HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-10, Page 21 (2)a = iiilliIU1111U1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111W LARGE ll- Auction Sale 1 4.3 Saturday,= Aug, 26; 11 a.m. For .Duncan MacAdam _ 234-6213 Real Estate Property Garage and Auto Repairs specially set up for Body Repair and Point shop, sale 3 on premises west Maio St. Crediton. t,prge spacious lot with trees, 1 '2 storey home, oil furnace, Targe garage 25 • 58 ft., well insulated, oil furnaces, 11 special section for car painting. This business oppor- tunity property should be seen prior to sale. - Full line of spray guns, sanders, jocks, wrenches, compressors, also furniture, appliances. Full listing and conditions on F.property in later edi- tion. g PERCY WRIGHT '1 . AUCTIONEER KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 ;1-11111111111 I II I I111111111111n111111111nIlUIU11U11111111U11111111111111111111Ini1111111111111111I I II I Ill III I IG: NORM 1VHI'I'IN(i atictioneop Auction Sale of Household Furnishings, Hospital Bed's and'Equipment, Miscellaneous items. Wednesday Evening,. Aug. 16, • 1978, 7 p.m. Sharp Across from South Huron Hospital, Huron St. W., Exeter, Ont. This sale is. items from the Carling House of . South Huron Hospital. ITEMS FROM CARLING HOUSE -- 9 leaded glass windows approximately 24" x 63"; 19 pr. shutters; 10 screens- approximately 34" x 34"; 4 storm win- dows and screens; one half round window; cup- board; several brass door knobs and lock sets; several antique coot hooks; -ceiling lights and wall fixtures; several desk and,table lamps; other items. ITEMS FROM HOSPITAL -- 11 school desks with book compartments, like new; 1 commercial elec- tric floor .polishers:, 2 brush electric floor polishers; electric broom Hoover Vac. cleaner; Bisset carpet sweeper; end tables; cupboard; hot pldte; hospitol beds: over bed tables ^hassocks; bedside lockers; 2. TV aerials: towel' racks; several pair drapes; 12 x 15 rug and under pad; 2 aluminum storm doors 31 x 81 ; set of metal fire doors and frames 76" wide 81" high; several house doors; 2 fire base cabinets; both tub 5 bothfoom sinks; 5 toilet tanks; china sink 16" x 11 ; wall and ceiling light fixtures; several 4 ft. fluorescent lights, 2 -and 4 bulb style; 50" electric baseboard heaters with wall thermostats, floodlight b "s I ase Phillip T.l D. 30w 33 slimline lamps; 7 Luxo exit.is.iQn_arm lights; -75 amp fuse panels; 2- 60 amp disconnect 220 volt; 1 - 15 amps disconnect 220 volt, 1 200 amp disconnect 3 phase; lawn vacuum to fit riding lawn mower hos 5 H.P. Briggs & Stuotton engine TERMS CASH Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone Exeter 235-1-964 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1111 I I I I I11I11I l I I11I I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 L FARM SOLD Lar a Auction Sale g — of Choice Farm Equipment E. - Wednesday, August 16, 1 P.M. 'For Alfred Ross Jr. Tel.: 345-2547 Lot 29, Con. ' 9, Hibbert Twp. 3 miles west of Staffs or 5 miles south of Seaforth and 3 miles east. FORD DIESEL TRACTORS — Model 9600 cab, air cond.; radio, dual power, dual-hyd. outlets, front ' and" rear weights, rear tires, 23.1 x 34 front 1100 x 16 - (1200 hrs:); Model' 7200 cab, load monitor, radio, remote hyd., reor tires 18.48 x 38, front 10:00 x 16 (1300 hrs.) front and rear weights; 1 set _rear du_ol tires 18.4 x 38; Model 3000 diesel &,speed remote hyd:, power steering, 14.9 x 28 rear 750 x 16 front (300 hrs.); All tractors in new cond. COMBINE Gleaner Baldwin C 11 Bean Special cab, straw chopper, spike & rasp cyd., Innes pick- up, excellent.cond. - , BEAN EQUIPMENT — Ines windrowers Model 570 with cross conveyor (new cond.); Model 500 (very good); Durst 4 row bean puller, Allied bean sculfler, 4`row, 172" frame, Turnco packer 13 ft. E .width with 4 ft. pups, Model 142 semi mounted Ford -_Plow, 4 furrow 18' bottons,,out` reset cover blade & •hyd. cylinder, Melrose rod weeder 25 ft., John Deere .0 • 20 cultivator 18' 2 ft. fold up wings, mounted harrows with hyd. cylinder, -AC discs 161/2 ft. with wings, 20" discs complete hyd., Int. Model 10 18 run double disc seed• drill hyd. cylinder, Cont. sprayer _ - 300 gal. fibreglass 30 ft. boom filling attach. Spot gun, Speed King PTO transport auger, 3 PTH s= • grader blade, Turnco gravity box with ext. and c 10T Martin wagon & tarp. HCF gravity box & JD wagon new rubber, fertilizer,auger complete with B & S .gas engine, truck wagon 16 ft. with torp, truck = wagon frame, diamond harrows and pole. Tondem axle 18 ft. tractor float with loading ramp & = tighteners. SHOP EQUIPMENT' -- Power washer, 3 gal. per min. cap. new condi, Lincoln 225 electric welder, assortment welding equip rods & helmet oxygen &' PI acetylene gouges, 25 ft. hose all attach., portable Comet air compressor, complete with air chuck & gun, air wrench & • sockets, Is inch sockets heavy E. drive, Comet bench grinder, hyd. jock, Assortment F.4." bolts, nuts 81 washers, other tools too numerous to mention. • TERMS OF SALE CASH personal cheque & identification NOTE- All implements with hyd. will be sold corn- - plete. • Proprietor or auctioneer not responsible !