HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-05, Page 12 (2)Page 12 Times -Advocate, October 5, 1978
By Ross Haugh
Kirk Armstrong/informs us that the deadline for
accepting registration for those wishing to participate
in the Exeter and district recreation hockey league
'has been extended. '
• The last time registrations will be accepted wil
be next Tuesday. October 10 at 6 p.m. •
I THS-ivill--be-iia-aeti
6n ea
Tuesday and Thursday nights at the South Huron .Ree
Team representatives will meet the same night
when players will be allotted in a draft system. Each
team is allowed to protect only two players.
No body contact will be allowed in this play for fun
For those not quite athletic enough to try the rec
league, Armstrong is organizing another league. This
will be a pickup hockey loop for men over the age of 25
years. •
Games will be played each•Sunday morning at the
Rec Centre from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Names should be sub-
mitted to Kirk Armstrong by October 13. Play is ex-
pected to start October 23 and continpe every Sunday
until March 31. 1979.
Cost for the year will be $35 or $3.50 per game.
The only requisite here is' that one can skate.
There will be no body contact or raising of the puck.
A few hunting tips
Witti the hunting season now well underway we
recently ran across a few tips on hunting in an issue of
ttte Angler and Hunter:
Keep your feet dry by wearing insulated water-
proof leather boots because cold. wet feet can be a
real hazard. When choosing a pair of boots make sure
all upper seams are -sealed to prevent moisture from
seeping through needle holes. soles and heels and are
vulcanized to the -uppers.
The leather should be treated for absolute water
repellency. Many hunters like speed lacing where one
pull is all it takes to lace.boots up tight.
Don't go well groomed when going deer hunting.
Just roll out of bed and head to the bush. Unlike your
other dear. a deer will flee from the scent of your
shaving' lotion or soap. So. don't wash, shave or wear
light coloured clothing.
For hunters who have little chance to practice ac-.
- tual shooting here's a little backyard trick to increase
your steadiness. Hang a pair of .boots over the barrel
of your rifle and practice holding airs. This will steady
your hand considerably.
A.new recipe '
This is a sports column but this week we will stray
a'little and pass along a new. recipe for fish. Catching
fish is a sport and those who like to enjoy their catch
•at the kitchen table should have it prepared in a
proper manner. •
Cut one. to three pounds of fresh fillets into'strips
and inch wide. two to four inches long and one-half
inch thick. Hope your fish is big enough. -
Make a batter of one or two- eggs. six ounces of
7-Up beverage. I that's right. 7 Up i. two cups of pan-
cake flour. salt and pepper to =taste„. a pinch. of onion
salt. a pinch of garlic salt and a pinch of paprika.
Mixture should be about -the same.consistency as
pancake batter. If too thin. add more pancake flour. If
too thick add 7-Up.
Dip fillet strips in batter and fry id cooking oil
with sts at least half covered at about 350 degrees
• until golden brown. Eat -and enjoy.
In case 'you are interested, the carbonated
beverage in the batter makes the covering light and -
fluffy. If desired you can vary the recipe a little by
substituting beer for the soft-drink. This provides a
tart taste instead ofsweet. Also. a j igger of sauterne
wine added to the btter will give it extra flavour.
This recipe may sound crazy. but it provides fish
that is lip smacking good. Try it.
Ex fret titles
It seems rather interesting to hear that the award
to the best relief pitcher in the major baseball leagues
is presented by the maker of Roll Aids. It goes this
year to Richard "Goose" Goassage of the New .York
Yankees who appear to be well on the way to another
World Series triumph. .
The Roll Aids award started the wheels turning
and we could suggest some other special trophies by a
number of industries and companies.
To the heaviest hitter in the majors could go the
Mack or White truck trophv: Speedy Muffler and a
cigar to the top base stealer; a Westinghouse or GE
fan to Bob Baylor for striking out the least number of
times: an optical company award tq the best eye at
the plate and the list could go on.
