HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-14, Page 3 (2)Object .to zoning bylaw 'Continued from page 1 be zoned commercial. The final request for commercial 'status in the area surrounding Wellington and Main came 'from Jerry Mathers of Jerry Mathers Typewriters. While there were several requests for a change to commercial • in the Wellington and Main area, Ron Cottrell of the Junction said that if the area is switched to a commercial designation, it should be • zoned highway commercial. Cottr ll expressed concern - about strip development taking place and that certain varities of businesses should 5. be kept in the central, business core. • Reeve. Si Simmons said a highway commercial designation in the.area cited by- Cottrell would not be - possible as the lot sizes were not of sufficient size. Sim- mons recommended the area • be. zoned general com- mercial. Dobbs slated a number of years ago town 'council had .designated the Wellington street area commercial and that people who had built homes in the area -knew the commercial properties were there. "The businesses just didn't crop up over night," Dobbs added. • While Cottrell adm ted e was in error Sugg a ` highway commercial designation for Wellington add the Main Street corner, the downtown businessmen said "That area is predominantly- • residential, cclttitrary to what these people say.' Jay Campbell, .a resident of Hill street said he could not envisage the density of retail outlets in the Wellington street area as • was in the downtown core if the area was zoned general_ commercial. • He suggested that a. general. commercial designation _would. push the development of the area. He suggested that. a highway commercial designation would be more appropriate. Lok of commercial property Taking a shot at the me tInt of property which had been designated as commercial- in the zoning. map was Mel Gaiser of G.K' Realty. we want. to keep s in the core•area, we need some space in the core. area. This plan . just doesn't provide enough commercial space.," Gaiser - stated. . He said that land on either side 01 Highway 4 from High- way 83 to the southern limits 01 the towii should be • designated commercial. Gaiser added that the official plan did ndt provide for enough growth for com- . mercial enterprises. • In reply to query earlier in the meeting, Shaw said -the Businessmen concerned about Thames road designation While _ the Downtown Businessman's Association may have failed to stop the establishment of a shopping. plaza in the north end of town, they haven't given up the fight to Stop businesses which they feel would be detritiaental to the business core of Exeter. - , Local solicitor Gerry Gray speaking op behalf of the businessman's association expressed concern aboUt the • amount of commercial space, north of Thames Road in the area near the shopping mall. Gray sa[e if{ appears the area had been extended approximately an extra 150 feet east of Andrew street which was mora than had . been preyiously allotted. • Shaw explained that the zoning map was inaccurate ' to a certain degree and that only 60 feet of extra com- mercial designation. had been given to the owners of the mall, Hawleaf Developments. He said one piece of property cannot be split in terms of zoning and that the designation is ex- tended to the nearest property line. With regards to the area bounded by Thames Road and Walper street and designated highway -com- mercial, Gray felt this was too large an area. Shaw replied that there seemed to be a need for more commercial land in that area and that they were acceding to the requests of the -owners' in the above area. Gray.relilied that this did • not take into consideration the opinion of other land owners in the town and that a commercial , designation in. that area could be detriniental to the downtown core. Stu Humphries of the .ministry of.housing said the highway .commercial designation is designed, to enhance rather, than detract .from the downtowngore. ore. Her said highway commercial zoning had 'different requirements and that it would- not detrac inn th core area. Gray disagreed. saying a supermarket -type operation could provide many of the services that could be in direct competition with downtown stores. Humphries said it was essential that stores zoned highway commercial nal compete with • core businesses - and that problems arise when smaller area stores are allowed to block of land bounded by enterprise in •a -home, Walper and Thames Road as providing that the "Horne highway. commercial. Veri occupation" 'portion of the felt that the land east of bylaw was met. Carling street was sufficient Shaw told Dave Newton for commercial develop- that council felt "people like ment. - him" had little reason to Veri then asked ' for a, complain about commercial change in designation from uses in residential areas. restricted industrial to either Newton said one of his highway commercial or concerns was the increased general commercial for traffic which such property which fronts 394 businesses create. feet along Thames Road Veri requests east. two week delay The local developer also As the meeting wound requested a change in down. Mol receive() a designation for lands along humorous reaction from the the eastern portion of crowd when he as ' "Why Thames Road from does the plan ave 0 be restricted industrial to changed'.'