HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-14, Page 10 (2)Page 12 Times -Advocate, September 14, 1978 t Brinsley By GORDON MORLEY. Brinsley 'anted . Church Women held !lien' September - tneuting Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Hodgson. Kathy Prest had her sister from Toronto visiting with - her tor a Lew days recently A .ta►n(ly picnic was held Sunday at the tome ot Nlr & Mrs 1%' tier! Lewis and - Carolyn •('hunch service was held on Sunday ul the t rated Church at the usual time with Pastor Peter Snell back al ter his holidays. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tr'eyittuck visited with their son Neil to Brantford General Hospital, Sunday. Mr & Mrs. Jim Hodgins :and Andrea. Strathroy .sasiled with the Tatters parents NIr & Mrs. Fred Lewis They also attended church service in Brinsley l sited ('birch STEPHEN MINOR HOCKEY (HURON PARK MINOR HOCKEY) Register Sat., Sept. 16 AT HURON PARK ARENA From 10-1 Watch. For Our (C) Old OP( • RSD Sport Den Inc. 282 Main St. S. Exeter SAVE ON THESE WEEKEND 1eSPECIALS 1977 DODGE ROYALE -- Two door hardtop, V-8, tomatic. ocwer steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. M80 018 3675 ''3675 1976 LTD BROUGHAM -- Four door, fully qudoea -a:ng air conditioning. Lic. LBP 609 :e�rtc '4185 1975 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN — Two door hard- top, V-8, dolt --put, oower•'steering, power brakes radio. Lic HND 472 '2495 1974 LTD -- Two door hardtop. fully equipped in- cluding air conditioning. Lic. DFZ 919 '2175 1973 PiNTO -- Two door, 4 cylinder good eco • :- sportotion Lic CZZ 115 '1290 LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer 06. St THAMES ROAD WINS The Thames Rood club won the Usborne ba . .oys league and tournament championships. Bock, left. tooth Mervin Shute, Scott Hodgert, Alan Hodgert, Dan Marquart• Paul Stewart, Danny Shute, Jeff Borland coaches Glenn Lamport and Ruth Bray. .Front. Steve Francis. Ed.4Villis. Jim Siddall, Tim Shute, Kevin Heather and Michael Stewart". Missing.were Brad Cann and coach Craig Alexander . T -A photo UCW make preparations for bakeless bake sale By MISS ELLA MORLOCK• • CREDITON. The l _C•W . of Zion United Church held their September meeting Thursday evening in the Sunday School. roonis. Mrs Russell Finkheiner. assisted by Mrs Ed Fink - Personally Selected USED CARS 1,978 DODGE ASPEN Custom station wagon 6 cylinder, outolnatic power steering, power brakes. radio roof Fick. radio! tires_ licence MLE742 '5395 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY 4 door, 318 V-8 automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes. • radio. 29.000 krn. *Lcence NAJ400 '4295 1977 GREMLIN X 6 , •'c e•. automatic, radio. roof rocks Licence NAN489 '3295 1977 ASPEN 4-ac.or custom. 6 dcylinder automatic, power steer ing. power brakes. radio, factory air tor - . ditioning Licence MFK741 '4600 1976 GREMLIN 2.door 6 cylinder. automatic. radio. 35.000 miles '.recce KSZ965 '2795 • 1975 CHEVY STEP . VAN 6 cy'••-der, automatic radio. 39.- 000 9;000 miles. licence 856958 '3795 1974 MUSTANG II 4 cyliocier 4 speed. bucket seats, new tires licence HSN643, '2195. DOBBS MOTORS LTD. twiner. Mrs R; Rand nd Ella Nlorlock. conducted nducted the worship .1rs Russell Finkbeiner read a poem. led -lo prayer ar.(I introduced the -topic. a report 01 tile Alma College seminar tor women: presented -by Mrs' Ed Fink - twiner :1 song learned at the conlerence was introduced Roll call was answered by na ill l ng .0 met fling one complains about. Preparation was made tor !tic conduct 01 a bakeless hake sale. and for the . group s contribution to the I ruled Church booth at the- ploughing he .ploughing match. Used Christmas cards are to be CialleCe¢. • Lunch was served by Nll•s. Ross I'!ckehng. , Mrs. Leonard ar'd V.('10.• Mrs Chris Dtiiney Phone 235-1800 Evenings 235-1130 4H Club The 0rganisalion sleeting for the 411 tall project "Essential Edible;.' will be held N10nday. September 18. - at 7 p.m in the Crediton-. ('oliununity Centre Girls 12 years old by September first are welcome. Personals 'Paras Leif Witherspoon participated in the 411 Homemaking (lab program at Western Fair Tams Lee ssas one of the girls (•hOSen iron' Huron County to model in the Simplicity Styles tasluon shoe • 1r & Mrs Herb Haas, of Jacksonville. Florida and N1r & Nlrs Douglas Hatst of Madison. Wisconsin. visited relators in the arta. •Rev . & Mrs Armin Whalen By MRS HAMILTON HODGINS Mr & Nlrs Everitt Hicks. Baarie spent the weekend with NIr & Mrs. John Scott. Mr & Mrs John A. -Damen attended the Allen family reunion Sunday al the home oI Ron and Dolph Allen. Dent field eb Mr & Mrs Mac Spence visited.Sunday evening with NIr & Mrs Gerald Vern. - Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Ilodgins syere Mr. & Mrs-. ¢•alvm (.rose, Myrna and Marlene. Glanworth: Sheila (.rose. Str'attorcl: Mr. & Mrs. Don ()Neil and Brian. Lucian. Mr & Mrs. Bill Mardian. and girls. Wesley: Mr •& Mrs Robert. Black- well. Goderich.