HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-21, Page 3 (2)Speaks to Huron board
1 Hear of morals program
• 'Morals and values should'
be woven into school
• curricula to help -with the
emotional dilemma faced by
even a tn•e-}•ear-old. a Lon-
don educator has told the
Huron County hoard of '
education. '
1)on Santor. spokesman
for London hoard. of
education's--• rhorals anti
values program. told
trustees- Monday, night the
prhgram is intended Ia
de-velop a child's seli-
esteern. than gradually
respect for other ihdividuals
and finally ar(+spect,tor all
people's rights. Ile said the
program should be included_
in the leaching of all •suh-
jects•and not trade a
separate, course .
Custom framing
4ter needlepoint, crewel,
photographs. oil paintings.'
•s( etc. Regular or nonglare,
gloss. Ready to hang, 48 hour
ri service. i
Harold .Tyndall
482.7409 CLINTON
The choice of curriculum.
subject content and dis-
cipline already projects the
teachers' Morals and
values. something San tor
said he would like to see in-
creased under careful
guidance of all the people in-
yoh•ed -
Ildsaid,parents. churches.
' teachers and trustees should
gel together to establish the
tj•pe of morals they think
children should be taught
He said there is' usually no
conflict syi1FI the religious
education (•hildron get ou--
side the school ssstern
. The program is designed
not to offend parents •who.
seant"to develop their child's
own morals and values but
do no1 want to introduce
thein to religious instruc-
1 ion /I
Santer said to
leaches a child he
a value 'cleCisiorr
hnw to dere
)younger child
mar lie betw•t1
v to make
and then
yt'd it F o r
•n the choice
en loyalty to a
friend and honesty _t i
teacher. he :said.• For older
students; Santor•deaf' with
more controversial. tortes
such as"Ii)valty to a Tabor tin -
tin and lo_vality to a jnh-:+nil
eow•hoss .
"-The va't majority of kids
know the dif ference_ between
right and wrong...the dilem-
ma is in choosing between
two rights."
rn ap inter-
view Tuesday that research
on the program began in
London in 1971 and was in-
troduced• into London
.classrooms in 1976!
Teachers involved In the
program have said they in-
terreact with students
better. he said.
Sanlor said 17 boards of
education. have adopted
some type of •program on
__morals and values while
tnotlier'.15 b ird' are
assessing the program:
Right now society is say-
ing very ''dearly we want•
moral education.- " •
L[Santor addressed the
uron trustees at their in-
vitation. "They wanted sort
of an introduction to the ball
park and that's what I did
- Board -chairman John
i?Ilint said trustees will need
a few weeks -to digest Sari-
-. tor's ideas before deciding if
they shoiild take any action.
Some Hurgn County
Schools already are involved
in a •non -denominational
• religious education class-
lassWhich •deals with. human
What you don't
know can tum
people off.
Attitude's -change. -
like the way -people feel about
electricith► /
-Once. many peopleysed all they
could.,Until it was discovered that
electricity isn't a bottomless �ti�lL
Now more and more of us use
electricity carefully:
Because waste of electricity like
anything everybody really -needs, can turn
, people off. -
Tod4 it's -better to tum oN
a light. bulb than turn off a friend
Wasting electricity turns people . off.
i his mcss,Igt' is brought t, rs. a hs tour lltdr,, on lx h,dl of people tsho care 4 •
J -
Set sewer, road
Times -Advocate, September 1, 1978,^ Page 3
Continued from front page
debenture($300.000 for the
work s
Wright said only a portion
+"` of that 'amount may be re-
1t this' committee's
su • scion. 'council stIso
agree t to have Ken .Dunn of •
B M Ross & Associates es-
timate the costs of a
sidewalk on the east side of
the Main St bri eat the
same time of
• Wright said many re-
quests had been received
• from people in the north end
to have 'a sidewalk on the
east side su youngsters
would not have eros.
• Highway 4 on their way to
- school.
The report noted that in
1980 several sttreets would
.he ready for twta1 Comple-
tion, -that „list including
Edward from Huron tr.
(;idler Marlborough" Prvde
registroAn day for players
involved with the Stephen Minor Hockey Association. Signing up witH Jack O'Neil -.president of
the association and vice-president Bob ,Lawrence are Stephen Watson and Steve O•Neill:
District donors provide
many items for fair draws
Six valuable prizes are week end in the annual lucky
• again_ available to visitors to ticket straw.
