HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-21, Page 11 (2)i R. s } The readers write Dear Sir; 1 wish to applaud Peter Hannam, president of the Ontario Federation 'of Agriculture, for his restraint. f ant sure that Mr. Hastnant could have used stronger terjns than "A bucket df bull feathers" in answer to Ruth Jackson, vice-president of the Con- sumers ' Atsociation of Canada.; statement that. farmers are to blante for high food prices. However as Trudeau •and ('his economic advisers look for new ,places • to .put the blame for their mismanagement of this country's ecotnunics, the farmers become another scape goat. Mrs.. Jackson. conveniently; as do most of her federal cohorts. ignore the true culprits. There were no statements about food ripoffs when it waS announced that ••••••• Your Blood is Always Needed • • BE A BLOOD DONOR i)unumun Store Ltd. earned a profit of $5.8 million (68 cents a share) over a period• of 13 weeks ending June 17. Nor was there anything - when Silverwoods Industries Ltd. angrmed net profits of $102,162 (44.8 cents a share) over' a. period of 24 weeks ending June 18. This was an increase of 157 percent a share over the same period last year. Not only does the .federal government -ignore the large corporations, -in -their economical restraint programs. they even make it easier for them to operate without restraints. By cutting back the subsidy to consumer groups. which are the public's -_ watch. dogs _on price gouging, they are Selling the consumer out to the corporations. Coupling this action with the cancellation of programs such as Canfarm, which is used mostly by small farm operators to` efficiently maintain their farms, it isn't hard to see that Trudeau is Dose again attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the people of this country by misdirection. Yours sincerely Stuart Craine 1cCONGRATULATIONS TO OISSENel*). RESTAURANT e 4'/AIE,gE C74N40/AN F000 On Your GRAND OPENING We're happy to have been chosen to do the electrical work. TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 GIDLEY W. 235-1756 BEST WISHES TO 0EN RESTAURANT elYMIEgE &- C4N4o/ 4A( P000 On Your GRAND OPENING We are pleased to have been selected to provide your insurance re- quirements. Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. Exeter Grand Bend Office' Office 235-2420 238-8484 Congratulations TO 001.9EN RESTAURANT C'kio ew/its&'E & CAN 4O/AN P000 On Your ND OPENING FOOD .MARKET :- 333 Main St. 235-0420 • GETS A DRINK — A plant • refreshment from Hilda Schroeder looks on. the Exeter Public Library gets a mith as librarian Elizabeth T -A photo r / Store at Shipka is officially opened By MRS. HUGH MORENZ SHIPKA Congratulations to Tom and Jean Bradley on the official • opening • last Saturday of the Shipka general - st'di^e, since they became the new owners several weeks ago. Many folks stopped by for coffee and cake or do -nuts. Much has been done. to stake shopping more con- Iandeboye students returning . By MRS. ARTHUR HODGINS CLANDEBOYE Students returning to school from thisareainclude Allan Cunningham to the University of Guelph, Glenn Cunningham. Carol Murray and Alice Smibert to University of Western Ontario. Dianne Lynn is attending Ross Academy. London in the Dental Assistant course, Debbie Lynn continues her training as a Medical Lab Technologist at Unis•ersity ftospital,.London. Don Latta is continuing--his_lraining with the London City Police Force. Janis Kestle has been accepted by "The,Junction" in Exeter for a four month work term through the Co - Ed course of Interior Design, I anshawe College. - Mrs. , Jim • Hearn has commenced her teaching' career at Parkhill Public School. - Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham is progressing favourably following surgery in St.. Joseph's Hostpial last week. She expects to be home later this week. ' The A.C.W. of St. James Anglican church catered to the lunch following_ the funeral Tuesday of the late -Mrs. $lanche Davidson. Mr. & Mrs. John Brownlee and family of Gravenhurst spent the weekend with Mrs. Viola