Herts power for the steepest -trails Yamaha's 340 Entrcer fea-
tures a 338cc fan -cooled twin for a smooth responsive perfor-
mance And the quickprecise handing characteristics are
nothing short of exhilarating
DIAL 262-6142 HENSALL - ONT.
n ort:atlac and Ie c meetsponsored lay fh Stepper
ptrnnit-ctub-was-hetd S-otuiday ot'Huron Poi k Above. Tony Jones presents the runnerup
.trophy -to Huron Park. From the left of the bock are Tony Jones Jr., Rodney Musnico, Joe Reed,
Sean Walden, Goynor. Mullin, Greg Lawrence, Gary Mullin and Ed Morrison. In the front are
Pauline Jackson and Stephonie Jones. T A photo
Panthers score double win
The South uron Panthers
scored •doub Huron -Perth
Conference f tball victories
Thursday ove Listowel.
The SH Pant ers won their
second straight game by a
score of 27-8 while the
seniors making ''their first
regular schedule start were
victorious by a scope of 16-6.
Both games were played in
Today. Thursday. both
South Huron teams will be on
the road again. This time
their opposition willbe from
Stratford Central.
In the junior contest, the
South Huron scoring was
confined to the first three
quarters. '
The first seven points
came on a seven yard sweep
by Rick Lindenfield and a
convert by Wayne Smith.
The 'second local major
score was set up by Jamie
Chaffe• as he blocked a
Listowel punt. Two plays
later.. Steve:Pearce passed 15
yards to Dave Shaw for a
touchdown. The Panthers led
15-0 at halftime.
In the third period. Greg
Prout intercepted a Listowel
pass and• Steve Pearce
quickly took advantage of
this to fire a 50 yard pass to
Bill Glover.
Following a Listowel
fumble, Rick Lindenfield
moved in for ,another touch-
down on an eight yard off -
tackle carry.
Listowel scored,their eight.
points on a touchdown and
two point convert in the
fourth period.
Rick Lindenfield was the
top ground gainer with 75
yards on 10 tries and Wayne
Smith was good for 65 -yards
on eight attempts.
' On defence for the Pan-
thers Mike Taylor led with
five key tackles. Doug
Willard was close behind
with four and Greg Prout, Al
Gaiser, Rick Lindenfield,
Kick Fletcher and Gary
Spurn were in on -three key
stops each.
The best offensive players
of the day were Wayne Smith
and Kramer Coulter while
defensive awards . went to
-Doug Willard and Greg
Irish get two wins
The Lucan Irish scored
two victories this week in
exhibition hockey:in
preparation for thup-
coming OHA Junior "D"
'he Irish defeated the
Ttiamesl`ord Trojans 5-2 in
Thamesford Friday and
scored a close 5-4 win 'over
the same club the Lucan
Community Centre Monday
The Lucao club mill meet
the Mitchell Hawks in a two
game exhibition series with
games in Mitchell October 19
and Lucan October 18.
The regular schedule for
Lucan opens • October 20
when they travel to'Exeter to
meet-the''Hawks. The first
home game in Lucan-will be
October 25 with Bothwell
supplying the opposition.
Cec Nickles scored the
.fifth and w•inning,goal for the
Irish Monday night with less
than two minutes left in the
third period:
Paul Medd scored two of
the other goals while single
scores were fired by Mike
Dafoe and Ralph Davison.
In Friday's in over
Thamesford Lucan goals
were _notched in single
fashion by Jeff Marshall,
Mike Defoe, Hon Glenn,
Keith Hartwick and Jeff
After holding only an 8-6
margin at hall -time .the
senior Panthers responded
to "severe reprimands"
from coach Ron Bogart with
their best efforts of the year.
Bogart had high praise for
Brad Taylor who was moved
to fullback from a guard
position. Bogart commented,
"This gave. us a much
stronger running game."
In his new position Taylor
was named the top Panther
on offence. John Byrne was
the best on defence. Bogart
also praised the kicking of
Steve Beer on kickoffs and
converts and the punting by
Dave- Atthill.
The Panthers first six
points in the first quarter
came on a 15 yard counter
pass, from Dave Bogart to
Steve Beer.
Dave Atthitl booted two
single points in the second
quarter to give South Huron
an 8-6 lead.
