HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-05, Page 24 (2)Page 24 Times -Advocate, October 5, 1978 Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mts. Hilda Payne, Phone 262-5018 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 ,Three local 4-H groups start work, elect officers All three 4-11 - clubs in Hensall are meeting now and the girls are enjoying the new course, "Essential Edibles" using metric weights. Clubs' 1 and 2 are both meeting at the United Church and club 3 at the leaders' homes. Club 2 elected their officers last Tuesday, September 26: - president Joanne Smale: vice-president. Jane P. secretary Laurie • ppe press reporter. P ty Lenting. T e leaders demonstrated making crispy granola and members were to make it at home. A discussion on metric measurements followed. books were given out and lesson one- corn, pleted. Club 3 met on !Monday. at the home of Joan and Robin McLellan. Two new mem- bers were present. Sandra MacKay and Janet Bilcke. This was the club's second meeting. The leaders demonstrated making yogurt bread and energy squares from the granola made the week before. Meeting two in the books was completed. Club 1 met for their first meeting on Tuesday. Sep- tember 26 in the United Church. They made granola crisp and worked. in their work. books. Officers were Queensway "Birthday Greetings" to Mrs. Edna Youn celebrating her birthday tomorrow. Church_ was con- ducted on Tuesday by Rev. Don Forrest. Visitors with Russell Erratt were Gladys. named as follows: presislent, Linda Gerstenkorn; ice- president„Donna Zwann: treasurer, Dana Bozzato: press reporter, Starr Jesney; secretary, Trudy Ferguson. The next meeting will be held on October 3. About people you know Mrs. Clarence Volland president of the Ladies' Aid presided for the meeting which followed and arrangements were made for the Annual Fall Bazaar to be held November 4. Improvements around the Church were discussed and will be taken up with the Board of Managers. Members of the Church asked to attend the meeting in Caven Ch(irch• Exeter. on Thursday. October 5 to complete ':the gall to Rev. Kenneth Knight of Rose Town. Saskat- chewan. Seniors to meet. The Senior Citizens will meet in the local hall on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Enter- tainment committee Mr. & Mrs. Dick Taylor, Mrs. T. Brintnell. Lunch committee Mrs. "Myrtle Sherritt• Mrs. Jessie •McAllister. Mrs. E. Alexander. . Dale of Parkhill visited over the weekend with the for- nier's mother Mrs. Edgar Munn. Thanksgiving is observed - The president of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church Mrs. Hyde presided for the Thanksgiving meeting on Monday evening and read a poem "Thanksgiving for Beauty". Mrs. Pers Camp- bell was in charge of the devotional on "Thanksgiving". Mrs. Alex MacGregor read • the Scripture. The Fall Rally will be held in KnoxPresbyterianChul'kh, Goderich on October 10. The president asked for ideas to raise funds for the Supplly. Mrs. Alex MacGregor order "Hasty Notes” for t project. The next . meet will be held November 6 at 8 p.m. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. First Kinette meeting The first meeting for the new season of the Hensall and District Kinettes was held at the home of Sharon Doxtator on Wednesday, September 13 with only three members present when a r social hour was enjoyed. It is hoped that all members will be present at the next meeting to be held at Donna St. John's on October 11 at 8.30 pin. . when new ideas for upcoming projects .will be .Coleman... Olive Stephenson. discussed. and Joe Ferguson. Chester Personals and Ila Dunn visited Vera Lammie. Robert Dale visited Agnes Cutting. Verna Coates and Mrs. Si Pollen visited- Louise Mitchell. Stewart and Doris Ban- nerman and family. Seaforth and Ron Bannerman, Windsor visited Rune Bannerma n +tannnnutnnnt The Light Touch By JACK LAVENDER I1It1nI%IIII111Itn4N ='1u know you've reached middle age when your weight -lifting consists mainly of standing up. Remember when an expen- sive drinking hobrt" meant bourbon not coffee? Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Noakes have returned from five weeks in Western Canada. They travelled more than six thousand miles. Unfortunately the latter's brother "Doddy" Sangster- of Portage- •la Prairie. Manitoba passed away a few hours prior to their arrival there. After spending a week in Portage . la Prairie they continued on their . journey • and visted many places. Mr. •& Mrs. Leonard Noakes spent a few days visiting with Mrs. Kaye Broadley in Chilliwack. British Columbia, while on the? tour out west: Mr. Robert McLaren and • daughters from Kitchener and Mr. Ray -McNeil and F. sons from Fergus- visited with Mr. & Mrs. Sam Oesch on Sunday. - Hensall Women's Institute o members and interested residents. ,'.are -.,r minded Most of us whoYgot wast = about the Huronview bazaar, watches when we graduated =• hake sale and tea to be held from high school now hove = at Huronview from two to kids who• wear them to E four p.m. on Wednesday. • ()ctober 11. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor in company with Mrs. Eric Munroe Seaforth spent a few • days at Midland and Collingwood. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mickle. Jamie and 'Craig of Cam- bridge spent Sunday with the former's mother Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. & Mrs: Jack Corbett • returned home after a few days fishing' at Kincardine. Congratulations to Bonnie Smale- daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Len Smale on winning the $100. food voucher from AI's Market in Hensall, September 30. All proceeds went to the Hensall nursery school. Thanks to everyone for their support. 7nnnnnnnnunnnntttttrttttttttttuui Mrs. Don Gooding and kindergarten. e Folks who ore always hitting the ceiling ore opt to be full of hot orr. • • • _ look out the window from the breakfast table. and you see the bird after the worm. the cat after the bird, and the dog after the cot if gives you o little better underston- ding of the morning's news • • • Here's the latest headline, Howielife chainsdws ore fo be found at Jack's ▪ Small Engine Repair Service • 107 Queen St., Hensall 3 262-2103 your HOMELITE dealer for :South Huron -North Middlesex R. K. PECK APPLIANCES. . "In the h iifrtof dowrlttewerVbrnds •' .,v 14 Vacuum Cledners - Sales & Service of most makes • CB Radios & Accessories •'Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights & Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Phone 482-7103 ill Is Demand active Supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers -at the Hensall Sales Barn on Thursday, demand was active and prices were steady. Fat cattle: heifers. $60.50-565.50, sales to $68.00: steers, L.50-$66.75, sales to $67.50. Pigs $40.00 = $52.25. OUR SECOND � Pit1tt BEANS ARE COMING OFF — The wet weather of late hos hampered the harvest of this year's white bean crop but ac- cording,to Murroy Porsons of RR 1, Hensall another week'of dry weather could see most of the beans off. On Monday, Parsons delivered 500 bushels of•beons from the Don Parsons farm to the W.G. Thompson :and Sons elevator in Hen- son. Staff photo Congregation okay tQmporary pastor The Saorament of Holy Communion was ad- ministered b. Revs Garrett Husser at the morning service at densall United Church to the' combined congregations of Hensall and Chiselhurst. The morning message was entitled —He took it upon Himself" and dealt upon the healing powersrof Jesus both upon. the physical body and per- sonalities of people. The choir, under the -leadership of Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey sang the anthem, "Sing. Hallelujah,praise the Lord," with Dr. Ralph Topp at the organ. At the close of the service Rev. .Stanley McDonald of Londesboro conducted a short congregational 'meeting when it was decided to invite Rev. -Husser to become temporary minister for the joint charge of Hensall and Chiselhurst. Klungel will seek re-election In last week's. story on