Carter. On Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle Brownlee of Craigholme Nursing • Home and Mr,. &. Mrs. Harold Cornish of London `joined them as dinner guests of Mrs. Carter. dirs. Gerald Lynn was hostess recently for the 1962- 63 reunion of the Scottish Country Dancing class. About 60 -members attended from Toronto. ,. Guelph. Petrolia and London. A 'smorgasbord dinner was followed by dancing on the • patio( - ' Mr. & Mrs. Ed Armstrong returned home Monday from a camping trip to Port Bruce with itheir aunt Mrs. Anderson anher d .ughter- of 81. Marys. • • Mr. & Mrs. Fred Nor- thmore and Bob have moved' to Lucan from the Lynn property. 4H news Clandeboye 411 Club 1 held its first meeting September 16 at the home of Catherine Lynn.- The project is "Needlepoint''. Mrs. John 1)e Weertl is'leader assisted by lie Harrison. • Election 'of' officers was � eld one are: president. hristlne De Weerd; vice president, Mdrian De Weerd; secretary, Janet Gilmour: press .reporter, -_Michelle Cunningham. �... The leaders-Axplaine the project arid the girls dr a sketch on their can ss ready to start the em- broidery venient, handy and efficient. Several people in this area called to offer "Con- gratulations" and "Best Wishefi" to Vernon and !della Schatz in Dashwood Community Hall, Sunday, on . the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary and Vern': 75th birthday. Family reunion Around :30 attended a Musselman family -reunion and bridal shower at -the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ferman Snyder, 'Sunday. Those attending were Mr. & Mrs. Armond Mussetman, Marilyn, Ross, David, Robert and friend of Tavistock, Mr. & Mrs: --Reuben Mussetman and Toni of St. Agatha. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Snyder. Jennifer, Bradley and Joanna of Bloomingdale, Mr. & T1rs. John Musselman of nlanheim,,Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hills and Miss Kaletta Nlusselman, Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Otto Plein . and i'hristapher, Elmira. Keith and Nancy Snyder, Greenway, Esther Snyder of London. Judy . Vincent of Crediton. The bridal shower was held for Robert Musselman, Tavistock and Gail Smith, London in honor of_ their_ approaching marriage later this fall. Centralia pair mark event UCW learn about 'palsy' By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Centralia U.C.W. resumed their fall meeting September 14 with 19 in attendance. Mrs. Fobb the president -opened the meeting with prayer and a welcome to everyone. The• minutes and reports were read and approved. Eight ladies .volunteered cookies for the match. The Regional meeting will be held in Chiselhurst October 17 with Centralia to take morning devotions. . The U.C.W. ladies are going to sell Church calendars for 1979.,A musical programme sponsored by the-U.C.W. will be presented October 27. Denna . Smith, Nerda Lightfoot and Florence Hodgins had the devotions. Opening with the hymn,. "Bringing in the Sheaves", Nerda read a poem, "Gift of Friendship". A hello neigh- bor moment was taken to greet everyone. Donna read the scripture and :Verde led in prayer.. Audrey McFalls sang a solo, "Let Jesus come into your heart." Mrs. Jean Edwards a guest, spoke on cerebral palsy with first hand experience as she has .three young people with this disease. She showed movies on • skiing in London at Woadeeden Camp to show what they can accomplish and also told of the most recent venture on horse back riding. She was very much enjoyed. Marion DeLine and' Lois Wilson sang a duet "Take time to Ile Jioly." The hymn "Stand. up for Jesus" was sung. Nerda read a poem "The Little Things that matter!' •The hymn - "The Great Physician" was sung and everyone repeated a serenity Prayer to close the meeting. Sunday Service . "P. aver" was the point stressed by Mr. Paul Schott in his sermon at the service in •the Centralia United Church, 'Sunday - morning. Mrs. Schott assisted with the service by telling the children's story. - There was an anthem by the choir and a vocal solo by Mrs. Russell Wilson. This- coming ,Sunday, the .bpnday School'•'and Church • services in Centralia United Church will be cancelled in BEST WISHES To Sue and Wayne on the grand opening .of the Golden City Restaurant. We were pleased to have ._ played our part- in- bringing them to Exeter. 