-for ac- E .accidents day of sole f Percy Wright • AUCTIONEER KIPPEN, ONT. - 262-551.5 - Ta11111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111118111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r5 a. ff = =- 32a 1 Dashwood Tiger stats for 1978 BATTING Bob Hoffman John Hayter Joe Arnold Perry Stover Jim Guenther Barry Baynharn Jim Dietrich Tom Hayter Kevin Bestard Noel Skinner Glen Thurman Dong Fairbairn Rob Dickey Brian Rader Brad Gregus Totals PITCHING W -I, Jim. Guenther 8-4 Perry Stover 6-3 Jim Pfaff 2-1 Bob Hoffman 1-0 Brian Rader 1-0 Totals 203 AB R 11 RBI 2B 3B FIR 60 27 32 19 5 0 1 90 30 38 27 9 0 6 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 53 13 21 19 5 0 2 66 8 24 22 5 0 4 86 .25 31 15 6 0 I 77 22 26 7 4 1 0 44 9 14 8 2 0 0 84 12 22 10 2 0 0 69 19 18 14 5 0 0 67 14 17 14 5 0 0 44 19 11 6 1 0 0 97 28 24 11 8 1 0 8 1 1 0 0 0•.0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 867 228 281 172 57 2 14 AVE 533 422 400 396 364 360 338 318 262 261 254 250 247 125 000 324 IP R H ER ERA BB SO 95 57 87 40 3.79 57 86 65 56 78 37 5.12 28 51 27 , 13 22 -9 3.00 9 12 9 5 7 4 4.00 4 7 7 6 5 2 2.57 5 6 137 199 92 4.03 103 172 ir,k yt * it yt * it yt *,t yt yt yt yt Large Auction of Anfiques, car, furniture etc. For 2 local estates & a London Home plus additions. - On Ilderton Flair Grounds Wed., Evening, August16 at 6:30 P.m.. Consignments Accepted for this sale & other sales. AUCTIONEERS ' Hugh Filson - Ilderton Tom Robson YY6666-08333 YY 666-1967 41( *TT*TT*****¥**f** i Notice of Application by The Corporation of the. Township of Usborne to Dispense with a Vote of the ° Electors TAKE NOTICE THAT: • 1. The Council of The Corporation of the Township of Usborne intends to apply to e Ontario Municipal Board for approval of pur ase of londs for use as grdvel pit situated on L 5, Concession 8'and East half of Lot 26, Concession 8 of on es- timated cost of $255,000.00 whereof the amount of 5190,000.00 shall be raised by the sale of deben- tures -payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding fifteen years. • 2. -Application will. be mode to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer- may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of -this notice, serve per- sonally or ,lay registered mail on the Clerk of the Township of Usborne, at. the address given below, a notice in writing statin(J his objection to such op- proval and.the grounds of such objection -and that if a public-Fie6ring is held, he or his agent wall attend such hearing to support such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said works, 'but before doing so it may appoint a .time and place for a public hearing when' any objections will be considered, but•notice of such hearing will be given only to those Persons who hove given notice of objection as provided for above. DATED at the Township of Usborne, this 8th day of August, 1978'. H.H.G. Strang, Clerk R.R. #3 Exeter, Ontario I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I l 1111 T i l 1111111111111111111 U l U 1 n 1111 t I 111111111111111 t i t 111111111111111 L Auction Sale Saturday, August 19, 1 P.M. Sharp For Mrs. Ross Forrest (Margaret E.) Sale to be held at lot 7, conc. 2, Tuckersmith Twp.l mile east of Hensen 1/4 mile north. c A large offering of choice used lumber- which hos E been carefully removed from older houses and one • - other building many assorted piles of hemlock, •= spruce, cedar, fir, hard maple from approx. 