which elected officials would be seeking relelection in Hensall councillor Harry Klungel's name was in- advertently missed. Klungel indicated at that time that he would be seeking ros election. OUR BEET INTERIOR LATEX GALLON* Fresh from the factory at an extra low money saving price SAVE NOW! SALE ENDS OCT. 21ST • Over 2000 soil resistant colors • Stays clean and fresh looking for years • Easily applied -- dries in 20-30 minutes Hay council meet Okay permit for Thompson At the October meeting of - Hay townshipouncil a request for a building permit was received from W. G. Thompson and Sons Hensall for the construction of fer- tilizer storage building. The building has an estimated value of $150,000. Council gave consent to Wolfgang Suppan of RR 1, Dashwood for the operation of a small window and glass repair shop to be operated out of a double garage on his property. -Mrs. Margaret Hess was given permission to sever a piece of property which she owns in the township. • Council instructed its engineer to prepare a report on a portion of a township drain which runs through the SECRETARYDIES An active worker in the Canadian .'Cancer Society, Don Brandt died suddenly on Thursday, September 28. He was in his 61st year. Mr. Brandt worked out of the London office as a field secretary in the South- western --and Essex County district. ; Donald ,Stanley Brandt is survived" by his wife, (Bobbie) - Barbara Joyce (Thompson) and three children, Carolyn and Michael of Toronto and Mark of London. He is also sur- vived by his mother Mrs. Marys Hennessy (Duck- worth) Brandt of Huronview. property of Mrs. Greta Luther, lot 32, lake road west. Tile drainage loans in the ,amount of $6,000 and $9,000 'from Donald Adams, lot 4, concession 16 of Hay and Elgin Hendrick, RR 1 Dash- wood were approved. Tour Hall Hensall Civic Corner HENSALL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE FUND CAMPAIGN BLITZ The fund raising committee will make a house to house canvass of the village for donations during the evening of Oct. 11, 1978. In - order to reach the total fund raising objective, your generous response to the canvassers s appreciated. R. Luther Cam aign Chairman J Ai 4 'Man•n„m pr.cf, only Par- • sc oatmg dealer may senior pss Cn ntarnre under- r, Ball- Maca�iay Ltd. CLINTON SEAFORTH HENSALL 482-3405 527-0910, 262-2418 Store 262-2017 Choice local Beef and Pork Abattoir 262-2041 Bright's Canada Fancy Tomato Juice Green Giant Niblets . Corn Johnson & Johnson J -Cloth Towels Libtiy's Fancy Pumpkin Arts & Flowers Paper Towels Handi-wrap' Plastic Palmolive Liquid, Detergent Reynold's Aluminum Wrap Wesson's Bro' Rolls 48 fl. oz. 594 14 oz. tin 39' pkg. of 1099' 49' 28 f1 oz. troll pkg.894 200' rolls89C 32 oz.s' •Z9 18" x 25' rolls99C pkg, of „2/89° . Sears catalogues ... a marketplace for home fashion finds. Sears CATALOGUE SHOPPING Come in and look through our lastest catalogue - PHONE 262-3316 fiolenfoods Mrs. Smith Pumpkin Pie Grade A Fresh Killed Turkeys Grade A Frozen Turkeys oven ready, hens or toms, Ib 98° hens•or toms, Ib. 9 Maple Leaf, Half, Whole, 'a Football Hunis1 .59 24 oz. Sausage Maple Leaf Dinner Pork Shoulder smoked, Devon Sliced'Package - Bacon Sliced Maple Leaf Mac& Cheese Loaf Home Mode, in the piece, Head Cheese Processed Side of Beef I 29 Processed Rib of Beef. 11 .49 Turkey Wings169` '1.19 bs 1.89 b$ 1 '1.59 39° 10lb. Box Fresh Cranberries' Cabbage Mo<Inlosh Ontario No. 1 Cabbage '29` Macintosh '1.19 [Apples 1• 6 qt. basket $' .99 PEPSI COLA 26 oz. bottle 4 / sl plus deposit 1. ABATTOIR HOURS Reef Slaughter"— Monday, Pork Slaughter --_,T..!•,%",,:71:!), q�ieiter or Custom Ordet s-- .tri. e,r m l s! ••- QP.r o 6 p m. SDs. o.m. to 1 p.m Prices in Effect October 5, 6 & 7 AL' Choice local beef & Pork Abattoir Phone: 262-2041 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right 10 Irma gil quon5hes on all odvertrsed aeras Because of increased costs we find it neceuory tc moue o SOc charge for grocery detsvery ARKET GROCERIES & FRESH PRODUCE, Phone: 262-2017 Hensall