The Exeter Fall Fair this 1leading the list of prizes is
JOHN GLAV I N September• -15, 1978 In his
Suddenly in South- Huron 62nd year Beloved husband
Hospital, Exeter: • on of cora titreets. He was the
Tuesday. September 12, 1978, sem of the rale Mr & _\1rs
"John Gerald Glavin, of RR 2 Hobert •J Paterson. tor-
Lucan. "Beloved husband of •merly Edna A. Horton Born_
Leona (McCann' Glavin' In Heirs -all. he spirit a
and dear father of Edward of number of years in -Toronto
l{R 1 Lucan, Thomas, with the Guarantee Trust
•`Michael, James, Larry, Johnt'ornpaa . where he •was an
and Etigene Glavin, all of 1{i'{ ott1uer• 'Funeral service and
1 Crediton, Gerald of RR. 1 committal was from the
Centralia. Joseph, of Httron - 13onthl•,in Funeral 1tome -nn
}'ark, - Dennis, -.David. NI9nday. September 18. 1978
j" Maureen. Anne and Donna. • at• p in with Rev
_all at home, (Mary Angela I Mc1)nnald Officiating Burial
Mrs Peter RLitfc'n: of It 8, in Ext•te9 ce•►neter%
Bob Parsons of Exeter' Dear
brotther ofMrs..I{tta Carey of
Par-khill,-ii.orrainei Mrs.
llitfred Ilelm of Kitchener,
' Marc Mrs. Benedict
Dietrich of RR 1 ('enilalia.
'Camilla, Mrs. Ray Trtidell
at Tilbury. Predeceased by
one brother Thomas 11945'.
Also_ survived br 22 grand-
child n in his -61st year. The
funera was held Friday
from flit C. Haskell and Son
Funeral tome. Ltican, and
Our Lad of Mount Carmel
Church. Rev. Father
Richard Charretle af-
fiel aced 1)tt'rntent-in Mount
T1n a (-'ty• mrt"F.ry
Pa Biwa re s were Pat
('tyke, rt t Cronyn, Ron
Swartz, Stan flicks. Ken
(a►np1 '11 ancd Earl Reichert:
SI Joseph's hospital on
11'ednesday. September '13,
1978. Joseph Emerson
Currab of •Ft11 3 Granton in
bis 71111 year. Beloved
• husband of Irene Mary
Campbell r Currah-, dear
lather ,pi Shirley Barton of
Strdde'iih lit 't,ctori:t.
110 petal. London on Tuesday
sc* )tt•mber 19, 1978 Lloyd
George Cook of Et Notre
1)arnc Crescent London at)d
formerly bt Exeter helovei(
husband 01 the late Alice
i Haskvtt Cook dear step-
son of Mrs .Aly r Ile Gook _of
Hurvilvie v Nursing Home.
('hnioh Dear father of
• • Barbara .Mrs .hitt ProWse
and Douglas both of London_
)ohn of Qui•sriel B.C.
Robert and Da‘ id a1 home
Dear tattier tit Christopher
-Prowse Dear--rain-law of
11rs - Blanche' lfasketl of
1.ucan Resin:,: at the
Haskell and Son' Funeral
,Mont?. (mean where - the
funeral service ytill be held -
Thursday Seplcti b r 21 at
2 Ito p l). Interment in St.
.lames cernc'ery Clan -
a hind quarter of beef
donated by the Exeter
District Co -Op. Holder of the
second tickeIdrawn wi4l win
a side of pork provided by
F:art• Lippert Trucking of
Crediton. •
Roezler __Trucking • of
('redid` n akes the third
prize ya It will be a
side of lamb -"and Sterling
Fuels will supply a case -of oil
as the fourth prize.
A turkey from Harry
Hat'ter's Turkey Farm al
Dashwood goes to -holder - of
the fifth ticket drawn and the
,ixth prize winner will get a
bushel of apples donated- by
Frank Sawyer Orchards
.Over 80'CIub
Mrs. Lavina • Keenes,
Exeter, will be 93 on
Sunday. September, - 24.
