HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-24, Page 24 (2)20 Property For Rent COUNTY OF HURON Tenders For Vehicles For Winter Control Maintenance Sealed tenders on forms available from the undersigned will be accepted until 4:00 o'clock local time on: Tues., Sept. 12, 1978 For all or any one of the following pieces of equip- ment for winter contra commencing on or about. November 20, 1978: . (1) One''Hea'ry Duty' Tandem truck with driver and snow plow equipment for snow plow duties in the Wroxeter area (2,) One -125 H.P. motor grader with driver and snow plow equipment- for snow plow duties in the Auburn area • (3) 28,000 G.V.W. trucks without operator or box for -Installation of County's sand spreaders to spread salt and sand in various areas of the County. • - 1 TRUCK REQUIRED FOR AUBURN AREA - 1 TRUCK REQUIRED FOR ZURICH AREA -2 TI1! JCKS REQUIRED FOR WROXETER AREA Tender forms may be picked up at the office of the undersigned. The lowest,or any tender not necessori• ly accepted. 'R.A. Dempley, P. Eng., Co ,ny Engineer; Court house, Goderich, Ontario. Telephone 524-7412 Page 24 Times -Advocate, August 24, 1978 6 Services Genes stens (Acne Crcces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - R R 1 Dashwood, Ont NOM I NO PHONE 238-8242 41 GLAVIN , SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING House.. %I,Ichurerk,_Zir I-fCC f-it1111.11es ( \1 1 JACK (it . -'t\ hi 234-6'01 14 GLAVIN BROS. BARN PAINTING - High Pressure \\ :ter ( leaning Airless Spray t-qutpment and Aerial Boom Trucks 228-6256 228-6247 lot .1\ 11RI(AR. eyi rior painting -- R R H & S Painting. -Phone Ronald Iles wood, 235-208- 30t (i & C 'S:\LTER. livestock :trucking. Denfield., Kitchener.. Stratton]. Toronto. RR _. St Mary: Phos. 149-,2'4. coli 11551 '"" `It and enjoy all -season home comfort.too6 OwWestin helps m : ,e it happen CALL F FREE ESTIMATE L. W. KLEINSTIVER LIMITED • DASHWOOD 237-3661 • Plumbing - Heating El4ctrical CHANGE IN NAME INDEPENDENT SHIPPER TO - United Co - Operatives of Ontario Livestock Department Toronto Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL Dashwood • Mondoy is shipping day from Varna Stockyard previously Roy Scotchmer • Call -Dashwood 238-2707 or Bayfield ' 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday for prompt service. No charges on pick-up 6 Services CENTRALIA SERVICE General Repairs 'teas% and 1.Ight \chicle Inspec- tion Inrluding School Buses. Iow mg. elbctronic runeup 228-6913 - Business 234-6787 - Residence PLEASE CALL ANYTIME 33t CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R R 1 I, C entralia - Open 6day saweek Lathe Work. Portahle V\ riding. Wrought Iron Railings and. Column Posh 229-6542 31' S1 PT1C r YNKS vacuum pumped: new tanks Installed. new weeping keds laid: old systems repaired. Immediate ser- , ice Butler Bros.. Lucan 227- 431: or 2_ "7-4254. 101' OR\-\!t1E\ FAL IRON - porch railings. column -posts. in- side vinyl covered stair rails. room div iders. etc. Elroy Des - Jardine. . 236-4622 or 236- 4242 _ 1St 7 Livestock FOR S\L1, - Purebred Hampshire boar. tc months old Phone 262=6609 . • 34c TWO .HERFFORD calves or cpw and calves Phone 235-104 -. Archie Etherington. 34' 8 Farm Machinery FOt R ROW bran puller In - good c%pndtion Phone 225- 2'04 34c , FOUR ROW John Deere bean cruller, neszr Lieen used. Asking • 51.400.00. tits 2520 John Deere • or larger Phone 229-8864 after 4 p.m - '13:;45 ' TH'REE FURROW IHC plow. adtustable. Innes bean win- drvwer,--pneed-reasonablv:-- Phone'_36-4'35_• 291' 9 Sports Equipment,Veh :-/-5 HONDA XL IIx), good . ondnlon. S300.00. 237-3354. 34c JEFFREY BROS. LTD. CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES RENOVATIONS - ALTERATIONS • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING •(SERVICED) LOTS TO CHOOSE - FROM' RR 2 ZURICH 236-4757 Farmers A, ..