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Times-Advocate, 1978-08-03, Page 26 (2)
i J Page 26 Times-Advocutr• August 3, 1978 end district news Official plan nearly final,. only one change needed • The Ontario Ministry of• Housing has informed the village "of Lucan that the proposed new official -plan is nearing final approval., • A letter read at Tuesday• night. s regular council meeting said, "it is a well written, well documented A LIFELESS GAME leaders Stephanie Hoyter and Bev Huffman watch fat any signs of life plan and needs only one during a Graveyard game at the Lucan Summer School, Monday Trying to appear lifeless Honor miidificatiort." • G pre Jamie Pitt. John:race-GraceKim.Flood - T -A photo Councillor Norm Steeper commented. "This is the More than 350 attend lirst time• the Ministry has received an official ..plan -application that required so Cuties flirtbut lQ3�-_few eonlyc The only change necessary On Saturday evening, the The "all stars" were California C'uties -were very California 'cubes tripped into dazzled by .their splendidly , good,opponents, we just got Lucan to flirt with the Lucan dressed opponents.. • and lucky and hit to open spots in rec !Ague. ":111 Stars Unit• ed Church Catherine. Cheryl and . Bonnie Lynn' provided special music at morning worship at Lucan United Church singing a trio. "Go Tell Everyone " Mr Brown concludedAtois series on "How to Live the Ch-risfian Life" with a ser- mon on the theme "How to Witness for Christ'; "Modern day Christians. just like 'those of the first century.- are railed to witness for Christ not only ..by the quality .of their lives but by their words." .said Mr. Brown '`' Early Christians were motivated by: the joy they experienced in sharing life's greatest discovery with others. and by their desire to obey Christ's command to do so_ Their •awareness of the leading and enabling of the Holy Spirit and their ex=' perience of God's\love and concern for people everywhere also contributed to their faithfulness in witnessing .' • ' .-Modern day Christians should bye similarly motivated. Christians can share with -others their own experience of receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour and the difference He makes in their lives They,can tell !Tow the promises and guidance of Scripture have proved true and dependable -• in their own lives. how God answers prayer. and how T,od:s guidance and power have become real to them While Mr Brown is on holiday- in August. services will be conducted by lay- men of-Luean congregation Next Sunday Ed and Freie 1a Meianson are in charge/`The .. Prayer and Share Fellowship meets August 3. 17 and•21 in the C E wing at 9:45 a.m Alt ladies of the community are warmly in- - vited. - • Swim numbers • are.increasing Registrations. at the Lucan summer school classes have soared to.over 70 All children are welcor'Oe;, and may purchase season tickets or pay 26 cents per, class. Classes are .held from Ill a.m ,.to 12 p.m:•and from •2 p.m t0 4 p.m' Monday to h-iday. The season ends the first of September A wiener roast will he held in the Market Square Park.i formally Lions Club Park). from 11 a. in. to2p.m. on August 4. All children are ,welcome. Those not having a Seasons ticket may pay 25 cents at the park. A trip to Storybook Gar- dens is. being• planned and two- representatives of "Earth Bound Projects" of Londorfwill be on hand with films Ind crafts for the children. seemed to have. trouble_' - the field." Playing fol•. the keeping their mind and eves Rey 'Lerigue were; Brian On -the garne. never knowing Noyes` Steve Hasking. Kick: wqt.-these pert -flirts would Freeman. Gary ',Wilcox. .do. ilex! - Gary tsetse. Don Smith, Ted Even the umpires couldn't: :Mime'. 'Ron Glen. Brad •control themselves as was' Taylor. Scott Anderson. shown, when one of them Greg Revington, Pete stripped a lady. A ball whs Revington. Keven Gilmour the: order of the -evening and and Pat Ryan. The. second coach was Wess Hickson. At the bottom of the fourth the score was 5-3 for the All eseryone .Soon got into the swing of things. Little Suzie managed- to get between the legs of; 'her" Stars. •There were over 350 choice Wrecker and Ma tri spectators and the proceeds }Hilda not •to be outdone ried - (mitt, the game will };o to tfie to - seduce some ofYthe "'Booster Club" to be used at • •-•Stars".off the diamon with the .arena. her winning ways. • • • - The Roc league has had a The ('ahfornid ('irties have...yery tight•sc'Tiedule this year.. heerr a team for over thirty- Four teams...Vie Alice St. one -years.