HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-24, Page 26 (2)Pogo 26 Times -Advocate, August 24, 1978 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS - CAMPBELt - Sandra , (nee Roberti) Bob and Rhonda wish to announce the arrival of Robert Kenneth Stevenson at Guelph General Hospital. August 6. 1978 weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz. 34e DUNN - Susan r ee Grigg) and George are proud to announce 'the safe arrival of their first - child a girl Amanda Marie wefghingg 7 lbs. 14 oz. Arrived at Metropolitan Hospital, Wednes- da"August 9th. 1978. Proud gr ndparents are Ivan and S rtey Grigg. Dashwood and atrick'Dunn. Windsor Great grandparents are Rita Duncan and Rosie Qrigg. 34c • -HILL - Jim and Mary Eileen nee Carey) are pleased to an- . nounce the arrival of their son on august 18th. 1978 at Western General Hospital. Toronto. Hap- py grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Hill of Toronto and Mrs. Rita Carey of Parkhill'. On- tario. 34c MORGAN - Gerald and Mar- jorie are proud to announce the arrival of their son Timothy Joseph Albert. 5 lbs 8 oz. born August 7th. 1978 in St Joseph's Hospital. London. A brother for Jeremy. _ 34c SOLDAN - Mike and Barbara (Ready) announce the arrival of a son Ryan Michael. a brother Tor Sue Anne and Jodi Lvnne on August 16 at Victoria Hospt al.. London. • • 34c, - STEERS - Dave and Marg (nee Geiger happily announce .the birth of Jennifer Lynn. their ' fiat child. at St- Joseph's Hospital on August 7. 1978. at 2:33 p m.. weighing 7 lbs 13', oz. 34c TIGANI - David -and Karen are . happy to announce the birth of 2 their daughter Kimberlie • Michelle. July 25. 1978 at St. Marys Memorial Hospital A lit- tle granddaughter for Mr - and Mrs. Mike Tigani and Mr and Mrs Herb Turner 34c Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets VICAR - DOUGLAS PRIESTAP Sunday. August 27 9:00 a.m.-Morning Service Welcome ENGAGEMENTS 'Mr and Mrs J Douglas Top - pin are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter. Sally Anne Webb. to Mr Lee Cumminggs, son of Mr and Mrs Ronald Cummings, all' of London. The wedding will take place Saturday. September 16th at 4 o'clock in First West- minster United Church. London. Ontario. 34p Mr and Mrs Leeland Desjar- dine. RR 2. Grand Bend are hap- py to announce. the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Cynthia Bernice to Jeffrie Graham Truemner. son of Mr and Mrs Graham Truemner. Parkhill The wedding will take place Saturday. September 16.•' 1978 at 1 00 o'clock at Grace Bi- ble Chapel. Parkhill, Ontario . 34c.- Mr 4cMr and Mrs James R Hogg of RR 2. Zurich wish to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage ol their daughter. Lesley Jean to Mr John Remi Jeffrey son of Mr and Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey of RR 2. Zurich The •wedding will take place on Sati rday. September 16th. 1978 at St Peter's Church. St Joseph. Ontario .34c ANNOUNCEMENTS - Mr and Mrs T Harry Hayter are holding Open House on Sim - day, ;August 27 1-5 p m. in honour of their daughter Janice's forthcoming marriage - All .ladies and gents welcome 33 34p CARDS OF THANKS - 1 wish to extend My apprecia- tiorT to my relatives, neighbours. friends. Ladies of Cannel Church. and family for • the kindness shown to me while a patient at University Hospital. four flowers. gifts. cards. telephone. calls and visits brightened my days and helped in my recovery Special thanks •• to my nephews of Hoffman's Ambulance service Victoria Soldan 34c (Jtae Cfl:ircI,cs Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Pastor REV MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, August 27 Calvary ' United Church of Canada Dashwood .Minister: REV. BRUCE GUY. B.A. Organist Miss Idella Gabel. A.R.0 T. -Sunday. August 27- - 9:45 a.m -Church Service Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter Evangelical m teaching. presbyterian in churchgovernment welcomes you Sunday. August 27 10:00 a.m.-Worship 11:10 a.m.-Sunday School 7:30 p.m. -Evening Worship Pastor REV -HENRY VAN ESSEN B.A. B.D. Telephone church 235-2084 Manse 235-1435 Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental - Evangelical Pastor REV. LINN LOSHBOUGH Sunday. August 27 1978 9:45 a.m.-Bible School 11:00 a.m -Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. -Worship • Wed.. 8.00 p.m -Prayer Meeting Nuisery Facilities Everyone Welcome Mrs. E.A Keyes. Organist EXETER I!� II PENTECOSTA L TABERNACLE M,in at Victoria REV. DON FORREST D.J. ADCOCK, Youth Sunday, August 27 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School "11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. -Even Service Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. -Bible Study Nursery Facilities You are Welcome - Caven Presbyterian - Church Interim Moderator REV. V.TOZER Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, August 27 11:30 a.m.