3 mi. South of Clinton
FALL 1978
Mon. -Fri, 12 0Q-1:15 pm -
Wed. 900-10:00 pm
• OPEN -
Mon_ - 4:00-3':00 pm
Mbn. 8.30-10:00 pm
Tues. 8-30 10:00 pm
Wed. 6:30.7:30 pm
Thurs. 8:30-10:00 pm
Fri. - 7:00-8:00 pm
Sat. 8 Sun 3:00-4:30 pm
Sun. 2:00-3:00 pm
Pool And
Rentals Available
We wish to thank everyone for visiting .us on our very
successful Grand Opening last Saturday. We regret our
complete stock is not here, but' it is arriving daily. Many
specials are still in effect this week.
We Specialize in
• Tiger and Harvey
Woods T -Shirts
• Yonex Badminton and
Tennis Racquets
• Acton Broomball
• Meull.er Traiging
• Trophies and Engrav-
• CCM Hockey Equip-
• Canadienne
• Micron and CCM
and Vic -
Come in and see us again soon
Specialists in Sport and Recreation
Winner of Hockey Tickets to London
Knights - Kelly Livingston:
Cee Bee Track Suit• - Melina
282 Main Street South, Exeter, Ontario
Home 235-0847
Store 235-1314
Centennials bow out
West Williams United, The Cent.rnnials started
defending champions, put crisply, and had_ Three
Exeter Centennials out 4-1 in almost impossible misses
an Ausable district soccer during the first 20 minutes of
semi-final Sunday. the snatch.
Nick Coates scored three They continued their
for the winners, and Dave pressure throughout the half.
Michielsen. a single -on West Then, at the close of it, with
Williams' home ground. Funston's goal' bringing
Exeter's one goal came them up 2-1, seemed ready to
from Ron Funston at 40 •.turn the game around.
minutes, when. the Cen- The reverse happened.
tennials were already two however, with West Williams
down on Coates' and resorting to the long ball and
Michielsen's opening goals a driving type of soccer for
at 25 and 35 minutes the remaining 45 minutes.
respectively. t West Williams will now
In the last half. Coates defend in a final against the
scored at 60 and 65 minutes winner of a Taxandria-Nair_-_ n._-— -;
to put the game aseray
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Automobile re
• Registered Retirement Plans
Bev Morgan Insurance
Agency Ltd.
238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Exeter
Across from Soveway Lumber
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Realistic: Clannette"-98. Listen to it record on it or sing
along with it...it's a whole world of stereo entertainment in
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your favourite LPs or 45 RPM records or listen to the AM or
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from the AM/FM receiver You can even add your voice to
the music as you record. with our 'Sing-Along'feature Hear
it perform today. at -your nearby- Radro-Shaek--Store-
of the month
Rf r,ce 39
Sale prices in
effect from
1978 -
Our best
Colour -Supreme II
3 -in -1 antenna
60' Swept -design VHF elements. in triangular
alignment. aid signal pickup and transfer and will
withstand strong viands and icing Comes pre -
assembled - install 0 yourself and save' Has 100"
boom and 30 signal -pulling elements 'Range VHF
-110 miles. UHF and FM --- 90 mules Has extra -
heavy, high -impact moulded Insulators 15-8223
[ 1 L/St7C 1
AM/FM/CB Portable Radio
Reg. $49.95
Carry it with you for news. sports. Reg. 59.95
beautiful music on AM or FM and local 9
happenings on 40 CB channels Four
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high gain and superior selectivity
Headphone jack Has AFC. telescoping
FM/CB swivel antenna With AC cord
Uses 4 •'C• batteries (not included)
High -Performance Base
B A SUPER BUY on a feature -packed base
transceiver' Realistic Navaho TRC -440 has
multiple IF filters for superior selectivity and
adjacent channel rejeciion Full-time ANL cuts
pulse mterterence. and push-pull audio circuitry
provides clean sound Hysteresis -type r.
adjustable squeJch automatically compenSrates
for fading Ultrd-stable and precise PLL 40 -
channel synthesizer - no crystals to buy
Lighted channel selgctor and SERF meter With
up -front speaker. dynamic plug-i_n
communications mike and jacks for external
speaker and headphone 21-1540 '78 Cat. Price Special
was 179.95. Sale 99.95• P
`On Easy -Rolling
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Our Store Is Big Enough T� Serve Your Needs' ... But
Smbll Enough To Be Friendly '