- ladam Hilda a Mauraders Biddulph Boys, one time member Of one of }learn 14 'alloy and Englaricf an American Force ' first Auto Body- are fighting -for started the team tgentertain _ tlrst lace. Playoffs start the the overseas troops - to .week„rof- August 28. For the Guam- The names of the spectators the both at the players and' their positions • ball park has' a new "french are: C -Hefty Helen, p- •fryer machine and a new pop Dumpy Dora. 1st -Wilma the corn machine. Whip. 2nd -Lithe .Suzre• SS - Main Street Sally, 3rd LF-Swingin h 9 'fis 'Sheila. CF-Fifi the Flirt and r RF-Lotta . F'anrt�y. - The n (Jin be manager- is Madatn Hilda - 'Me' ")California-Cuties" s111 . The Lucan "Irish .9" are be back to the London area in now in first place in the August so watch for them in South West Fast Ball London. August 27. Port Association, having }7 wins Colborne +August 31 i, and:four losses. • Orangeville. Lambeth 'and They played West Corners Snuthw•old in Lucan Tuesday, winning 5 - Dan Gwalchmai a coachbf 1. • Sam Simple and . Brian the "All Stars" says The Lightfoot did a fine job • -.- , pitching.. • . - • • Thursday . they • played Seniors on• •• _Huron Park in Crediton. bowlin lanes Dennis Carty threw a "one g hitter. -.striking out 14 and winninthe game 4-0. The Sunshine and Busy The "9'5" are going to Buddies' group have cOn- Brussels August 5, to defend timled bowling e. ch Tuesday their '•B" Championship forenoon durin, July. There position in tournament play. ii still- roo formore They .will - be playing howlers for gust. a you Saturday at. 12 noon and will e e it e and interested welcome any fans that wish Co t• -t J. Alex Young at 227- to, come along and cheer 16: 3 . ' .}-.them on. S for 'citizen members. -„ "We wish them Luck'" are to lie. reminded of the Lucan Fair Crafts of. all ` descriptions are gratefully , CeI¢ brat@ accept.ed for the tooth. Article's must be taken 4o the Sunday July 16, Caroline Booth beside 'Basked Fur- and Elmer Joyce celebrated nrture.-on Friday August 18, their eighteenth • wedding_ between 2 p.m_and.3 p.m. to • anniversary. AB thei>i b , mtirked with thecost of f+ iendsand relatives were on the material _used.' hand to wish them well -- One mishap • for OPP force Only one accident was -investigated this week by-- • citfirers of the Lucan detach- - 'ulent of the Ontario Provincial Police. II occurred Saturday at. .. 10 05 p.m •on Concession 8-8 . of London township. just east of County road 20. ' A vehicle driven by Shirley . Co -well.' London left the roadway and struck a. bridge The driver .and a passenger Keith McKay. also of London were taken to Victoria Hospital by'l'hames Valley Ambulance. Con- stable W H. Disher set damages at $2,000. TRUST COMPANY CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates usually available. For more information contact , ' John Consitt at 236-4381 and 236- 4650 was to redesignate the property owned by Allan Scott on the east side of Queen Street from . agriculture to industrial. This.changewill allow the - development. -of a. bulk storage building. The subject property ..is inrniediatel• adjacent to an . industrial designation and the building represents an - expansion of an existing 'operation The intended »se is a bulk storage operation which w?ll have . no washroom facilities. The main wall of the new building will- be ap- proximately 1 fl feet frcfm Jihe property boundary of the nearest residence:_ At . the same time, coun- cillor -Norm Steeper sub- mitted plans of, contractor. Ted Giesen to erect an exp: -tension to the '•L'uean' Pharmacy owned by Sam Mirgai. - . The permit is being granted provided the building be constructed 10 feet from the. rear- lot line and in:such a manner that it does,i not obstruct. sewer easements and a 10 inch_ sleeve be provided for the existing watermain under the proposed building. - Clerk