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Times -Advocate, September 14, 1978
and district news
Mrs. Hilda Payne, Phone 262-5018 •
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone -262-2025
Senior members of United
congregation have supper
A pot luck luncheon for
senior members of the
congretation was ' held by
Unit 4 of the Hensall United
Church Women on Thursday.
September 4 in the
Fellowship Hall. The
meeting, held afterwards.
was chaired by Mrs. Jessie
McAiltster. 'Mrs. 'Gladys
Coleman led in prayer and
Mrs. McAllister read an
article on the Sistine Chapel
in Rome and • the artist,
Michael Angelo.
For the programme. • Mrs '
Dorothy Mickle led a sing-
song accompanied by Mrs.
Myrtle Sherrill and later
played. "Bless this House"
on the piano. Mrs. Elizabeth
Riley gave two humorous
readings. The meeting was
closed by prayer, led by Mrs..
JessieArmstrong and all
joined in - the Mizpah
New bus busintes.c
A new venture in town is
the Hensall Recreation
Centre. opened in the former
store of Brian Richman. the
photographer. r Brian has
moved to another store.
former B. Jays. -at the east
end of the down town block.
The rec centre opened last
l•'riday evening and ap-
peared -to be well patronized
by the younger members of
the commufiity It is owned
by Milt Keller of Exeter and
contains two pool tables.
Snack machines and pin -ball
machines •
Will have guest speaker
•Morning service at the
Hensall. United Church was
conducted by Rev John
Wareham of Exeter last
Sunday. The sermon was on-
nthe text. "He was angry and
refused to go in- taken from
the story of the Prodigal Son.
Next Sunday the service
will be conducted by Hes:. E.
Donald Stuart of Centralia.
Chiselhurst will be holding
Anniversary Service at 2:30
p.m. with guest - speaker.
Rev John Ostreicher of
Wesley. Willis U.C. and Mrs
Donna St. John, guest
Unit one will meet on
Thursday. September 14 at 2
Conducts service
Dr Fox conducted service
in Carmel Presbyterian
Church do Sunday speaking
on the text "What Must i Do
To Be Saved" taken from'
the Book of Acts
Chapter 16. Mrs Robert
Taylor presidec,at the organ
and led the choir in singing
•"Saviour Like a Shepherd
Lead I's"
Mr. & Mrs. Edison Forrest
have returned trom a two
week tnp.to the west visiting
relatives • in Saskatchewan
and 'Fort McMurr Alberta
4Mr • Walker Carlile. is a
patient in St.' Joseph's
Hospital. London where he
recently underwent surgery
• Mr and Mrs Don Dalton
and Carla of Seaforth were
recent visitors with Mr and
Mrs Harold Parker
. Mr and Mrs Craig Chap-
, man and Michelle of Forest
spent the weekend with the
former's mother Mrs. Lorne
Chapman -
Mrs Grace Peck. Huron -
view. Clinton spent Tuesday
and Wednesday with Mrs.
Dorothy Mickle and enjnyed
the "Pot Luck:' supper at
the Senior Citizens Hall on
Tuesday e';ening
Mrs. Edgar Munn return-
ed home after spending the
past week with her son-in-
law and daughter Mr. and
Mrs. Don Goading and Dale
in Parkhill.
Mrs. Ed' Corbett of the
staff of the Bank, of Mon-
treal is on vacation.
Mr. and Mrs Wayne
Phillips and family of
Stanley Township have
taken up residence in -the •
property on Main street
Lightning hits
Hensall home
Lightning struck the noire
ot Ross Dobson of RR 2.
Hensall early Tuesday
morning causing an as yet
undetermined amount of
According to•Hensatl Fire
Chief •. Jim Hyde tris men
answered the call at 1 30
Tuesday morning and ex-
tinguished a small fire irr the
rafters of the home Firemeh
remained on the scene for an.
hour and a half. he said.
Hyde said there- was
evidence that the lightning
had' caused damage to, the
wiring oI the home as some.
wall outlets- had been blown
Dobson could not he
reached for comment
whish • they recently purch-
ased- from Mrs Grace
Mrs. Don Brunslow. Ex-
eter and Mrs \laurice Haist
Of Centralia• were recent
visitors with Mrs. Bertha
Mr. and Mrs.- Jack
Dickens and family of
.Dungannon hate taken up
residence- in the .property
they recently purchased
from Mrs: F. Rapson.
Mrs. Eric Munroe- of
Seaforth visited last week.
with Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor Mrs. Harold
Parker was the guest
speaker on Thursday even-
ing at the U C. W meeting in
the Evangelical Church.