- Mrs Gwen -:rose Lucian Mr. -& Mrs. Fred Nlardlin and girls. Wesley JIIIIIIIII Ishii IIIIIIIIIIIIllellIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111(IIIt11111111111111I11111111111111111I11111111111101111Il1t1111II1111N1111III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h1111111111111111111111111111111I11M . RICHARD SHOEBOTTOM APPOINTED CANADIAN TIRE 4- tit, SERVICE MANAGER Exeter and area motorists can depend on the Copadian Tire ser -vice department to keep their vehicles running sm000hly Richard 9-oebottom, newly appointed service manager will pn';or illy look after. all your automotive •- requrrerrents ranging from minor mointenonce-type wok a to complete overhaul; Richard has many years of ei?- s • perience and is fully quohfied_ to provide the type of ser- vice you'll expect. He's looking'forward to serving you. �nmm�nuununuunnunnnunuuunnnnunnuunnnnunn1�1p11111n1nlunlnlllllnllllmluulllllnllllllnumlinuunuunnnnnnunnnnnnunnuununnuulnnunn1iu18unnunnnnninl r� Schlenker and Nlary were in Kitchener Friday to welcome granddaughter Heidi Marie. daughter of Mr & Mrs. Carman Schlenker. Erwin Gower. Winnipeg. visited his sister. Mrs. Allan •F'lnkheiner. He returned home Sunday. Mrs. Will Oestru•her spent the weekend with Mts. McCandless ot Strathroy_ Sunday evening she attended the district Baptist rally at whiten the Chapelaires of London provided the music*. Thursday four buslirads01 students from Steptten- Central went to Stratford to tour the Freedom Train. Mr. .& Mrs. .Lloyd Hey and Rev. & Mrs. M. E Reuber spent last weekend'at Point Farms nearr-Godench . The Noel Ann Farmers Markel west of Creditors is a five 01 activity. employing about 75 persons in the harvesting and processing of vegetables. Advertising... is youy way of introduction. Visitors at Shipka By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Mrs. Minnie Robertson of Wheatley has been visiting with 1.1r Herbert Harlton and Dorothy and with Mabel ' and Karen Guenther. Iva Latta, Eleanor 1)urie and Annie Morenz visited Thusday afternoon at Strathroy hospital with Maurine Itidlev. Friday and Sunday visitors with Mrs. Trellis Little and Earl Stebbins were .Mr. & Mrs. Philip Little. Colleen, Jennifer and Angela 01 Strathroy, Ntr. & Mrs. Maurice • Desjardine, Lee Desjardine and -friend Sandra, C'arleen,Desjardine, all of Huron Park, and - Corporal Harvey Desjardine 01 Germany. Harvey also visited his grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Desjardine, and other aunts uncles and cousins in the area.Sunday visitors «•ith Mr. & Mrs. Sid Durie and Glenn were Nancy and John Kowalchuk, Waterloo a11(1 Dennis• and Sharon Durie. Strathroy.. •!'Ire._ latter two recently relurtuld Irom a holiday trip •• to the West coast. Mrs. Doris Sweitzer and Mr. & Mrs Jun Sweitzer, Jell and Amy visited recently in Welland. Doris 1 ('r with I►er nrother, Mrs. Elsie Condor( and Jnr and Marg and children -at . his uncles Mr. & Mrs. Roy Comfort. %%illus Desjar(11ne, added another ln'sl place In old time lu1(tluig to his growing number of prizes and trophies won this year at the Huron Pioneers Threshers reunion held Saturday and Sunday at Blyth. Mr. & Mrs. Dick Zielman, Debbie . and Angie visitecj recently at Niagara halls and Alar(neland, the Kock •Gardens an(t;1)uildurn castle at Ilanril'nn. WIN CONSOLATION -- The consolation championship of the Kirkton girls bantam Labour Day tournament was won by Exeter. Back; Left, coach Liz Bell, Deb Brunzlow, Sharon Skinner, Brenda MacDonald, leslie Hunter-Duvor, Donna Voeimann, N%ia Gans, Chris Clark and coach Jim Bell. Front, Karen Wallace, Lisa Rooth, Catherine Potterson, Kim Parsons, Brenda Bell, Ronalee Bogart and Judy Coates. Missing was Kelly Livingstone. T -A photo PREVENT TRANSMISSION TROUBLE $1143 INCLUDES NEW FLUID Road Test, Remove Pan, Visual Inspection. Clean Sump & Screen * Adjust Bands & Linkage ..� Replace Pan Gasket & Fluid Where Applicable This is a preventative maintenance service. If you already have transmission troubles ask about our other reliable services. >. PRONTO 47A UTO CENTRE LIFETIME GUARANTEED MUFFLERS FROM 95 s $ 1 9 INSTALLED Double. Wrapped Galvanized exhaust Systems manufactured on the spot for quick service with AK 16 gauge pipe. (Heavier thon origin l)/- 578 MAIN STREET (Next to Larry Snider Motors) 235-2322 Gerald's Datsun DATSUN Home of the smart money pick-ups Don't buy us because we're number one. Buy us for the reasons that makers number one. _. Datsun trucks PICK-UP LONGBOX • Priced below • 1400 Ib. payload competition. 35 sq.ft. deck. • Best power -to -weight • Outstanding gas ratio small pick-up. mileage: 12,000 Km • Most maneuverable service intervals. truck anywhere. • 112 ft. Ib. torque: 110 gross H.P. SEE US. NOW! While supplies last DELUXE CAB • More headroom, legroom and cabroom than any small pick-up. • Only small pick-up with reclining bucket seats, 11.3 cu.ft. interior storage space and cut -pile carpeting. 235-0160 280Z 8210 • f 10 - SPORTRUCK 200 SX ')10