HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-07, Page 23 (2)WHITING laMeer : Consignments are welcome for a Public Auction to be held at Huron Country Playhouse on • Sat., Oct. 7 11 A.M. Jack Riddell Guest Auctioneer ' Sale will consist of Farm Equipment, Fur- niture, Antiques, Building Materials and. Collectible Items - Consignees pIGone 238-8387 i a:lit r Demolition Auction Sale - of Exeter Rodeo Assets Saturday, September 16 at 10 A.M. Sharp- in harp- in Exeter Fair Grounds just East of South Huron Rec: Centre HEAVY 2" PLANK 200 - 2" x 8" x 15' long, 12 - 2" x8"x.18', 14-2"x8"x9';2-2"x10"x18',13- 2"x6"x 14',18-2"x4"x18',40-2"x4"x6'. HEAVY 1" PLANK GATES WITH HINGES3, - 5' high x 15' lotig, 1 - 5' x 12", 17 - 5' x, 4', 8 -4' x 8', 10 various sizes, 1 steel calf roping gate, 10 - 7' high. x 8'.wide bucking chute g9tes with hinges, 5 - 5 x 4'2" little britches gate; with hinges, 12 - 7' x 4" sliding chute gates with rails. • CREOSOTE TREATED SQL/APED POSTS 13 - 51'2" X 71/2" x 17' long, 4 x 5 12' x 12: long. CEDAR FENCE POST -1.75..- 6"' top x 9' long, 12 -f 10" x 9' anchor, 21 - 10' to 14'.long heavy poles, 17 - 1"0' top.rail posts. FENCE AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 480 ft. gubrdian 'stock fence .6' high 6" x 6" mesh, also several. pc. Used lumber, 250 sq. ft. 1" x 4" flooring, -16' x1-8' steel, roofing; .- _TERMS CASH This Sale Will Begin 10 A.M. Sharp Norm Whiting, Auctioneer ,a Phone 519-235-1964 235.1931 'LIQUIDATION `\ Auction Sale - of Construction & Tire Repair Equipment for Mr. Peter-E..Maloney on' Wednesday, September 20th, 10:00 A.M. at the premises on Highway 8, Dublin, Ontario (selling due to ill health) Sole to c`onsi'st of; BLJILDIVG:ew,1y constructed three boy garage complete with shop, showroom office areas, located on Highway"#8. VEHICLES: Case uniloader, 1974 Dodge, 1974 Ford 200 Econoline von .totally customized, 1975 Grand Marquis Mercury - loaded, pickup c,w: cap, 1970 International single axle gravel truck with 7 yard capacity, 1969 Chev C40 with steel utility box, power gate & compressor, 1971 Chev C50 stake `ruck, 1969 GMC 950 flat bed, 1968 Ford 100 1/2 ton pick-up, 1962 Chev 30 1 ton pick-up, VA Case tractor, 1940- Pontiac 45 ft steel tandem trailer for motor homes, Miller 15 ton tandem float, 10 ft. steel rack wailer with duals, 4 unit snowmobile trailer, 2 wheel car trailer, 2 wheel -utility trailer, 5 ton wagon, 302 MF tractor back -hoe. EQUIPMENT: Hohmon compressor, portable air compressor, Campbell' portable air' compressor, Kohler 48"ower trowel cw 8 hp motor, A -Mighty Bender model MMB 1 muffler bender, wrought iron twister , Eagle PTO cement mixer (new), London Ce- ment mixer, 3 hp•cement mixer, electric mortar mix- er, front end wheel alignment equipment, Oxford electric orc welder, 2 sets of acetylene torches & gauges, 7 hp portable generator, -Coats 505 tire changer, Hein -Werner hydraulic jack, 2'h ton power choin falls, tire wheel balancer, Canadian battery charger, motor stand, concrete vibrator, mechanics carts'23.PTH post hate augers, inground car hoist, 150' of oir hose,- 6 hydraulic jacks, power greaser. TOOLS: B6fdor double -end bench grinder, Skil ce- ment saw, Ingersoll -Ram oir hammer, 2 rock hammer- 2 oir chipping guns, drill press, 1'h" oir impact v`rench,. 1.j", 134" & 2'2" air impact wrenches, B&D hand grinder; power hack saw, Target mcsonry- sow, Pisston 2 mon chain saw, Leeson cut- )ff sow, large quantity of hand took. - MISCELLAI MOUS TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: 9 hp electric motor with reducer (new), 2 5 hp electric motors, quantity of electric motors, 150,000 BTU solimonder heater, portable gas water pump, elec- tric space heater, key coffer, portoble sprayers, in- dustrial wheel barrows, aluminium ladders, metol cabinets, large quantity of ongle iron, large quanti- ty of nuts & bolts. OFFICE & FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT: 4 Gladco garbage compac';1brs, Vendo coffee & soup machine, Bunn coffee maker, Sani-Sery ice cream machine, ice maker, milk shake mixer, 10 gal. water heater, 10 ft. stainless steel sink unit, secretary desk, 2 4 drawer filing cabinet, 1 3 drawer filing cabinet, Gestetner machine, eash'register, calculators, voult. MISCIEILANEOUS: Spramotor sprayer, Minneapolis -Moline spreader, John Deere 3 PTH field sprayer cw 150 gal. tank, light disploy stands cw lights, chrome mag wheels, 200 2' x 8' plywood farms, ubles,.moulds. e CLOC/e./Ai AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • - SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1WO 15191 527-1458 • • Hensail wins Exeter rec league ball title Following three and a half months of regular season ac- tion, the Exeter and district men's recreational softball •league was 'hntered its in- itial round of playoffs- ' AH eight' teams are in- volved in a best two out of three series which sees the top four temas pitted each other and the bottom four teams playing off. In ttie "A" series, Gords surprised the Crescent Rolls 12-0 and Hensall got by the Carpetbaggers 9-6. In the "B" series, Mt Carmel defeated Dashwood Industries 10-7 in 10 innings while Usborne walked over the Times Advocate 26-4. The "A" series continued last night in Exeter while the "B" series is scheduled to continue tonight in Huron Park. In regular season play, Hensall took the Times Ad- vocate trophy for finishing on top spot with 34 points. The Crescent Rolls had 29 points while the Carpet- baggers, Gords and Usborne had 24, 23 and 22 points respectively. • Dashwood Industries finished up with 16 points while the T -A had 10 and Mt. Carmel 8. LO1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllll II III I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL Consignment Auction Sale Saturday, September 16,.1978 at 1:30 o'clock - Village of Woodham, Hwy.#23 Furniture, electric appliances,- antiques, collectibles, garden tools, etc. Watch next weeks issue for .a complete 'listing. - ED LAWSON • Auctioneer' • EXETER, ONT. 235-0266 E. 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1188IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Estate Auction Sale Antiques,furniture;appliances, riding lawn , - mower, tools etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's • Barn 289 Bayfield Rd., Clinton, Ontario for the • estate of Bill Bender plus additions Saturday, September 9 at 1 P.M: International Cadet 55, 51/2 HP riding lawn mower, Admiral square model fridge (like new),- Inglis automatic gas or propane clothes dryer (like new), small gas stove, wringer washer, three piece '. bedroom suite, chrome table and jogr choirs, on- tique corner wardrobe, secretary desk, Targe bonnet chest, shoving: mirror, old kitchen cabinet with roll up door, oval parlour toble, side board with mirror, bilffet, odd small tables, matchipgawashstand and dresser with mirror, two dressers with mirrors, ftoor ontable lamps, portable electric sewing machine, bottom for old cupboard, lawn chairs, iron bed with -good mattress, odd chairs upholstered rockers, chrome card table and choir set,, oil space heater, pictures and frames, clock radio, electric heater, smolt appliances, large fan, floor polisher, radios, four hundred day clock, records, vacuum cleaner (like newt, pots and pions dishes and glassware. TOOLS ETC. — small parlour stove, gas _lawn mower, small wood lathe, electric motors, small arm saw, 3 8 drill, skill sow, C -clomps, wood -planes, • small vise, wood chisels, hand corn planter, forks shovels etc. plus many items not mentioned; Terms•Cash Doy of•Sole - Qwner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER - CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-7898 NORM WHITTN(i auctioneer. Auction Sale '' of real estate, car, household furnishings, antiques and miscellaneous items Saturday, September 16, 1978 1 P:M. Sharp Highway 84, one block west of main corner in Zurich, Ontario for the estate of the Iate'Miss Inez Yungblut. REAL ESTATE consists of a 2 storey brick •house, main floor, livingrod4n, diningroom, kitchen with - built-in cupboards, bedroom, 3 piece bath, attached garage. Second floor, four bedrooms, large hall. Full basement. This house is situated on a lot 76' x 99', good location. Real estate sold 2 p,m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid. CAR 1971 Vega 2300, 2 door in A-1 conditon, with only 21,000 miles, never been driven in winter in past 5 years. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 3 pc. chesterfield suite, day bed, B&W TV, floor and table lamps, din- ing room suite, 3pc. bedroom suite, Spartan AM FM radio onsl, record player, Fri6idoirerefrigerator, GE range, wringer washer, portable TV, wood table and -4 chairs, electric toaster, kettle, sondwich grill, pots and pans, silverware, dresser set, books, linens, mattresses, lawn chair, garden tools, step (odder, several other items: ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES 2 pc. oak bedroom suite with high headboard, dresser and commode, 2 pc. bedroom suite, open woshstand, press back high chair, set of 6 press back chairs, 5 odd chairs, several Wool, tables, large oval parlor table with fancy base, end table, table with 3 leaves, treadle sewing machine, hump back trunk, old radio, viewer _ _and several cards, odd pieces from toilet set, several pieces pressss glass, epresslon gt63T, Corntvatgtasr; solt &"peppers, same silver, many other items. •• Terms Cash Norm Whiting Auctioneer - - Phone Exeter 519-235-1964 DEER DAMAGE — It's rare occasiortin this area when the paths of a deer and a motor vehi- cle cross. This occurred shortly,after dark Sunday night when a deer ran into the path of a car driven by Reg Finkbeiner, Crediton. Michael Finkbeiner. surveys the damage to his dad's car. The mishap occurred west of Shipko. T -A photo Dog enforcement officer is doing job- says council 11 the number of letters which the village of Grand Bend has received over the village's dog enforcement officer are any indication of her effectiveness, it appears that Donna Aitken is doing a good job. At Monday's meeting o1 council, two letters were received complaing about being nabbed for having dogs on the beach. Letters from Even Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kelly said they felt there was tack of proper signs leading to the beach area about the prohibiting of dogs from the vicinity. Council lead by reeve Bob Shaven said there were signs posted at the various beach areas stating that dogs were not allowed and« that the public had been made aware of the bylaw through numerous reports in the local press. Council stood behind Mrs. Aitken with councillor Keith Crawford saying "We hired the Lady to dp a job and she's doing it." A request by Mrs. Aitken.. that she be paid an extra three dollars per ticket for administrative work plus that she receive $10 per day instead of three dollars per day for impounding stray ,dogs genereted considerable discussion from council. Clerk -treasurer Louis Clipperton said there was much time spent off each ticket and that she felt this was Mrs. Aitken's main concern. While council took no request on that Matter. it did agree to raise the .poundage stipend from three dollars to' Mad/ire/1 V SYlaaria/ei Auction Sale to be held for Mr. Andrew Houston & Mr. Jack Case a t the Rathwell Building • 77 Main S.t., Seaforth, Ontario on Wednesday, September 13th 6:30 P.M. Sale to consist of: two piece livingroom suite (new), 4 other chesterfield suites, 2 oak library tables, oval parlour table, 2 Windsor fanbock choirs, 6balloon' ba)k chairs, 4 motching.Jake-Hayes style chairs, 6 rocking choirs, pressbock chairs, caption's choir, all gloss china cabinet, hall bench, oak extension table and six chairs, 2 complete bedroom suites, 2 mirrored fronf wardrobes, 2 matching spindle cor- nered cherry chests of drawers, walnut wardrobe with porcelpin poles, oak dresser, maple chest of drawers, victrola, book case, wall mirrors, magazine racks, fern stand, hall tree, coffee and end tables, bedroom lamps, tree lamps, pictures & frames, stereo, .2 portable T.V.'s, vacuum cleaners; carpets & rugs, large quantity of glass, chino and "silver, crocks, brass jardiniere, trunks, large quantity of books, baseboard }ewers, electric & gas lawn mowers, bedding and linens; hand and garden tools, appliances, deep freeze, plus a host of other interesting.articles & antiques. Plan to attend. a ie2e// JJothth AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 .MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO L (519) 527-1458 NO WHITING auctfoneoP Auction Sale of real estate, household furnishings, antiques and miscellaneous items Wednesday, September 20, 1978 1 P.M. Sharp Main St., Crediton, Ontario across the street from Crediton Fire Hall for the estate of the late Mr. Lloyd Gaiser REAL ESTATE consists of 1 1/2 storey brick house, main floor large living room, kitchen, bedroom,.3 pce. bath, storage room, 2nd floor 2 bedrooms plenty of storage, full basement, back entronce and 2 verandahs,cement driveway. This house is situated on a lot approximately 41 ft. x 165 ft. Real estate sold subject to reasonable reserve bid at 2 p.m. if not previously sold. Terms 10% day of sale balance in 30 Boys. HOUSEHOLD' . FURNISHINGS Chesterfield and chair, swivel chair: B&W Admiral TV; coffee and end. tables, 2 mirrors, table and floor lamps, pole Iomp, foot stool, china cabinet, table with drawer, table and 4 chairs, chrome table, set of 4 chrome chairs, high choir, utility table, washing.machine, beds, 2 dressers