-" general industrial. Shaw replied at the old Veri said the restricted_ plan was adequate for industrial designation would today's requirements. prohibit him from the out- - This triggered a remark side storage of crates for his " from Gaiser who said "i turnip plant. can't help but think there's At this point Humphries overplanning." - said "You're really taking Shaw told • the gathering issue with the official plan." that council would attempt to 'Humphries stated that the .give final reading . on the_ idea behind thestricted zoning bylaw at their next industrial designate was to meeting., on September 18,.. have uses that •ould be and that the town would give , compatible with the com- the public two weeks to hear mercial development that objections before passing the could take -place in the area. bylaw onto the ministry of Veri said that all land housing for approval. which is • designated Veri objected to this. restricted commercial in the saying that any objections Thames Road east area about. the zoning would have should be designated general 10 go to the Ontario commercial. Municipal Board which Later on in the discussion, would involve a considerable Campbell came out in favour length of time before the of the restricted industrial objections could be dealt designation for land bor- with. dering Thames Road. . Council should make their He said the town needed '.tinal, decision at the Sep - industry and thpt restricter - temper 18 council meeting industrial •zoning allows the but not •.give final reading town,. to have'sonZe form ,0j unfit the follbwing.meeting, input into the type _ of ii1- . Vert stated. • •r. , Austsy which'comesinto the- Veri felt "the people community. , should have ope.more shot,at • Veri - made two ,mere council, before the bylaw requests -for gifting changes;.; goes to the OMg." He said the first for the former •Mid- considering. -the length of .town Cleaners building on time which has been spent on ,Wil liadi- -st'r'eet, from • the'official plan and zoning residential to density to bylaw,. t was little time for residential medlum density:` such ati important document Veri said. under the first of be dealt with. • designation,he would .not be Shaw said council will allowed to rebuUd the - make a decision on Veri's apa'rtinent building. request at the September 18 Nis second request - was meeting. that property east ' of - Hillcrest, off 'of Riverside drive be zoned residential. rather than 'developmental. Veri also had two ob- jections to the wording of certain sections of the zoning bylaw. In the section which limited the number of structures which could be `erected on a commercial or industrial lot, Veri felt any number 'cit buildings should be allowed to be. erected providing that the buildings would not contravene existing zoning bylaws Times -Advocate, September 14, 1978 Poge 3 ANYTIME... ANYWHERE... ANYBODY locate in or near, a super- ' market type of development. Concluding- his remarks, Gray said the group which he represented was not . con- cerned• about.competition but they just want to ensure' that, core merchants have input into the various commercial designation► It was local developer Len downtown core area which Veri who had the biggest list has Lull blocks available for of objections to the proposed development is bounded by lining maD. Huron. William, Andrew and Veri's first objection was . Sanders streets.. the designation of the second A section of the residential mobile home bylaw that specified 15 percent of the' mobile•home park lot must be landscaped open space should be only five percent, which is the: amount currentry. 'specified, Veri said. • Objects to businesses in residential areas A Churchill street resident was told that he had no reason to complain about the operations of commercial CHINKING ABOUT CLpSfNG YOUR POOL? WE HAVE SWIMMING POOL COVERS 16x32 20 x 40 18x36 24' Round Get them now while they are in stock We also have all of the chemicals you need to open up a clean pool next spring. t ONLY' 1$' Round Swimming Pool to Clear,, The Price islkight! Troubled With Flies Forget Your Troubles With •AIR• GUARD 95 FLY CONTROL 36 . ti KONK,.'