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Times-Advocate, 1978-08-24, Page 2 (2)
Pate 2 Times -Advocate, August 24, 1978 Middlesex students protected from polio By GOR9WHItEHEAD There is,1}ltle likelihood of the spread of polio into Middlesex County. medical officer of health Dr. Douglas Hutchison told the August . • HAY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ZURICH 236-4381 Farms - Homes. Cottages Elgin Hendrick Hugh Hendrick Jack Scotchmer Glenn Webb Agents Grand Bend Kippen Bayfield 238-2611 262-5389 565-5270 Dashwood 237-3229 APPLICATION TO- PARLIAMENT OPARLIAMENT THE CORPORATION OF -THE TOWN OF,EXETER Notice is hereby given that the Corporation of the Town of Exeter intends' to apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for Special Legislation to provide that: - • 1. An Act respecting the. Village of Exeter, Statutes of Ontario 1899, Chapter 47 is repealed. • 2. Villdge of Exeter By -Law No. 8, 1899, Being o By - Law to provide o fixed general mill rate for farmland in blocks of not less than 20 .acres is repealed. . • • in 1899, the Municipal Council- of the Corporation of the Village o`f Exetec•set a fixed rate of three and one-half mills on the general mill rate; together with rotes for debenture,detst, school and county pur- poses. The relief was granted to owners of farmland in blocks in excess of .twenty 20 acres for such ser- vices as electric lighting, fire protection, sidewaC etc. Assessment and mill rates have changed over the years. Some properties assessed as farmland have residences -attached, enjoying these services that exemption was granted for. Council of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter deem this fixed rate for farmland no longer equitable or fair. By applying to the Provincial Legislature for the Act and. By -L be repealed will cause the owners of the said parcers of farmland to be subject to full general municipal mill ?ate {including debenture , debt), as well as title rotes for school and county pur- poses. - - Dated at Exeter, this 25th day of July, 1978. Mrs. Elizabeth Bell ' Clerk -Treasurer Town of Exeter 406 Mom Street Box 759 EXETER, Ontario NOM 150 meeting of Bounty council "Our school population is thoroughly protected We are advocating that those who are under 40 and can't recall when they fast had a •booster shot go to the health unit or their doctor. But it's not a panic situatwn.•• the 11011 said. Dr Hutchison said his -staff is keeping tabs on a small group of Dutch tobacco workers now in Middlesex County They would be tested. he said. The outbreak in Oxford County has affected memkiers of the Netherlands Reformed Congregation. some of who Oppose immunization. Council also learned .that its road employees will be in a strike -lockout situation in September after contract negotiations with a con- ciliation officer .reached an impasse. Forty-five 'mem- bers of the Canadian Union of Public Employees have been toiling. on the county reads without a contract since the end of June -Middlesex County Council will -have nine fewer memte-s- - after • this November's municipar elections. That is the number of deputy 'reeves - including those of West Nissouri. -Biddulph and McGillivray - who will no longer sit on council as of December 1. • The august meeting of- -ticially approved a ruling that towns and townships with fewer than 2,300 elec- tors will