HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-07, Page 24 (2)Page 22 Times -Advocate, September 7, 1978 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS - MORRISSEY - Bob and Henny (pee Artsl are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of Robert r• Jeffrey at Victoria hospital. London. on Sept 1. 1978. •A brother for Stephan. Barbara. Mark and. Patrick Grand- parents are Mr and Mrs. John Morrissey, Grand Bend and Mr •and 9frs John Arts. Delaware 36c • RADER - Doug and Marie Rader are proud to -announce the arrival of their first child a son. Adam Mathew. 6 lbs. 9 oz. at Stratford General hospital August 11. 1978 First grandchild for Mr and Mrs Elmer Rader.'Stratford 36c RATHWELL- - Rob and Kay are proud to announce the arrival of their first born daughter Kathleen F.liza Nicole weighing 6lbs 5 oz on August 23. 1976:at Si Joseph's Hospital Proud grandparents are Ernie and Irene Davis. Hensall and Jack and Mary Leppington. Hayfield . 36c WESTL.AKE. - Harold and -Ruth wish to announce the birth of their daughter Jennifer Ann born Saturday . August 26. 1978 at South Huron Hospital .A sister for Jason and Jeffery Granddaughter for Mr and Mrs. William Westlake. Ex- eter CARDS OF THANKS- . .could like to thank all my friends. relatives and neighbours for cards flowers and gifts Special thanks to Dr . Ecker Sincerely May Wolfe 36c. CARDS OF THANKS - CARDS OF THANKS - IN MEMORIAM- Mrs EMORIAM- Mrs Flossie Willert and fami- ly wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives and friends for the many expressions of sympathy at the timp of sullden death of grandsopnephew and cousin Ronald Willert Your kindness was greatly ap-: preciated. 36c We would like to thank our relatives and friends for the cards and messages of sym- pathy. floral tributes. donations to charitable organizations and the many acts of kindness ex- - tended to us -at the time of need in the sudden death of our dear son and brother Ronald Our sincere thanks Elsie and Bill Willertand family 36c [ Iould like to expres3 my -sincere thanks to Dr Grace and associates. -nurses my daughters and thetr•husbands. Herby. Heddey and Hilda. all the people who visited me and those I met while in hospital Also thanks to Ivan and Joe who brought my husband down. Mrs Webber who looked after. my husband while 1 was in hospital and also helped me in my home Special thanks to my daughters. Marilyn and Elsie and their friend Jo Ann who brought me home Mrs Margaret Smith 36p During my stav in University hospital and since returning home. 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to friends. neighbours. relatives-, and my family for their kind remem- bratices of visits. flowers. gifts. phone calls. card* and messages Harold Hockey 36c Zion Exeter United Church Lutheran Church Dasnv.00c Pastor REV M4v�. MELLECKE. Suncav Seotember 10 9 45 a m -Sunday School 10 00 a -r -B,bie Class 11 00 a r`iorsr,p Service AP Welcome Christian Reformed Church Munster RE . C.:-RENCE BiSHOP. B A 9D Sunday Seotember 10 '0 0 a a' - Mornang'Worship 2 ' 5 O m -Afternoon Service Eve•yone Welcome The Back t0 God kour u T- 4 0 m Dial 1570 Peace Lutheran Church jra Gec'ae Streets DOUGLAS ORIESTAP Seotember 10 9 00 a no Service W erco'ne Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Ma,•1 at Girlie. Rector 3 c Andersor D F 0'0 Groans, - Mr Gelid E V- =. Sunday Seoter-r,e, :•NNI'VERSARY SUNDAY 8 00 a 'r'- --Holy Communion a m --Family Sery ce • Guest Soloist Mrs Ma' ,'' Zivxov.c Ne v e n : a.. Jne to come a' -d sr'a•c• r, s as we one, •p-a‘se a ,1 G ^g •o God ,.. .. „ -:qe of •' , Geaubfut Centralia Faith Tabernacle REV 8080EGRAW. Sunday September 10 9 45 d rr --Sunday School *11 00 a m -Morning Worship 7 00 p m -Evangelistic Ser vice Everyone Welcome Centralia and Zion United Churches Sunday. September 10 STUDENT MINISTER PAUL SCHOTT ZION ' Organists Mrs Lorne Hern. Yvonne Jaques 9:45 a.m-Morning Worship 1045 a.m.-Sunday School CENTRALIA Organist Mr Douglas Gill 1u.00 a ret.