22 ft. to 8 ft. length, from 12" to 2 inch width. Assorted piles original 3" x 10' - 3" x 20' joist, assorted piles 3" x = 10' up to 20 ft. in. length plonks like new. Large assortment long boards, hemlock sheeting different c lengths, selection 2. x 4's different lengths, 2 x 6's and 2 x 8's, Large pile tongue grooved -wainscotting (excellent cond.), tongue & groove •barn bobrds 0 (large asst.), vast assortment different (umbel- too = numerous to mertiion ANTIQUES: stairwoy railing, post & spindles, rove vitreous chinq top & sink Maryland Pottery Co.. Baltimore, dining fixture, old iron sink, tongue & grooved hard maple ceiling boards. MISC.: 3 pc. bath' set -toilet, basin & tub, stainless -steel kitchen sink, kitchen counter cupboard, 2 al. comb. doors, assortment -wooden doors including = closet, Cascade 40 hot water tank, steel pressure tank, aisort. wOoden storms, partial listing only. Viewing Saturday Morning 9-1 Doy of Sale Only • Terms of sole cash __ =c Percy Wright 1 AUCTIONEER KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 III III I III III 1111111 I I II III II ILII Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllll� _ Personal cheques & positive identification All bidders must register & receive o number. Sold items the responsibility of the purchaser at end of bidding. OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT . LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OX SALE Mrs. Margaret Forrest, Owner 2626038 NOT AF • — Bugs don't frighten Pam McAdam of Nairn as she proudly shows a lady bug which landed on her arm to 'East Williams playground instructor, Connie Vanderloo, RR 4, Denfield, as Anne Marie Thomson' of Nairn looks on. Photo by Scheifele rf" +IMr' SOCCER PLAY — Taking aim to kick off the soccer ball Bradley Bender, Nairn is blocked by his fellow playmates at the playground program held at/the East Williams school in Noirn last week. The,week-long program was sporisored by the Young Canada works. A .slow way to travel .1t might ..have four whitewall tires. full wheel • covers; has a means of propulsion that's measured in horsepower and' a con- vertible top. but it's easy to Jell that the vehicle operated -,by Alex Weir of Thamesford • is not met for rapid tcan- . Sportation. • The employee for Bergs Barner Cleaners of Thamesford decided to take a vacation that is somewhat o a departure from the norm. . It was on July 23 that Weir along with his 15 year old son set out from Thamesford in a modern dad version of a covered wagon pulled by two mules known as Rosie- and Crazy. • Weir said he . had origipnally intended to make the trip with his wife but her sudden passing altered his plans. He said people thought he was crazy when he started talking 'out suet) a venture but the animal lover said the trip had been in the planning stages for over a year. • - - Weir headed. for Durham via Stratford. Linutood and Arthur where he stayed with his brother in-law for four days • • The mule team then headed south and passed through. Walkerton, Wingham and Clinton •before slopping off at the Exeter saddle club grounds south of Times -Advocate, August 10, 1978 Elirtwil Pope 21 By KATHY COOPER Quite a number from the Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Cooper and family visited with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Browne in London Saturday. Visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton are Perry and Karl Butchereit of Mississauga. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper recently returned hotpe after spending several days at Lake 15magami. Mr. & Mrs. ,Floyd Cooper and family visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Russell - Morley at the Klondike trailer park. - community attended the open house at the Exeter Rec • centre for the .2,5th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pym. The family and attendants of 25 years ago enjoyed ()inner together. All the nieces and nephews gathered 'together to view slides and pictures taken over the past years. A large number from the community- attended the open house of the 80th bir- thday of Mrs. Hazel Coward at the Elimvilte United Church. Closing the af- ternoon, the family enjoyed dinner. Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mrs Judy Cumberbatch, Brampton visited a few days with Mrs. Myrtle Hanna. Mr, & Mrs •Clarence Switzer have returned from a trip to Calgary Alberta. alter a seven and a half day cruise on Princess -Patricia to Skagway Alaska. On the way horse they visited several of the Switzer con- nection at North Dakota. Mrs. Harvey Gray. Toronto, and Mrs. Non -Oh -Tr Spencer, • Waterloo visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Miller McCurdy and Wilma. Roller - Skating in ZURICH ARENA Wed., Fri., Sot. & Sun. Nights Skating 8-1 1 P.M. UEL{'S PIZSElillt OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK EXETER 235-231 1 GRANDMA'S SUBMARINES Abr. a u a Ia —1, Sa Huron Park Wednesday /- night. . He said there were only •a few nights when he did not sleep in the ---wagon` which averaged about 25 miles a day during the trip. Weir said .a reason why he chose mules over horses as the -method of propulsion is' that they eat gne-half the amount of feed. - . The best part of -the trip.is -seeing the enjoyment .orf people's faces" when they drive by him or stop to talk. Ile said one driver drove into a ditch while t6ing.to get a second look at the unusual means of transportation. Weir said he would gladly do the trip over again. A DIFFERENT VACATION pose of getting to a place, than half the fun. The pair mile jaunt. for sto Many at By JOY SCHEIFELE A!LSA CRAIG "Many parents expressed appreciation for the playground which provides• opportunity for their - children to play with others in the same age group". ex - While most people take to the roads these days with the pur- Alex and Doug Weir of-Thomesford getting there was more roped off of Huron Pork Wednesday in the midst of their 250 - T -A photo Nairn playground with the children including leader Lorraine Steed. RR 5, London-, who has been in- volved in similar programs over the past three yeat:s. This was the first year for Lynn Kutyba. of London, plained Lynn Kutyba, -.playground instructor Many come from farms where they are not cloae_te. others their own age". �1Y1 The playground held at. Nairn last week was larger than most held this summer. • Seventy-five children daily attended the week long program held at the East Williams School in Nairn. Funded by the Young Canada' works program the children took part in games, crafts, music and storytime: Their day started at 9:00' • a.m. and Continued through until 4:,00 p.m. Many brought their lunches so they could' easily attend in the afternoon. Their ages ranged from 4 to 12 years. Four instructors worked Connie Vanderloo of RR 4. Denfield, and Kim Eberly of RR 2, Parkhill. The playground moved to Ailsa -Craig this week meeting at the old public school. Crediton East By MRS. STAN r. & Mrs. Jim Edwards, Walkerton spent the weekend at their summer home in Crediton. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Presz- cator were surprised last Tuesday evening when their family including Mr. & Mrs. Robert England and Robert Jr., Huron Park, Mr. & Mrs. .terry Dallier, Angela Sar- nia, •Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glanville and. girls, Parkhill and Mr. & Mrs. Ed Regele and Brenda Glanville, RR 4 Walton, came and surprised them to help celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. Misses Jridy and Rhonda PRESZCATOR •Glanville. Parkhill, and Angela Biernaskie. Sarnia. are spending holidays with their - grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator. Mrs. Mary Thornton returned home last Thur- sday from Seaforth Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Glenn and daughter-, Exeter • were Monday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wein. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Presz- cator, Mrs. Mary Thornton, Jody and Rhonda Glanville and Angela Biernaskie were Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ed Regele and Brenda Glanville, RR 4 Walton. 11111111111111111111111 iiiiii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iiiii 14p111111111111111111111111111111111• NOW 20 GAMES •• 17 Regular • 1 Jackpot • 2. Share -the Wealth fr Licence No. 212181 .BINGO To=Night Thurs., Aug. 10 8.00..p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL JACKPOT $450 in 57 calls 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats Admission $ 1.00 for 18 Rounds Extra cards 25c each or 5 51.00 Share -the -Wealth - 2 cards for 25c Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliory No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted - MIDDLESEX COUNTY JUNIOR FARMER REUNION Fri., Aug. 25 NDERLAND GARDENS LONDON - Beef Barbecue 7-9 p.m. Dance from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Formal Dress Tickets are $10.00 per person - Available from Leff Young 227-4461 J EXETER POOL Swimming Lessons Still Available for 4th session Aug. 14 to Aug. 25 All Ages PHONE 235-2224 FIREMEN'S PANCAKE a SAUSAGE BREAKFAST Sat., Aug. 12 7 a.m. till 10 a.m, /Ail you can eat" 12 years and up, '2.25 5 to 1 Mears $1.00 Under 5 years FREE EXETER FIRE HALL Come Early