with mirrors, 2 chest of drowers, iron crib, electric vacuum cleaner, floor, polishers, iron, mixer, deep fryer, fry pan, sandwich grill, clock, radio, silverwore and chest, knick knocks, blankets and linens, tools; garden tools, step ladder, power lawn mower. ANTIQUES & COtLECTABLES Bonnet chest, odd table, end table, blanket box, press back rocker, Bdston rocker, pibno stool, trunk, dresser .with oval mirror, 2 odd choirs, table model radio, several dis- hes, such as Nippon, Noritoke, Germany, Bavarian, Ruby Flash, several cups and saucers, oil Inmp. finger pi iamp,.Austi _Wwl and 7 dis- hes, gingerbread clock, mantel clock, fox fur, crocks, many other items. Terms Cosh Norm Whiting Auctioneer 519.235.1964 live dollars per day. Mrs. .Aitken who has issued 24 tickets in her three month trial period, had her period of employment ex- tended another two months with patrols to be made twice weekly, once during -midweek and once during the weekend. • Reeve Sharen agreed with council that she was doing a good job. • In a brief review of summer in the resort with regards' 0 rowdyism and noise, tar general consensus .was that it • was one of the best summers that Grand Bend has experienced. According to deputy -reeve Bob Simpson the_ biggest problem experienced this summer was excessive noise at odd hours of the night. He said there were Only four places in the village that were the cause of the problem and he said the local OPP 'detachment knew where'these places were. He said a lot of the noise problem could be eliminated if the OPP could be enticed to enforce the village's noise bylaw. - Shar-en said various police officials had told him that the OPP could not enforce the municipal bylaw but that if the village' makes revisions in its parking arrangements, a municipal bylaw officer may have to be hired. Earlier in the discussion, Sharen said that the village's official- plan could help the noise situation somewhat as it .would place a retriction the number living in dwelling due to the availability of sanitary facilities. While ' this past summer might have been better in terms of noise, the number of bees in the community in- creased dramatically. Crawdord said the situation Was extremely serious with the problem being very bad over the Labour Day weekend on the main beach. "If it's like.this next year, I'm not going swimming on our beach" he stated. Councillor Bill Baird said one of the most effective, pesticides against the yellow jackets or hornets is no longer available off the shelf: Sh:lren suggested that pest 'control .companies be con- tacted to see if they would have any chemicals that would kill the bees_ Resortgets more parking While Grand Bend toys with the idea of returning to , some form of angle parking. it's been learned that the village has made an offer to purchase a property that would provide an addition 50-60 parking places. The land which is located behind the town hall. would in addition to providing ex- tra parking space would have room fora small park. The purchase of the property is subject to On- tario Municipal Board ap- proval RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Mon., Sept. 11, 2-4 p.m. 5:30-8:30 p.m. 7 South Huron District High- School Times -Advocate, September 7, 1978 Page 21 the Elm Haven's 1 ofivtri pisco via HURON COUNTY'S FIRST DISCO BAR come in...fee and • experience the.differencel _spectacular lighting... super sound... • great new atmosphere... • all for your dancing and listening pleasure. 1 DANCE & CORNROAST PINERIDGE CHALET Sat:, Sept. 9, 1978 _ 9 p.rfb. - 1 a.m. Featuring , `EASTWIND' CANADA'S # 1 COUNTRY BAND You've heard Eastwind on Opry North, The Funny F=arm, George Hamilton IV, Ronny Prophet .. . COME AND SEE THEM IN PERSON. ALL THE CORN YOU CAN EAT - FREE ADVANCE TICKETS $4.00 PERSON AT DOOR $5.00 PERSON TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Pineridge Chalet; Ron's Health Centre, Hensall; Shaw's Dairy Store, Zurich; Bob & Shirl's, Centralia; Gord's Trophies, Exeter; Triebner Fina, Ex- eter or call 262-2277. _ a Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tuesday from 630•9p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St.. Exeter For Information Call 235.1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Everyone welcome Ailsa Craig Bantam Boys 3rd Annual Tournament Sept. 8, 9 & 10th 1st game - Friday 7:00 p.m. Saturday - 10:00 a.m. 8 teams participating Saturday - beef-barbeque 5;001o7_30p.'. Draw on 10 speed bike come out and support your boys