sent only their reeves to the county body, The previous minimum qualification was 1.ci00- electors. Council is reduced from :37 to 28 members. - And the -Middlesex Courted was also told by experts who work with Wild predators r wo1#•es; foxes and coyotes - that, they believe bounties are not the answer. in stop- ping the killing of livestock. Ministry of Natural Resources biologist Dennis Voigt said - "where you hate specific problem's of killing. . you need better husbandry -- Farmers- can solve the - problem by bringing their animals into the yard or barn at• night. The ministry scientist said t e same farmers tend to b victims repeatedly and usu 1ly it's a case of poor husba dry. • John McCabe. "a farmer and trapper. said his ex- perience has been that when wolves"- often innocent ones - are killed off. others just move in to take their place and that increased the chances of importing iiyettoek ktflers __. . Ministry studies. using CHECK THESE GREAT BUYS Plus there's still time to save on our budget saver specials. • VOS Hairspray 200 m 400 ml '1.59 '2.29 Non Aerosol Hairspray!! V05 Shampoo 600'ml 1.89 200 m' '1.79 Beyo'-d Pre Shampoo Conditioner 225 ml 1:79* ' VO5 • Creme Rinse 450 ml $1.89 ;_MnGer7A,P r, V •,E'en. AND at.: GUARDIAN - DRUGS V05 PH Shampoo 450 ml i'•79 EXETER PHARMACY MAIN ST. 235-1570 LTD • NURSERY SCHOOL FLOAT conlunct(on with the Lucan Fair Youngsters from the Lucan Kirkton ladies back from trip to Alaska By MRS HAROLD DAVIS Mrs .Myrtle Doupe and Mrs Myrtle .Hanna have returned home from a 16 day trip to Alaska. Rev. Dawson 'and Shawn. Calgary. visited friends in the community last week. \Ir and Mrs. Peter Simi). - son .and impson.and Marjorie-Ann•spent a week holidaying in Norfolk Virginia Yid' attended the _ri Esrllatri'na�y.ing- Farmers Convention. ,A Brethour family reunion was held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rea Stephen. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff. Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berg and Scott. Moose Jaw. Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs . Jim Pfaff. Jeff. Vickie and Debra. Ex- eter. Mr and -MMs.,Harold Grieson. r•Tldon. Mrs. �4illard - • • Schaefer. . Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. -Clare •-Bickell and -Scott.. St; Marys" Mr. and hlrs. Oscar Brine. St. Marys- Mr. and Mrs Donald Brine. Cheryl and Daryle, Woodham. \lr. and Mrs Ross Robinson. -. Lynn and Dale. RR 1. St. Marys. Mr. -and Mrs. Keith • Stephen. Kevin. Marie and Valerie of Anderson. • Mr. and Wayne Stephen and Alanna. Oakville. Mrs. Gary Ballard and Craig. Mississauga. . Mrs.: Joan McCormick. attended a retirement tea the Bell Telephone Co any for her friend Mrs. Cora Clark in London Friday atternoon• Mr. and Mrs. Paul Near. David and Craig. San Ber- nardion. California. Mr. and radio transmitters attached to captured animals. show that (ntarioayeragesone fox for every 'square mile and 'one coyote for even five .< squill(' miles - 'A wolf bounty in Middlesex • ('ounty was killed. by county council •ii, :'early 1977 but some members have urged that it he brought back. (.ondon Township Reeve Garnet Bloomfield said earlier ttits year that, at least 39 wolves were shot in his township over the.. past winter. Mrs. John Carruthors. Jef- frey and Susan. Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stacey. Jim. Dianne -and Donna. Rannoch. Mr. .lin, Robert- son. London. Mrs. Laura Shaw. Steven and Richard and Mr. Carman Stacey. Stacey were Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler. Stat fa By MRS J 'EMPLEMAN Visiting Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman • and family were. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neilson. Stratford. Mrs. Dave Capling. Mississauga. - Garry Norris. Brampton spent dlie weekend with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. and Mrs. -Bob Norris and family. - Sorry -to report Mrs. Annie. Miller ha'' been confined to •-Seaforth• Community Hospital and Mrs- Roy ;McCullock , to Stratford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Bob Norris . visited Sunday evening with Mr. and -Mrs. John Burleigh and Joan, Goderich. Joan.. returning with them for a few days holiday. .` • Mr. and Mrs. -Hap Swatridge and Jill. Wipgham. visited Sunday with Mr. •and Mrs. Rob Templeman and Carrah. Jill remaining for a few days. Mr. and Mrs Will Miller. Mitchell visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. • • • Wanda and Michelle Mar- ten. Russeldale. are holiday- ing this week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and fami- ly. Eight ladies from_Staffa • Womens Institute attended a nature walk onifie farm of Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnston. returning to Carlingford W.I. hall as guests of the Carlingford Women's Institute. Barbara. and Richard Templeman hosted the August meeting of the Mitchell West -Dairy club. ed by Martin Vink and Keith McLagan. During the meeting David Templeman defnongtrated clipping a calf n. preparation for Achieve- ment Day. September 4. • `zl,• ^,. • )• Saintsbury By MRS. HEBER DAVIS fir. and Mrs. Heber Davis spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald. Grand Bend op Nursery School entered a float In Friday's parade held in T -A photo e �r� ENJOY THE FABULOUS 'kw( Toronto Weekender© /+j� V AT HOTEL TRIUMPH l� ONLY $4950 FOR 2 NIGHTS' OQ <1 , „..cul Sunday 1 p 7:d-0e: PO (/1 .1 , he.. .1 Monday Chudren under MI !l .c„�- -. patents are free You 11 find PI t\�. ,-,,,,,)r,,,-n :1iscolheque and ( . t •.,. ,m., ' and lake a sauna k(.. ...'•.•r 'L)40N To .oro; 6332000 1 tC `,� y l / �r� USA Toll Free Call 1-800 323 0240 1/1si t(/N>, / Canada Toll Free Call 1-800-261-6362 \r, ro -Montreal 871-8049(local) �!� 1 401 Highway at Keele ��+ �41 ) Ample tree covered parking ) J'� * Third rirghtlSunday only1 S30 904,-4 ad about the amazing differences between [,u clad; the siding system you can apply, and other types of ski i ng. - This is a jobu..wII'onIy do once, so Why not do itright? Heres acladis the logical choice. Luxaclad* siding features the exclusive joint mould. t'nhkt• rlth(.r 15 p(t', (,1 siding alunlnlunl.. s ins1 Or_v 5\()(l. I 1.1'at.la(1 •4(11(11; u•( tine. I( t(>i. doer s�itli .i sna)-?fa--mics-1t-,-11.10.Tuucl)itLl 11x.11 lad In4nt nlnul(i. I iii 1i .. 111) I14•1•(11n1 ,He (ial le�i'4t nI (4 )llplt(at(•(1 tilting' tV( fumintf> 11).13111(x4• ,1 lu•1It11 til 1•511511lllb• • Luxaclad* comes with a wide • range of problem solving - • accessories. - - 1 ht .l 111,1( lacl.�.te•nl 1,,i e nn>f)I(•t(',i1(,.1\ hotliur VOu 'Wed .T( ( (•,.un(•, 11)1.11<titul ss 4n1nsss .111(1 • doi)rs, 'tarter "trll),,1111-1ch• and Out•r(1t• Iine'al ( net trim,. Ii )i11t I,U 101(15. 55 it,(14)V tri(1T,., • 11)51 n,4nu• it and fu ‘.I( lett ha, the Hart:.