( 5(6 P.C.' nG .P FREE OF CHARGE FRESH `. DEAD Of DISABLED COWS, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks for Faster Service 24 -Hour Service 7 Days A Week CALL COLLECT (Area Code 519) 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies INSULATION SPRAY ON URETHANE FOAM For Cattle and Hog Barns, Workshops, • Homes, Attics, etc., also Vans. • AGRICULTURAL • INDUSTRIAL • • RESIDENTIAL Blown In - Mineral Wool . Fibre Glass • Cellulose H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION R.R. 5 Mitchell Phone 348-9376 PROFIT RAISING EARTHWORMS Can Vo„ Answer'YfS o these Quesv'. nKy I fM, :•», ,ski •nnnt, .•.va . 2 Do 'Nw 'Man, , A.N...•ss 4 il•,�• �». t, 1 10113= 4 , , PERHAPS YOU CAN BECOME A WORM GROWER It• ACCFVTFI AS A PROIX WF -R WI OF F F R • Professional Guidance • Marketing Servlr'e • Exchange Membership• • Complete Supplies ACT TODAY' SENQ FOR YOUR FREE BROCHURE' Send noon•, addrees. phone. deatript.nn of fat.hns le ,y.]aM GROIr(RS j'CHANT,( ,MC •14 -A- •TUT • SMYRNA. NW/11W IMP • MIS) 2s4.1S21 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1971 40 HORSE JOHNS ION electric start out board ,motor, tank and controls. Thoroughly reconditioned Apply at McNaughton Shell Service, K irk ion, Ontario. 229- s946 33 34' 11 Cars, Trucks 1972 131. 1( K CEN 1 URIAN, "1974 Dodge - ton pickup. both certified. Make an offer 234- 6281. 34 35c 1975 VOLKSWAGEN I\ A -I condition One owner, low mileage. can be seen anytime. Call 235.2233 34c 1977 COUGAR. 4 door. vinyl roof, power steering and brakes. 33.000 miles, S3.995.00, one owner car. Call 235-0773 after 6 p.m. daytime, 235-0380. 345 1971 PINTO. fair condition, 5400.00. CaII 228-6894 after 6:30 p.m. 34:35c 1975 AMC .\1ADORE, power steering and power brakes. red with wood trim. new tires, air, certified. Phone 471-4674. 34c 1974 SEBWIN(i SATELLITE 318 automatic, 2 door, very good condition. Power steering and brakes. bucket seats. one owner, 2 36-427 $,, l u r i c h. ' -33:34c 1973 C' -HEN": -ton pick-up. un - cert ifiec* hest offer over - S1000 00. ver5100000. Written bids only. accepted Contact Bank of Mon- treal. Exeter 235-2860. 251 196' F-700 l=ord dump. certified. 238-214.1 281' 19'3 CHEVROLET window an. excellent condition, cer- titied Phone 235-2957. • 34.' 1975 FORD F-150 pick-up. is ton, V-8. power steering and - brakes. automatic. radio, S2.- '01) 00 Phone -'35-0896-. 34.35e 12 Pets - YEAR OLD • Dachshund. -Phone 235-2706. • - 34:35c ONE IRISH Setter. 10 months old with papers. To give away to a good home. Phone 238-8742 after 5 p.m: • 34c BEAUTIFUL white Saymod registered puppies. 6 weeks old. .Call London 666-1823. 34c 13 Musical Instruments SHERLOCK - \1ANNING, regular size. like new, reasonahle.-Phone 227-1893.• 34c 14 Appliances, Television INGLIS GAS DRYER, white, good condition, $100. Phone 235-2033. • 34' 15 Personal 1 Rf F GIF1 •when sou use The Iridal Registry in The.,Pidgeon Hole Boutique, Brucefield. Largest selection of fine chine dinnerware tableware in the. counts: Open' daily 10-8: Before you buy chine see us first. 14t 16 For Sale MOBILE HOME 122' s 52' on lot, broadloomed, air con- ditioning, appliances, located Bucklyn Acres, 111 miles west of Exeter Call 237.3478 after 6 p.m. 28t BUILDING for sale to be removed by purchaser 26'2" long, 18'5" wide, 134' high Inquire at Genttner Fuels, phone 235-2411. 301 TO GIVE AWAY free fill over • 4.000 cit. yds. Phone 229- 6394. 31:32:33:34c THIRTY INCH gold propane e stove, like new .Phone 235-0320 after 6 p.m. 6' ROOSTERS ready for the oven. Phone 236-4868. 32t LEADING SWIMMING POOL manufacturer must vacate premises, will sacrifice all 1978 pool models 30% - 40%- 50% 0%-50% off. most sizes in stock, pric- ed from 51,322.00. Immediate delivery and one day installation. No monthly payments till 1979. Call toll free: 1-800-268- 1944. 