HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-12, Page 14 (2)Page 14 Times -Advocate, October 12, 1978 Golden Agers enjoy museum trip, back to the church for lunch •More than 20, Grand•I3end Golden Agers, held their -October meeting, by going on a jaunt to tour the Lambton County .• museum. All had brought -a picnic lunch, but weather was a bit too cool for outdoors, so they journey'd back to the United Church and had lunch in the Sunday School rooms. Mrs. Lily Moores St. Clair shores, and Mr. Si Mrs. - Thomas Belt, Milford, Michigan, spent the Thanksgiving week end at their sister's Mrs. Eva Bariteau. At date of writing, Alec Hainillorr .is a patient.. in Victoria hospital. London, where he underwent surgery last -week. Mr. & Mrs. Wellwood Gill, formerly Grand Bend residents and lately of Maplewood apartments, Zurich, have moved to the Ailsa Craig, Senior Citizens home, where they will be. living nearer to their two daughters and grand- children. Mr. & Mrs. Carman Britton. Grandview, Manitoba, spent the week end here with his sister.and brother;rn-law, Mr. & Mrs. • Robert Keyes. The Britton's had been on a tour to the east coast . and had visited relatives in London and Mitchell before 'coming to Grand Bend. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lovte and family entertained a number of cousins for Thanksgiving dinner. Sunday, which included Mr. & Mrs. Doug Russell and family, Shipka. Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Bryant and family. Granton, Mr, Si Mrs. Lloyd Whiting, Toronto, tan Fraser and family, Forest. Mr. & Mrs. Morley Love and Jennifer, visited awhile, Sunday at his brother's Mr. & Mrs. Gerry ' Love and family to view the new -barn Gerry is building. Out of town guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Flear were Mr. & Mrs. George Buckingham, and 'Mr. & Mrs. Don Deyell, Toronto. Jim Kennedy who is at- tending York University in Toronto was home here for the week end. The Kennedy's Sr. • spent a few days in Toronto last week, with Irene's sister. Mrs. $. M. Barbour, and Ken visited his sister's in Lindsay. Quite a number of relatives and friends from this area. attended the GRAND BEN AND DISTRICT NEWS wedding Saturday of Linda, daughter' of Mrs Olive --Miller, to Wayne E aulhaufer, son of Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Faulhaufer, Stratford at Zion Luthern Church, Stratford. Mr. & Mrs. Louie Walker, Pontiac,- Michigan, spent the week end at their daughter's home, Rev. 8; Mrs. John Campbell. Two 4-H . groups meet The two Grand Bend 4:1-1 clubs met this• week_ for Reefing .three. Club number one "The Nutritious Nuts" met Thursday evening at Rita Smits home. Club nurnber two, "The Munchy Bunch".' met Tuesday evening at_Sherry Desjaridne's home, Roll call was My Favorite breakfast. During the work period they made peanut butter • with carrot and- apples to spread .on bread. Next they made a white sauce which they..00tnbined- into potato soup. Tho food and cooking were sampled for lunch. ' • One mishap ii in Pinery GOVERNOR VISITS G8 — District Governor Don McDougall of Delaware visited the Grand Bend lions club Thur. doy. Above. Grand Bend president Fronk Allister welcomes the Governor. looking on are vice-presidents Peter Hoist, Donny on y Sogemon and Steve Kadlecik. At Churth of God Good crowd at Ecumenical service Around 60 'attended the Thanksgiving Ecutriemcal. held Tuesday night at • Church of God. President. 