HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-12, Page 20 (2)111 Page 20 Times -Advocate, October 12, 1978 PIA�A CIASS!F1FJJ A) �uickix. EASI1L . JUSTPHONE • classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Euund 3 Situations W anted 4 Help \I anted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Sen ices ' I.-isestu:k • h 1 arm 'Machinery 9 Sports Equipment. % eh 11 ('Jr. Truck, 12 Pets 13 \lusical Instruments 14 Appliances, Telex Ision. 15 Penonel 16 I-orSole 17 1\ anted To Buy Ili N.anled 19 Property or Sale 20 Property I -or Ret 21 For Rent ? For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted 1s1 Rent 24 Property 11 luted 25 \otices 26 Legal \'bars 2' Tenders 1%.i'!:e 22h Auction Safes 1 Lost, Strayed STR \} LROM Lot i4. Concess!on v- l Shorne Town,b:a . .,ne• Wimp sow . Phone 229-',221 41• 2 Found U\t .fit \I 1 . •'lie dog. h'tick with brown ,pots ( .'liar hl.: no tag. Grant McLean Phone 262- 2625 after 6 p m 41c 3 Situations Wanted E)(PI-R11:\C1 D BABY- SITTER from Huroc Park 11 ill baby sit in ms horse Phone 22,- 6642 4: 42c SI\GLI: \I \\ 25. seeks (ern: job. 10 years experience :n heel cattle and cows \lust Ile in. nerd year round employment. Doe, some field work* Phone 294-6519 ,itter'y p m 41 42c N. ILL DO typing in ms home ....Pl1 ne 22h-6496 atter 6 r m 1' 1\ H -\T DO } 01 hese lu offer in full-time- office workEx- perienced In cier:cai .ill,: dal' Please pho:te 2 -sr,sr 4V HELP WANTED Die aintenance empl yee, kno ledge .of tool an die making and machine maintenance, com- pany paid benefits, 56.00-$7.50 per hr. to start depending on qualifications. Send resume to P.O. Bean 10, Dashwood, Ontario or Ph. 1- 237-3686 9-5. United Plastic .e Components Ltd. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Cehorges are based on the number of words Sets of numerols os far serol numbers street, numbers Phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words ;o'ned by hyphens count as .separate words • FIRST fNSERTtON 20 words S2 40,-9e per word !her...Ater SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS .- No copy changes. 7a pe word minimum Si 40 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -• S2 50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS —' S2 00 per column inch . Minimum size .n this category 1 't inches. Accepted an mur6pies o! holt inch t BOX NUMBERS to this office _ St 00 per insertion BIRTHS -- 20 words S2 00, 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES Engagements. Depth Notices. — 20 words S2 00. eoch additional word 8c IN MEMORIAMS -- S2.00 plus 12; per lane of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words S2 00. eoch additional word 8c Three insertions for the Ante of 2 CARDS OF THANKS -- 30'Words S2 00. 4a per word 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ods is 4 00 p m Tuesdays When possible late insertions will be inserted at on extra charge of S 1 00 Phone 235-1331 3 Situations Wanted \\ 11 i (3\Hl.l l n: n;\ home week dans (ail - 229-, Exeter 41 42' \\}()\F "1\ISH! s(i plan lessors Phone 11h-6546 40 41c MOTH/ R \I ILL habs,lt in own hone day time or esenlugs Phone 262-5505 40 41c \I ILL 1)0 hahy:itting in m, horse or child's home Phone 203s- 4041c 4 Help Wanted II \(I Sal D\ and inetn,',:. person. Jutomotrse ,uppiier un South 11 estern Ontario. Send resume to Exeter Times Ad- 'ocate. Box }'IP 40.41c ELECT.RIC \l .ippcenli:e or helper Flhofte 235-1-56 41 42c `TRI Ck DRL1 ER or night man on dryer .Ph,ontrA1 asneyl\ oxods, y4 h`'6 41c EXTRUDER OPERATOR Knowledge of P.V.C. & A.B.S. profile extrusions necessary, company paid benefits, 55.21- 56.71 per hr. to start depending quolificdtions. Send resume to P.O.'10, Box,Dashwood On- �torio orDPh. 10-237.3686 9-5. on United Plastic Components Ltd. Volunteers Needed To work with mothers of newborn in a research project- in the Exeter area. If you are in- terested and have a couple of hours a week to share, please contact: THE HEALTH CARE RESEARCH UNIT CFC Building, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario Phone 679-6760 (call collect) 489 Main Street, Exeter Office 235-2533 Announcement CARL S. WALKER is pleased to an- nounce that WILLIAM G. FUSS of Hensall has now joined the sales staff of G"^' REAL ESTATE LTD". Please feel free to give' Bill a call at 235-2533 or res. 262-2946 regar- ding any of your real estate needs. 