Zurich. speaking on the
Conference she attended at
Alma College in.August. The
theme"Stop-Look-Listen —
Hear God Speak"
An organisational meeting
of the forthcoming Hensall
41-1 dub. ••Essential
Edibles • will he held
Tuesday evening. September
19 at 7p n: at._the Hensall
I sited Church Any girl age
12 by September 1. 1978 is
eIrtibk' to torn
The Hensall Ladies'
Legion Auxiliary met Tues=-
day evening with the presi-
dent Mrs Beatrice Uvl
presiding. Arrangements
were made 'to assist other
organizations canvass for
the Blind
Teams were appointed for
.the bowling tournaments to
be held in other places. The
mystery prize.was_won by
Mrs Clarence Reid and the
Guessing prize was won by
Mrs G McCl.inchey.
Refreshments were served -
at the close . •
The liens ill Senior
Citizens and friends en-
joyed a bus trip to Niagara
Falls and Roekton on Mon-
day with the llderton-
•McNautthton Tours. •
REGISTER FOR NURSERY SCHOOL — Friday was registra-
tion and open house day for the Hensall Nursery school that
is to operate out of the .new-commu.nity center. Signing up
with Janis Bisback of the school is Gillian and Mrs. William
Simpson of Hensall. The school is expected to begin operation
in mid-November: Staff photo
canvassers.for CNIB
Amber Rebekah Lodge .delicious 'Pot Luck' lunch
resumed their fall meetings was enjoyed by all.
Wednesday evening with the
Noble Grand Mrs. Maggie
Campbell presiding. assisted
by the Vice Grand Mrs.
Pearl Eyre. Mrs. Mdeen
-Volland R.S.V.G. gave the
report of .the .visiting com-
mittee. The Treasurer's
report was given by Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor in the
absence of the Treasurer
Mrs. Dorothy Corbett.
Several -"Thank You" .notes
were received.
'The Lodge Charter will be
draped at the next meeting
in -memory of the late Sister
Daphne Kenealy Past Presi-
dent of the Rebekah
Assembly. Volunteers are
requested for .the Canvass
'for Institute of the Blind. At
the close of the meeting --a,
The Rev. Kenneth Knight
Saskatchewan will preacn in
Carmel Presbyterian
Church. Hensall on Sunday.
September 17th at 10:15 a.m.
A joint meeting of the con`
gregations wit], b_held in
Cromarty P esbyt 4
Church on Saturday.
September 16th at.8 p.m. A
Congregational meeting will
be held in Carmel
Presbyterian Church Hen-
sall Wednesday. September
20t IWO p.m.
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SEED GROWER — John Anderson of Hensall, is one of the
many seed barley growers in -Ontario impressed with the per-
formance of the new variety, Bruce. He harvested 75 acres of
the new cultivar and says most of his fields approached 80
bushels per acre. ✓ -
Owners of smaller businesses
TheFederal Business
Development Bank
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If convenient, please call collect
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tario St., Stratfora (271-5650)
UCW enjoy
potluck supper .,
Unit two of Hensall united
Church met in the
Fellowship Hall Monday
evening for a pot luck sup-
per. Tyke (Ye members and
three guests were present.
At the.rgeeting following
the supper. Mrs. Elva
Forrest showed snapshots
taken all across Canada and
talked:about each one, giving
everyone glimpses into the
beauty ;•of the Canadian
countryside and how people
live m nine 01 the different
provinces, the Yukon and the
North West Territories.
She also described the
extraction of nil from the Tar
Sands and showed samples
M the side prgducts. coke.
bitumuni. gas oil. sulphur
'and naptha and showed a
small quantity of the first
synthetic crude oil to flow
through the piffle line.
deserted the hugfi
mach ter\ including a
conveyo It 17 miles Icing
and- costing SI. per inch to
make. Uranium and other
metals and salt are also
Lound in the sands.
F'or the devotional. Mrs
Helen MacLean read Psalm
-101) and spoke of the beauty
and thankfulness associated
with this time of year.'
finishing with a poem.
"God's :Autograph". -
During the business, -it was
decided to hold the October
meeting on the 16th instead
of the 91h, to decorate the
church for thanksgiving. and
to make cookies .for the
International Plowing
Match. The meeting closed
with a couple of contests and
the Mizpah Benediction. -
The Family and Con-
sumers Affair meeting of
Kippen East WI will be held
September 20 aL8:30 p.m. in
the Legion .Ha'll. Hensall.
Roll call is "What i like Bet
from the freezer and, how i
prepare it"
Mrs .Ernie Whitehouse
has the motto. '.'Remember
every time the banana
leaves the bunch. it gets
thinner." Topic will be.
"What every woman should
know about money::. Mrs.
Stewart Pepper and Mrs
Wm. McDowell are in
charge of the lunch.
Mr and Mrs. Chester
Harmer. Cleveland. Ohlo
were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs Alex McGregor
Mrs Ruth Dickert.
Ilarriston 'visited with her
sister. Mk Norma Dickert
last week •
Mrs Hugh Hendrick is a
patient in - St. .Joseph's
Hospital. London. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
McClinehev are moving to
Mr and Mrs. John Ander-
son holidayed in northern
Ontario recently.