-SundayScflaor • 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Everyone Welcome _ James at Andrew - IPinister REV JAMESFORSYTHE ssistant Minister • REV GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr Robert Cameron Sunday September 10 • 9 45 a m -Sunday School 11 00 a rr -Morning Worsh,p Nursery Courtesy Car -.235-1931 Calvary• United Church of Canade Dashwood . Minister - REV BRUCE GUY. 8 Organist Miss Idella Gabel A R C T Sunday. September 10 9 a5 a rn -Cnurcn Service Bethel • Reformed Church -furor, Street East. Exeter ' Evangelical in teaching. Oresbyterian in, churchgovernment. Nelcomes you Sunday September. 10 '000 am -Worship 11 10 a rr -Sunday Schots 7 30 p r" -Evening Worship . Pastor f1 EV HENRY VAN ESSEN BA BD Telephone church 235-2084 Mar -se 235-1435 Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St Wes' Fundamental - Evangelical Pastor REV LINN LOSHBOUGFt Sunday September 10 1978" - 945•am-BbieSchool • 7 00 a m -Morning Worship 30 p m -Worship Ned B OO p m -Prayer Meeting - Nursery Facilities Everyone Welcomt Mrs E A Ktyes Organist EXETER • TA BER NAC EL Main at Victoria REV DON FORREST Sunday '.September 10 9 45 a m -Sunday School 11 00 a m -Morning Worship 7 00 p m -Fdm Pilgrim s Progress Wednesday. 7 00 p m Bible Study Nursery Facilities You are Welcome Caven Presbyterian Church Interim Moderator REV.V TOZER Organist • Mr Robert McIntosh Sunday:Septambtir40 9:15 a.m.-Morning Service Dr. D. Fox Delores and Willard Berge want to thank all their relatives and friends for having a nice surprise party and gifts receiv- ed while they were visiting from Moose Jaw. Saskatchewan on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary 36c 1 wish to thank my friends. neighbours and relatives for cards and treats while a patient in St Joseph's Hospitat.-Lon- don. also the ones who helped at the time of the accident. Dr Whitman-. the ambulance and Hospital Staff Jim Smale 36c i wish to express my ap- preciation to my family. relatives. friends and neighbours for the cards, gifts and flowers I received while a patient in St Joseph's Hospital. London. and since returning home Thanks to Dr Maynard and nursing staff on 3rd floor Kay and Kathleen Rathwell 36e The family of the late Ross Oke feel sincere appreciation to our relatives. friends and neighbours for their ex- pressions of sympathy in the form of words. cards. floral tributes. donations and acts of kindness in the sudden loss of our .dear father. and grand- father We would also like to thank the pallbearers. Rev Tozer and Hopper -Hockey Funeral Horne Special thanks to the ladies of Caven Presbyterian Church for the lovely lunch. to Grama Keller. Grama Skinner. Kim, Elaine. Pat and Deb and to Harr' and Jim Hoffman for all their help. Your thoughtfulness I always he remembered 3te ANNOUNCEMENTS - It is with pleasure that Mr. and Mrs Harr' DeVries an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Shirley,Jeannette. to Ronald EdwarRader. son of Mrs Leona Reichert. Zurich and the late Lorne Rader 'The wedding will -take place on Saturday. September 30. 1978 at 4 o'clock at. the Bethel Reformed Church. Exeter Ontario 36 37nc Mrs •Clarence Haskett would like to Invite, relatives_friends• and neighbours , of -both families i. to her home for Open House in honour of her daughter Brenda on Sunday. September 10. 1978 from 2 00 to 4 30 pm 36p - - In honour of the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Sam and Aldeen Skinner their family invite all friends and relatives to an Open House on Saturday. September 16. 1978 from 7 30 P M to 10700 P M at the Centralia Communi- ty Centre. Centralia. Ontario. Best Wishes Oply 36:37p iHEYW.00D - In sad and loving memory of a dear sop William Bill 1 who passed away three years ago September 13. 1975 Beautiful memories are wonderful things They last till the longest day They never wear out, they never get lost. And can never be given away. Beside voyr grave we often stand With hearts both crushed and sore But in the gloom the sweet words come Not lost but gone before God knows how much we miss you Bill -He counts the tears we shed And whispers'he's only sleeping Your loved one is not dead So we will be brave dear Bill And pray to God each day And when -He calls us home to you Your smile will guide the way. Loved and • sadly missed by Mom and Dad 36c HEYWOOD - In loving memory of a dear brother Bill Heywood who passed away suddenly 3 years ago September 13. 