HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-31, Page 12 (2)Page 12 Times -Advocate, August 31, 1978 Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mn. Hilda Payne, Phone 262-SO18 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 • BEAN PRODUCERS HAVE' BOOTH - It was only fitting that'the supplier -6f the beans foi the festive( the Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board hod a booth next to the festival kitchen. Selling a box of beans to Mc. and Mrs. Howard Nixon of Fergus were John Paul Rau - °Rd John Oke. _ { Staff photo In!111111111111IIII 1111111nlllllllllllllll� The Light Touch By . JACK LAVENDER White psychiatry has con- tributed enormously to mentaf_heolth in this coun- 411there's still a lot to be said for the reopening of school. - What most banquets need is on express podium — for speakers with sin thoughts or less. Anyone who culls 0 rose by any other name is probably pruning. TOR who can smile when things go wrong hos found somebody to Wome it on. Parents who think kids ore o 50-50 proposition oon t understand one of two things-- kids or fractions We re n,ne-tenths sure you'll opprecrote the • 30 days and cash pgrom at 'ro Jack's Small Engine Repair Service. 107 Queen St . Hensall 262-2103 111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111 Kippen By MRS. RENA CALDWELL Mr. and Mrs Emerson Aad on. Mr. and Mrs. .Geral pshall.. .Mrs.. Frances ,Upshall. Seaforth attended a reunion in Marlette. Michigan recent- ly Mr. and Mrs. Russell Caldwell. Hamilton. Mr and Mrs .C. ' Bruner. Leamington'. Mrs Walter Schneider. North Bav were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Emerson Anderson. -Mr. and Mrs. James D. McGregor and family Holidayed in the C.S.A. this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Grant McGregor and family, attended Toronto Exhibition this week Mr and Mrs. Ken McLellan were recent visitors in Toronto. - Barr- McCallum -Who has been working in the Kingston area returned home. - Mrs. Art McCallum has returned from University Hospital. London. Mr and Mrs. John Ander- son have returned from Van- dalia. Ohio. All roads led to the Zurich Bean Festival Saturday. The Kippen East 'W.I. had a booth there. • Mr. and airs. Harold Par- sons and family have return- ed from a holiday in Frankeumuth. Michigan.; " R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales & Service of`most makes • CB Radios & Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Applia $ • Smoke Sensors Insect Lights & Fly Killing Units • :Handcrafted Gifts Phone 482-7103 Air strike cancels cleric's appearance Owing to the air strike the and Mrs. John McGuire of service was cancelled in Erin. While there they Carmel Presbyterian visited the McMichael Church on Sunday. when Collection of Canadian Art Rev. Kenneth Knight of Rosetown. Sask. was to preach for a call. It is arranged for Sunday. September 10, when the ser- vice will be at 10:15 a.in. Kenneth Parker who has been a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital return- ed to his home last week. Mr. arid Mrs. Hugh McCallum of London and Mrs. Bertha Blackwell of Red City California visited this week with Mrs. Edgar Munn. Mrs. Jack Verbeem of Caml'ackie visited last week with friends -in this area. Mrs. J. Aikenhead has accepted a position at Drysdale Home Hardware. she was formerly employed with the Canadian Tire Store in Exeter for the past five years. at Kelinburg. Tim Mock left last week for British columbia. where he -will be attending Victoria University this coming year. Mrs. Robert Rathwell and infant daughter returned home from St Joseph Hospital on Sunday -Hospital Rob and - Kay. The service of morning prayer was observed in St Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday. Rev G :\ Anderson welcomed members •from Presbyterian and united hes His sermon text en from St. Matthew 16 Verse 1,8 "Thou ,r and upon this rock uild inv Church and the`Wtes of (fell shall not prevail against me." The regular service will be held next Sunday at 9 45 a.m. ----Don-Reid-.well-known.auto_...