•\ti(1 ('at'n ac i es;(inv 4s •I\,ulahji• in the• t ()lour 1 it tht I (ria( lad h4>•nin111,11'.Mint; 5 (au (hOO,t•. Sono'. )th(•r•.idtngs hay e• trim) made nt i-'(iit.te'n•nt •• - 111,11e•rtal nuking arri•\,4et ((door mate h N. irtuallv . nnH(,,.1hl(•. • Rapco Foam can.cut your fuel bills as much as 30-5M; (U NO Mess installation' -ir:•, ni) platter what the irlslrtlition, can %taint and dr:itt-tree In lint boon with I ',am Insulsu,m . ,and with no mess. Slash Fuel Bills! I o:un Insulation • prevent, diads and heat 1.1111 healing ~'.sten) 15 Ic.s often so you ni lase tnh.tanti.illt on fuel tip to 10',;•.50,:':. Whatever Your Insulation Requirements RAPCO FOAM Cavity Prgssure Filled URETHANE SPRAY CELLULOSE BLOWN Residential, Commercial & Industrial If we please you, tell others, If not, tell us. Tomlinson Electric & Insulation ST. MARYS, Phone Collect 284-1455 (34tf) • Luxaclad* alwayslooks like it was installed by a pro. - !3t .lust• l u\.i( 1,141 .ItlInt 55 4. clt•.1t,nt•cl espy( (,illy Au the (1( 1 -it-\ ( )&ir,(•111(•r i1 alit ISS ti a \\1411• margin for (•14(0 am!;1111 I(1( -1A4 like a In11Ii(n. tin i1r1tl. . '.114155111)2,. It'• alss,Is, ,tr,tILj1t and 'wile(aligned them.'.to th(.' 111101loiJ.rll1, Ilslttur. It ( til, ti .itly sy(th the si( 1H1(•.t ti3OI, and tho l or s are hI(17i:n. hV (nn�t•\t• Ili 111t 111( )(11(1. Luxaclad* sidingcomes with a bonded backerboard. 111\.1( I,id .1(InlgI, (•V,it•r 11) h,lncJit• an(1's:nrk • %NOth 1)04 au,(• it lea -tures a rip;1(1 1)111101•( hat kesr- • 14,11 1 It i, nuu h li rhtt•r,than hstsJlu,.fr(1 +1x�rh ( n lane-fT tf)an tinb.at L(•(l ,Iluminulli . 'stellag. I1 ( tots s 111 a han(1,155 believe it or niit1 resist, denting. and (41 i -43u se the ha( Le•rhO,11(1 a(I(l, n to airhom Specially Priced! HORIZONTAL ... IN PLAIN WHITE Complete With BONDED Backerboard Easy to handle 9" by 12 lengths. that virtually end , the need to paint Bundle covers approx 88 sq ft 7 4 Bundle MATCHING PLAIN WHITE SOFFIT An easy to in tall system ' hat solves your un ereave prob Soffit p re 16" wide by 12'6" I g Each - PLAI WHITE FASCIA 6' wide h 10' long 99 9.99 5.Z9 Prices In Effect Till August 31/78 Luxaclad The siding system Anyone Care apply. - SPRING Si SUMMER STORE HOURS All Prices Shown. are h & MATTHEWS KITCHENER KINCARDINE WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST MON •THURS 8 A M -6 P M FRIDAY 8 A'M -9 P M SATURDAYS•1111 5.30 P M MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8AM-530PM FRIDAY till 9 P M SATURDAY till 5 30 P M ALL OTHER BRANCHES Monday thru Friday 8 AM -530PM.Saturday till 4PM &SCOW- Igg0 HOME CENTRES 11014. Pow w. -3 v Ite.d i• rr-, ,4 r - kw, 21 Norris 11f KINCARDINE KITCNENER , 1 1it 4 669 Fairway -Road South near the Hwy. 21 North o iposlte the Sutton Mall Phone 744.6371 Park Inn. Phone 398-3403 Lots of Free Parking . • AMHERSTBURG 736-2151 EXETER • 235-1422 • GOITERICH' 524-8321 - GRAND BEND 238.2374 'HARROW 738-2221 KINCARDINE 396-3403 KINGSVILLE 733-2341 KITCHENER 744.8371. OWEN SOUND 376-3181 RIDGETOWN' 674. 465 SOUTHAMPTON 797-'3245 THEDFORD 296-4991 WEST LORNE 768-1520 WINDSOR EAST 727.8001 WINDSOR WEST 73 •1221 MATTHEWS - 254- 143 Kitchener Out-of-town can ire 1.800.265.8990 - OWEN SOUND sot ;i On Highway 21 at Springmount Corner. Phone 378.3181 • L.,• M..O., T•HEDFORD Towna ,11.0(«0 Hwy. 82 approx. 11 `TIM'S west of Thedford Phone 291-4991 • • •