-Guest Speaker Rev. Kenneth Knight 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Bible Class • 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service All Welcome Christian Reformed Church Minister REV. CLARENCE BISHOP, 8.A.. B.D. Sunday. August 27 - 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship' 2:15 p.m. -Afternoon Service Everyone Welcome The.Back to God Hour CHLO 4.30 p.m Dial 1570 Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minister: • REV JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV GRANT MILLS • Organist and Choirmaster. Mr Robert Cameron Sunday. August 27 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship with the :Rev. James For- sythe. We welcome the congregations of Caven Presbyterian and Trivitt Memorial Anglican Churches. Courtesy Car - 235-0487 Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Main at Gidtey Rector Rev G.A. Anderson. ' D.F.C. Organist Mr. Gerald McAuley Sunday. August 27 1000 8.m. -Service is at Ex- eter United Church Centralia Faith Tabernacle . REV BOB DEGRAW Sunday. August 27 9 45 a.m.-Sunday Scholl 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. -Evangelistic Ser- - vice Everyone Welc*fie • Centralia and Zion United Churches Sunday. August 27 STUDENT SUPPLY PAUL SCHOTT ZION Organists Mrs. Lorne Hern, Yvonrf8 Jaques Cemetery Deforation Service CENTRALIA Organist Mr Douglas GIII ,11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Everyone Welcome CARDS OF THANKS - • • We would like to express our sincere thanks to our relatives. neighbours and friends for their cards and messages of sym- pathy we received at the sudden passing of Eldon Daters a dear brother-in-law and uncle Harold. Elizabeth Hendrick and family 34c The family of the.late Harold Joseph Glanville would like to thank friends. relatives and neighbours for their cards. •telephone calls. floral tributes, donations fo the cancer fund and other acts of kin/Mess during our recent bereavement Special thanks also to the pallbearers. fldwer hearers. Rev Forrest. Hopper Hockey Funeral Home and the ladies of the• Zion United Church. Crediton for the lovely •luneh Your thoughtfulness will always. be remembered. 34c We wish to thank our friends. neighbours and relatives for the cards. donations to the Cancer Society. the Gideon Bible. flowers. and other acts of kindness extended to us in the recent loss of a dear mother and grandmother Elson & Jean Lynn- 34p • 1 would like to thank relatives and friends for the many kindnesstS and concern shown for me while in St. Joseph's Hospital •and since returning home. for the carnds. flowers. gifts and many calls asking for' me Special thanks to Dr Sweenev and his staff and all the nursing staff on 4th floor N W. Charles D •Hay 34p My sincere thanks to all for cards. treats. gifts and visits while in South Huron Hospital and since returning jrome. Lillian Jones -34p The wife and 'family pf the late Eldon L. Daters wish to ex- press our sincere thanks to our - relatives. friends, and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy in our sudden loss of a dear husband. father. and grandfather. Special thanks for all the cards. floral tributes. contribt tions to the Heart Fund * and other donations. Our deepest gratitude to both Rev. Marvin L. Barz and 4•.icar Douglas Priestap for their con- solation diming- our bereave- ment. Special thanks to the ladies whahelped serve lunch at, home and to all the people who so kindly brought. food to the house. Your kindness was great= ly appreciated and will always be remembered. Doreen and family • 34p Mi• sincere thanks to alt for the cards and,visits 1 received ` while a patient in University Hospital. Everything was great- ly appreciated. Roy Swartz 34p My sincere thanks tQ my family. relatives and friends for their thoughtfulness during my ecent stay in University Hospital and -since returning home. Special thank you to L-awrence Becker. John, Timmei=itfans Hoffman Am- bulance and Doctors and staff MS University Hospital Emergency Unit. Bob Brand 34cr IN MEMORIAM - McCANN - In loving mentor} •of a dear loved one, Peter Fran- cis. who passed away three years ago Remembrance is a gulden chain. Death tries to break. but all in vain: To have. tglove.and then to part As the greatest sorrow of one's heart The nears may wipe out many things put this they wipe out never The ntemore of those happy days When we were all together Sadly. missed by Barb & Kimberly 34c McCANN - In loving memory of Peter Francis McCann who passed away suddenly three years ago August 28. 1975 This month conies with deep regret. For it brings back a dav'we cannot forget. Ile left us quietly. His thoughts unknown. But left us a memory. We are proud to own So treasure hfm Lord. In your garden of rest Alwayg remembered by the Lewis (amity 34c• McCANN - In memory- of a dear son and brother Peter who died suddenly 3 years ago. August 28. 1975. In our home he is fond!! ' remembered. Sweet memories cling to his name. Those who loved him in life sincerely. - Love him in death always Ever remembered by, Mgm. Dad. Rita. Ed & Cathy. 