32t 28 X 10 ADD-A•ROOM for mobile home. Suit 120(1, 7 win- dows with screens, approximate- ly 3600, to be mused. 243- - 2959. 33:34' RED . POTATOES. beets, carrots . and other vegetables. Phone orders to Leslie Thomson, 5-0736. 33t 1971 MOBILE HOME 12'x60', 2 bedroom, stove and ,refrigerator, carpet, bay window, oil furnace, air conditioner. good condition. Asking 56.000.00. Phone 238=2776.-- • . 33:34c TWIN BEDS, bot springs. mat- tresses. head hoards, castor frames. reasonable- Phone 238- 2498. s 34:35c LEONARD. AUTOMATIC washer with bleach and softener dispenser. G.E. power •mower with 100' cord. Phone 235- -2808. - 34:35c ONIi 13-50 13 TIRE. 200 miles, asking• $40.00. Phone 228-6419 after 4:30 p.m. 34c YARD SALE, Saturday. August 26, 9 a.m. to .4:30 p.m. - 585 Main St. South. Antiques. barn boards -and beams, othe' in- teresting items. ,• 34c THREE MARBLE'anitOops; I marble 5 foot bath tub.•Phone - 235-2741. 34' -' GARAGE SALE - Saturday. August 26. 46 Thomas St., Ex- eter. Miscellaneous items. 34' YARD SALE - Friday. August 25, 12.6 p.m., Saturday 12-5 p.m. Fried St.. Dashwood. Outboard motor, 1968' Vauxhall. flame gun, bar stools: etc. 34c 14' ROUND ABOVE ground swimming pool, 4' deep. Phone 234-6318 after 6 p.m. 34c • DOG FIOUSE, approximately -30 x -25". practically new. - . Phone 234-6318_after 6 p.m.cil'es. LOOKING FOR a meeting. place' Townhall 4uifitoriun5 is available. Phone 235-0685. 16f 16 For Sale :ADDING MACHINES, typewriters. sales. service, ren- tals. supplies. Jerre Mathers Typewriters. 92, Main' St. 2i5,' 1840. 2It BRILL presses. vises. anvils, power hand grinders. wrench sets, used steel. Phone Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 4It HESS JEWELLERY; Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings. watches. clocks. cuckoo clocks. barometers. Car- dinal watches sold by jewellers only, 513.95 and up. Family rings and charms. watch and clock repairing guaranteed. It SURVEY and Marker stakes. . Various soft o'r hardwood. stock size or made to order. Npw fluorescent colours available. For full details contact ARC In- dustries. Dashwood Phone 237- 3669 47t LARGEST SELECTION of fine china. crystal. Rogers and Com- muntty silver Fast . courteous -service. Open J0-8 d4jly. Pidgeon Hole Boutique, Brucefield. 14t JOHN DEERE 13" with 2 or 4 row bean puller. 5500.00, two front Mauer bean pullers Allis Chalmers 4‘16 mounted plow.... 5500.00. 1974 Vega. automatic hatchback. _S700.00. 1968 Chev V-8 automatic. power equipped. 51.50.00. Phone 262-6408 34 35' 'DRIVE in Rcidicitoi Seruice • RAC/ATOrtS • HEATERS • GAS TANKS • COI/CUTE COOING SISTA SERVILE Don't blow vow cool Hit I'<1rlillmer/ Come tee w today. Open Setlwdsys for your ecumenism* Radi-Rad El MILT ROUIN:- i • Si SON LTD. I 263 MAIN ST. N., EXETER L_ 235-2940 GENDRON B.A43Y carriage. Excellent condition. Phone 262- 2197. 34c TYPEWRITER, Undorwbod 5. large 12' carriage case with 11" line, plastic ' cover included. Good condition,. $80.00. Phone - 236-4160. 34' WOMAN'S BLACK Persian lamb coat. size 14. like new. 5450.00- Phone 227-4216. Lucan. 34 s35c ,CHROME SET - 4 chairs and table, mauve. good condition. Phone 235-2885. 34c MOVIE PROJECTOR. Black & Decker power grinder, iron. Phone 235-1865 Monday to Saturday. 34c 1973 f4 FOOT SPRINGBOK altiminut fishing boat and 25 HP Johnson motor with galvinized trailcar. Boat trailer has lights, survival seat. stick steering. side mount controls. Outfit new cost 52.700. excellent condition. 515,000 firm. Call Bank of Montreal, Grand Bend 238-2381 or 238-8882 evenings. 34c 25 ACRES WHEAT straw. Paul Coates. Phone 229-6411. 34' •I6 F.(70T SA1LB011T on trailer. 1 deck. small cabin. new sails, 51.300 or exchange for motor boat, cash either 'way. Phone 234-6262. 