4 Help Wanted ( \ R P1 \ i 1 R'. HI 1 ('LR putt:-traine constrirctton, tu11 time position ( ell 236-40ts1 atter p rn lot 5 Police Radio Dispatchers - (Shift Work) I .'r Huron \lun:cihal Police Forces C ommuniCJI101is S% stens 10 he luxated in (ioderich Sen ting The Towns of Clinton, Exeter. Goderich. Seafurth and N Ingham I — Person to till position as ' senior dispatcher and super%isor 4 — Penins to fill -positions of regular dispatchers.. Ty ping ' essential. applicants musthe ahle to meet security clearance cnterIJ laid down by' -the CPIC operations Application Corm, can he picked up -at sour local Town Police 1)tti e ( lo_sing date for appllrsnts 12 p.m . \osember I. 19"h 41 42c ROOFING laborers required mlmediotely ( all Exeter Rool- ing.235-15 " 41c , L -\D} FOR lrght.housekeeping and companion CaII 235- 151x 41' PART-TIME person required with experience with bookkeep- ing. typing and general office procedures Experience with \r. Bee Ss stem an asset -\pply tO B• \�\P. Times-Wso:ate 4!c AVON - ' Earn Casn With Avon For All The Extras You Need & Want Its easy ,irrd tun' 3 rural • territories still .isaslahle For details yali \try \i \idlson, 451-0541 39 40 4I: H-\B}SILT IR FOR two children - to Ise in 229- 6194 40 41c 111 \S -\LL SO( [H, Huron \c•;cultural Societ' requires ,i • . 'etary treasurer Duties to Mence Januar. 1. -1979 1 e interested contact 262- - • I.9 atter 6 p m before \•\ember 15th 41 42 43 44 45c PF RSO\ 11') dehser :.It,ilogues end take order, \serage ear- nings. S5 O0 per .hour Phone 296-4646 41 42c 5 Business Opportunities 11 estern ( a nada School 01 Ltd. motto's first, and the ouly com- pletely ( anadian course offered imwhere Licensed under the T rade Schools Licensing Act. R S -a 19'0. ( 366 1 or par- ticulars of the next course write Box 6h'. 1 Jaomhe. Alberta or phone -K2-6215 41. •luliiI111111111111 11111,1111111111111111111111' MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED St David St Goderich, Ontario 3 ZURICH AREA - new 2 or 3 bedroom ranch style home. Workshop and garage. An ex- cellent lot in private location-. NEW kAISED RANCH -- 3 bedroom brick home, Targe lot, rec. room, 2 fireplaces, laun- dry room, double -car garage, potio doors to deck. Private location. REMODELLED SCHOOL HOUSE - 2 miles from Lake Huron, double car - garage, in•ground pool opprox. 1 ''7 acres. Ideal as summer cottage or year round home. . LOT - serviced, lakefront lot, 50 x 165, close to Grand Bend. s Robert McKinley Main St., Zurich Sales Representative 236-4830 ,Illlllllllllllllillll llllllllllllliiiIIIluIit 6 Services PERRY'S DRYWALL \pph 1-Inish& lecture Percy Knee For Free, Centralia Estimates 228-6481 3h.39:4(1.4I: CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONERS The Answer To Hard Water Problems I -or J free anal% Ns and a presen- 1.ttiun on the benefits of sooltened- yyJ1ecall CULLIGAN 3Id sly MAN HEY RI_\ll-%IFI-R ..we treat slater seriously -- C. MORLEY HALL .'t 6 Services B & L Stereo t 1-usic taped nuns: for all ages and RESER‘'}: \F)w Call Robert G. }Foster Granton 225-2884 32t For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems - (.ri TRIEBNER ELECTRIC h3 (i idle\ .1 . 1 tete Residential. ( ommercial Industrial and 1 arming (ienerator 1''s4,111.1tions 46t 235- 133-1 6 Services FORREST ELECTRONICS (051511 \ It \ i IU\S -5\ II \\.a Installations and Repairs Rep.urs to most snakes of r1'. (B K:1(110.Auto Sound Products Authorized Warrant. Ser, Ire tier 4utomati:. Radio. 1 anon and -\ilio% ox 102 RICHMOND ST. N.