'Katie Vincent and Janet )aesjardine. presided for the meeting. Special numbers from the other churches attending were I story of the Pilgrim's Thanksgiving." by Martha Geromette. from Greenway United. "An NOTICE Village' of Grgnd Bend winter season garbage collection commencing Oc- tober 16, 1978. All collections, both commercial and residential for entire village will be pick- ed up on Mondays. original Thanksgiving," reading by Joan Eagleson of Grand Bend Unitgd.. A . reading by 'Annie Grootjen. "Thanksgiving time". and a solo "Bless this house " by Roberta Walker, from the Catholic church and a duet by Rev. John and Betty Campbell. entitled ."Ife remembers." from Church of God. Guest speaker was Rev R. GRAND BEND ART STUDIO Organizational Meeting Wed. Oct 18 8:00 p.m. VILLAGE OFFICE UPSTAIRS Grand Bend Everyone Welcome Bring your friends Simpson, Grand Cove. Estates, topic from the 17 chapter of Luke. Through his work with world vision- and needs of the world he told of an area to Africa where they had crop failures for two years and natives were Arced .to eat grass and leaves, It made us all thank - r61 to be living in this plen- tiful area of Canada. ' News about the churches A- special Thanksgiving service was held at. the United Church Sunday morning. • The junior choir joined the senior choir to sing "We thank yoy God", with lyrics written by Dawn Crabe. choir leader.: Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was. "The Grace of Gratitude " pea.cafe 11tr. & Mrs. Morley Love, and Jennifer, Ottawa-, Mr,. & Mrs. Brian Love, Hammond. visited on the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Colin Love. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stur- devant, held Open house Sunday afternoon, in honor of Helen's dad, 'Bill Love, celebrating his 80th bir- - thday, and served coffee and cake. This was followed later by members of the im- mediate family for dinner including. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Love, Patti. and John, Mr. & Mrs. Ellison Whiting. and David acid Mr..& Mrs. Colin Love. Mrs. Norma Desjardine returned Sunday .from a three week holiday in Terrace 13.C. at her daughter's home. Mr. & Mrs. John Pritchard and Nathan. Mrs. 'Alec Hamilton, at- tended the Huron County Women's institute Rally held last Monday at Lon- sborough. Col and Mrs. R.W. Fassold, Toronto spent the week end here with his parents. in Green Acres, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fassold. Rev& Mrs. JohnCampbell travelled to Detroit, Monday • to visit Mr. & Mrs. Larry McCracken, of Hawaii, who were in Detroit to visit relatives. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. McCracken are long time friends. 7TH ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS more than holf on eF 100's of sweaters UNLIMITED SELECTION over 80 styles PLEASING QUALITY alority from our STRATFORD mill t. EASY CARE most ore machine washable REALIZE a big return on the shrinking dollar SWEATER SHOP FACTORY OUTLET All SALES 10 to 5 30 Doily Sunday 1200 to 5:30 FINAL 16 Main St., Grand Bend 238-8007 I►,r LIONS AID PURCHASE — The GranJ Lions club has donated $20,000 to the village to assist in the purchase of property for recreation purposes. Above, lions president Frank Allister presents the cheque to reeve Bob Sharen. looking on are project committee members Paul Johnson and Pat Soldan and District Governor Don McDougall. T -A photo During the service Rev. Moore expressed birthday greetings to Bill Love. who was observing his 80th birth- day and the congregation gave him a hearty handclap. Services at the `United Church will be suspended . Sunday October 15'so that all who wish, may attend an- niversary services at Greenway Church news Saturday October 21. a , workshop on Church music will be held at Grand Bend United Church. Guest Director of Music. James: H<row•n will play the organ and direct the choir on Sunday October 22 All choir members are urged to at tend. . Sunday November Swill be Grand Bend United an- niversary service. Wednesday November 8. will be Grand Bend United Church anniversary