.$5.44 You can close your pool this fall and re -open with a sparkling clean pool in the spring. c, 4` r HURON 78 September 26 - 30, 1978 HURON COUNTY f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NMI JERRY MacLEAN & SOIL I AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Our Store is Big Enough To Serve Your N eds ... But Small Enough To Be•Friendly Exeter -235-0800 • i CEMETERY- DECORATION — Alorge crow attended Sunday's annool. merrioriol service ot the Exeter Cemetery. Shown .above prior ..to the progrom ore .R:E. Pooley, Exeter Itgion branch members Reg McDonald, Gerry Campbell, Roy Hunter and- Percy Noels. ' T -A photo RHODA FRAYNE At the Queensway Nursing Home..Ilensall. on Tuesday. September 5, 1978. Beloved wife ot the, late Clayton Frayne, of Exeter' in her -1. 45th year: Dear mother of I,iIIa 'Mae) Mrs Urn Moir. of St. Catharines. Itay, Earl. Stanley, all of Exeter, Jac;le ni Sarnia, and Kenneth of London. Also survived by ten grandchildren and six great- •andc•hildren. ')'tie funeral wr held Friday Irom the •11 ripper -Hockey Funeral 1Io111c'. Interment Exeter ('emetert`.– MARGARET ERRATT In Huronvlew home, Clinton, Monday. Septe her 11. 1978, Margaret ne Robinsons Errata b oved vette ot the late el .1 Erratl in her 94th year. Survived by one brother. Rev William (1 Robinson. Goderfch, several nieces and Ile phetcs,predeceasect ti 1- one son. Edgar. -three brotters and tw•o sisters Fun services were held -from t Westlake .Funeral Home. al e• FALL CLEARANCE 20% O.FF . ALLEXISTING NURSERY' STOCK HURON RIDGE ACRES DAVID STECKIE & FAMILY RR 2, Zurich • PH. 565-2122 Iniss inn mos Kawasaki The hottest thing on snow See the 1979 Models on display Now ASK ABOUT OUR PRE -SEASON SPEC/AL PRICES • Our '79 Kawasakis ore built to turn all your snow trines into good times. They toke oll,the toys of sno..mobmlmg and heal them sip to a new degree of hotness After all. soowmobilittg is a sport where good trmes.ore king So it's just good sense to snowmobile on the king of good •limes.. In case you hadn't heard, lost year's Kawosak's were hot enough to blow everybody else owoy So hot our In- vader set a new world 2e hour endurance 'ecoid of 1.287 milesw.$h lop speeds up 1o70 5 mph Praying um queslronably that Kowasgkr is the hottest th,nq on snow 111111111101.111•111111111111m MT. CARMEL. 237-3456 0 6 tiv,rtr,, p. th.•spoi I.nor.rmq Oatesor eor�," Oat`' , er / I 1 i 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 Zurich. Wednesday. Rev.:.. Taylor, officia4ed. Burial in Hayfield Cemetery. RICHAROOD S .• Richard Wood At St. Joseph's Hospital ,on Thursday. September 7. 1978. Richard Wood of .112 • f'arkdale Ave...H Par'k... Ontario, in his.-rl0th year. Beloved husband of Bea 7 McFadden) Wood. Loving so of Mrs. Muriel Wood of Lon . Pear father' of John, London; Frank` Toronto: and George, Petawawa. Dear stepfather of %Vilfred Carter and Linda LeBlanc. both N Toronto anti Mrs. Doug (Carol) Adams. of Huron Park.Dear brother of Mrs Muriel Munt of London VAN EGMOND C1D,ERFEST Cider r Crafts Demonstrations Flea Market Etc. Sun., Sept. 24 12.5 p.m of the HISTORIC VAN EGMOND HOUSE & SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL,. Flower Festival and ('Art Gallery begin at 12 noon Sat. 23 at Van Egmond House. ' BRING THE WHOLE -FAMILY J "andrnest 01 Whitby. Also surv.tittig are 12•'gran.d- childre'n The funeral was held Saturday from the -Jas A. Harris Funeral • Home, London with -'Rev. A. .J. Farquhar officiating.. • 3rd Instalment of Taxes Due on SEPT. 15th TOWN OF EXETER Yoti'iI have a great time at EXETER FALL FAIR DANCE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 . 't 9: p.m.'- 1 a.m. Admission only -$2.50 per person Tickets available at Jerry MacLean & Son Automotive or Whiting's Furniture -r N ',W -OPEN THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 -*P�. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 4IIIImuIlu1111I111111111111111111II111111111t11111111t111111111U111g111mlUlulltinnim l HOURStIIlIIIIIUlll1111llllllllllllllltlllllll11UI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111V MONDAY - 9-6 - TUESDAY - 9-6 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY E. THURSDAY 9-9 - FRIDAY 9-9 - SATURDAY 9-6 t11111111111111111111111111NlllmluugUggluuu08ulgful IMIIII uu18uu80ul IMMIgIIIIIM ullllllllllllllllllluluglllumuuug MILLI IIMIIHflUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIm11uIuu11111111111111111Ir- Cha junction EXETER'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE FLOOD COVERING . WALLPAPER FAMILY CLOTHING • DRAPES ':'sic:iMrK'' e •lk ▪ `%... i sl; J