- Hensall, Phone 262-2540 2ht D. W. KYLE'S ,PP DECORATING 1',11\ 1l'\ \\I) 1'SPi RING SI-R\'K15 ( ()\ 1 \( 1 DOUG KYLE - Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-2249 after 5:00 p.m. 6 Services GLAVIN SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING IIouso.s, \tachuner,etc. I- ree I:stinsaie, C-51 k(il:\VIN 234-6701 GLAVIN BROS. BARN PAINTING high Prexsurc 55.ucr ( leaning Airless Spray I:quipntent ' and Aerial Bions Trucks' 228-6256 228-6247 IOt • I'ROFi-SSI0\Al Business Ser- . ides' Addressing. labelling envelopes, printing tickets. f Is era, bullets is. booklet., photucops one AR(' Industrie,. 237.366- 47t 4.89 MAIN STREET, EXET R OFFICE 235-253 EXETER 16 ACRES JUST ON OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN - zoned residential and light 'agricultural. Could be great urban development potential Call Di 4 Coolman. 2 INDUSTRIAL LOTS IN EXETER. - Water & sewers available and orned to sell immediately. Call Dirk Coolman: • EXECUTIVE TYPE - NEW 2 STOREY -- overlook- ing the river, quality finishing, solid oak cupboards, - built in dishwasher, 2 car attached garage, 2 fireplaces, must be seen. Call Paul Hohner. 1 1/2 STOREY - 3 bedroom hardwood floors; car- port, neat and tidy,.eicellent starter home. -$33,- 500.00 Call Paul Hohner. - CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN - 2 bedroom modern bungalow with excellent quality carpeting throughout. built-in dishwasher. storage shed. Pric- ed in 30's. Call Dirk Coolman. • • EXCEPTIONAL 4' BEDROOM - raised ranch in new area. Gpmes room and family room with fireplace. Beautifully landscaped. Make an appoint- ment to view. Call Carl Walker: 2 STOREY BRICK --- older home on extra large well manicured lot near schools and downtown. Good quality carpeting and hardwood floors, built- in book cases, large garage .Call Poul Hohner. 3 LEVEL BACK SPLIT near downtown with -large in - ground pool, fenced bock yard. A good older home with new addition. Call Dirk Coolman. ' IMMEDI POSSESSION -- 2 bedroom home with Amerl an style kitchen, electric heat, new cedar deck, corpo . Situated on large lot with' good barn 24 x 15. Call Carl Walker. IMMACULATE NEWER - 3� bedroom ranch featuring lovely family sized kitchen with loads of, cupboards, carpeted living room, 4 pce. bath, cor- port and full basement with carpeted sewing room. Room for future rec room. Truly a good buy on toll ys market at under $50,000 and OPEN TOR OFFERS. Call Dirk Coolman for appoirttment. 7 YEARS OLD numerous features in this •brick ranch with full finished basement, noturol stone fireplace, fruit cellar, loundty room; quality carpeting. This is o nice bright. home on large corner lot. Call Dirk Coolman. BRICK SEMI-DETACHED - 4 bedrooms with 1 !'? boths, full finished basement ah large rec room. Owners moving soon. Call Carl alk4r. REDUCED TO $34,500 - 1 '2 storey frame with full bosement and carport. God Downtown loca- tion and well worth viewing. C I DirkCoolman. OWNER MUST SELL -- ovely 1 '2 storey 3 ntown. New full bath upstairs, also one on main r, new braodloom, sun porch, mud room, garage. CaII Carl Walker. SEPARATE DINING ROOM - Kitchen looded with cupboards, carpeted living room, and completely finished party size recreation room, make Jhis three bedroom brick bungalow very attractive for a fami- ly home. Excellent areo, close to schools and priced for immediate sale. Call Dirk Coolman. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - with lots of living area. Very large living room, large dining room, full both, den, utility room. Excellent condition throughout. Also cedar deck and steel shed, nice shaded lot. Call Carl Walker. betiroom brick home near d 2 BEDROOM RANCH - in choice location within walking distance of downtown. This 's on ideal retirement home with new gas heating stem, 18 x 12 kitchen, office, utility room, living room with fireplace. Call Carl Walker for appoint ent, REDUCED TO $33,500 - for immediate sole. Ven-• - dor hos moved and you con have early possession on this 1'/ storey in good repair near schools. large corner lot, full bosement, garage. Call Paul UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 bedroom brick bungalow' with attached garage. Call NOW or you con choose colours, carpeting, etc. Phone