J 1478 -
Clarence Edw,9rd
Knight of the Bluewater
Rest _Home, Zurich; will
he 89 on September 21:
BlvdVictoria from,lfain'to
the ('o -op. Sanders from
N'illiamiu 9 fai•lboroulli. t
While no priority was let
for this work. the report
noted that the condition b( r
these'streets at the tin e
could he- the deciding facts
at 'the' .limo of •settin
ri • rities
Reeve Si•.Simmons noted '
tat -('Ven
oucnit did not 'undertake
work as reeornrne,nded _
the report. it---Wouldn't.-.--
ult in any' loss • as the
approved by council
a •to be fallen at some
-n f anyway
and appliances
we h ve o
Jorge selection of...
'2, 3L 4 piece Chesterfie`lds�0
'C ' ner and Sidewall \40
China Cabinets
'3 pc.'coffee table sets
'9gnk Beds -Lamps'
' Appliances -Antiques
'Bedroom 6 Kitchen Suites` •
"the store with your evdryday bargains."
Gabian Stone
in 100 pound bogs
Sand -&-Stone '
Stone for
'Weeping Beds -
Crediton • 234.6382
• • 5
Our Founder — one we consider ,to, be•the serious
type only with' o great. cipe-et,te'. Dixie Lee reflects
• thil attitude with +heir large portions of chicken.
salod,-and frsh O ` Founder feels he is on ojthor,rti
on the origin of man s ope+hte Our company goy 4
always strived to be the best treetops above
re's -t". os our Founder if fond to say 'We sss
EXETER , , 235=2665
pubhc library now offers
Toronto, Leland (awren of
BramptonBrampton and Laurence our
Currah. Dear brother •of
\Table Campbell of
Wyoming. Also children he
twelva o N• Oo. . .
great-grandchildren and
several nieces and nephews.
The - funeral,. was held ,: -'
- S'aturday from the. C.
tlaskett and Son Funeral
• Itorne, Lucan with Rev- Ii. •
Morden , officiating Inter-
ment • , to Hyde Park
Cemetery, • •
• Itaye B Paterson passed
away in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter. Friday..
J+A y
Royal Insurance
Good News For Young Drivers!.
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lished for YOU by Royal Insurance Canada. Royal is Canada's leading insurer of homes, car and busi-
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IT COSTS NO7F1ING to find out how much money you may save and if your record is good. so are
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Over-1-501iiiepend-ent Insurance Agent's in S.W. Ontario sell Royal Insurance. CaII the local agent
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147 MAIN ST. S., EXETER 235-221 1
With Ontario's
public library netwoyk,
you, get a complete
information centre:
iota 14 tial 1 ranch nit'rt' j' \_
than ,0111, tit I`tstks t4tr pleasure .—/{
rc,a,itn� ,In.?-sttitit:. it 1' part t)t Jn • -
I, ' nt.arlc t �t t.lc •net��'t Irk tit ti nirte 'n
(ibr:ar\ s\•ien)» typic h tit Ittt'rr.itt' :anti 1
'11,1'1"C tht'ar rexturt:tis. ttt this,
nr.rrll 1.11431;e' no Nw o titer Itnp( trr,inr -
i.l,ltti it t rVires, sot h Its: '
1 •i tltia tctttth,tnti vitlet)t.isscttc',
ct Lli srttgranls stich•a• sten •
u'tirs. pc:akcrs, tletllttnstr,ttlttll- •
- i
ti iia 'n main \ different •
l,ttli,jl.l•_IS; - -
4. Rt'tt'rcnceriilftrnl,itlttn services,
5. R4(trs hit. mail tttr shut-ins ;Intl
people to isolated area:;
(t. L'lri t' print ,Ind talking books for
the h,ultdicapped;
i. Interllbr.in 14;,in services to help,
tuft got t e (`skit v 'u wailr,
•.\yilCrc\'c r it as,
. 1 �. Newspapers, tll,tt;,a:u tc s-;lnt1
• tit )VO11lnlcnt information
publications. " •
There's st inlethint; special for et en 4 )nr
of all likes. \take it ,i pt'lnt toxisit your
h)i , I public library soon.
Reuben Baetz,
Minister of Culture
and Receation
William Davis, Premier
Province of Ontario