-_...The.serricc will t)e twain body man who operated a ed in Carmel Presbyterian business on Nelson• Street Church next Sunday at 10.15 has accepted employment at the Hensall Arena and com- menced his duties there this week. Don is a -local resi- dent. having grown up in Hensall and we wish him every' success in his new employment. Mrs. Annie Noakes return- ed home from visiting with her grandson Mr and Mrs. Gary Noakes and family at Lambeth. A number of members of the Hensall Senior Citizens attended the Huron Zone 8 picnic held at the Lion's ,Park in Seaforth on Wednes- day Miss Linda Mock of Lon- -don visited last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Ron Mock and sister Julie. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith spent the weekend with their daughter and Pamily. Mr. Seek members for ladies' group Fall meetings will soon be beginning again and it is hoped that many morer-v women will take advantage of the .opportunities for enrichment in living offered by the Women's Institute. This is not a fund-raising organization primarily but a way in which all women can fulfill themselves and help others at the same time. The program includes such sub- jects as the family. citizenship. education. cultural interests. public relations. consumer and world affairs and the com- piling of a local history. So why not make a note on your calendar. to join other women at the Legion Hall. Hensall at 8 p.ni. on the se- cond Wednesday of' each month (September 13 is the dater. We hope to see you then. a.m. Mr and Mrs Uon Ferguson and tastily return- ed to their h, tine in North - Bay after -%-T'rnng-with the-. former's father Mr Wilmer Ferguson and attended the wedding ' of his brother Kenneth -and Trudy .lean .Johns - Queensway Birthday greetings to Isobel Brintnell who will celebrate her birthday September 6 and to Jackie -Lowe - September 11. Church service 'was con- ducted by He l)on Forrest. Visitors with Mrs. Adeline ?Taylor were Ivan and Dorothy Tavlllr. and grad- daughter Donna Desjardine of Grand Bend Mrs. Rochus Faber 'Visited several residents cc 'Friday. .1 Kipfer yisitt-d Mrs. Nell Kendrick. Sim and Mary Roobal. Elmer and Noreen Hayter. Mel and Margaret Elliott visited Russell Erratt..Jack Gor m visited Cora Alcock Chester [ nn [sited Vera Lamle. Mrs. Mary Funk was the lucky winner of a quilt at the Bean Festival .in Zurich on Saturday. It was made by the residents of the Blue Water Rest lfome., Zurich UINSTALL AUTOMATIC GARAGE qi DOOR OPENER At the touch of your thumb! A touch of the button opens your garage door while you sit comfortably in your car- - safe from slippery walks. and completely secure. The U -install fits most overhead doors to 7' high x 18' wide. and is easily installed. Features include: • Pocket size push button transmitter • Powerful 1 / 3 hp motor • Two minute time delay 19990 • Instant safety reverse • Manual disconnect sAutomatic on Loft light i • Positive,locking L Bal I- a ca uU-mited Seaforth 527-0910 Hensall 262-2418 Clinton 482-3405 Care BUILDING CENTRE Gabian Stone,. Calcium Chloride in 100 pound bogs Sand &Stone Gravel Stone for Weeping Beds EARL LIPPERT TRUCKING LTD. Crediton 234-6382 N�1 3 °' 8 Annual Interest for three years Guaranteed . Investment Certificates VG VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY Mrs. Joyce E. Black Ron Keys ActoOntaht 425 Main St. EXETER 235-0530 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE BOOTH sored by the Zurich Womens Mrs. Thelma Corrigan of London, Crediton look at some items. 