 of The Assessment Act was public- ly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk, 171 King Street; Parkhill, on the 18th day of October, 1978, Persons should examine the list to en- sure that their names, school support, and relevant inforjnation are correct- ly shown. Applications for change of school support, additions or corrections to the School Support List, may be mode by completing and filing a form obtainable at the office of the Clerk during regular office hours from 9:00 a.rn. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. The last day for filing applications .concerning inclusions, additions, cor- rections or deletions FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1978 W.J. Amos, Cler Introduce new craft to senior citizens The highlight of the meeting of the Lucan senior citizens club, for the Busy Buddies group, was the new craft "Papier directed by Mrs. James Robb of Ilderton. The club met Thursday afternoon and the Sunshine group enjoyed their usual bridge and euchre games with prizes going as follows: Lady s high, Margaret Alan; lone hands, Mary Kooy; low, Angelide Scott; man's high, Rose Atkinson, playing a man's card; lone hands, Clarence Stanley; and low, ,Rheola Hotson, again playing a man's card. Bridge high score prize went to Birthday greetings were Gladys Atkinson. extended to Clare Lewis and During the business John Park read a lovely meeting chaired by the poem "Our Best". "president, Mrs. Tom Kooy a Lunch - was provided by committee was appointed to Lloyd and• Margaret Elliott, look after the refreshments Vina Emery and Elsie for the party on Wednesday Gibson. 1111.1 NW w evening and also one was named to convene the "in- door garage sale" and sale of home baking, Saturday, October 21,. from 10 to 3. The committee will receive articles for pricing from 7-9 on Friday evening, and baking by 9:30 Saturday morning. - The date for the tour to see the Simcoe lights was con- firmed for Thursday, December 7 and it was suggested that inquiries be made of the Granton group which is going to Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary lettr this month. BOOSTER ITEMS — he Lucan arena booster club sponsors of Saturdays craft show had a booth of their own. Display- ing the items for sale are Lois Hodgins and Dianne Flood. photo UCW learns about customs in Trinidad The Lucan United Church Women held .their general October "Thankoffering" meeting Tuesday evening in the.C. E. Wing. Mrs. Keith Brown, for the Friendship Unit. arranged a unique thought provoking worship service. the Caribbean version of "The Day They Sentenced God". and acted as the narrator. Others assisting were Mrs. Dale Froats, Mrs. Ross Holden. Mrs. Jack Ryan. rs John Ma onald. Mrs. John Forster. Ivan Hearn, Mrs. B. Hall and Mrs. M. H Hodgins, on loan from the Evening knit The president. Irs. David Park reported hi hlights of the September Middlesex Presbyterial meeting, and introduced Alf Williams who. as guest speaker, told the members and friends many interesting things about Trinidad under the headings of -geography, climate, population, politics, religion, social life, industry and - education. A question and answer period followed which was most interesting. Mrs. Jack Ryan conveyed the thanks of the group to Mr. Williams. The meeting was arranged by the program convener, Mrs. 'Ross McRoberts. Seasonal refreshments, pumpkin pie with ice cream, were served by members of the Evening Unit. Most of the business meeting was given over to planning the Snowflake Bazaar which will be held on Saturday, November 18 from 2 to 4. Several members signed up for various booths and Mrs. Emerson Stanley agreed to be the general convener. This is an ex- cellent opportunity to buy your Christmas gifts. 1978 PRELIMINARY UST OF ELECTORS ° TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY This preliminary list of all electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, was publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk, 171 King Street, Parkhill, on the 18th day of October, 1978. / Electors should examine the .list to en- sure that their names and relevant in- formation are correctly shown. Application for inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector by completing and filing a form ob- tainable at the office of the Clerk during regular office hours from 9:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. The last day for filing applications concerning inclusions, additions, cor- rections or deletions: FRIDAY, OCTOBER'27, 1978 W.J. Amos, Clerk Times -Advocate, October 19, 1978 Page 23 Notice PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS 1978 Village of Lucan • Notice is hereby given that I have complied with sec- tion 24 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, and that I hove posted up at the Municipal office 161b Main St., the Lucon Post•office, and Darlings IGA store, Lucan on the 19th day of October, 1978, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at the municipal election, and thot such lists remain there for inspection and I herd6), call upon all elec- tors to take immediate proceedings to hove any errors or omissions corrected according to law. Complaints' will be received at the municipal office from October 23rd to October 27th, 1978. The place at which the revision will commence is the clerk's office. The time at which the revision will commence is Oc- tober 30, 1978 dated this 19th day of October, 1978., " E.J Melonson Clerk Village of Lucon TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH ' Take notice that the Council of the Township of Biddulph has passed By- law no. 21.1978 for the submission to 'a vote of a question under the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act 1977 to the qualified electors in the municipality. ' The following question in ballot form will be available for a "yes" or "no" answer. "Are. you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under a dining. fourge �iicen a for consumption on licenstd prem strs where food is available." The vote shall be taken on the same day, in the -same manner and at the same polling places as the Municipal Election 1978. An advance- poll will be held ori Saturday, November 4 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polling day will be Monday, November 13 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Austin Hodgirii Clerk Twp. of Biddulph TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS FOR 1978 This Preliminary List of all Electors prepared as required by the Municipal elections Act 1977 was. Publicly Posted in the Office of the Municipal Clerk on the 20th day of October 1978. Electors should examine the list to en- sure that their names and relevant in- formation are correctly shown. Application for inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions from the list maybe made by an Elector by completing and filing a form ob- tainable at the Office of the Clerk. The last day for filing applications concerning inclusions, additions, cor- rections or deletions is October 27, 1978. Austin Hodgins Clerk