HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-07, Page 5 (2)Haist family meet • for Crediton picn is Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fartner and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hooke, Woodstock, visited relatives ih the area. Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Rody and Gloria, MS's. Redekopp, Carolyn and Joy, came from Florida. Porn all of Hanover, were visitors Franks, Pigeon-- Michigan, at the home of Rev. and Pelham , Mitchell ,—Mrs. Arnim Schlenker last ' Woodstock. Kitchener. Ex- week. eter, Zurich. Dashwood and Mrs. Ross Krueger was guest .cif her sister Mrs. Robert Jeffer-y. at Blue Anchor, Bayfield, Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon they went to Huronview to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Krueger, Willowdale, and Sunday in Zion United _ Mrs. Ruth Snider. Exeter, • Church the sacrament of. who had gone there to visit baptism was administered Ross Krueger. Gordon is to -the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Beatty. Guests here for the Haist reunion --joined in the service of mor- ning worship. By MISS ELIA MORLOCK The Haist (amity held a reunion in the Conservation Park, Crediton East, Sun - .day. There were seventy, -five registered guests.. They - Crediton. Mrs. Stan Frayne and Mrs. Helen Jones were co - hostesses. Wilmar Wein and Claire Hoffman -directed the sports and Mrs. Charles Brown conducted the bingo. • Ross's youngest brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Leanne attend- ed the Stewart red -lion' in Kincardine Sunday. MERNER'S SIDESOF BEEF $1 19 HIND ;41 QUARTERS � L° CUT, WRAPPED & FROZEN CUSTOM KILUNG — Butcher Day Wednesday For Pick -Up Service Call 237-3314 Choke of Clear See-Thru Film or Brown Freezer paper fully Processed • Satisfaction Guaranteed Special Free Beef Pickup In September Phone 23i-3314 For All Processing or Freezer Needs WIN GOLF EVENT — Winners of the low net titles in the Ironwood Golf Course junior tourna- ment on Friday ore shown here receiving a plaque from junior club president Wayne Parsons, left. Beside him are the three flight winners, Dove Shaw, Pete Parsons and John Mol. Staff photo Service diplomas and seals given out at Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Sunday morning during the church service diplomas and seals were given out by the Superintendent and assistant Superintendent namely Mrs. John Pym and Bob Hume. Diplomas - Deanne Ballantyne. Robbie Passmore and Steven Pym: Year 2 - Pauline Pym, Den- nis Pym, Tom Passmore and Danny Rohde; Year 4 - Wendy Ballantyne and Greg Lamport. Year 6 - Julie Lamport, Barry Cun- nington; Year 10 - Pat Hodgert, Gerald Cunnington and Alan Hodgert; Year 11 - Paul Stewart, Michael Stewart, Scott Hodgert; Year 13•- David Cunnington. Joyce Cunnington; Year 15 - Ruth'Bray, Donna Stewart. Promotion 'Cheryl Stewart and Paul Stewart to Young People's Class which Mrs. Murray Dawson and Mrs. Floyd Stewart as teachers; Brent Dawson and Dennis Pym to Intermediate Class of which Mrs. Glen -Lamport is. teacher: brad �Borl'ann to Junior Class with Mrs. Barry Jeffery and Mrs. Gerry Morgan. teachers. Tammy Friesen to Primary Class with Mrs. SIMPLICITY FR i ERS CHECK n OUR LOW PRICES AND ,,MANY FEATURES Here's The Only Wqx To -Beat The Fast Rising Prices On Meat & Produce, ZURICH PRO HARDWARE • Zurich, Ontario Phone 236-491 1 David. Passmore and Mrs. Rick Parker as teachers. Tammy Rohde started in Kindergarten class of which Miss Agnes Bray and Mrs. Lorne Balantyne are teachers. - - The September meeting of the United Church Women will be a supper meeting at 6:30 P.M. at Exeter Golf Course Barn on Monday. SeptembeF1T: - " Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and grand- daughters Wendy and Deanne Ballantyne spent a few days last week at Point Farms. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde and grandson Danny • spent a few days last week at Miller Lake. Visitors . during the. •weekend with -Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore were Mrs. Pearl Bavnham. Mr. and Mr -s. Jim Traynor :and .baby son Paul. Mrs. Helen Caswell and Bobby, London, Mrs." Ken Brazier and Michelle and friend. Brant- ford. • Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cun-. nington and family visited —Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Westlake and new baby daughter and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Andy Miller and family. Cathy Miller had the misfortune to break her ankle. Alan Hodgert spent a few days last week with his un- cle and aunt Mr. and Mr Dwayne Tinney and boys at the Old Homestead near Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde were supper guests Saturday evening with Mrs. Marguerite Gibson. London. Mr. and -Mrs. Lloyd Ballantye. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballantvne. Brenda and Wendy. Mr. and Mrs: Larry Ballantyne Deanne and Cheryl attended a picnic on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ulch of Russelldale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bur,, ton. Kingston spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Saturday evening Mr and Mrs. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Reg' Hodgert and Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann and Cheryl. Mrs. fsobelle Cann, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jim , Love. John and Patti. Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fordham, London were guests, with Mr. and Mrs. Brian mith. St. Thomas. Kippen By MRS. RENA CALOWELL Bean harvesting has begun in the Kippen area. Timmy Cooper who has spent the summer with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs Ivan Cooper has returned to his home in Alberta. • Terry McClinchey has returned from hospital in London. Mr. and. -.Mrs. Harold 1Rothrock, New Castle. .1n' diana visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Emerson Anderson on the Labour Day holiday. mIIIIIIIIIIIninn111IIIIiiisi11111111111111111111111111111iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mIII1111111111111111WfIIvIIIIItIIIII111111L yotckyot& � 1 TODAY! 235-1331 ;-,1„„I II II I I I I l l l 111l 1 1,11, l l l,11tH, l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 111l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 111l l 111l11l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 111l l l l l l l l l Il It11 1 1 1 1IIIII III(III I(IIII IIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIII„„,,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIItI 1111111l l lI'i? r .. that's still not the time to be over -confident! You have to keep advertising in order to stay "in the money!" You can't afford to ease up! We have all the ideas and facilities • necessary to develop a sound promotional campaign for you ... in good times or bad! CALL: Imes dvocate t.�,rnl tn�irh Il��.�n, Nnrrh...1.IM..r t`ter. lainMnn hese 11'1 The readers write Dear Editor; The following is a letter to be printed in your newspaper. "Hold Annual Meeting of Itetarded Group", "Buddy Program Opens Doors for Retarded". "Give Retarded mrn_g-t;s4ns" -"New Hope for the Retarded". We are not retarded' Some of us are slow learners. some have physical handicaps', some have emotional problems, some have speech problems --but we are not retarded. We do not want to- be labelled as being retarded Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Steven Blackler has returned to Saulte Ste Marie to continue his course in flying. Mrs. Olive Langtree and Norman spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Switzer. Ken Blackler 'sang in Stratford Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning. . Mr. & Mrs. Elmer John- ston, Clinton visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. ,Miller McCurdy and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Davis. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Eveleigh visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Doug Atchison and family, Wallaceburg. Mrs. Hazel Eveleigh returned home with them. Rev. & Mrs. Brown visited in the community, Monday. Carnation COFFEE MATE 18 oz., 2 oz. bonus 1 .1 3 We are not any lesser human beings than anyone else. Being labelled retarded causes unnecessary teasing, makes us feel unwanted and takes away our sell -respect. . We want to learn just like you do. We try our best. We have feelings too. We want to walk through life beside you, not • behind you. The headlines above are taken Irom local newspapers in our cornfnunity. We ask you, the reader, to support us in writing to your local newspaper when you see the word "retarded" used un- necessarily. We are as much - a part 01 your community as anyone else and want to be treated as such. EachOot us has a special problem that we are trying to overcome and with places such as ARC Industries, and your help we too, can be respected citizens. Yours truly. Employees of ARC Industries Editors Note --One of the first steps you should take is to have the South Huron Association for the Mentally Retarded change their name to mare accurately reflect the people they serve. Many of the headlines used to report activities of that group use the "retaFded" aspect to identify the group and a change in name would obviously o9ercome the ,problem which you mention in your letter. i Times -Advocate, September 7, 1978 Page 5 ____, TOM AND JOAN BRADLEY wish to invite you to their of the SHIPKA GENERAL STORE on Sat., Sept. 16 Please drop in for coffee and donuts NEW HOURS Daily, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m-. - Closed Sundays Free delivery on purchases over $10.00 Notice To EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSION WATER CONSUMERS Please be advised that restrictions for watering of lawns and gardens have been cancelled. The Commission wishes to thank its custorners for their co-operation. EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION H.L. Davis, Manager THE LOWEST FOOD PRICES IN TOWN PLENTY OF PARKING AT REAR OF STORE - WE DELIVER Betty Crocker Super Most CAKE MIXES 694 German Chocolate White lemon Chocolate, Y Campbells TOMATO SOUP 10 oz 5/;1 *Detergent TIDE 6 Litre $2.69 BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 31b. Carton Coloured $1.78 Nabisco Welch's Grape SHREDDIES 657 g 98` JELLY OR JAM Tenderleaf bag ?•99 TEA BAGS Chase & Sandborn COFFEE)lb Gaines 10 kg DOG MEAL ORANGE -- ORANGE CRYSTALS Old Tyme 15.99 SYRUP Sheriff s SCALLOPED Inc POTATOES 2 s, 6 7 oz 24oz .99c 1 Litre CRISCO OIL .89 o0:41/s1 lG oz 2P' 0799' Miss Mew $11.59 CAT -CAT FOOD 16 oz 5 )., oz. Clork'or Van Comps 69'- BEANS New Neilson s 4 Flavours 49` BARS OLA MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 10 oz. Jar 5.23 DON'T MISS THESE MEAT VALUES -- Maple leaf Fully Cooked - Store Sliced PICNIC SHOULDERS- COOKED NAM lb '1.99 Schneiders Sliced Side BACON Vac Maple leaf Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS 3 -4th avq Ib $1.39 - 5.6 Ib. av smoked. Ib $ • r Schneiders Regular or All Beef WIENERS Vac l i,lb. $1.19 Schneider's Octotrfest, Frozen SAUSAGE lb $1.59 • 9 Regular (Formerly Homburg) GROUND BEEF lb 994 Schneider SAUERKRAUT 2 lb. poly bag 79' PRODUCE Fresh - FROZEN MUSHROOMS -12 oz Ontario No. 1 CAULIFLOWER Chiquito Golden Ripe BANANAS Troy -9 ea. 59' Ib. 194 McCa+ns Fancy___ - PEAS .5 it, ba Volley Form ice 3/s1 BAKERY Wonder Flaky ROLLS 12's 59' Wonder ENGLISH MUFFINS 8 s 69` Superior Enriched