1975 We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget The time has so far only proved Haw much we miss you yet To know we never said goodby Will always bring regret But the hearts that left you dearly Are the hearts that won't forget Sadly missed by brother - Lester and sister-in-law Dianne and sister Joan and brother -in - lass. Dave. and • sister Eleanor and brother-in-law Cy 36c \lr NttcrIstt s 1'dwatd Bowers of Goderich. Ontario are pleas- ed to announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Elizabeth to Mr• Thomas C1torles Stark. Goderich. son of Mrs Therese Stark Zurich Marriage to take place St. Peter Catholic Church. Goderich. Oc- tober 14 at 5 o'clock- _ 36c IN MEMORIAM GLANVILLE - in loving memory of a dear husband. dad. and grandpa. Charles W Glan- ville who passed away one year ago September 10. 1971 Someone to count on what ever the day `Someone to talk with when dreams go astray. Someone to turn to when troubles appeared Someone to cherish and hold very dear +>r We mention your name And speak of you often God bless you Charlie You will never be forgotten - Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by your loving wife. Marjorie.- daughters Dorothy. Lynda Carolyn. Valerie and Marlene. Sons Gerald Graham Murray and Ray and their families 36p HEYWOOE) - in loving memory of a dear husband and father Bill who passed. away 3 years ago on.akSeptember 13. 1975 • Beautiful memories are wonderful things. They last till the longest day. They never wear nut and they never get lost. And ran never be taken away Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Dianne and children 36c HEYWOOD - in loving memory of a dear brother Bill who passed away three years ago September 13. 1975. • Though his smife is gone forever. And his hand I cannot touch. Still i1tJ e so many memories Of the brother i loved so much His memory is my keepsake. With which 111 never part. God has him in his keeping I have him in my heart Sadly missed by sister Dorothy and brother-in-law Don and family. 36c KEYES - In loving memory of a dear -husband and father Elmore A. Keyes who went -to - be with the Lord September 7th. 1967 Take courage heart. the way not too far That winds through pastures green by waters still N9-11104,50 ri,buf 01i/ _can • Lght a star No awnso'dr ear but love can climb its hill The little lonely hill where Jesus died - And there beneath the cross remembering Can feel His loving arms outstretched in wide And merciful. compassion. comforting. • Take courage heart.", way is not too long That finds in beauty ands tranquility - His mirrored face and in the night a song Serene. sublime with Heaven's harmony His song of graces from day to day the same God gives. God takes. and blessed be His name. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Florence and sons Grant and .Gerald. 36p KYLE - in loving memory of a dear Mom and Grandma Florence Kyle who passed away 7 years ago. September 11. 1971 Only those who knew you Are bound to know Flow much we lost 7 years ago: Always remembered and loved tom and Mary. Al aqd Val, Bonnie -and Jim. Wilma and Shorty and families 36c LEGER - in loving memory of a dear Dad and husband. Gary Robert yrho passed away 1 year ago September 10. 1977 He had a nature you could not help loving • .And a heart that *as purer than gold And to those who knew him and loved him His memory will never grow cold Always remembered and sadly missed by daughter Karen Marie and wife Joan 36c BINGO - Every Tuesday night at the Vanastra Centre. Ret 5. Clinton at 8 p m First regular card 51000. 15 regular games of. $1500. 3 Share the Wealth and Jack Pot of $200 00 must go Ad- mission restricted to 16 years or over 52fnc DANCE a1 Exeter Golf Club in aid ggf Town Hall Restoration. Ban'l• "Bar •'Sp-e-rial ftp- pnintment". Sat . Sept 9. 