34p 'Roller Skating in ZURICH ARENA Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun. Nights Skating 8-1 1 P.M. SEXSMITH Annual FIy_In Sunday, Aug. 27, 1978 A Starting 11 a.m. Airplane rides, free draws, air show, corn on cob, etc. Public Welcome Bayfield Agricultural Society "Walk -About Fair" Sat:, Sept. 2nd Clinton Pipe Band. At Fair Grounds -- Highland Dancing and Piping = Heavy Horses - Poultry - 4-H Calf Club - Old Time Machinery - Junior Section special Events - 3:00 P.M. - Baby Show. Refreshment Booth. • Exhibits shown in Municipal Building - Old Town Hall -Orange Hall from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. Entries for exhibits taken on Fri., Sept. 1st at Municipal Building, 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 p.m - Admission -ticket 1.00 for entire F9ir. BINGO Every Tuesda_v.night at the Vanastra Centre. RR- 5. Clinton at 8 p.m. First regular card 81.00..15 regular .games of 515.00. 3 Share the Wealth and Jack -Pot of 1200.00 must go Ad- missign restricted to 16 years or over 52fnc • D 3NCE at Exeter Golf Club in f Town Hall Restoration: Ba d -By Special Ap- pointment". Sat... Sept 9. 1978 $5 00 per couple • 31 32.33 34.35:36p FESTIVAL SiNGLES DANCE - Stratford. Ontario Canadian Legion Hall Friday. September .1 Dancing 9-1 Music by the Inlaws. Donation to Perth Huron VON Permit #5363147. Welcome all singles over 30 33:34:35c 25 YEARS AGO - Louise & Wilmar Wein were married at the -home of the brides parents near Watford. Ontario. In honouer.ot the occasion. everyone is welcome to,share with them happy memories at• The Kirkton Community Centre. Friday. September 15. 1978 Music by Mozart. Lunch provid- ed ":Vo GiftstPlease" 33.34-35:36c THE (HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to -attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes. being held in the Health Unit Office, South Hurpn Hospital. Exeter commencing Wednesday. September 13. 1978 from 7'30 - 9:30 p.m. 'These classes will run for 8 weeks Would anyone who is interested please register by calling 1-800- 265-4485 toll free or the ffealth Unit office at 235-1014, Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions. 1979 Winter Series will begin the week of January, 8. 1979. 34:35:36c RED CROSS BLOOD Donor - Clinic Monday. September 11. 1978. 2-4 p.m.. 5:30-8:30. South Huron pistrict High School. 34:35c REV C.A. ANDERSON will be in charge of services in St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday. August 27 at 10:30 a.m 34nc THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit Invites you to attend the' Child Health Clinic. held at J.A.D. McCurdySchool,-Huron --PaT1tati-M-7Cug`usT 2 , 1978 from 9:30 • 11:30 a.m. for Health Surveillance. Anaemia Screening, immunization, and Fluoride. 34c MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE at Zion cemetery. Usborne Twp Sunday. August 27. 2:30 p.m. Mr. Paul Schott of Chatham in charge of service. 34e We would like to thank all of our relatives, friends and neighbours for helping to make the celebration of our 40th wedding an- niversary such 'a memorailaIe occasion. Your cards, gifts, flowers and best wishes were much appreciated. Special thanks to our children...and grandchildren . who con- tributed so much to the preparation for this most enjoyable day. John ond.Tina King. ma J °CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Aug. 27 The Rev. Kenneth Knight from Rosetown, Sask. will be condidating'for a call. Cromarty 9 A.M. Carmel 10:15 A.M. Caven 11:30 A.M. Members from the congregations can meet with Mr. Knight at Cromarty on Saturday night 8:30 P.M. Pion to be present for these important services. Tues. - Sat. 8:30 Wed. 2:30 Tel. 238-8451 Aug. 24 - Aug. 26 Now Playing PICNIC by william inge , Next Week SPRINGTIME FOR HENRY by ben levy (last show of seasoh) f Better cores is aim of program A new program to help small Ontario communities initiate improvements to their core areas has been an- nounced by Housing Minister Claude Bennett. Called the Main Street RevitalizationProgram,, it will be complementary to the province's successful Downtown Revitalization Program, but is designed to help communities with a population of 30,000 or less. (The Downtown Revitaliza= tion Program is aimed at municipalities with a pop- ulation of up to 125,000.1 "We see this new program spurring communities_ to help themselves by taking advantage of existing Business Improvement Area BIA ) legislation. to upgrade their downtowns," Bennett said. The BIA concept is.,a device whereby merchants and business people can designate and tax themselves for im- provements to streetscapes and related facilities. Since smaller towns often lack the capability to generate the front-end fun- ding necessary for initiating improvement projects under the BIA approach the provincial government will, provide low-interest loans