04 of Institute. As the Mrs. many booths at the bean festival was span - Harvey Hohner and Ina Neeb man the booth, Mrs. Charles Allison of Exeter and Mrs. Mary Neel? of Staff photo rea_lads visit Alma Twelve members from Huron County Women's Institute were present and some plans were made for the -tea and bake -sale -- At the close of the meeting. tea and cookies were served' by Mrs. Keith Webster and the members spent a little time visiting the residents. The next meeting will be on September 18 and the ex- ecutive would be pleased to see more . Institutes represented at that meeting. Alma School for women is held at Alma College, St. Thomas. each year under_ the auspices of the London Conference of the united , Churdh of Canada. This comprises the Algoma. Elgin. Essex. Huron -Perth, Kent. Lambton Middlesex and-Okfordi'resbyterials- -- The four day conference. held from August 20 — 23 in- clusive had as ifs theme this year. "Stop -Look -Listen! — Hear God •Speak!" The -theme speaker was Rev. Bob Duthie of chatham and Bible study was led by Rev. Gordon Duncan with Ab. Furtney of Sault Ste. Marie leading the singing Many U.C. women from . the district -attended.- in- cluding Mrs. Phyllis Rodd of Woodham. acting as one of -the hostesses and,Jrs. Doris Zurbrigg of Listowel, a study group leader. On Tuesday, August 22, a one -day school was incor- - porated into the four-day school and over 250 women joined the approximately 150 already at Alma to attend the mini -school at Central United Church, St. Thomas. This was "listen" day and a panel discussion was held on Child abuse. Those who attended Alma came home a little weary but at' the same time renew- ed in ambition to "serve the Lord with gladness". This was a time of spiritual refreshment -and .great christian fellowship. CHANGE DATE At the Huronview Aux- iliary meeting held in the board room on August 21, it was decided to change the date of the fall bake sale and tea to Wednesday, October 11 from October 4. This was due to other events on the original date and it is hoped that 'there will be a good attendance on the new date. 'DRIVE in lThdicitof Servfce •RADIATORS • HEATERS • GAS TANKS • COMPLETE OOOUfG SYSTEM SERVICE Don't blow your cool di/ summer/ Come , e w today. Open Saturday for your convenience Radi-Rad MILT ROBBINS & SON LTD. m 263 MAIN ST. N.5 EXETER 235-2940 J BEST BUYS AT AL'S Crisco Pure Vegetable Oil Johnson & Johnson J -Cloth Towels Maxwell House Oround Coffee - Fleecy Sheets Fabric Softener Hostess Potato Chips Nabisco Cereal Shreddies Crest Toothpaste R'o- Liquid Detergent - Maple Leaf I Picnic Hams Scott Arts 'n Flowers Towels Wittich SUgat-8r Cinnamon Donettes 1 litre 1.59 pkg. of 10 994 ;2.99 1.59 225 g 79` 675 g 894 1008.50m1;1.19 1 Ib. 30's tin, 1 759 ml' 494 Ib. ;2.39 2 rolls 894 24', 594 • Sears catalogues .. a marketplace for home fashion finds. 5ei S CAOPPINGTALOGUE SH Come in and look through our lastest - catalogue - PHONE 262-3316 Mrs. Smith Awe/livid Apple Pie Old South Orange Juice 24O.1.199 12'/ fl. oi. 854 Choice local Beef and Pork Store 262-2017 Abattoir 262-2041 Maple Leaf Football Hamsal 2 , whole or 1'4 , Ib Maple Leaf Sweet Cured Cottage' Rolls Beef & Pork -Sausage Beef No Filler - Patties Sliced Ib lb. 9.59 1 .35 89° '1 .39 Chicken Loaf .19 By the Piece Head Cheese ' lb. 59' Turkey 10 Ib. Box Wings - . 394 Processed . Sides of Beef Processed Hinds of Beef Ib 1.29 1.59 siie 138 $ 1 .09 2 lbs. 494 5/99' Ib. Ib. Sunkist Oranges Ontario Field Tomatoes _ Ontario Field Cukes • 1 / Beef Slaughter Monday, Pork Slaughter — Tuesday. Hata* tor Picking Up Frees[, ABATTOIR HOUR or Custom Orders Tues. to Fri. — 8 a.m. to 6 p m.,.Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. . Prices in effect for August 31, September 1 & 2 Choice local Reef a Pork Abattoir Phone: 262-2041 1 • PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items Because of increased costs we find It r+er essory tc moke o 50c charge tor grocery delivery f - A KE GROCERIES & FRESH PRODUCE Phone: 262-2017 Hensall J •