Mr and Mrs. Art
Ashworth. ilderton visited
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones-
oneslast Sunday
An Roll up your sleeve
to save a life ...
Will hold special meeting on Monday c
to discuss changes in water system
Nick Hill, architect from
the Firm of Hill and 13orgal in
Goderich and Ray Alarie
Planning Engineer of
Conestoga -Rovers Associ-
ates were at the regular
meeting of Hensall council
Monday night to ask coun-
cil's permission to proceed
with a study of Hensall's
water system. -
. The study is to see if there
would be enough water
pressure for the village and
the proposed Reid sub-
division. .
The planners wanted
cctttncil to pay 75 percent of
the cost of such a study
which they estimated would
probably cost around $4,000.
Mr. 11111 said they had
•atteady done a study on the
water supply and storage
system for storm and
sanitary sewers. He said the
present water system could
handle 2,060 people but they
didn't know what would
happen to the water pressure
-it tire should break out at the
other end of the village.
Therrien also said that the
Ontario' Municipal Board
(OMB) has to know how
much 'pressure the water
System can handle before the
planners go ahead with their
subdivision plans.
"I think one of the
frustrations we've had is
what capacity we can handle
in the water systems of the -
village. 1 would have thought
that having invested in this
system that somewhere
along the line you'd want to
know what the system's good
tor'.'"- Mr. Hill said.
"The OAiB • and • the
Ministry of the Environment
are going to want this in -
tormation and I d like to 'ask
some councillors if they
think this is reasonable on a
cost sharing basis," he
"What's going to happen if
they find out- there's not
enough water if there .is a
fire," councillor Bevan
ponthron asked.
Mr, Alarie said that it
could be that a few fiuks of
pipes connected to the
present water system could
he all that's necessary.
Councillor.Harry Klungels
said. "1 was just wondering
if maybe a larger pipe would
be less expensive -than a
Mr. Alarie replied that
they knew how much water
they could get from the
wells but they didn't know
how • much pressure they
could get from where the
water started out to the
subdivision. lie said that the
engineers Burns -Ross
agreed that `jt would be
necessary to do the study.
, Councillor -Paul Neilands
said the Ministry of the
Environment should know
what the capicity of Hen-
sall's storage system was
and Mr. Alarie said that the
Ministry had all the records
but they wanted to know
what the distribution of the
pressure is -because. the
Canadian Underwriters say
you have to know how much
pressure you can have.
Nick Hill said that the
Huron County planner
-Homan Dzus was supposed
to have his plans in by
October and that by January
they should be able to get
into the actual planned
subdivision work.
Mr. Alarie 'said the water
system study would
probably take four to six
weeks. Councillor Harry
Klungel asked if the only .
thing they would come up
with in the
would be the
necessary to
finat analysis
siz , QI pipe
correct the
water pressure. •
"Hopefully it` (the study)
will say the system is okay."
"If you're looking 1 think
you should pay more than 25
percent of it," Councillor
Homer Campbell said.
Reeve Harold Knight -
pointed out that "Lt's pretty
awkward. Its a municipal
water system but basically
it's run by the PUC and
they're th'e ones who have all
the figures on it."
Mr. Alarie also said there
had been several sub-
divisions put in other areas
where the town's water
systems hadn't been up to
OMB standards and in such
cases it was more
economical to put in a
separate system and he said
he proposed study would also
show whether it was
necessa'y for an in-
dependent system to be
installed in the Hensall
subdivi rtni. He added that
one of the thing's they're
recommending is that the
subdivision be serviced by
two mains. . •
"I think we're overlooking
another big factor — that
we're annexing another 100
acres to the north. We're
going to need ,water there
too," Reeve Hrold Knight
"There mai be an+ -ad-
vantage to the hing." I'm
just sorry the PUC aren't in
on it. Myself, personally I
would like to talk with the
PUC before 1 give my
opinion on it."
Mr. Hill asked council that
if they deemed it necessary
to go the. PUC whether they
could hold a special council
megting to discuss it. Council
decided to hold a special
meeting on September 18.
He also asked council if
they would discuss with
planner Roman Dzuz going
to the school board about an
additiop• street going past
the s lout advising the
school board of council's
position. on it, as a sup-
plement 00 the planner's
presentation to thein.
The planners wanted a
road either 10 the side of the
school or through the school
grounds because the grounds
cut oft access between the
village and the proposed
subdivision site
111r. Hill said in a phone
interview that he hoped the
school board would be
willing to trade some of their
land for an access road so
that the planners could keep
all existing roads intact but
he thought a road at the side
would be better so the
planters didn't have to go
right through the middle of
the .school grounds.
Also al the meeting.
council discussed a• by-law
they had drajvn up
previously to prohibit bur-
ning in defined areas in the
municipality but Clerk
Elizabeth Oke said council
-really have U0 authority to
prevent tires In a defined
area. They would have to
- Please turn to Page 1
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Phone: 262-2017 Hensall