Dirk Coolman. PAUL HOHNER Exeter DIRK COOLMAN Exeter PHYLLIS JOHNSON Dashwood BOB JANKE PAT GRAHAM - CARL WALKER BILL FUSS Dungannon Bayfield Bayfield Hensall 235-0302 235-1950 237-3547 529-7735 565-2847 565-5393 262-2946 EXETER 16 ROOM MANSION - authentic older 212 storey brick, very elegant throughout. Must be seen inside to fully appreciate. Extensive possibilities. Call Dirk Coolman. - FARMS ZURICH --- choice 100 acre farm with excellent land and buildings. Lovely brick home in A-1 condi- tion, also- good water supply Call Mrs. Johnson for appointment. DASHWOOD - 265 acres prime farm land, 260 workable, some tiling, several out buildings. Two brick homes both in very good condition. Call Carl Walker. - AREA PROPERTIES e CREDITON --- 5 Unit Motel and NEW drive-in restaurant on 2 acres. Priced for immediate sale un -der 540,000.00. MAKE AN OFFER. Call Ptiyllis Johnson. CREDITON - Excellent starter in a 4 bedroom frc ne home pn extra larger lot with its own well House features new addition. wit 4 pc. bath and huge kitchen. Priced to sell of S27)900.00. Call Dirk Coolman. • GRAND BEND SOUTHCOTT PINES - lovely 3 level home.on very secluded lot. Features 2 fireplaces, two• 4 piece baths, dishwasher, cathedral ceilings. Only 5 years old. Call Carl Walkerforan appointment. SOUTHCOTT PINES this beautifully appointed ranch home defies description throughout. Three bedrooms, rock fireplace, all major appliances and professional drdpes included in realistic asking price. CaII Mrs. Johnson for an appointment. DUNGANNON - 16 acres bush and trout stream, rare building site and recreational property. Call Carl Walker. HENSALL 2 YEARS OLD -- neot 1100 sq. ft. brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms with queen size American Kitchen, lots of cupboards. Full basement with natural fireplace. Call Paul Hohner. . NEW LISTING: -- Prime commercial property on Main St. in Downtown Hensall. Well decorated store and living area. Two storey with full basement, building In fine condition and priced to sell in lower twenties. Call Dirk Coolman. • EXCELLENT CONDITION --- single storey 3 bedroom home with modern kitchen and bath, large garage. Good starter or retirement home. CaII Paul Hohner. .• ZURICH NEW LISTING - Commercial property, good sized lot, 2 storey building, upper floor rented, lower level cold be finished as restaurant or other retail outlet. Priced for immediate sale. Call Paul Hohner. NEW LISTING - 6.7 Acres located close to town,. property has good 4 bedroom house separate living room and dining room, full basement. Also small sh- ed. Great recreotionol property. Call Paul Hohner. CENTRALIA - Sacrifice Price: $26,900.00. Converted school house in the country 2 bedrooms; • large lot. If required vendor will assist new owner with mortgage. Call Carl Walker. CENTRALIA - 1''/2 storey with new addition, 3 bedrooms, FA gas heat, large living room, •lost of closet space, fireplace. Call Dirk Coolman. McGILLIVRAY TWP. -- 4 extrci large building lots each 100 x 200 on paved County Rood. lake Hurbn water. Call Carl Walker. • CREDITON --- lovely older brick home surrounded by walnut trees. Th-ee bedrooms, PWS income from extra large apartment, 3 car garage, corner lot. °riced for immediate sale..Call Carl Walker. Zj4uft Vuaifse44 Out Pleadate s. f� IItIM In - - I - Ra - Ra / I - Awe REALTY INC. • EXETER 1 "'k :GRAND BEND CLINTON B(JYING — SELLING - APPRAISAL MLS — LISTING SERVICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GRAND BEND PRIVACY - MATURE TREES - 'This brand-new home situated in a secluded subdivision offers 5 bedrooms, family style kitchen, 25 x 15 rec room for on active family, attached double garage with -workshop areo. Owner will' consider holding first mortgage at 9' 2 %. Priced to sell. • -OVERLOOKING YACHT - CLUB -- and Ausoble river from this specs us estate -home containing 26' x 17' living -room with tural fireplace; modern eat - in kitchen, 6 bedrooms, double garage, plus self contained apartment for extra income. - THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE overlooking the harbour and Lake Huron. Three bedrooms, knotty - pine living room with fireplace- and sunroom. An 'ideal spot for active family or boater. Ra 1 1 1 1 1 1 1r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- SOUTHCOTT PINES --- Delightful .two-bedroom cottage with lots of living-d,ea on beautifully treed lot. large living -room., 4 piece bath,. utility -room, 19' x 16' family -room. Excellent condition throughout. Also included is a 10-X'8' tbolshed. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 SOUTHCOTT PINES -- Unique chalet featuring 25' x 23 living -room area plus 24' x 16" upper deck. Downstairs consists of 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, 15' x 16 rec-room and- utility room.t This completely winterized home offers great possibilities to vena active family who enjoys the lake in the summer, hik- ing in the spring ond•fall; cross-country skiing in the winter GRAND BEND RESTAURANT - A very rare opportunity. This striving little business hos enjoyed a steady increase in revenue•since its opening a.year 'ago. The vendor has renovated the premises considerably, including new furnace, kitchen equipment etc. The relaxed at- mosphere makes -this eating -establishments a favourite spot in the area. .Retirement makes this business available. . EXETER -. DOW SUBDIVISION This very roomy side split on lovely Kingscourt Crescent is attractively priced. It requires some work however. The builder informs us that he will look at any reasonable offer. and completely restore this home to its original beauty. Dont miss this unique offer. - OblE AND A HALF STOREY BRICK HOME • - on 109 x 145' estate lot. Featuring 3 bedrooms, an ex- tra large kitchen and .dining area. Immediate possessron. CENTRALIA POOL - JUST LISTED - This delightful 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Step out onto a cedar deck surrounding a beautiful 'Fantasea' above. ground pool to enjoy for the whole family. 20 x 15 rec-room with wet-bor plus fourth bedroom and utility -room on lower level. HENSALL ANTIQUE TREASURE-. This century home is truly a rare find, The owners have extensively renovated and spored no effort to beautifully blend the gracious old chorm with practical and new ideas throughout. A very efficient hot water system with new rads in very room keeps this home very cozy from the sewing room in the attic to the spacious ground floor. A new kitchen offers an eat -in area with family room atmosphere. From there you walk into a bright sunroom with fireplace. This.delightful ro.ert is a .IAasure to show. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LAKE -FRONT DUCHARME BEACH - Attr,octive little cottage featuring 2 bedrooms, knotty pine living -room with noturol-.fireplace. Full basement with facility for boat storage. located right on beautiful sandy beach. DRYSDALE -- This 1 year old bungalow is beautifully decorated throughout. Featuring a well appointed living•room with angelstone, fireplace. Large 32 x 12 cedar -deck off dining room, 3 bedrooms plus 4 piece both. Lower level consists of very spacious 22 x 22 family room, games room or fourth bedroom, laundry -room and cold storage. This yeor;round home is priced in the fifties..• EXETER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEW LISTING - Prime commercial location with losts of parking of reor. Next to Post Office. Well- suited for offices. Upstairs needs renovation. - OFFICE - BOUTIQUE---• Very desireoble location on Main Street. Ideal for Accountant, Lawyer, Den- tist, Boutique etc. Priced right for quick sale and im- mediac We have te serious buyers waiting in need of farms, small acreaoges, resort properties, homes and building lots. Please contact any of our 3 'offices, for your conveniences. BRUCE FISCHER Real Estate Representative Exeter Res. 238-8735 Clinton 735-2420 Gd Bend 482-9747 1 238-8484ranm 1 Member Of 1 r!cl( The Hur Board! EstateMil IN am No am we we No me RN NI NI al f.l�. • • • 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 •