34:35c USED ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner with or without power nozzle, also one other. model. Phone Fred Klefnhaar, 235- 09921 94c 17 Wanted To Buy l SED Mt SI( Al string ul'- strurnents. Phone 228- 6763. - 33:34c 18 Wanted TIMBER WANTED Immediate pa%ment for good standing timber and bush lots of ail kinds. Write: Robert Eagleson Ailsa Craig Or Phone 232-4450 Before 8 A \1. if Possible 41' 20 Property For Rent CHOICE LOCA IION. - beautiful ranch home with large garage, full basement, extra large lot. 'Available September 1st. Call 235-2233. - - 33:34c LAND - 45 acres, McGillivray Township, concession 1 1: Phone 344-6221 from 9.5. Evenings 873.2768. 33:34c - APARTMENT FOR RENT - 1 bedroom, refrigerator, stove supplied, 88 Sanders St., West. Phone 234-6786 or 234-6309. 33t LARGE 2 storey home; 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, close to downtown. Phone 235-0890. ' 291' 281 OLD brick buildings for demoli, tion and salvage purposes. Con- tact Ross Lumley 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 2t YOUNG MALE college student requires lodging commencing September 11 in Exeter or sur- rounding area preferably on farm. Phone collect 1-338- 3129. 34;355 19 Property For Sale 160 ACRE C:ASH crop farm with 137 workable acres, tiled even 50 feet. large white brick home, 11: miles from Clinton. Call519-482-901634:35c CAN'T WALK CAN'T TALK Only three ' e.irs old. But it speaks for itself %%about saying a word. This Iosely angel stone ranch has 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room. living room with fireplace, 3 piece hath room. Full basement with walk -out to One acre fenced lot. North of Grand Bend. for information call: RUTH VAN DFR MEER. 1- 243-2348 Pori Franks or WM. D. ARMSTRONG, Realtor Bayfield 565-5235 34c Residential Building Sites bordering on woodlot Phone (iib Dow 235-0707 s, 39} IN EXETER - I' -storey - 4 bedroom brick. house, Large new kitchen, '2" baths, good basement, mature trees. could be purchased with extra Ili acre consisting of two surveyed lots and. small brick barn,. 243 Huron West. Phone 235---1483. 30t ONE YEAR OLD 3 bedroom bungalow located in a small sub- division in Lucan. Backs onto park, 541,500.00. Call 227- 1105. 32:33:34c TWO BEDROOM brick bungalow on quiet street. sun porch, single garage,. extra deep ,lot.-Reasdnably priced. Phone 235-1632. - 33:34' LARGE'_LOT in the village of Kirktor.. Call 229-6789 after 5 p:m. 33:34:35' INCOME PROPERTY over 1 acre with 3 unit apartment In ' downtown Zurich, 547,000. No, Sunday calls. 236- 4569. 33:34:35:36c BUILDING LOT with paid sewer service. Frontage 49', depth 295'. Phone 235- 0736. 33:34:35c AILSA CRAIG - Queen St., S. white brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms. large livingroom, carpeted. large kitchen, 3 piece bath. 2 sun porches. With ad- joining lot. Call 293-3247. 34c LARGE: 1 WO storey apart- ment. Two bedrooms and bath upstairs. livingroom and kitchen-diningroom down.- All 're,entlk•remodeled. Phone 235- 0887 after 5 p.m. • 34t EXETER - Town house, 5215 monthly. .Available September 1st. Phone 235-1303. 34t -700--SQUARE FEET of store space on Main- St. in Hensall. Available immediately, 235- 0537. . 33t 1 EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 Sq. Ft. Erected on your lot. Further infor- mation Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE . Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. ap- proved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER - PHONE 235-0890 FOR SALE Near downtown. Exeter; 2 bedroom ranch ----- style bungalow. Broadloom throughout, built-in dishwasher, new Gebel cupboards. Phone 235-0800 or after 6:00 call 235- 1245 NEW semi-detached, over 1200 sq. ft. 3 ' bedrooms. 5200.00 monthly, available in Zurich, 1- 519-886-3090.9:00 - 5:00. 231' ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW RENTING One, two and three bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 262-2129 Hensall or 433- 7781, -London. 50t UNFURNISHED APART- MENT, 2 bedrooms, heated, available immediately. Call Art _available days between 8 and 4. Phofte 228-6503. 31t THREE BEDROOM. 2'storey brick home with double garage, Main St., Crediton, good references required, prefer cou- ple with no children. Available September 1. Phone '434-0132. _London after 5:10 p.m. 32t 2,860 SQUARE FEET warehousing, woodworking shop, dock and office, Lucan area, 227-4406 or 222- 4034. " 34:35,c ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments. 5140.00 and 5150.00 per ntonth. Sleeping' rooms, 525-.00 "weekly in Lucan-area. 227-4406 or 227-4034. ..34:351 MODEK_N FARM home, 4' bedrooms, lose to Hensall, available September 1. Phone 262-5768. 34t GRAND BEND APART- MENT - 2 bedroorit, furnished, utilities included, $21b per month: Apply,:Patio Motel. 238- 2431. • 34t FURNISHED HOMES for rent, 5100.00 per month and urf. Avallabte September 15. Phone 238-2405. 34:35:36c 21 For Rent SWIMMING POOLS -for lease for home owners, option to buy. Complete with walkway, deck and fencing. Small deposit re-, quired. No monthly payments till 1979. Try before you buy..' Call toll free: 1-800-268- 1944. - - 321 FORMAL RENTALS - by Jeffs of Sarnia available in Our store. See what you're renting. Bob Swartman.Men's Wear, Ex- eter, 2-35-0991.. 101 PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges. mixers. power trowel. etc. Form ties stocked. For more informq- . tion call M, J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954 after 4 p.m. week days, any time weekends., 171. Classified Deadline Tuesday 4:00 P.M. 21 For Rent &god Rent a Car or Truck BY rHE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK L'ARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 31t 22 For Sale or Rent FOUR BEDROOM brick, conl- pktely remodelled, attached gar- age., 11/2 baths, 199 William St., Exeter 235-2241. 33:34c 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM house in Grand Bend area. October 1 to June. Call after 6 p.m.. 238- 2796. 33:34c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE IS hereby given that Muria Alberta Knight of. the Twp. of Usborne and the city of Toronto -shall no longer be responsible for debts incurred by her spouse Clarence Reginald Knight of the Twp. of Usborne for any purpose whatso- ever. 33:34c THE HERITAGE SHOP IN THE TOWN HALL Tues. ThUrs. Fri. l'to 5 p.m. Friday 7to9p.m-. Good used Clothing, Dishes, Toys . Books, Etc. Proceeds to Hospital Auxiliary" and f-eritage FOundatio71. Donations of saleable terns appreciated. Phone 235-1712 or 235-1995 heti �a1t>_t>♦ Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR EQUIPMENT - . Sealed tenders plainly marked as. to contents will -be received by the undersigned until 12 -o'clock noon Thursday, August 31, 1978 for a truck or grader for winter snow plowing operations 1978-1979. All tentJers must be sub- mitted on. the 'tender forms 'which ore, available from the -un- dersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. -Allan Nicholson Road Superintendent Egmondville, Ont. Phone 519.527-1838 519-482-9523 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Sale by Tender, Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the following. 1955 International Fire Truck as is. The above "unit may be viewed at the Stephen Township Shed; Crediton. The unit will not be safety • checked or have current license plates. Replies plain- ly marked as to contents will be received until Tues- day, 12:00 noon, September 5th, 1978. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W.D. Wein, Clerk -Treasurer P.O. Box 100 Crediton, Ontario NOM IMO • REALTY AND INSURANCE Gpl►ND BIND 238.2303 BUILDING LOTS ' L'akewood Gardens 70 x 250 58000 Old Pt. Franks Rd. - 1 acre $8800 _ • Norman Heights 75 x 101 -- 59300 Thedford - with sewer and water at street 66 x 144 corner lot - 512000 • THEDFORD HANDYMAN - special - has large un- finished addition and sewer and water at street - 521,- 000 DASHWOOD RENOVATED - 2 storey aluminum sided 5 bedroom home. - full basement - 17 Ili -:71_18-- kitchen/family room --main flaorUlilify - good corner location - Ilst S46,91.. To view these or other properties or to list your home for sale - call Bert Pearce at 243-2659 or 238-2303 Sharen Realty 8 Ins. Ltd., Grand Bend 1• J111111111111111111111t11111111111111111111111; MAIIRICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED �t• Dovid St., Goderich, Ontario ZURICH AREA - new 2 or 3 bedroom ranch style home. Workshop and garage. An ex- cellent lot in private location. NEW RAISED RANCH - 3 bedroom brick home, large lot, rec. F. room,,2 fireplaces, laun- dry room, double car garage, patio doors to deck. Private location. REMODELLED SCHOOL HOUSE - 2 miles from Lake Huron, double cor garage, in -ground pool approx. 1 l42 acres. Ideal as summer cottage or year round home. LOT - serviced, lakefront lot, 50 x 165, close to Grand Bend. Robert McKinley Main St., Zurich Sales Representative 236-4830 lnnnuunnlunmmnlllll air ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Update Electrical Lighting and Wiring Middlesex, Perth and Oxford Halls, Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huroh Park Project No. W 66488 G.O. 46 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME ON AUGUST 31, 1978 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services, Regional Of- fice, 400 -Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. NI E 2Y 1. Telephone No. (5 19) 822-1150. • NOTE: For further infor- mation regarding this tender please call Miss J. Robinson, at the above address. Telephone No. (51.9). 822-1 150. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT Ontario SERVICES dr111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111H111111111111111111111': LARGE Auction Sale t _ Saturday, Aug. 26, 11 a.m.. Per. Duncan MacAdam EE- E. 234-6213 Real Estate Property -- Garage and Auto Repairs Em specially set up for Body Repair and Paint shop, sale F. P. on premises west Main St. Crediton. Large spacious = lot with trees, 1 '/2 storey home, oil furnace, large garage 25 - 58 ft., well insulated, oil furnaces, speel li section.for cpr painting. This busiiveii oppor- ; tunity property should be seen prior to sale. , • a Full line of spray guns,ssanders, jacks, wrenches, compressor's, also furniture, appliances. __Full listing and conditions on property in later edi- tion. - a PERCY WRIGHT • KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 M 1 i AUCTIONEER NO WHITING TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Of. Household Furnishings Antiques and Misc. Items On Wednesday, August 30 at 7 p.m. sharp. Two blocks' south of Main corner in Dashwood, Ontario. For Mrs. Natalie Ness. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - Chesterfield and choir, arm chair, 2 Hostess chairs, hall table, corner book shelf, 2 floor lamps, pictures and frames, 4 piece bedroom suite, with spring and mattresses, bed springs and mattresses, 2 dressers with round mirrors, table and 4 chairs, step stool, refrigerator, washing_ machine, . electricclock,-electric--'irons,-pot--- anapans, dishes, Christmas tree, lawn chairs. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLE - Set of 4 press back chairs, set of 4 'chairs, 2 odd press back chairs, iron bed, crocks, etc. TERMS CASH Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone Exeter 235-1964 • • • 1.