1978 $S 00 per couple 31 32 33 34 3.5 36p 25 YEARS AGO - Louise & Wismar .Wein were married at the home of the brides parents • near Watford, Ontario in . honour. df the occasion: everyone is welcome to .share with them happy men'iortes at the Kirkton Community Centre. Friday. September 15. 1978. Music by Mozart Lunch provid- ed No Gifts Please". 33:34:35 36c' THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital. Exeter on Mdhday. September 11. 1978 from 9.30 - L1 3,Q aLm.. Mr Rea Itb Surveillance. Anaemia Screen- ing. immunization, and Fluoride. - --- - 36c 1.:(t5# IN MEMORIAM - PARSONS - In loving memory of a beloved son Mark Edward who passed away suddenly one year ago September 11. 1977 To a beautiful life c,ame a sudden end • He died as he lived, everyone's friend As he was always thoughtful loving and kind What a glorious memory he left behind He left so sudden his thoughts unknown But he left us memories we are proud to own Treasure him Lord. in your Garden of Rest For in this world he was one of the best. Lovingly. remembered and sadly missed by Mom and Dad. - 30TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dance for Mr and Mrs Everard Kerslake. Saturday. September 9th. 9-1. Brodha�ten Hall Music by Christie's Orchestra.. Everyone welcome No gifts please. PARSONS - In loving memory of our dear brother and brother- in-law Mark Edward who passed awa suddenly one year ago %ptember 11. 1977. 1t is hard to endure the pain in my heart When I think of the day God chose you toart " From our family and your ' friends - an endless list 1 am sure that you know how sadly you're missed I with I'd had a chance for a smile and goodbye What made God choose you t11 never know why I am grateful for the years we - spent to-gether e- spentto-gether You'll always be my baby brother Mark - forever. 35 36c THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invitesou to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes. being held in the Health ['nit Office. South Huron Hospital. Exeter commencing Wednesday. -September 13 1978 from 1:30 - 9:30 p.m 'htese- classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is interested please register by calling 1-800- 265-4485 toll free or- the Health Unit office at 235-1014. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions 1979 Winter Series will begin the week of January 8. 1979 34:35:36c NOW IS THE TiME to book your trip to• Las Vegas, Hollywood altd Santiago with Roger Quick and the Clare Burt Travel Agency departing January 9th for 10 days. •Send to Sager-Quick.-RR-4-Parkbll Clare Burt Travel, 18 Queen St. W.. Brampton. Ontario for in- formation 35 36c Always loved and sadly missed, by sister Margaret. brother Murray and sister-in- law Barb 36p PARSONS - In loving mernory of my dear grandson Mark Edward who passed away so suddenly September 11. 1977 It only takes a little space To say how much we loved you But it will take the rest of our life To forget the day we lost you. Sadly missed-- by Grandma Passmore 36p • RYCKMr>,N -min lovipg memory of our dear son. brother and uncle Robert Wesley who passed "away suddenly 5 years ago to -day. September 7. 1973 in 19th year. Dear Bob This month comes back With deep regret • For it brings back this day we can't forget You left us quickly - Your thoughts unknown But left us memories We are proud to own ' So treasure him Lord Irl .your garden of rest For on this earth He was one of the best -Always remembered' and deeply missedby his family 56c SWABTZ - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Harry Swartz who passed away Septembec 1 I. 1971. Time goes on but memories stay As near and dear as yesterday It's not the words for they are - few it's the loving memory we have of you • Lovingly remembered by • Ron. Helen and girls. 