430 Main St. S. 235-1232 & 3 GOOD LUCK TO tEN C44. 110 0 RESTAURANT ey/^IES'E 0-.4r*:, ) <� ooQ For your grand opening and in IFie future. ' Wally favour of the anniversary service in Zion West church. Celebrate �. Wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner celebrated their 2511 wedding anniversary Saturday with a "dinner for the family and bridal party in 'the schoolroom of the United Church. This was followed by "Open House" in• • the Community Centre . when a large number -of guests dropped in to extend their best wishes. To add to the enjoyment of the evening .coloured slides of ,the wedding of twenty five years ago were shown along with other family pictures. Lunch was served. - Guests - attending the celebration and spending the weed end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brackenberry. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Schember, Philip and Douglas and Mr, Hoy Motz of Elkton, Michigan. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy •following fhe - Harvest Thanksgiving Service in the Saintsbury Anglican Church • were Mr. and Mrs. Percy • ' Noels of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth and Mr. and Mrs.. Lawrence Hirtzel. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable who observed their 45th wedding anniversary last week. They Spent' a `few days in Tober- mory. • Sympathy is extended to Mrs. John Glavin and family in their bereavement. 1.41rs. Betty Sherman of San Bernardino California, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherman' of London were guests of Mrs. Russell Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden for lunch on Monday at the Burkley Restaurant. Exeter. Zion women plan to `bring a friend' By MRS. THOMAS HERN ZION Zion West United Church Women held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Miller. Roll call was answered with ',What I enjoyed mai. this past summer." • Articles for the bale were deliverer i to ' the Saugeen Indian- Reserve - .at. - Southampton. . - . • Storm windows have been put on the church window& A' donation will be given_ta the church treasurer. Thele was. a short • discussion about helpers and baking. for The ploughing match. • • The October meeting -will be ''Bring a .friend,"TheSouth Perth regional wi1J be held in Zion church Oct9ber 18. It was planned to visit the resource centre at Y1ltchell some time soon. A number of the ladies attended Alma College in August. Mrs. Lorne Herd, gave an interesting report on her three day stay. • Personals -Zion ,West L'.C.1i%.. mem- , -hers v.isited the •resource centre in •Mitchells Monday evening after ' a • short devotional by :Mrs. Ray • Jaques -.A filbi strip erititted "Shal-om" was ,Shpwn by• Tom-Msaritle, manager of the cerftre • _ - •- .Every'onetspent some tirpt looking,• through the •`Itteratu a and books. afta. which a sspcial half hour -was sent with Mr. &--Mrs. .Mantle :telling about their different experiences with customers and visitors. Times -Advocate, September.21, 1978 Page 11 TERM DEPOSITS Up To Year -9% 1or2years -9% 5, years - 91/2% CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. EXETER BRANCH - NowJototed in the Old Town Hall 322 MAIN ST. 235-0640 BES T WISE$ To os,E, C*), RESTAURANT C -MI S'E g• C4A/49/s4N F060 On Your.. GRAND OPENING MANY MORE IN STORE FEATURES AoSt 390 Main St., 5. Aipptrior MARKETS 235-0212 Lto EN REST4URANT e-4'/NE'E CAn«0i4AI Foov 493 MAIN ST., EXETER PHONE 235-0464 Weekday 11:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. LUNCHEON SPECIALS From Only • 9s TO $275 Juice, Beverage and Dessert Included. GRAND OPENING SPECiALS EXTRA SPECIAL FREE ECG ROLL With each 'order of Chinese _ ,FQod THIS WEEK ONLY THUR$., FRH SAT.. BUSINESS HOURS Monday — Thursday 11 a.m. to 12 midnight Friday— Sat. . ,..1 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday a 12 noon to 8 p.m.