supper. The Women's Institute will meet on October 19 in the Sunday School rooms of the United Church at 7';10 p.rn. The topic is on Public Relations. A guest speaker is expected. Come and hring a friend. Visitors are always welcome. Anglican Church news . The Anglican ladies held their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon Ortnhnr 5, with co -convener, Lillian Best presiding. • Final plans were made for the euchre party to he held Thursday evening October 12. at the Parish hall. The ladies were reminded to have their crafts and - sewing ready•for the craft fair coming up November 4 LWE One accident was in- vestigated by the Pinery OPP this week, it occurring on F'riday on Main St. in Grand Bend. Drivers involved were Beryl Beulah Vincent, RR 2 Grand Bend, and Henson Emil Iredale, also of Grand Bend. Constable M. R. Brown investigated and set total damage at $1;150. During the -week, the Pinery,- officers laid 10 charges under the Highway Traffic Act and ,two under the Liquor Licence Act. They investigated one break; enter and theft and one trespassing incident. CHURCH OF GOD• Church of God youths travelled to Brucefield, Saturday evening to view the film, "Youth for Christ from Pilgrims progress." The usual Thanksgiving services were held at Church of God with many visitors attending. Large quantity of basket apples, pears, plums, grapes, pumpkins. Fresh Country Style FRYER PARTS Bremmer s Extra Thin SALTINES 68' got ,mac oded .n 6% ,.funds Ib. 784 Save 30c Ib. Oxydol POWDERED I*TERGENT =2.58 NO' .eluded .e 6% rued, Fresh Ontario Pork Pr SHOULDER ROAST ' l Whole Ib 88 Save 50c Ib. Pantry Shelf Pieces and Stems USHROOMS 10 oz. 58' Not enc,,._ -d .'-.6% Fresh On aria COUNTRY STYLE RIBS lb $1 .58 Save 40c Ib.. Fresh Regular GROUND BEEF Ib. 984 Save 40c Ib. General Mills Cereal CHEERIOS - Voortman's • ASSORTED COOKIES Mother Porkers Powdered HOT CHOCOLATE Fabric Softener DOWNY Air -Wick Twins AIR FRESHENERS Glad STORAGE BAGS Vachon 300 gr 75`: 8oz. $ 11 2 lb. $1 .98 1 1 3 titres $2.98 ; 98`; 88` 1 88` 1 1 78` 1 1 Ib. 320 grams 50's 19 oz 6 oz. APPLE PIE FILLING Bye -The -Sea, FLAKED WHITE TUNA Bick's Wine SAUERKRAUT 32 oz Introducing Tend -R -Scot LIVER BACON SAUSAGE Ib. 9$4 Save $1.00- Ib. Tend -R -Spot Pure Pork OKTOBERFEST SAUSAGE Ib 1.28 Save 30c Ib. Previously Frozen Pork SIDE RIBS • Ib. $1 ,48 Save 30c Ib. Nestle's Chocolate 11118 MO N 1. MI - r QUIK Beat price increase Call us for your freezer requirements featuring Aged A 1 Steer Beef and Fresh Local Pork. SUPER SPECIAL Al STEER HIPS fully processed limited supply call early li38 sPICKLES Bread 8 Butter, Ba 1 Betty Crocker Super Moist 1 CAKES 1 Dr. Bollard's Beef & liver, Beef Stew, 1 lb. '1.38 78` Bick's Sweet Mixed Sweet Icicle, Yum -Yum by D111, 15 oz SCAT FOOD Fish; Chicken 111 Dietrich's ;OKTOBERFEST ROLLS 8'x2/98` Liquid Detergent PALMOLIVE 24...981 18 oz 78` 15 az.Z94 libbys Deep Brown !BEANS WITH PORK 19 01.2/$1 $ Produce of U.S A I Sunkist Oranges 138',, rinz 1.08 jar 684 11111lll•11111tFlrlififi1111tr11. Ile Harvest Values BACKS ATTACHED VALUABLE COUPON FRESH CHICKEN LEGS Limit 2 family packs per coupon with $12 order excluding cigarettes, tobacco and coupon item. Ib. 78 Save 40c Ib. i STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun, Prices Effective Oct. 11 to Oct. 17 8-6 8-9 8-7 9-5 SENIOR CITIZENS ane cone o+ •W,a.+, ro m,�i: i:%. 0• ..i 0 G•0•nnin 001,01 .e,r..e c1.•., r (00 SAVE A% Oh, rtaloa• F.,1...d..g C,gnr•IN, and Qunrren el OW Can. No 1 Brussel Sprouts Can. No. 1 Cooking -. 1 Ib. troy 68t Onions 21b.bag 18' TWO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT „,TENDER SPOT 238-2512 GRAND BEND BABY BONUS ,.v ,OW 1..•• • rWM•0.•174 •100••••1)• .b SAVE a% VW of E',duding C.gnr•rr•$ and Qvorr•rs el $,.l • • /) /