36p Party tor DOUG McISAAC - Fri., Sept. 15th at REC CENTRE HURON PARK Everyone Welcome Roller Skating, in ZURICH ARENA Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun. Nights Skating 8-11 P.M. 29th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Sun., Sept. 10 3:00 p.m. SPEAKER: • Rev. Arthur Krueger Owen Sound SOLOIST: -Rev. Roger Bitner Toronto Everyone Welcome - CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND Reception & Dance for - BERNADETTE DUCHARME AND JOHN McAULEY (bridal couple) Fri., Sept. 8, DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music By KEN DUCHARME AND THE BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Everyone Welcome .i SEPTEMBER FEST . DANCE of K.W. COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., Sept. 23 Music By WALTER OSTANEK BAND 55.00 per person Proceeds for Hall Maintenance Tickets available at - Jerry Maclean Automotive, Atthill's Esso, Kirkton Market. Dance. proceeds to -Exeter Town Hall Restoration Sat., Sept. 9 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. - Music By "SPECIAL APPOINTMENT" Escler Solt Ft eountry (Ylu6 m is�teEe�' -��-T wi, , 55 per couple 'Hawaiian Style Lunch Available Centralia Faith Tabernacle YOUTH RALLY J.A.D. McCURDY SCHOOL HURON PARK Sat., Sept. 16 2 P.M. afternoon service . 6:30 P.M. evening service lunch will be provided between afternoon and even- ing service. All local churches are invited to attend and par- ticipate in this great youth rally. Come and Bring a Friend Huronia Children's Choir * Rehearsals begin September 21 at 7 p.m. in Exeter Public School. * This is a community based choir which welcomes . boys and girls between the ages of eight and fourteen years. from Exeter and surrounding community. * Another exciting year of fun, sing- ing, acting and festival competition is planned. * For further information contact. M. McCaffrey (235-0775) or R. Topp (235-1974) This project is supported by interested com- munity members and by a Wintario grant. THE STRATFORD BOYCHOIR MEMBERSHIP • Interviews by appointment • Boys 9 and over • Rehearsals start Syn., Sept. 107 7 p.m. • location - 'King Lear School Please contact Gordon Scott - 271-6682 Exeter Ladies Golf Club FUN NIGHT • Barn Dance • Cards Games, etc. Sat. Sept. 16 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the • ardor 6oljt, eounity elu6 „VP NAV 115 Admission 55.00 per couple .Proceeds for Charitable Or,ganizations. Everyone Welcome • Fisherman's Cove Restaurant Specializing in Fresh Perch Dinners Hours Closed all day Mondays Tues. - Fri. 1 1:30 A.M. - 8 P.M. Sat. 8 Sun. 8 A.M.'- 8 P.M. 53 River Road . Grand Bend Eat in or Take Out 50th NNw� PYou are cordially invited to the Golden Wedding Anniversary Open House - for Vernon and Idella Schatz Sunday, Sept. 17 at Dashwood Community Centre Dashw ood 3-5 - 7-9 Also Schatz 75th Birthday No Gifts Please Everyone Welconie ereerglieRreNbERISEPEORENEPPOPEIO DECORATION DAY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 2 p.m. The public is invited to visit the groves at.the Exeter Cemetery CLINTON LEGION PIPE BAND WILL BE iN ATTENDANCE SERVICE All Members Are Asked to Be at the Cemetery at 2 p.m. or at the Legion Hall at 1:30 SPEAKER: REV. GEORGE ANDERSON ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION R. E. Pooley Branch 167, Exeter _ The IOOF Will Also Be Porlicipating in The Ceremonies • Huron Park Community Centre operated by Stephen Township is available for card parties, dances, socials, meetings, parties For Information Call 228-6996 or 228-6285 JIIIIII I II I I I11111111I I I II II I I I II1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111III II 1 11111 1 1 101,111111IIHHtHH1111111111111111III I I11111111111111t'3 r1L&1[umirI T11IIn1[uai PILGRIM'S PROGRESS -' Is Second Only to the Bibi. in Number of Copies soil. 5 John Bunyan's Immortal Classic __ Comes to _ ▪ • • the Screen' 1. Sunday, September 10 = • EXETER I I I PENTECOSTAL . I TABERNACLE Main at Victoria =3. = fi 1I I I I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1 t I111111111I l l l l 11111111 7 P.M. COMING THiS SAT. NIGHT SEPT. 9th To The &V3ier Coif eounfrty e(u6 lP MUSIC "BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT" From Country to Folk Rock, Specializing In Graffiti, Rock 'N Roll & - Elvis Presley - - e, Dancing 9-1 All Proceeds to Exeter TownPiall Restoration