of up to $150,000 to help the community improve and beafftify municipally -owned lands and building in eligible areas. Bennett explained that the province had several objec- tives in mind in proceeding with the program. "In the fifst place we want to encourage and sup- port downtown improve- ment projects started by municipalities and by business improvement areas in these communities," he said. "We also wish to promote co-ordination and joint plan- ning of comprehensive downtown improvement projects by the municipalities themselves, by business groups and by the community at large. "Finally, we want to demonstrate provincial commitment and support for the existence of viable and attractive downtowns in small Ontario com- munities." Bennett stressed that this new program was designed to help small communities help themselves. "This new Main Street ap- proach should help over- come local resistance because 'of the inability to obtain long-term funding," he said. "Once that funding is provided, on-going com- mitments can be obtained from the participants and provincial funding would no New Location DAR -LYNN STUDIO - CERAMICS - RR 2, Centralia :i ■ lessons, greenwore, firing, supplies, finished pieces, crosses start Sept: 5' .Registration phone 228-6862 111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111 A special thank -you to the few who sup- ported us in the Ex- eter area during our struggle for a Union. Bob and Shirt's, South Huron High School teachers, Clover Farm, Huron Park, Larry Cronyn, Save U Gas Bar, Exeter Bokery, Ex- E e'er -i---`------------ j(irk, Dofferin Hotel, Don F, and Evie, Bonk of Mon- treal, Bonk of Novo Scotia, Centralia Com- -s munity Centre, longer be necessary. This approach should keep provincial funding 'at reasonable levels." In addition to having a project which conforms with provincial policies. a municipality, in order to be eligible for assistance; must have: -a population of 30,000 or less at the date of formal application; -an approved official plan -a property maintenance and occupancy standards bylaw; -municipal council com- mitment and public support for the revitalization proposal; -an active business im- provement area under sec- tion 361 of the Municipal Act as well as a downtown pro-. ject proposed under section 361(11 of the :iunicipal Act: -demonstrated financial and administrative resources. Eligible costs include im- provements and beautifica- tion of municipally -owned lanes. buildings and other structures in an eligible business improvement area. and for the provision of parking. (in all cases, these aspects would be additions to on-going expenses of the municipality at large.) The maximum provincial funding will be $150.000 with no more than two-thirds .of the funding eligible for park- ing projects. Total provincial recover' for the loan would be 110 per cent over a maximum 10 - year period. This approach enables a business improve- ment area to earmark a por- tion of its approved annual budget for the repayment of The provincial funds. "MITCHELL FAIR " September 1, 2, 3' & 4 4 MIXED BOWLING GENERAL MEETING Exeter Bowling Lanes August 298:30 P,M, . Have a team rep attend. New teams anCJ new bowlers Always welcome!! CONTACT WAYNE GLANVILLE PETE McFALLS 234-6243 BOWLING LANES 235-0368 235-2781 - J ......11e• Issosielvissanseamies We'll be looking forward to seeing you, at the Zurich Bean Festival ;0)31V;- •":4!",. 0)31 -.O , ti a 4 F'i. t: 4.1� lath IL 1 r'„t i Ii 4', tilt � . II ti "itsc�.L Come' & visit Tower House in historic St. Joseph on Hwy. 21 on No.,¢4. See Our Selection of Canadian Handicrafts: Pottery, Jewellery, Glass, Pine Wall Pieces -;-Silk & Dried flower Arrange- . ments, Linens, Many Unusual Minia- tures, Brasses, Soft Toys, Some Scottish' Tartans, Stain Glass, etc. �IIIIIIIIIf111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII111tIIIIII11111111111IIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111L MCS will be Earl and Martha Heywood of CKNX radio. and TV fame. Entertainment will include such acts as: The 'Bradley family, Mr. Ivor -caricaturist, The Huron County puppet Show presenting two shows; The Woman with Eggs and Fisherman's Wife, The Miller Sisters, The Bedard Family, The Magic Company plus manyviolinists. For information about the Bear(Festival and its - various activities CB fans are asked "to keep their ears tuned" to channel 10. ZURICH BEAN FESTIVAL Talent Show 1.. a11111111111111111111111111111111111111111m1111111111111IIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111t1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111fra DON'T MISS ZURICH'S ANNUAL BEAN FESTIVAL! SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 '78 , Pancake and sausage breakfast Home -cooked beans Street Market Midwayy for kids The Fleck F. Strikers 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Fes-tileal Queen Contest Dance . in the Arena Saturday night DON'T MISS THIS EXCITING EVENT! •