Ed Melanson reported .that the village has received a cheque inthe amount of S40.000 as an -accountable advance under the Ontario_ Home Renewal Plan: 'Based on the 1977 population' figure -,of 1.540, Lucan could be eligible for a• total of $59.378.40. but, .the letter indicated only $20, million was available for,the -entire prgvince1 and they advance could 'possibly represent 1QQ percent of the 1978 grant. ••••:-,.After considerable discussion, permission was given to Frank Hardy to receive war from .the village suPp for a new house he is -erecting in Biddulph township:. - A stipulation- wes made that only one water service be provided to the property in question within- three years of the signing of the agreement. .At the present time a water seryice is in an older dwelling on the same. property: After a recent - meeting with -principals of North - Middlesex Holdings,•counrcil has agreed to .assume the R ROYAL HOMES rt ...� • .. - • I•, .. ".11/L10" Built to suit your requirements - Built with quality malertals i • BUIII complete - including electrical plumbing carpets cabinets minor and exfetior finish - - 81i111 with a guaranke tharcounts - Built at an -affordable price' Bulli on the lot oI your chmce "Inquire Today About _"THE QUALITY ROYAL HOME" CALL (519) .357-2444 See our model home at the °lint in Wingham. or write for Tree brochures Mail to ROYAL HOMES LTD. BOX 370. WINGHAM,/ONTARIO. Name - Address Town Telephone .. 1 Have A Lot: Yes No Location cost of•the curbs and gutters on the east side of Beech Street from existing paved area near Whitfield acres to_ Kent Street and half of the asphalting costs. „,Council voiced no ob- - leetioq on a planning board recommendation that an application from Dr., W. Locke for severance of parts of lots 5 and 6. Frank Street be approved. At the sante lime council tentatively approved a request from George Young to sever 6.5 acres of land in the Chesnut Street area. In "the discussion. reeve. Ivan Hearn said. "Except • _Pentecostal activoties The Pentecostal Mens fellowship group meet the first Monday of every month. Anyone interested can contact. the church at 227- -4877- --- - Pentecostal news A summer class named the "Kids Crusade" started • Monday at the Pentecostid- -Church. The. theme is Space Adventure, and all children between the ages of eight and tv4elve" are" welcome.' Busses are available. Those needing transportation can the church at 227-4877. There is no ire_ The teacher will be Mrs. Crouch from the Ailsa Craig Bible School The children will meet each morning at 9:06 for films, songs, stories, puppets , and group discussions. August 4, all parents are invited to a _closing out for a small corner, there should be no need for severance as the road allowance of Chestnut Street should automatically. sever the main part of the property. Councillor Harry Wraith suggested a letter of thanks be written to the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority for the good job of cleaning the creek and beautifying the former Lions park by the Experience;, '78 crew. The borrowing limit of the Lucan Community Centre Board was extended to S 10.000. Dog .catcher bitten nabbing animal Heade Hooker. One of the Village O:P.P. spotted a dog running loose Friday -and nuhfied Howard Currie, the Lucan animal control officer. After a chase - Mr. Currie finally ran the dog down on William Street. The dog panicked when Mr. Currie tried to.pick it up and went intoa hiring frenzy. The noise; from the -dog at- tracted several people. few of whom svere sympathetic towards the duties of a ' council appointed animal control officer. To control a dog with. out damage to the dog or- the person one must pick the dog up by the back of the neck. This is what he did. and was maligned for it by some unknowledgeable persons. With the help of Shelly. Ames who grit his truck. and a -cage - from the Currie Kennels the dog was -finally confined. Mr. Currie received many bad bites to his right hand..several deep bites to his left hand and' legs. • • A tetanus shot has been administered and hopefully rabies shots will not he necessary. The owner of this fox terrier typedog • is - still 'unknown. The dog is curr •ntly being held at the Lond 4fumane Society under observation for rabies. I'm sure many Lucan Mothers would want to thank Mr. Howard Currie for removing this hazard from the reach M their children. �IIIII$IIIIIIllllilnlllnrinlllllllllllllllll: ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of All Types INSTALLED MODERNIZED and MAINTAINED • Genet l- heet Metal Work -• Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron St., East, Exeter Illlilflllillllnnninillllltllll lllllllltlr CANNING TIME - IS HERE See us for Great Price on KeIPLi1oar iNnoAr DEEP FREEZERS With soaring grocery prices, one almost believes it impossible to save on the food budget - Not So! Leave it to us to help cut your food costs. Kelvinator freezer's allow you to take ad- vantage of supermarket specials - stock up on inseason specials, and feast on your savings throughout the entire year. WHITING'S • Warehouse Furnityre and Appliances Unlimited (New and Used)Sales and Service MAIN ST. 235-1964 Exeter Shop at Home service in the main hall of starts at 7:00. Everyone is the church at 7:30 p.m. welcome. Pentecostal Church Church servic 'starts at 11 a.m. every Sunday. There is a children's service-- each_ week for those under 14. Sunday evening service 1 Members of the children's• Church attended a camp out at Henry's Farm on the week end of_July28 and29_This campout was officially titled "King's Kid '78." RONALD F. McBRIDE B.Sc., D.D.S. FAMILY DENTIS, Wishes To Announce His Association With BROCK H. M. RONDEAU . - D.D.S. 200 Main Street Lucan, Ontario Office Hours By Appointment Telephone ( 5, T9) 227-4483 'Bushiest; hectol C. HARRY RODER; D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lone, ' STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please a. E. 14/EL/ding g)f7 0,taLL ' Y1"LL[ ng and . 9aGcLeatin9 J©HN ELLIOTTR.R. Nc Eni. ONT. PHONE 519 262-5176 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED -A CTIONEER Kippen,P t. Austion Sole vice that is s mo?efficie d courteous. C ll THE WRI HT UCTIONEER Tele hon Mensal! 71519) 262-5515 lug Tom 11. ON and ROBSON V' AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind, any place We•guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or approisol Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 • NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale servi e PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE - Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER HURON FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. 1st 8 2nd • mortgages arranged Box 1341, EXETER, ONT PH: LUCKNOW .1-528- 2016 G.K. REALTY Al Preece 228-6342 Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 Realtor Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates Ronald J. Broderick Walwyn Stodgell Cochran Murray Limited Investment Dealers 383 Richmond Street London, Ontario • N6A 3C4 - 672.5880 MT. CARMEL Income -Tax Centre income Tax - Accounting For - Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone 237.34$9 Vince Ryan B.A. R.R. 3, Dashwood NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants J.A. NORRIS L.D. GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 1 SQ (5191235-0101 SUITE 208, 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 (519)673-1421 GERALD L. MERNER -Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 G. H. WARD & PARTNERS C/iarler'/ , c•Counlanls 476 Main St., South:Exeter, Ontario 2 20= Resident Partner A.W. Read, C.A. Home Telephone 238-8075 Manager J.S. McNeilly, C.A. • Home Telephone 235-1734 - d • RIC IARI WELSH Chartered Accountant r OFFICE: - 433.3803 360 Queens Avenue Landon • N6B 1X6 RESIDENCE 227-4823 170 Alice St. lucon CLEANING & REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY — DRAPERY — CARPET Qualified Estimates No Charge Call 235-1451 DAVID C. HANN,. D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 By Appointment Daily Evening G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN 5T. LUCAN • PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 rieo r e e e/gore re ......Ceelanee *noir ,„Z21,1141/. 147 Main Street, S. P.O. Box 1600 Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S0 Telephone. (519) 235.2211 • • 41